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Test paper - answer the questions

Test paper - answer the questions


Test paper

  1. Answer the questions (Raspunde la intrebari):

a)      What is your name?

b)      How old are you?

__________ ______ ____ _.

2. Complete with a or an (Completeaza cu a sau an):

  1. ________boy
  2. ________apple
  3. ________insect
  4. ________car
  5. ________parrot
  6. ________elephant

Make the counts: (Calculeaza)


One and three are four.

__________ ______ ____ _______________

__________ ______ ____ ________________

__________ ______ ____ ________________

__________ ______ ____ _______________

__________ ______ ____ _______________

Colour the pictures (Coloreaza imaginile):

blue     brown



purple green

yellow        red orange

Translate into Romanian: 6. Write in English :

( Traduceti in limba romana)    (Scrie in limba engleza)

candle ________________ mama _________________

cake _________________ tata ___________________

ballon _________________ sora___________________

hat _________________ frate___________________

present _________________ parinti_________________

Is it a monkey?

Is it a bear ?

Is it a fish?

Is it a zebra?

Is it a parrot?

Is it a dog?

Is it a cat?

Is it mouse?

  1. Answer the questions (Raspunde la intrebari):


        Is it an elephant?                     Is it a monkey?

Yes, it is No, it isn' t.

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