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Studiu privind poluarea fonica in zona garii Bacau

Studiu privind poluarea fonica in zona garii Bacau


Abstract: Lucrarea prezinta un studiu privind poluarea fonica in zona garii Bacau. Obiectivul lucrarii este realizarea de masuraatori in zona garii Bacau pentru a determina nivelul de zgomot. In urma acestor masuratori s-a realizat o comparatie intre limitele maxime admise si masuratorile efectuate. In urma masuratorilor efectuate in punctele stabilite valorile inregistrate depasesc valorile maxime admisibile astfel incat se poate afirma ca exista poluare fonica.

Luand in calcul valorile masuratorile efectuate in zona garii Bacau si valorile masuratorilor efectuate pe traseu, se constata ca nivelurile de zgomot sunt mult mai intense in punctele P5 si P6, in comparatie cu punctele P1, P2, P3 si P4.

Din analiza datelor obtinute s-au evidentiat solutiile de prevenire si reducere a poluarii fonice in zona garii Bacau cat si pe traseele feroviare ce strabat orasul.

Keywords: between 5 and 10 keywords (in English), that will allow searching the paper under the most relevant terms.


Original scientific works (6 to 16 pages), short communications (2 to 4 pages), reviews (18 to 24 pages), book reviews (1 – 2 pages), chronicles of scientific events (2 to 6 pages) are accepted. There will be not accepted memoirs, technical reports, literature compiled data with no original contributions. Excepting chronicles and book reviews, all contribution should have an even number of pages. All contributions should be written in English (preferred) or in French. Abstracts and keywords should be compulsory in English. If the paper is written in French, please provide also the title in English. Also, a running title, up to 54 characters (blanks included), also in English, should be provided, to be inserted in the odd pages’ header. For spelling and grammar please use US English and France French.

It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the Publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication.

Original scientific works and short communications should have compulsory original findings and enough elements allowing the reproducibility of the experiments. Review articles should provide new insights and a unification of ideas concerning their subjects and should not merely be summaries of previously published papers.

Are welcomed fundamental or applicative researches in all the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering, industrial biotechnologies, food biotechnologies, environmental biotechnologies and from all the fields of food science, technology and engineering.


In a first step, manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail, as attached document, or by mail, on CD-ROM, to the editor in chief. The manuscripts will be analyzed by the editor in chief or by the one of the editors, concerning the topic of the work. Off topic papers will be not accepted.

On topic papers will be primary tested with the anti-plagiarism software. If the paper is suspected of plagiarism, it will be rejected and the Editorial Board notices the authors that they are not welcomed anymore to submit other papers for publication in the journal.

On topic papers will be analyzed by at least two scientific reviewers, experts in the field. The reviewers’ identity will not be disclosed to the authors. The reviewers give their advice on publication opportunity, together with their observations to the editor in chief, which will transmit them to the corresponding author. If the referents have contrary opinions, the editor in chief may ask the opinion of a third referent. The editor in chief assumes the final decision on accepting/accepting with minor modifications/accepting with major modifications/rejecting the manuscript and communicates it to the corresponding author. Accepted manuscripts, in their final format, should be remitted by the corresponding author, within three working days after acceptation notification, printed and on CD-ROM, together with a formal letter that should contain the statement that the data and the obtained results are real and original, and the paper has not been published or simultaneously submitted for publishing elsewhere. By signing this letter, the authors transfer the copyright of the paper to the journal. Manuscripts that are not accompanied by such a letter will not be published.


The manuscript should be prepared in “ready for camera” form, with tables and figures included in the body text, by using the word processor from MS Office suite. Only .doc files are accepted eventually archived (.rar or .zip). Manuscripts in docx, docm or pdf format are not accepted.

Typing should be done on A4 (210 x 297 mm) forms, „portrait” oriented, with 30 mm margins on each side (top, bottom, left, right). For „Header” and „Footer” set 25 mm each. Spacing should be single lined. You may use this document as a template.

Title of the paper: Uppercase, bold, centered, font: Times New Roman (TNR) 16 pt, 60 mm below page margins. Enter one 16 pt clear line after title.

Authors: Centered, bold, TNR 14 pt., in the following sequence: First name, Initial, Last name. Separate author’s names with commas (,). Do not place “and” before the last author’s name.

When authors have different affiliations, use superscripted Arabic numerals after Last name of the author. If more than one author, the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*).  Enter one 14 pt clear line after authors.

Affiliation: Centered, italic, TNR 14 pt., in the following sequence: University/Institution, Faculty/Department, Postal address, City, Country. Enter one 14 pt clear line after affiliation.

Corresponding author: Centered, TNR 12 pt. „*Corresponding author:” followed by e-mail address of the corresponding author. Optional, a telephone/fax number may be added, in complete format (including country area code). Enter one 12 pt clear line after corresponding author.

Priority: Centered, TNR 12 pt. „Received: Month dd/yyyy”, respectively „Accepted: Month dd/yyyy”. Data should be filled in by the publisher. Enter two clear 12 pt lines after priority.

Abstract: Justified, TNR 12 pt., paragraph indentation: left – 10 mm, right – 10 mm. Enter one 12 pt clear line after abstract. The abstract should be compulsory written in English.

Keywords: Left aligned, TNR 12 pt, italic, paragraph indentation: left – 10 mm, right – 10 mm. Enter three 12 pt clear lines after keywords. Also keywords should be compulsory written in English.

Body text: Justified, single spaced, TNR 12 pt, no paragraph indentation. It is recommended that the body text to be divided into the followings: Introduction; Materials and methods; Results and discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments (optional); List of notations and symbols (optional); References. Introduction should not exceed 20% of the whole paper. Avoid in this section giving obvious facts, and do not divagate from the subject.   


Left aligned, TNR 12 pt., bold, uppercase, unnumbered. Before chapter heading enter two 12 pts clear lines, and after it one 12 pts clear line. A chapter may be divided in subchapters.

Subchapter headings

Left aligned, TNR 12 pt., bold, unnumbered. Before and after subchapter headings enter one 12 pts clear line. A chapter may be divided in paragraphs.

Paragraph headings

Left aligned, TNR 12 pt., bold, italic, unnumbered. Before paragraph heading enter one 12 pts clear line.


Tables should be consecutively numbered in Arab numerals, in the order of appearance. It is recommended to keep at minimum the number of tables. It is not accepted to present the same data both in tabular and in graphical form (diagrams, graphs). All tables should have a title placed above the table. Tables should be intelligible without referring to the written text. Each table should be mentioned at least once in the text, as shown in Table 1. Place tables as closed as possible to the first citation of it. Tables should be horizontally centered and should not exceed 150 mm in width. Data in table should be written in TNR 11 pts. Before and after each table enter one 12 pts clear line.

Table 1. Model for drawing a table


Temperature [°C]





Characteristic A [kg.m-3]





Characteristic B [J.kg-1.K-1]





Characteristic C [mg.L-1]






All illustrations (graphs, schemes, diagrams, pictures, etc.) should be named as Figures. Figures should be consecutively numbered in Arab numerals, in the order of appearance. All figures should have a title placed below the figure. Each figure should be mentioned at least once in the text, as shown in Figure 1. Figures should be inscriptioned in TNR 10 – 12 pts, in such manner that visibility of text can be assured. Place figures as closed as possible to the first citation of it. Grouping figures two in a row (inserted in a table with hidden lines) is recommended (Figures 2 and 3). Figures drawn directly into the Word document are forbidden. They should be imported as images (jpg, bmp, tiff) or as objects (ppt). Only black & white images of high contrast should be used (Fig. 3). In graphs and charts, curves should be identified by using different symbols for points (•, ◊, ○, □, ■, ▲, etc.) and not by line width or color (Figure 2).

Do not place figures into bordered frames. It is recommended to keep at minimum the number of figures. Before and after each figure enter one 12 pts clear line. The text into the figures should be written in the same language as the body text. It is not allowed that the paper to be written in French, and the text of the figures to be in English.

Figure 1. Model for inserting a reaction scheme


Equations should be written centered on the page, and consecutively numbered in Arab numerals between round brackets at the right margin of the paper. Above and below the equation enter a 3 pts clear line, as observed at eqn. (1):


Equations should be written by using the equation editor included in MS Word program, with the following size of characters: Full = 12 pt; Subscript/Superscript = 7 pt; Sub-subscript/Superscript = 5 pt; Symbol = 18 pt; Sub-symbol = 12 pt. Variables in equations should be in italics.

Figure 2. Model for inserting a graph

Figure 3. Model for inserting an experimental device scheme


Symbols and notations unanimously international accepted should be used. Each notation should be explained where it first appears, unless there is a separate “List of notations”. Abbreviations should be also explained at their first appearance. Authors are recommended to employ the metric units and the SI system. Use capital L for Liter, in order to avoid confusions. For “kilo” use “k” and not “K” as a symbol. It is preferred to write the measurement units as “J.kg-1.K-1 and not “J/kg/K” or “J/kg.K” or “J/(kg.K)”.


Citations in text should be made with Arab numerals in square brackets. References should be listed in order of citation. All literature listed must be cited at least once. More than two sources cited once should be spelled [5 – 8] and not [5, 6, 7, 8]. Standard citations for books [1], author chapters in books [2], journal published papers [3], “Proceedings” published papers [4], patents [5], are as follows:

1.            Atkins, P.W. : Physical Chemistry, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1990, 249-252;

2.            Karlsson, R., Rydén, L: Ion Exchange Chromatography in: Protein Purification – Principles, High Resolution Methods, and Applications (Editors: Janson, J.-C., Rydén, L.), VCH Publishers, New York, 1989, 26-127;

3.            Morais Barros, A.J., Prasad, S., Duarte Leite, V., Gouveia Souza, A.: The Process of Biosorption of Heavy Metals in Bioreactors Loaded with Sanitary Sewage Sludge, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2006, 23 (2), 153-162;

4.            Douay, F., Pruvot, C., Dubourguier, H.C., François, M., Sterckeman, T., Ciesielski, H.: Comportement physico-chimique et transfert des métaux lourds vers l’hydrosphère et la biosphère autour de deux usines métallurgiques du nord de la France in: Actes du deuxième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée COFrRoCA – 2002 (Editors : Gavrila, L., Finaru, A., Grandclaudon, P.), Ed. Alma Mater Bacau, Ed. Tehnica-Info Chisinau, 2002, 321-324;

5.            Smith, J.: U.S. Patent 8,143,241, 1998.

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