Verbele auxiliare engleza (Auxiliary Verbs)Verbele auxiliare engleza (Auxiliary Verbs) 1. Verbele auxiliare au urmatoarele caracterisitici: 1) sunt golite de sens lexical: I shall leave after he comes. Voi pleca dupa ce vine el. Nota: Unele verbe auxiliare (will/would, shall/should, may/might) pot fi folosite si ca verbe modale: You should see this film. Trebuie sa vezi filmul acesta. Alte verbe auxiliare pot fi folosite si ca verbe notionale, avand un sens lexical propriu in anumite contexte: I have a book. Am o carte. Do this translation, please, will you. Fa te rog aceasta traducere. 2) indeplinesc functia de marca a categoriilor gramaticale de diateza, mod, timp, persoana si numar la verbele pe care le insotesc: She was offered flowers. I s-au oferit flori. 3) inlocuiesc verbele notionale in raspunsurile scurte si intrebarile disjunctive (la fel ca si verbele modale): A: Do you like this book ? B: Yes, I do. He has written a good composition, hasn’t he ? 4) din punct de vedere al pronuntarii si ortografiei, verbele auxiliare apar adesea sub forme reduse, contrase, ele fiind de obicei neaccentuate in vorbire. Folosirea formelor contrase este caracteristica vorbirii curente si exprimarii familiare in scris. Nota: Unele forme contrase sunt caracteristice exprimarii dialectale sau vorbirii necultivate. He ain’t no fool (= He is no fool) El nu e prost deloc. Ele apar ca forme incorecte din punct de vedre gramatical in raport cu limba standard. 2. Forme contrase constau in scrutarea berbelor auxiliare la forma afirmativa si a negatiei not la forma negativa: I’ve got a book. I haven’t got a book. O forma contrasa poate avea mai multe valori: He’s come = He has come. He’s here = He is here. Formele contrase ale verbelor auxiliare si modale (la afirmativ si la negativ cu adverbul not contras) sunt urmatoarele: 2. Forme verbale contrase
Atentie ! Formele contrase ale verbelor auxiliare la afirmativ nu pot fi folosite: a) in raspunsurile scurte: Has he got a new bicycle ? Yes, he has. b) in propozitii interogative: Shall we go to cinema ? Where did he go ? c) in partea finala a intrebarilor disjunctivale: He wasn’t there, was he ? d) cand sunt accentuate, pentru subliniere: He was at the conference. I did see him there. 3. Be, was/were, been (a fi). Verbul be, Past Tense: was, were, participiul trecut been, apare in structura: a) aspectului continuu (be + participiul prezent):
b) a diatezei pasive (be + participiul trecut): Infinitive: be read. Perfect Infinitive: have been read Gerund: being read. Perfect Gerund: having been read. Present: It is read. Present perfect: It has been read. Past: It was read. Past Perfect: It had been read. Future: It will be read. Future Perfect: It will have been read. Conditional: It would be read. Conditional Perfect: It would have been read. 4. Have, had, had (a avea). Verbul have, Past Tense: had, participiul trecut: had, apare, atat la diateza activa, cat si la cea pasiva, in structura formelor perfecte:
5. Shall, should Shall, Should apare: a) la ambele diateze, in structura timpurilor viitoare, modul indicativ si ale timpurilor modului conditional, la persoana I singular si plural:
Nota: Should + infinitiv este folosit si ca viitor-in-trecut (Future in the Past): I said I should do it. Am spus ca am s-o fac. b) la toate persoanele, pentru formarea subjonctivului analitic: It’s strange that they should be here now. It’s strange that they should have been here. 6. Will, would intra in componenta acelorasi forme verbale ca si shall, should (viitor si conditional), la persoanele a II-a si a III-a singular si plural, iar in vorbire, si la persoana I singular si plural:
Nota: Would + infinitiv este folosit si ca viitor-in-trecut: He said be would do it. A spus ca o s-o faca. 7. May, might apare in structura subjonctivului analitic, folosit mai ales in propozitiile circumstantiale de scop: Hurry up, so that we may arrive in time. Grabeste-te ca sa ajungem la timp. They hurried so that they might arrive in time. S-au grabit ca sa ajunga la timp. 8. Let apare in structura imperativului, persoana I si a III-a singular si plural: Let me think ! Let us think ! Let him think ! Let them think ! 9. a) Do, does, forma de Past Tense did, intra in alcatuirea formei interogative si negative a verbelor notionale la timpul Present Simple, respectiv Past Tense Simple: Do you live in this town ? Locuiesti in acest oras ? Does he work here ? Lucreaza aici ? Did he attend this school ? A urmat aceasta scoala ? I don’t like it. He doesn’t understand. They didn’t go. Nota: 1. Verbul auxiliar be primeste auxiliarul do la imperativul negativ: Don’t be silly ! Nu fi prost(ut) ! 2. Verbul have formeaza interogativul si negativul cu ajutorul lui do in engleza vorbita si in varianta americana a limbii engleze: I don’t have enough time to do this. N-am destul timp ca sa fac asta. b) Do apare in structura formei negative a modului imperativ: Don’t listen to that nonsense. Don’t let’s listen to that nonsense. c) Do este intrebuintat pentru sublinierea predicatului la forma afirmativa a indicativului, timpurile prezent si Past Tense si a imperativului, in care situatie este accentuat: She does make all her dresses herself. Intr-adevar isi face toate rochiile singura. Do read this letter to me. Citeste-mi te rog, scrisoarea.