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Principalele reguli gramaticale in engleza

Principalele reguli gramaticale in engleza


To be (a fi)


I am (eu sunt)

You are (tu esti)

He, she, it is (el, ea este)

We are (noi suntem)

You are (voi sunteti)

They are (ei, ele sunt)

Trecut: was – persoana 1 si 3 singular; were – in celelalte cazuri)

Participiul trecut: been (se foloseste in verbe compuse)

To have (a avea)

I, you, we, they have

He, she, it has

Trecut: had

Participiul trecut: had

Can – a putea (aceeasi conjugare la toate persoanele)

Trecut: could

Participiul trecut: could

Simple Present Tense (Prezentul Simplu)

Se utilizeaza pentru actiuni uzuale sau repetate.


Affirmative: I ride every day. Interrogative: Do I ride every day? (la persoana a 3-a singular se foloseste Does in loc de Do). Negative: I do not ride every day (she does not ride . )

Affirmative: I often (sometimes, always, never) go to school by bike.

Affirmative: The students come here every day. Interrogative: Do the students come here every day? Does Mary come here every day?  Negative: The students do not come here every day

Present Tense Continuous (Prezentul Continuu)

E folosit pentru actiuni ce se petrec in prezent si nu sunt instantanee sau repetate (intermitente). (de aici denumirea de continuous)


Affirmative: I am talking to a friend right now. You are talking . He/she is talking . We/you/they are . Interrogative: Am I talking to a friend? Are you . ? Is she/it . ? Are we/you/they . ? Negative: I do not ride every day (she does not ride . )

Past Continuous (Trecutul Continuu)

Exprima o actiune continua care se desfasura sau continua in trecut


Affirmative: Aunt Aggie and Pluto were eating their supper when the ceiling fell down on them. Interrogative: Were they/you eating? Was I/he/she/it eating? Negative: They were not eating. I was not eating.

Present Perfect (prezentul perfect)

Structura: Have + participiul trecut al verbului


a) actiuni din trecut desfasurate la un moment de timp nedefinit

Exemple: Affirmative: I/you/we/they have learned to drive. He/she/it has learned to drive. I have driven quite a lot. Interrogative: Have I learned to drive?. Has he/she/it learned to drive?. Heve you ever tried to come here on a wet day? Negative: I have not learned to drive.

b) o actiune inceputa in trecut si care continua in present

Exemple: Affirmative: I have had my car for a year ( . and I still have it). He has given me lessons for about a year ( . and he is still giving me lessons)

c) actiuni care tocmai s-au incheiat (impreuna cu just, already, now, not yet, never)

Exemple: Affirmative: I just written this word on the blackboard. I have finished my breakfast now.

Past Perfect (mai mult ca perfectul: ex: vazusem)

Structura: Had + participiul trecut al verbului

Exprima:actiuni din trecut incheiate inainte altor actiuni din trecut

Exemple: Affirmative: I had already got home before it began to rain. When Margaret had finished her homework, she turned on the radio. Interrogative: Had I got home before it began to rain? Negative: I had not got home before it began to rain.

The Future Tense (Viitorul)

Structura: will + infinitivul verbului

Exemplu: Affirmative: I will talk to you tomorrow. You/he/she/it/we/they will talk Interrogative: Will I talk to you tomorrow?. Negative: I will not talk to you tomorrow.

Future Continuous (viitorul continuu – nu are echivalent in romana)

Structura: will + be + participul present

Participiu present = forma verbului cu terminatia in ing (ex: teaching, skating)

Exprima:actiuni continue din viitor

Exemple: Affirmative: They will all be waiting at the station. Interrogative: Will they all be waiting at the station? Negative: They will not all be waiting at the station.

The Future Perfect Tense (Viitorul perfect: ex: voi fi facut)

Structura: will + have + participiul trecut

Exprima o actiune care credem/consideram ca se va incheia inaintea unui anumit moment de timp din viitor

Exemplu: Affirmative: I will have finished everything by eight o’clock. Interrogative: Will I have finished everything by eight o’clock?. Negative: I will not have finished everything by eight o’clock.

Future Continuous (viitorul continuu – nu are echivalent in romana)

Structura: will + be + participiul present

Participiu present = forma verbului cu terminatia in ing (ex: teaching, skating)

Exprima:actiuni continue din viitor

Exemple: Affirmative: They will all be waiting at the station. Interrogative: Will they all be waiting at the station? Negative: They will not all be waiting at the station.

Diateza active si pasiva


D. Activa               D. Pasiva

Tom cleans the waiting-room               The waiting room is cleaned by Tom

Tom cleaned the waiting-room             The waiting-room was cleaned by Tom

The grocer sold eggs Eggs were sold by the grocer

Tom will clean the waiting-room          The waiting room will be cleaned by Tom

People speak English all over the world         English is spoken all over the world (by people)

Conditionalul Prezent

Deschis                       Subjonctiv

If Hob works hard, he will learn grammar  If Hob worked hard, he would learn grammar

(daca Hob lucreaza serios va invata gramatica)        (Daca Hob ar lucra serios ar invata . )

I will speak if I am sure of the answer           I would speak if I were sure of the answer

Conditionalul Trecut

He would have learned if he had worked

Had he worked he would have learned.

Conditionalul Viitor

He will earn a lot of money if he will work hard.

Comparatia adjectivelor

Pozitiv                       Comparativ Superlativ

Thin                          thinner the thinnest

Expensive                 more expensive the most expensive

Good                         better the best

Bad                           worse the worse

Much/many             more the most

Little                         less the least

Hans is as old as Peter (Hans e la fel de batran ca si Peter)

Substantive verbale

Structura: Verb+ing

Exemple: eating (mancatul), climbing (cataratul), fighting (bataia, lupta)

Familii de cuvinte

Laugh        laughter

Careful      care

Fond          fondness

Pious          piety

Know         knowledge

Understand     understanding

Feed          food

Joy enjoyment

Sorry          sorrow

Gay            gaiety

Begin         beginner

Friendly     friendship

Adjective/Pronume/Pronume posesive

Pronume personal            Adjectiv posesiv Pronume posesiv

I       my mine

You  your yours

He    his his

She  her hers

We   our ours

They                                  their theirs

Exemple: I have my bath at seven. I have mine at seven

Adverbe: (adjectiv + ly)

He sings beautifully (adverb). He has a beautiful voice. (adjectiv)

Pronume reflexive

Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

Exemple: The man shaved himself. They fed themselves.

Pluralul substantivelor

Singular  Plural

Boy         boys

Negro     negroes

Piano      pianos

Kiss         kisses

Lady        ladies

Leaf        leaves

Roof        roofs

Man        men

Woman  women

Tooth      teeth

Foot        feet

Mouse mice

Sheep              sheep

Housemaid      housemaids

Manservant     menservants

Woman-teacher          women-teachers

Father-in-law  fathers-in-law

Nouns that have no plural: furniture, news, information, advice

Nouns that have no singular: trousers, scissors, clothes, goods, thanks

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