Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza
Scoala incepe in septembrie. Noi mergem la inot duminica. Dl. Brown este membru al parlamentului. In fiecare an la data de 4 iulie, americanii sarbatoresc Ziua Independentei. Dunarea se varsa in Marea Neagra. Doctorul Ionescu consulta elevii in fiecare luni. Spania se invecineaza cu Franta. Chinezii, vietnamezii
si japonezii traiesc in Hotelul Intercontinental din Bucuresti se afla langa Teatrul National. Studiem engleza si germana la scoala. Treceti urmatoarele substnative compuse la numarul plural: schoolboy masterpiece brother-in-law father-in-law headmaster milkman woman dentist postman blackboard son-in-law passer-by bedroom car race looker-on man singer merry-go-round horse-race forget-me-not footstep fireman Puneti substantivele din paranteze la numarul plural: There are hundreds of (book) on the (shelf). All his (toy) are in his room. Those (man) are (tourists). (Child) like (story). They left their (watch) on the table. Alegeti hundred sau hundreds pentru a completa propozitiile de mai jos: .. of pupils attend this school. Six .. pupils attend the school round the corner. Alegeti million sau millions pentru a completa propozitiile de mai jos: Two .. people
live in Treceti la plural urmatoarele substantive de origine straina: stimulus phenomenon
desideratum addendum campus virus encyclopedia villa syllabus genius formula curriculum Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu cuantificatori potriviti ca sens (piece, bit, item, pair, head etc): I need a white .. of paper. She bought two .. of chocolate yesterday. I want a .. of white bread and two .. of brown bread. Give me a .. of chalk, will you? What a .. of work is man! Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza: Stirile pe care le-am primit sunt interesante. Mi-am facut bagajele aseara. Vom publica toate informatiile care sunt necesare candidatilor. Cunostintele lui de istorie sunt remarcabile. Am cumparat fructe si cateva prajituri. Ti-ai facut temele? Traduceti in limba engleza: Unde este clestele? Multe multumiri. S-au incercat toate mijloacele. Cartierul general al armatei era langa Londra. Fizica este obiectul lui preferat. Am prins trei pastravi mari. Tocmai s-a publicat o carte despre pestii de apa dulce din Romania. Are par saten. Ea are cateva fire de par alb. Da-mi doua paini, te rog. A facut progrese mari in invatarea limbii engleze. Acesta este procesul verbal al sedintei. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana: There is a glass of milk on the table. Does he wear glasses? You have to declare everything at the customs. They want to get acquainted with this Romanian custom. Are you writing a letter? He is a great man of letters. I don’t like her airs. There is something in the air. Specificati corespondentele feminine ale urmatoarelor substantive masculine: son nephew uncle father brother cock stag boy husband man king Specificati formele de masculin si feminin ale urmatoarelor substantive: friend goat stundent cat ass frog Traduceti in limba romana: at a mile’s distance yesterday’s newspaper in two years’ time a pound’s weight at a stone’s throw to my heart’s content art for art’s sake Treceti urmatoarele substantive in cazul genitiv la numarul plural: My cousin’s house is large. The girl’s room is very pretty The pupil’s uniform is blue The woman’s work is very much appreciated. The worker’s life is much better today. The teacher praosed the student’s work Where are the child clothes? The baby’s food is in the fridge. Puneti substantivele din paranteze la genitivul sintetic sau analitic: Mary is (David) sister The (book) pages have numbers. What is your (brother) hobby? This is a (woman) hat. What’s ( this boy) favourite sport? The (shed) roof was blown off by the wind. That is ( (Ladies) hats are very pretty this year. This is (mybrother and sister) room. Where are the (girls) blouses? (Dickens) novels are very interesting. The house is at a (mile) distance. Have you read (yesterday) paper. Reformulati urmatoarele propozitii, folosind prepozitia to sau for, dupa caz: I bought Mike a dog. He gave Tom some presents. I chose my sister a nice present. Mary showed the teacher her compozition. They sent their parents a parcel. Did you make Helen this new cardigan? Did he give his mother a bunch of flowers? I ordered my sister a lemonade. Traduceti in limba engleza: Ai citit ziarul de ieri? Dupa un moment de gandire, elevul a raspuns perfect la toate intrebarile mele. Juriul a inmanat premii castigatorilor intrecerii. Ne-am distrat foarte bine la petrecerea suroriii prietenului meu. Cred ca am luat palaria altcuiva. Stiloul este al lui Bo. Ce stii despre clima acestei tari? Profesorul a vorbit mai bine de o ora despre progresul stiintei. Elevii i-au oferit invatatoarei lor un buchet de flori. Ar fi bine sa ne intalnim acasa la Maria. Publicarea acestei carti a insemnat un succes deosebit. Cea mai moderna poeta a noastra a vorbit despre ultimul ei volum de poezii. Veti fi insotiti de fiul si fiica mea. Nu stiu cine joaca rolul printesei. Nu iam vazut pe unchiul si matusa mea de cateva luni. Nepoata ei cea mai mica este mostenitoarea casei. Vecinul meu a lasat