Homographic Function and its Application to the Study of Recursion SequencesHomographic Function and its Application to the Study of Recursion SequencesThis article gives an overall view of homographic function and a summary of its properties, as well as few of its applications respectively recursion sequences. Many problems with a difficult level of difficulty, encountered especially at the national and international mathematics competisions, deal with the sequences defined by the recursion formula: (1) If the sequence and if then, and if Since But, discontinuous
functions are not derivable. It follows
that one cannot use derivatives and their properties to study However, a possible method
to study Therefore, (2) and this new function, This way, the sequences defined by (1) can be studyed easier. More than that, this method can be generalized, giving rise to new problems studied by calculus. Let us consider first some of the properties of the homographic function. Using these properties one can solve in a more concise and ellegantly way the sequences in (1). 1. Some of the Properties of the Homographic Function The homographic function is a basic concept in Geometry through its geometric aspect called homographic transformation. In Algebra, the homographic transformations body forms a group relative to the composition of functions. Let us consider the homographic function:
The following are its properties: P1. The homographic function is bijection; P2.
The point P3. If
If P4.
The homographic function is involutory ( P5. If
the homographic function (2) defined and continuous on the interval a) increasing, if b) decreasing, if The bijection extension (3) 2. Associated Homographic Function Let us consider the sets of points (M) and (M') on the same line ("d"). On the Cartesian system Let M and M' be the points that generate the sets of points (M) and (M') and being on the same line d. Let us use the notation As we saw, the point same time, there is no Considering
(3), conveniently, we can attach to the line d a new point a)
This way one obtained an
enlarged line, or projective line
An homographic transformation, or homography of a projective line
Notes a) the homography b) as we saw, c) points L and L' are called the limit points for d) one does not uses different notations for the
extension Properties of
P1. A
homograpfy between two sets of points d=(M) and d'=(M') on the same is determined by three pairs of points. P2. A
homograpfy P3.
Homographies of projective line 3. Double Points of a Homography Let us consider two sets
of points Let (4) There are the following situations; a) double points (united) b) involutory homographies or the involutory
projective line Definition: Point Note:
If and Therefore: a) If b) If Theorem:
Ratio formed by the pair of the distinct double points Note: according to the previous theorem, a) (5) This expression is called
the canonic form of the general homography b) considering (5), one
can write (6) c) considering (6) and P3 (in paragraph 1) gives a
general homography ( 4. Classifications of Homographies. The Characteristic Equation of a Homography. Canonic Form of a Parabolic Homography ( Let us consider a
homography between the two sets of points with the same support(superimposed)
given by (2) or (3). Then, the fixed
points of the homographic application (7) So, The discriminant in equation (7) is: (8) Considering all the above, homographies are classified as following: A.
If B.
If C.
If In the study of
homographies, a special importance is given to birapport invariant (9) (10) (10') Considering (5) and (11) Definition:
An homography Based on the definition the following theorem is obvious. Theorem:
If the homographis 5. The primitive Root of the binomial equation Let Cn
= P1. (Cn, .) is commutative group, subgroup of group (C, .). Definition: An element Note:
a) The homographic function
b) d) canonic form (5) of the general homography ( e) ( and the associated homography) with the help of
the primitive roots of the binomial equation Definition: It is called the primitive root of binomial equation The roots of binomial equations have the following properties: P1.
Each root of binomial equation P2. A
common root of binomial equations P3.
Primitive roots of binomial equation P4. If
infinite sequence of successive exponents of primitive roots P6.
one necessary and sufficient condition for the homographic function Using the canonic
form (5) and
multiplying the relations and simplifying, (12) In (12), given the double distinctive points of
the homography, their order and invariable ratio (13) Homographic functions with
fixed coincident points ( 6. Involutive Homographic Function Definition.
Let If all pairs of a
homography Note Involutory
homography is a periodic homography of period Considering the definition and the note, we have the following property: P1. A
necessary and sufficient condition for homography given by(3) to be involutory is : 7. Examples. Example 1) Let the sequence defined
by the recursion formula be Find Solution Let us consider the
homographic function Notice that: This homography has fixed
points given by the equation Then, the homography is
hyperbolic, and The characteristic
equation of this homography is: Using (12) and the above
data, one obtain: Example 2) One sequence Show that the sequence is convergent and calculate its limit. (Mathematics Olympiad - Austria, 1979). Solution
Taking the limit of the
recursion relation, one obtain Example 3)
Let us consider the sequence Solution Let us consider the
homographic function: Since the smallest natural
number According to P6 (5) homographic function Example 4) Determine one necessary
and sufficient condition for the sequence a) periodic, of period b) periodic, of period Solution Let us consider the
homographic function (1) The invariant ratio (2) For the homography a) (3) Applying Vičte's equations to (1) ,( (4) So (4) is a necessary and
sufficient condition for the sequence b) Substituting Applying Vičte's equations to (6), one obtain: (8) Considering (7) si (8) one obtain: (9) So (9) represents a
necessary and sufficient condition for the sequence Example 5) Let us consider the
sequence defined by Show that the sequence is
periodic, of period Solution Let us consider the
general homogaphy Considering 4a) and noticing that:
Then the sequence defined
recurrently is periodic and of period Then: But, Then, Note. Similarly to ex 4), the necessary and sufficient
condition for the sequence defined recurrently by the relation Bibliography