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Alexander Hamilton 1757-1804 - unul dintre parintii fondatori ai Americii

Alexander Hamilton 1757-1804 - unul dintre parintii fondatori ai Americii

'Existenta sclaviei ne face multe lucruri de lux care sunt fondate in nici un motiv sau experienta.'

Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804)
StatesmanPoliticianppp        Politician
ColegiulKing's College 1774-1776 King's 1774-1776
Trustee 1784-1804 Administrator 1784-1804

Hamilton was one of the founding fathers of the nation. Hamilton a fost unul dintre parintii fondatori ai natiunii. He joined James Madison and John Jay in writing The Federalist Papers , essays considered the defining discourse on American government. El sa alaturat James Madison si John Jay, in scris, Federalist Papers, eseuri considerat discursul definirea asupra guvernului american. As the nation's first secretary of the treasury, he laid the groundwork for the American economic system. Ca natiune primul secretar al trezoreriei, el a pus bazele sistemului economic american. An advocate of a strong central government, he promoted pro-business policies that spurred the growth of New York as a financial center. Un sustinator al unui guvern central puternic, el a promovat politici pro-business care stimulat cresterea de New York ca un centru financiar. He helped found the Bank of New York and the New York Evening Post El a ajutat gasit Bank of New York si New York Evening Post. He was throughout his life opposed to slavery and openly scornful of those who defended 'the peculiar institution.' El a fost toata viata spre deosebire de sclavie si deschis dispretuitor de cei care au aparat 'institutie ciudat.'

Hamilton sa nascut in 1757 pe insula Nevis, British Indiile de Vest, ca John Adams a pus, 'BRAT bastard al unui negustor ambulant scotch.' He was orphaned at 12. El a fost orfan la 12. Family friends sent him to New York in 1773, where he tried unsuccessfully to secure advanced standing at Princeton. prieteni de familie la trimis la New York in 1773, unde a incercat fara succes sa obtina picioare avansate de la Princeton. He entered King's College in the fall of 1774, where he pursued studies in mathematics, wrote pamphlets in support of the Continental Congress, and gave speeches applauding the Boston Tea Party. El a intrat King's College, in toamna anului 1774, unde a urmat studii in domeniul matematicii, a scris pamflete in sprijinul Congresului Continental, discursuri si a dat aplaudat Boston Tea Party. While committed to the revolutionary cause, he was not someone to leave his bets uncovered. In timp ce angajamentul de a cauza revolutionara, el nu a fost cineva sa paraseasca pariurile lui descoperit. In April 1775, when a revolutionary mob arrived at King's College looking for Myles Cooper, the college's loyalist president, it was Hamilton who was said to have delayed the mob with a lengthy speech, abetting Cooper's escape to the safety of a British frigate. In aprilie 1775, atunci cand un mob revolutionar a ajuns la al Colegiului King cauta Myles Cooper, colegiu lui loialist presedinte, a fost Hamilton, care sa spus ca a intarziat mob cu un discurs lung, complicitatea lui scapa Cooper la siguranta unei fregate britanice. The following spring Hamilton became an aide-de-camp to General George Washington and later still distinguished himself as an artillery officer. In primavara anului urmator Hamilton a devenit un aide-de-tabara la generalul George Washington si inca mai tarziu sa remarcat ca un ofiter de artilerie.

In 1784, Hamilton si de stat legiuitor coleg John Jay (Kings College 1764) au avut un rol in revitalizarea King's College ca Columbia College. Hamilton served as a regent of Columbia from 1784 to 1787, and as a trustee from 1787 until his death on July 11, 1804, when he was shot in a duel by his political rival Aaron Burr. Hamilton a servit ca regent al Columbia 1784 - 1787, si in calitate de administrator din 1787 pana la moartea sa pe 11 iulie 1804, cand a fost impuscat intr-un duel de rivalul sau politic Aaron Burr. Hamilton is buried in the Trinity Church cemetery. Hamilton este inmormantat in cimitirul Bisericii Sfanta Treime. The Alexander Hamilton Medal, presented each year by the Columbia College Alumni Association, is the highest tribute awarded to a member of the Columbia College community. Alexander Hamilton Medal, prezentate in fiecare an de catre Colegiul Columbia Asociatia Alumni, este cel mai mare tribut atribuit unui membru al Colegiului comunitatii Columbia. Winners include Columbia president Dwight D. Eisenhower and alumni Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. Castigatorii include Columbia presedintele Dwight D. Eisenhower si absolventii Richard Rodgers si Oscar Hammerstein II.

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