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LESSON PLAN - listening and Speaking skills

LESSON PLAN - listening and Speaking skills



TITLE OF THE LESSON: Listening and Speaking skills




TEXTBOOK:Upstream Intermediate.

SCHOOL:”Onisifor Ghibu” Highschool


Aims:By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

* improve their lesson skills:writing



* suggest the main ideea or what they are going to listen.

* to listen and repeat after the cassette


* textbook

* teacher’s book

* cassette

Activity 1:listening

Aim:to listen the cassette and extract the specific information

Procedure: Hello! The title of  our lesson is Listening and Speaking skills.

T: Open the books at page 92 at exercise 31 and let’s read the task.

T: Who wants to read?

T: What we will going to listen, what is the main ideea?

S: We will listen a tape about three people talking about computers.

T:  Now listen carefully.

T:  Have you understood?Now we will listen again and now try to match speaker to the statements.

T:   Let’s check the answers








T:   Let’s go one with the exercise 33.First we will read and then we will listen to the tape.

T:   What we will going to listen?

S:   We will listen to a police officer giving advice on how to protect our houses while we are away.

T: Have you understood? Ok.Try to complete the form.

S: 1. Doors and windows.

2. (valuable) jewellery

3. light

4. burglar alarm.

5. neighbours


7. smoke alarm

T: We will go one with the exercise 35.Let’s read the task and then we will listen to the tape.

T: What is the main ideea?

S:  We will listen a tape about five speakers and the ways in which they relax but we have here one way of relaxing which we do not need to use.

T: Listen carefully.Ok

T: Let’s check the answers.

A: Internet Speaker 1 - E

B: Gameboy Speaker 2 - F

C: TV Speaker 3 - A

D: board game Speaker 4 - D

E: Exercising Speaker 5 - B


T: Let’s look at page 93 at exercise 37 and listen to the dialogue.

a)      Where does it take place

S: At the police station.

T: Let’s read the task at exercise 37 b).

T: What we are going to listen?

S: We will listen the dialogue between a policeman and a man.

T: Now let’s listen the tape.

T: Have you understood? Ok.Let’s check the answers.

b) 1 - b

2 – a

3 – e

4 – d

5 – c

Activity 2:speaking

Aim: to listen and repeat the exercise.

Procedure: Let’s look at exercise 38.We will listen and repeat.

  • dress – party dress – red party dress – long red party dress.
  • car – sports car – blue sports car – new blue sports car.
  • bag – leather bag – black leather bag – big black leather bag.
  • vase – china vase – white china vase – beautiful white china vase.

Activity 3: speaking and writing

Aim: to listen the cassette and extract the specific information


T: Let’s look at exercise 39 a)

T: Who wants to read the task? Ok. What we will going to listen.

S: We will listen a tape with two students of English: first uses “filler”expressions and the second one leaves long pauses in the conversation.

T: Now listen carefully.Let’s check the answers.

1 – A

2 – A

3 – B

4 – A

5 – B

6 – A

7 – B

8 – A

T: Let’s look at exercise 40.Let’s read the task

T: What is the main ideea?

S: We must listen to the dialogue and find out what  is Judy’s problem and then complete the dialogue with: finally, first, now, then.

T: Now we will listen to the tape.

T: Let’s check the answers.

T: a)What is Judy’s problem?

S: She wants to send an email but she can’t do it.

T: b) Who wants to read the text and tell me the correct order?


2. then.

3. now.

4 finally.

Activity 4: speaking

Aim: to describe the images from to book.

Procedure: Let’s look again at page 92 at exercise 32. Look at the pictures and describe them.

S: In picture A there is a young girl sitting in front of a computer.

She is in an Internet café.She is smiling and looks relaxed and happy.

T: Second imagine please!

S: In picture B thereis a young man sitting in front of a computer.

He is holding his head as if he has a headache.He looks very stressed and upset.

Activity 5: reading and speaking

Aim: to answers to the questions

Procedure: Let’s look at exercise 32 b).Who wants to answer the first question?

S: When do you use a computer?

I use a computer in the evenings and at the weekends.

I use a computer in my leisure for playing games.

I use a computer from time to time when I need an important essay.

S: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using computer?

  • advantages:

You can use them to store and organise information

You can work more affectively.

You can find out lots of information from the internet.

You can play games on them.

  • disadvantages:

staring at a computer screen for long periods of time can damage your eyes.

are expensive to buy.

T: How have computers affected various areas of your life (work home, health)

Work: I do everything on the computers because I am more organised.

Home: I spend quite a bit of time sending emails on my computers and sow my phone bill is less then it used to be.

Activity 6:setting the homework

For the next time you have at page 93 exercises 37.c),39.c) and 40 c)

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