Adjective monosilabice si compuse in limba englezaDEGREES OF COMPARISONI. Adjective monosilabicePozitiv: Comparativ: -er (than) Superlativ: the -est Eg. small –smaller -the smallest short -shorter -the shortest Ortografie: 1) Adjectivele terminate intr-o consoana precedata de o vocala scurta, dubleaza consoana finala: big –bigger -the biggest fat –fatter -the fattest hot –hotter -the hottest 2) Adjectivele terminate in –y precedat de o consoana, transforma pe –y in –i dry –drier -the driest 3) Adjectivele terminate in –e sau –ee, pierd pe –e final inaintea terminatiei: nice –nicer -the nicest free –freer -the freest II. Adjective bisilabice terminate in –y; -le; -er; -ow; si –some, fac comparatia la fel: happy –happier -the happiest clever -cleverer -the cleverest able –abler -the ablest narrow –narrower -the narrowest handsome –handsomer -the handsomest Exceptii: eager; proper; fertile; hostile; fragile III. Adjective formate din doua sau mai multe silabe Pozitiv: Comparativ: more (than) Superlativ: the most e.g. careful -more careful -the most careful difficult -more difficult -the most difficult IV. Adjective compuse a) Cand primul element este un adjectiv care isi pastreaza sensul, acesta se schimba la comparativ si la superlativ: well-known/better known/the best known ill-paid/worse-paid/the worst-paid intelligent-looking/more intelligent-looking/the most intelligent-looking b) Cand cele doua cuvinte formeaza un tot din punctul de vedere al sensului: heart-broken/more heart-broken/the most heart-broken V. Comparativul de egalitate as . . ..as Comparativul de inferioritate not so/as . . .as less . . than Superlativul absolut Very; too; highly; extremely; utterly VI. Comparatia neregulata good better the best bad worse the worst ill much more the most many late later the latest (cel mai tarziu, cel mai recent) the latter (cel de-al doilea din doua elemente) the last (ultimul din mai multe elemente) old older the oldest elder the eldest near nearer the nearest the next little less the least far farther the farthest further the furthest ORDER OF ADJECTIVES(ARTICLE)+SIZE + SHAPE + ABSTRACT + AGE + COLOUR + PARTICIPLES + NATIONALITY + MATERIAL + NOUN