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Lesson Plan Level: intermediate, lesson: Holidays, grade: 7th

Lesson Plan Level: intermediate, lesson: Holidays, grade: 7th

Lesson Plan

School Nr. 22 "Mircea Eliade", Craiova


Date May 2nd, 2007

Grade 7th D

Level intermediate

Lesson Holidays

Lesson Type: mixed

Time: 50'

No. of Ss: 14

Lesson Aims - to give the Ss the opportunity to talk about holidays

to develop Ss' speaking, reading and writing skills

to introduce and recycle vocabulary about types of holiday

to teach Ss how to write an informal letter

Assumptions: Ss already know the vocabulary related to sport and leisure activities. 

Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing

Aids: Bb, hand-outs, textbook, notebooks, CD

Evaluation: initial, through warm-up

continuous, through speaking activities and exercise solving

final, through feed-back, written examination

Class Management: - the classroom: clean

- the teacher: uses Ss' name, keeps eye contact, moves

around the classroom, smiles, speaks while writing on

the Bb.

New Vocabulary - backpacking

- caravan park

- summer activity camp

- package holiday

- self-catering villa

- sight-seeing tour

- dormitory

- foothills

- spacious

- slide



General Objective:  2.

Specific Objective: 2.3

Derived Competence: expressing opinions

Competence Content: answering the teacher's questions

Method: dialogue

Procedure: Teacher asks the Ss questions about their timetable, about the weather, about their leisure activities, the holidays they had

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Class management: whole class activity

Time: 2'

Activity 1. Checking the homework

General Object: 2.

Specific Object: 2.1

Derived Competence: correcting the homework

Competence Content: homework

Method: dialogue

Procedure: The teacher will have to listen to the Ss' homework. They have to read it and correct possible mistakes.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-t

Class management: whole class activity

Time: 3'

Activity 2. Introducing the new lesson

General Objective: 2., 4.

Specific Objective: 2.3, 2.1, 4.1

Derived Competence: expressing opinions

Competence Content: answering the teacher's questions

Method: dialogue, brainstorming, eliciting ideas from the Ss

Procedure: The teacher brainstorms types of holiday Ss have had.

The teacher writes the title of the new lesson on the blackboard Holidays and asks children to write it in their notebooks.

The teacher writes on the Bb the types of holiday one can have asking them to match the photos 1 to 6 to the different types of holiday.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Class management: whole class activity

Time: 4'

Activity 3. Presenting the new structures

General Objective: 4., 1.

Specific Objective: 4.1, 1.1

Derived Competence: discriminating among different language structures used in informal letters

Competence Content: language structures: Present continuous, The Present Perfect

Procedure: Before Ss read the letters they are asked to look at the pictures and tell which of the types of holiday mentioned previously they would recommend to the people in exercise 2.

T checks the answers with the whole class and then asks students what kind of holiday they would prefer.

T asks students to read the postcards and then checks the answers. T makes sure Ss know the vocabulary in the postcards, if necessary writes the new words on the blackboard.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Class management: whole class activity

Time: 12'

Activity 4. Highlighting the taught vocabulary

General Objective: 1., 3.

Specific Objective: 1.3, 3.1

Derived Competence: recognizing the previous taught vocabulary in the postcards

Competence Content: informal vocabulary in letters/postcards

Method: reading aloud, reading comprehension, silent reading

Procedure: T outlines the plan for an informal letter and writes it on the blackboard explaining Ss the way they should begin and end an informal letter, the vocabulary they need to use when writing to a friend.

Ss then decide if the sentences in ex 4 are true or false.

T asks Ss questions about the postcards to check if they understood that past simple and present perfect are often used in letters giving news. T explains them that present perfect is used to refer to recent activities and that the past simple is used to refer to activities which happened at a stated time in the past.

Listening exercise

T tells the students they are going to listen to a family discussion about a holiday.

Ss are asked to listen to the material and say what is the family final decision regarding what type of holiday to have.

Picture exploitation

T gives the students some handouts and asks them to discuss the pictures in pairs (e.g. Who is in the picture/Where are they/ What has happened?)

Ss answer the questions and then identify the things in exercise B in the pictures on the handout.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss-T

Class management: whole class activity, group work, pair work

Timing: 20'

Activity 5. Practising the taught structures.

General Objectives: 2.. 4.

Specific Objectives:  2.2, 4.3

Derived Competence: practicing the structures and vocabulary they have recently learnt

Competence Content: pictures on the handouts

Method: dialogue

Procedure: Ss are asked to put the verbs in the correct tense (Present Perfect or Past Simple) in the letter given in exercise 3.

Ss read aloud the beginning of the letter.

Interaction: T-Ss,  S-S-t

Class management: pair-work activity

Time: 5'

Activity 6. Feed-back

General Objectives: 3.

Specific Objectves: 3.1

Derived Competence: using the taught information to solve the exercises

Competence Content: hand-outs

Method: problem solving

Procedure: T asks them to fill in the blanks with the adverbs and adjectives in the box in exercise C2 and then checks with them if the task has been achieved correctly.

In pairs Ss are asked to have a look at exercise 3 and to correct the address given in B in terms of punctuation.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Class management: pair work

Time: 5'

Giving Assignment

T asks the Ss to write the end of the letter given in exercise D taking into consideration the explanations given regarding how to end an informal letter.

Time: 1'

Name:                                                                                                          Date:


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