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Engleza de nota 10 – model de test 5

Engleza de nota 10 – model de test 5

Listen to the conversation between Liz and her doctor. Tick what symptoms Liz complains of on the left of the chart and then complete the column on the right.

Liz has got:

  1. a stomach-ache
  2. a headache
  3. a sore throat
  4. an earache
  5. a temperature
  6. the flu

Medicine she has to take:

. . . . . . .and antibiotics.

How many tablets?

. . . . . . a day.

For how long?


1. Write two pieces of advice for each person using:

a) should/shoudn’t

b) had better

1.I’ve got a headache.

2. I’ve got a pain in my shoulder.

3. I’ve got the flu.

4. I’ve got stomach-ache.

5. I’ve got awful toothache.

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the Reading text into the correct form: Simple Past or Past Continuous. Fill in the blanks in the text.


There was a very interesting programme on TV last night. It was about environmental problems on our planet and its title was “How Green Is Your World?”. Whenever the presenter said something interesting, somebody else in the house . . . . . . .. (ask) Steve to do something, so he missed lots of interesting information.

“They . . . . . . . .. (talk) about pollution when my father came in and stopped me listening. Later, someone . . . . . . . . (feed) fish to the dolphins when my brother . . . . . . . . .. (call) me into his room. The presenter . . . . . . . . . (explain) about wildlife when my mother . . . . . . . . (tell) me to take the rubbish out. When the presenter . . . . . . . . . . . . (speak) about animals in danger of extinction, my mother . . . . . . (want) me to help her with the washing up. We . . . . . . . . (wash up) when my sister . . . . . . . . .. (arrive) home.”

Read the text carefully and then circle the correct answer.

The programme was on:    a)yesterday

b)the day before yesterday

The TV programme was about:       a)things that harm our world

b)things that make our world nicer

It was   a)possible for Steve to watch from beginning to end.


The people in the house:    a)were watching TV

b)were doing other things

When his brothers called him, Steve was:                        a)eating dinner

b)watching animals on TV

6. a)His brother

b)His sister interrupted him first

The presenter mainly talked about:                      a)animals


His mother asked him to:   a)wash the clothes

b)wash the dishes

Steve washed up with:                    a)his mother

b)his sister.


Find examples of the following words in the text and add three more to each group.

- animals (find 1 example; add 3 more)

- family members (find 4 examples; add 3 more)

- housework (find 2 examples; add 3 more)

-food (find 1 example; add 3 more)


Think about a day out or an evening you’ve had with your family.

Write a paragraph (about eight lines) to your friend to say what happened. Use these words to link your ideeas:            first, after that, next, so, because, finally.

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