Verbe care primesc infinitive sau forma in –ingVERBE CARE PRIMESC INFINITIVE SAU FORMA IN –ING Forma: Verbele care urmeaza altor verbe au una din formele: infinitiv + to sau forma in –ing. Verbele se impart in patru categorii principale: 1. Verbe care pot fi urmate numai de infinitiv + TO. We agreed to meet at noon. 2. Verbe care pot fi urmate numai de forma in –ing. You risk being late. 3. Verbe care pot fi urmate fie de un infinitiv + TO fie de forma in –ing fara a inregistra o modificare de sens. I see Harry has started to play golf again. (= in general) I see Harry has started playing golf again. (= in general sau numai in momentul de fata) 4. verbe care pot fi urmate de infinitiv + to fie de forma in –ing dar cu o schimbare majora de sens. I forgot to go to the bank yesterday. (= Nu m-am dus) I have forgotten going to the bank yesterday. (= Nu-mi amintesc sa fi fost) Utilizare: 1. Infinitivul + to se foloseste de obicei dupa: afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, decide, expect, fail, help, hope, learn, manage, mean, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, threaten, want, wish I can’t afford to buy a new car now. I fail to see the point you are making. Nota Forma negativa este not to + infinitiv. Clive Waston decided not to accept the new job offer. Nota Dupa help, TO este optional. Emma’s mother always helps her (to) do her homework. Dar can’t help inseamna “a nu putea evita” si aici se foloseste forma in –ing.
I can’t help thinking about what she said last night. Seem, appear si pretend pot primi si un infinitiv continuu (to be doing) sau un infinitiv perfect (to have done). Bill seems to be sleeping a lot lately. The criminal pretended to have lost his memory. Dupa ask, decide, explain, know, remember, forget, understand urmate de cuvinte interogative: how, what, when, which, where, whether etc. I don’t know how to get to the cathedral from here. The teacher will explain what to do tomorrow. Dupa ask, enable, force, get, invite, order, persuade, remind, teach, tell, warn + complement. Can you ask them to leave, please? I persuaded Jane to come hiking with me tomorrow. Dupa make in propozitii pasive. When I was at school, I was made to wear a uniform. 2. Forma in –ing este de obicei folosita dupa: admit, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, fancy, feel like, finish, give up, imagine, involve, keep on, mind, miss, postpone, practise, risk, stand (=bear), suggest, mention, recall, regret He admitted stealing the jewels. Have you considered moving abroad? Nota Forma negativa este: not + -ing I enjoy not having to work. Nota Forma pasiva este posibila si cu being + participiu trecut. Helen enjoys being involved in the local comunity. Verbe ca: admit, deny, mention, recall, regret pot primi: having + participiu trecut cu referire la actiuni finalizate in trecut. Tom now regrets having moved to Paris. Nota Dupa: admit, deny, regret, suggest se poate folosi si that. Sam denied that he had shot his wife. Sau Sam denied shooting his wife. Dupa verbe complexe: carry on, end up, give up, go round, keep on, put off, set about You carry on thinking while I eat my lunch. Frank is always trying hard to give up smoking. 3. Se pot folosi atat infinitivul + TO cat si forma in –ing fara diferente de sens dupa verbele: begin, continue, hate, like, love, prefer, start I began to play squash three years ago. I began playing squash three years ago. Morris loves to drive fast cars. Morris loves driving fast cars. 4. Infinitivul + to sau forma in –ing au sensuri foarte diferite dupa: remember, forget, try, stop, go on, regret Have you forgotten posting that letter? (= Ai trimis-o dar nu-ti amintesti) Have you forgotten to post that letter? (= Nu ai trimis-o?) I stopped smoking cigarettes because they were bad for me. (= Nu mai fumez) I stopped to smoke a cigarette. (= M-am oprit si am fumat o tigara) Exercitii: Puneti verbele din paranteza fie la infinitiv fie la gerund: 1. He used (dance) a lot but he hasn’t had any opportunity of (do) is since he began (prepare) for the entrance examination. 2. They were used to (live) alone, so they didn’t really mind the lonely life they led on the moon. 3. I like (skate) and (ski), but it is very difficult for me (say) which I like better. 4. We got tired of (wait) for him (come) and eventually decided (go) out without (leave) any notice to him. 5. I remember (hear) her (say) the flowers needed (water). 6. We highly appreciate (you, want) (help) our son, but it’s time he began (do) his homwork by himself. 7. We don’t remember (you, say) before that John wanted (buy) our car. 8. I wonder why he hated (I, smoke) at the office since he often enjoys (smoke) a cigarette himself. 9. It is no use (you, ask) me (insist) on (Mike, come) in time as he can’t get rid of his bad habit; he often tried (be) punctual but he always failed. 10. Wherever I set to work, I recollect (my father, say) that if a job is worth (do) at all it is worth (do) well. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii folosind Gerund-ul: 1. Vara florile au nevoie de apa (de a fi udate) in fiecare zi. 2. Imi face multa placere sa-i accept invitatia deoarece ea intotdeauna reuseste sa gateasca mancaruri foarte gustoase. 3. Iertati-ma ca va deranjez, aveti cumva un chibrit? 4. Imi place sa mananc inghetata chiar cand e frig. 5. Va deranjeaza daca deschid fereastra pentru cateva minute? E un aer foarte inchis aici. 6. N-are nici un rost sa pleci miercuri, se asteapta ca tu sa fii acolo sambata. 7. Au insistat sa le scriu in fiecare zi, dar asta ma exaspereaza deoarece mie nu-mi place sa scriu scrisori. 8. Ei au refuzat sa ne permita sa intram fara a cumpara bilete, desi fusesem invitati la premiera. 9. A trebuit sa ne amanam plecarea pentru ca Jane era bolnava. 10. Nu-mi place ca cineva sa se uite la mine cand incerc sa invat a merge pe bicicleta. Cheia exercitiilor: 1. To dance, doing, to prepare 2. Living 3. Skating, skiing, to say 4. Waiting, to come, to go, leaving 5. Hearing, say (saying), watering 6. Your / you wanting, to help, doing 7. Your / you having said, to buy 8. My / me smoking, smoking 9. Your / you asking, to insist, Mike’s / Mike coming, to be 10. My father saying, doing, doing 1. In summer flowers need watering every day. 2. I am very pleased to accept her invitation as he always succeeds in cooking very tasty dishes. 3. Forgive my bothering you, do you happen to have a match? 4. I enjoy eating ice-cream even when it is cold. 5. Do you mind my opening the window for a few minutes? It’s very stuffy in here. 6. There is no need for your leaving on Wednesday, you are expected there (on) Saturday. 7. They insisted on my writing to them every day, but it puts me beside myself because I hate writing letters. 8. They refused to let us in without buying tickets although we had been invited to the first night. 9. We had to delay our departure because of Jane’s being ill. 10. I dislike being looked at while attempting to learn how to ride a bicycle.