Curs practic: Vocabular Romana- englezaPROGRAMA ANALITICA Curs practic: Vocabular Romana- Engleza I. OBIECTIVELE DISCIPLINEI Cursul practic isi propune: n consolidarea, sistematizarea si largirea cunostintelor din domeniul vocabularului limbii engleze prin exercitii focalizate pe urmatoarele teme: surse interne si externe de imbogatire a vocabularului si relatiile lexicale; n dezvoltarea capacitatii de a descompune un cuvant in constituenti din punct de vedere morfo-lexical; n imbogatirea vocabularului studentilor prin exercitii de formare a familiilor de cuvinte si formarea abilitatii de a recunoaste partea de vorbire in care se incadreaza cuvantul dupa afixele componente. II. TEMATICA CURSULUI: Derivarea cu prefixe si sufixe Analiza morfematica Compunerea Conversia Mijloace minore de imbogatire a vocabularului Relatiile semantice: i. antonimia ii. sinonimia iii. omonimia iv. polisemia III. EVALUAREA STUDENTILOR: Forma de evaluare: examen scris IV. BIBLIOGRAFIE GENERALA: Chilarescu,
M., Paidos, C. 1996. Proficiency in
English. Hulban, H., Lacatusu, T., Gogalniceanu, G. 1983. Competenta si performanta. Exercitii si teste de limba engleza. Bucuresti: Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica. Vince, M. 2002. Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan. Graver, R. 1987. Advanced English Practice. Lonodon: OUP. Lect. univ. dr. Ana Maria Trantescu CURS PRACTIC - VOCABULAR SEMESTRUL I Lect. univ. dr. ANA MARIA TRANTESCU UNITATEA 1: Derivation Obiective: Studentii vor fi capabili: Sa descompuna un cuvant in constituenti, din punct de vedere morfo-lexical; Sa identifice partea de vorbire in care se incadreaza cuvantul in functie de afixele componente; Sa formeze familii de cuvinte utilizand afixele necesare. Timp de studiu: 10 ore. Exercise 1. The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way: The cost of has risen considerably. LIVE The cost of LIVING has risen considerably. 1. On our . . . we were greeted by the head of the department ARRIVE 2. He bowed . . . to us with elaborate COURTEOUS 3. A person with an . . . complex is generally quite shy INFERIOR 4. This has been an unusually . . . .remark for you COMPLIMENT 5. The injured men were carried to the ambulance on . . . STRETCH 6. Do you happen to know the . . . . of Ben Nevis? HIGH 7. It is amazing how . . . . she looks at her age! YOUTH 8. We had an . . . . . day boating on the lake ENJOY 9. Snow lasts longer in . . . . Regions. MOUNTAIN 10. He proved so stubborn that it seemed . . . . to me to insist. POINT 11. He is very anxious about his son's . . . . of memory. LOSE 12. He was caught . . . . . making faces at himself in the mirror. AWARE 13. Her faith in the power of God is . . . . . QUESTION 14. All of us burst into . . . . . .. at his joke. LAUGH 15. The results of the test were quite different from our . . . EXPECT 16. It is absolutely dishonest and . . . . to cheat your parents. HONOUR 17. The professor's explanation was out of my . . . . . . . DEEP 18. I felt like fainting as I knew I was . . . . in front of that strong man POWER 19. Lots of Americans . . . . . . to fight in World War I in Europe VOLUNTARY 20. Romanian cuisine offers a great . . . of dishes VARY 21. The movie is suitable only for . . .., not for children. GROW 22. He proved to be a very . . . man as Chair of the committee. ENERGY 23. I wonder what they expect from this . . . . . .. IN VEST 24. The animals appeared . . .when the flames surrounded them. CONTROL 25. This . . . . . has written an outstanding book about family life. SOCIOLOGY 26. I can't understand his attitude; it is absolutely . . .. EXPLAIN 27. He behaved rather . . . . . under the circumstances. SUSPECT 28. What possibilities of . . . . . would you recommend in your town? ENTERTAIN 29. What a shock he had when he realised his . . . . . were wearing masks. PURSUIT 30. Practicing any sport definitely makes you . . . . . . MUSCLE 31. I felt she was . . . . . of me in spite of her smile. ENVY 32. Sometimes all these . . . . .. turn out to be rather boring. FORMAL 33. On the 4th of July . . . . . . people watched the fireworks. COUNT 34. I need . . . . . . that he will really recover. REASSURE 35. You can never guess what she wants; she is so . . . . . CHANGE 36. You have been cheated: these stamps are . . . . . .. WORTH 37. I'm glad you have so . . . . . explained things to her. TACT 38. This world . . . . . hasn't been so efficient so far. ORGANISE 39. You'll put on . . . . if you keep eating so many sweets. WEIGH 40. You'll have to do a lot of special exercise to . . . .. your muscles. STRONG 41. Goat milk is believed to be very . . . . . . . NUTRIMENT 42. He is highly thought of for his . . . . . . . .. mind. INVENT 43. This kind of work requires . . . . . . . PRECISE 44. I can't recognize you; you're reacting like an . . . . AUTOMATIC 45. I'm not very sure about the . . . . . of the room. LONG 46. There was . . . . . in her voice and it was encouraging. CERTAIN 47. She resented having to make a . . . . . . . CHOOSE 48. Her boss can't help shouting at her for being such a poor . . . . . . TYPE 49. What are your . . . . . about her? FEEL 50. She is trembling with . . . . at tomorrow's prospects ANXIOUS 51. He nodded to me in a . . . . . way. FRIEND 52. Good manners belong to civilized . . . . . . . . BEHAVE 53. One needs . . . . . . . friends when one is in trouble. RELY 54. She . . . . . . .. tiptoed across the room for fear they might hear her. CAUTION 55. My spirits rose at the . . . . .. of her voice. WARM 56. She hardly ever eats mushrooms for fear they might be . . . . . . . . .. POISON 57. Daily . . . . . of classes is desirable, if not compulsory. ATTEND 58. Your . . . . on the eve of the exam meant a lot. COURAGE 59. The . . . . . .. retreat helped them survive. SPEED 60. They have to . . . . . this street to ease the traffic. WIDE 61. The floods made that path . . . . . . . . PASS 62. He is in his late 50's and yet his energy seems . . . .. EXHAUST 63. The Grand Canyon is a place of . . . . . . .beauty SCENE 64. The cottage is not exactly what we wished for, but the . . . . .. are breath taking. SURROUND 65. There are . . . . .. ways to persuade a man. VARY 66. The body lay there . . . . . . . but no one dared touch it. LIFE 67. The wild horses were driven into an . . . . . . . . ENCLOSE 68. Good crops require plenty of good . . . . . . . . FERTILE 69. To make food taste and smell better add some . . .. SEASON 70. The . . . . . down that steep slope is quite exhausting. DESCEND 71. They've got a villa in the . . . . . area . RESIDE 72. The . . . . use of any fuel will save your money. ECONOMY 73. They live somewhere in the . . . . . NEIGHBOUR 74. Don't you think that . . . . .. expenses keep going up? HOUSE 75. He wants to study . . . . ..but I don't think he'll make it. ARCHITECT 76. This pop singer is gaining . . . . . . . . in Europe. POPULAR 77. She rose to . . . . . . . . . in no time, they say. STAR 78. Fashion design is highly . . . . . today. COMPETITION 79. The wide . . . . . .of entertainment attracts tourists here DIVERSE 80. I heard a voice whisper my name with . . . . . CLEAR 81. That was a highly . . . . . . . performance. SPECTACLE 82. Locusts are . . . . . to crops. HARM Exercise 2. Give three examples of words built with the help of the following prefixes; check them up in a dictionary:
Exercise 3. A. Fill in the blanks with the following words built by means of the prefix mis-: misprints, misjudge, misspelling, mistake, misunderstand, misbehaviour, misapplication. To judge a man in keeping with his spelling is to . him. .. can be a mark of high originality, and that is why you could one for the other. It would be a great .. for example, to . a high school alumnus' innovating spirit, as long as everybody recognizes that what the English language needs is a spelling reform. This . of the traditional criteria turns into .. if the man in question is an editor, as we are dealing then with .., that, no doubt, confer on them much prestige. B. Translate this text into Romanian: Exercise 4. A. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue with the following words built by means of the prefix over-: overburdened, overzealous, overambitious, oversensitive, overconfident, over-rewarded, overactive, overworked, overindulgent, overstudy, oversensitive: 'Well, I think Harry is . ,, . because he is . He doesn't mind if he is with work, but one day he'll realize that he has himself.' "Yes, you're right. If there are people who are to themselves, Harry is not one of them. He's to what people might think of him, and that adds to his natural inclination to a kind of fear which makes him ." 'One way or another, it is better than being . and with regard to one's own abilities. Sooner or later he'll be .. for his hard work.' B. Translate this text into Romanian: Exercise 5. Underline the most frequently used words from the following doublets:
Exercise 6. Add the correct allomorph of the prefix com-: com-, con-, col-, cor- :
Exercise 7. Form verbs from the following nouns and adjectives, by adding the prefix en- or em- to the stems, and give the Romanian equivalents of the terms, e.g. :
Exercise 8. Form new verbs and nouns by adding the prefix re- to the stems, and give the Romanian equivalents of the terms, according to the model: A to phrase to rephrase a reformula B discovery rediscovery redescoperire A.
Exercise 9. Practise the spelling in adding suffixes to words having a final -e. A. Drop the final -e before a suffix beginning with a vowel, and retain it before a suffix beginning with a consonant, according to the model: converse + -ation conversation engage + -ment engagement
B. Drop or preserve the final -e according to usage. Most of the following words make exception to the previous rule, though some of them may have double forms, e.g.: abridge + -ment abridgement abridgment glue + -y gluey
Exercise 10. Practise the spelling in adding suffixes to words having a final -y. Change the final -y into. -i- when it is preceded by a consonant and preserve it when it is preceded by a vowel and before a suffix beginning with -i-, e.g. happy + -ness happiness destroy + -able destroyable try + -ing trying
Exercise 11. A. Fill in the blanks with words built by suffixation, in order to denote place. You will need the following suffixes: -er, -ern, -ish, -ian, -sh, -eh, -men. Translate the text into Romanian. Foreign. s always have difficulties with the terms used in Britain to denote a person's place of origin. The following dialogue supplies some examples of these terms. 'Do you know what are people from London, Cambridge, Oxford, and Bristol called?' 'Yes, I do. They are called London s, Cambridg s, Oxon .s, and Bristol .s. They are also called South.s.' 'But what are the people of Wales called?' 'They are Wel.. or Wel. ; those of Scotland and Ireland are called Scot. or Scott. people and Ir. or Ir people. The inhabitants of the Scott. Lowlands are called Lowland ..s just as the inhabitants of the Scott. Highlands are called Highland..s. They are North.s.' B. Translate the text above into Romanian: Exercise 12. Form verbs from the following nouns and adjectives, by adding the suffix -en to,the stems, and give their Romanian translation:
BIBLIOGRAFIE: Chilarescu, M., Paidos, C. 1996. Proficiency in English. Iasi: Institutul European. Hulban, H., Lacatusu, T., Gogalniceanu, G. 1983. Competenta si performanta. Exercitii si teste de limba engleza. Bucuresti: Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica. Vince, M. 2002. Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan. Graver, R. 1987. Advanced English Practice. Lonodon: OUP. UNITATEA 2. Compounding and other minor means of word formation. Obiective: Studentii vor fi capabili: sa identifice mijloacele majore de formare a cuvintelor; sa identifice mijloacele minore de imbogatire a vocabularului; sa analizeze morfematic un lexem. Timp de studiu: 8 ore Exercise 1. Divide the words into their constituent morphemes, specifying the nature of each morpheme, according to the model: impersonalism im-: prefix person : noun stem -al: adjectivizer -ism : nominalizer. To describe the morphemes you will need the following terms: noun stem, verb stem, adjective stem, adverb stem, genitive morpheme, plural morpheme (pluralia tantum morpheme), semi-suffix, nominalizer, verbalizer, adjectivizer, adverbializer, particle, comparative morpheme.
Exercise 2. Identify in the words forming the association group medal, medalet, medalist, medallion, medallionist, medals the roots (R), stems (S), derivational suffixes (DS), and inflectional suffixes (IS), according to the model: synonym R. synonym synonymists R., S. synonym- DS. -ist, IS -s synonyrmly R., S. synonym-. DS. -ity synonymize R., S. synonym-. DS. -ize synonymy R., S. synonym- DS. -y
Exercise 3. Identify the words which were clipped in order to form the following contracted words and identify the type of clipping, distinguishing among aphaeresis or fore-clipping (FC), syncope or medial clipping (MC) and apocope or back-clipping (BC), according to the model: specs spectacles BC
Exercise 4. Clip the following first names, by applying aphaeresis, syncope and apocope, e.g. Elizabeth Beth, Liz
Exercise 5. Choose the pairs of words forming portmanteau words (blends), according to the model: sneet snow sleet The choice is made from: breakfast, guest, transfer, Oxford, screen, buffalo, pneumatic, ruble, electronics, motor, inflation, Europe, television, beef, American, cattle, resistor, hotel, dictate, electricity, confound, cast, star, Baker Street, automat, execute, Indian, phone, parachute, fog, mail, stagnation, aviation, sport, telegram (me), motorist, dome, dumb, troop, cavalcade, African, smoke, Cambridge, lunch, Waterloo Underground, fish elegant.
Exercise 6. Solve the crossword puzzle by using the corresponding false cognates (friends) The quadrangle is 14 squares long and 9 squares wide. The number of letters of the English words is indicated in parentheses.
Exercise . Solve the crosrword-puzzle by using the corresponding contracted words. The quadrangle is 12 squares long and 7 squares wide.
Chilarescu, M., Paidos, C. 1996. Proficiency in English. Iasi: Institutul European.
Hulban, H., Lacatusu, T., Gogalniceanu, G. 1983. Competenta si performanta. Exercitii si teste de limba engleza. Bucuresti: Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica.
Vince, M. 2002. Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan.
Graver, R. 1987. Advanced English Practice. Lonodon: OUP.
UNITATEA 3. Lexical Relations
Obiective: Studentii vor fi capabili:
Timp de studiu: 10 ore.
Exercise 1. Group the nouns into synonymic series, in their alphabetical order, e.g. ability, aptitude, capability, dexterity. The terms taken into account are: beat, bias, association, aroma, insecurity, act, caprice, iteration, freedom, age, dictionary, gloominess, labourer, battle, line, educator, cyclone, paper, break, cadence, ailment, crotchet, nil, adversity, foreword, action, instructor, sickness, disposition, fragrance, pleonasm, obscurity, workman, combat, company, sequence, chatter, glossary, independence, era, nothing, hurricane, periodical, intermission, chit-chat, shadow, period, stress, unison, introduction, succession, inclination, liberation, storm, misfortune, interval, word-book, schoolmaster, whim, peril, prologue, gossip, scent, redundancy, lodging, trouble, war, residence, naught.
accent |
deed |
illness |
partnership |
danger |
preface |
series |
tittle-tattle |
bent |
lexicon |
teacher |
fancy |
perfume |
tautology |
liberty |
habitation |
epoch |
zero |
shade |
tempest |
worker |
magazine |
hardship |
fight |
pause |
Exercise 2. Group the following adjectives into synonymic series: equitable, distinct, damp, exciting, authentic, foolish, accurate, earthly, childish, erudite, resolute, suspicious, courteous, still, defective, intelligible, amiable, incalculable, joyous, grave, unavoidable, celebrated, irrational, adequate, drenched, faulty, plain, sagacious, correct, polite, friendly, merry, benevolent, steadfast, noiseless, natural, sage, critical, honest, diverse, gripping, immature, lettered, invaluable, illustrious, unpreventable, impartial, nonsensical, exact, dangerous, sensational, appropriate, fortunate, mundane, inadequate, steady, renowned, generous, pleased, priceless, well-bred, juvenile, various, apt, terrestrial, quiet, veritable, sapient, soaked, scholarly, peaceful, understandable, unescapable.
absurd |
fit |
fair |
lucky |
precise |
different |
simple |
wordily |
peaceable |
deficient |
youthful |
civil |
learned |
firm |
inestimable |
silent |
wet |
glad |
serious |
kind |
thrilling |
genuine |
famous |
wise |
inevitable |
Exercise 3. Group the following verbs into synonymous series: hold, gain, come, elevate, extend, communicate, hams, accompany, beat, achieve, agitate, savour., follow, guard, cease, drop, condense, assist, cover, abhor, ask, conduct, reduce, jar, bewitch, accomplish, help, tumble, protect, conquer, hurt, direct, exterminate, hoist, captivate, maintain, sip, rest, guard, beg, enfold, observe, do, get, occur, detest, increase, envelop, extirpate, shorten, vibrate, try, safeguard, raise, complete, head, charm, request, procure, submit, inform, injure, canquish, preserve, loathe, end, execute, mention, stop, prolong, uproot.
abridge |
defeat |
keep |
shake |
aid |
taste |
wrap |
obey |
defend |
perform |
lengthen |
halt |
obtain |
fall |
tell |
damage |
lead |
happen |
eradicate |
finish |
lift |
hate |
escort |
fascinate |
pray |
Exercise 4. Find among the series or synonymous and antonymous adjectives and verbs those which suit best the nouns:
Adjectives: cold, distant, reserved., ceremonious affectionate, friendly, warm |
behaviour |
behaviour |
welcome |
welcome |
nod |
nod |
Adjectives: indistinct, faint clear, distinct |
speech |
speech |
sound |
sound |
Adjectives: continual, uninterrupted, constant, endless, incessant, sporadic, intermittent, interrupted |
rain |
rain |
talks |
talks |
Verbs: abridge, abbreviate, condense, contract, narrow, reduce, shorten, amplify, enlarge, extend, lengthen |
a word |
a word |
a study |
a study |
a road |
a road |
a passage |
a passage |
Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks by choosing from the synonymic series the most adequate terms:
controversy - dispute - debate
The question under . / / raised an amendment.
Can't you see this problem is beyond any / / .. ..?
This / / . cannot be continued any longer.
conviction - certainty
Have you acted up to your . /?
I say it in full / . that I am right.
damage - harm - injury
6. The bombs caused great / / to the airport,
7. There is no .. / / in talking a few pills.
8. Your statement
does a/n. / / to her reputation.
action - deed - act
. / .. /.. speak louder than words.
Not all good . / / are rewarded.
He has always been a man of
What a cruel .. / /
He was caught in the
distant - far - far away
14. A recollection troubled him.
15. He has no chance of employment except in the future.
16. It's a story of . times and places.
economy - saving
17. He has alwasy kept his .. in a bank.
18. That itinerary will be a useful .. of time and money.
19. Romania's .. is in full development.
scholar - scientist
20. Erasmus was one of the most important of the Middle Ages.
21. The computers made by . were of great help to language in their work.
exhibition - show
Do you think it is the proper time for the of your knowledge?
Did you like the flower .. ?
I haven't seen the latest painting .. .
illness - sickness
25. A long prevented him from going abroad.
26. I have never suffered from sea or air .. .
pair - couple - yoke
27. Last week I spent a . of days in a camp.
28. The hunter has shot a .. of deer and a . of pheasants.
29. When did you buy this of oxen?
30. This tailor made him a .. of trousers and the shoemaker a . of shoes.
agreement - bargain - contract - convention - pact - treaty
31. The two states have signed their first cultural .. .
32. Romania has signed several .. for delivering tractors to other countries.
33. The two leaders did not reach any .
34. Military .. are a permanent dangeour to the world's peace.
come to - arrive at - reach
35. When does the train the station?
36. Years . and go.
37. Through hard work he success.
unload - unburden
38. The ship was / in three days.
39. Have you / your heart?
support - sustain
40. Beams / the roof.
41. It is evident that the chairman / one of the candidates.
arrest - fascinate - charm - catch - grip
42. The speaker / / // ,
the audience's attention.
43. He was ../ / / by her smile.
contradict - deny
44. Your deeds / your statement.
45. He has always / the charge.
discover - detect - determine
46. Halley / / an unknown comet.
47. Radioactivity was / / at Thula and parts
of the H-bomb were / /
48. Columbus / / America.
49. Special apparatuses / / the speed of the cars on roads.
hold - contain - embody - include
50. The box / / / chocolates.
51. The two characters / / / all virtues and vices.
52. The exhibition /../.. / some rare manuscripts.
53. The ship / / . / 45,000 tons.
divide - separate - part - share
54. He managed to / /.. us into two groups.
55. Have you / / / the money among you?
56. Ten / / / by two and five.
57. Only death / / the two lovers.
58. She ../ / / her hair.
deduce - conclude - draw
59. I've seen the doctor leaving the house and I ../
that someone is ill.
60. We can' t .. / / yet that he is guilty.
61. Try to / /..the moral of the fable.
defend - guard - protect
62. In the past, the Romanians have often had to / their country.
63. Prisoners are . / / by wardens.
64. / . / your nose from/against the sun.
Chilarescu, M., Paidos, C. 1996. Proficiency in English. Iasi: Institutul European.
Hulban, H., Lacatusu, T., Gogalniceanu, G. 1983. Competenta si performanta. Exercitii si teste de limba engleza. Bucuresti: Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica.
Vince, M. 2002. Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan.
Graver, R. 1987. Advanced English Practice. Lonodon: OUP.
Test final recapitulativ
Exercise 1. By using dictionaries, check which of the following stems can be used with only one, two, or three of the following negative prefixes: un-, in-, non-, dis-, de- according to the model:
honor dishonor
combustibile incombustible noncombustible
comfortable |
balance |
continuous |
adequacy |
repair |
transferable |
approve |
service |
resistible |
ability |
similar |
sociable |
academic |
colorant |
conformity |
discreet |
compose |
age |
believe |
artificial |
respectful |
governable |
literary |
moral |
voice |
united |
viable |
equity |
honest |
material |
sanitary |
obedient |
qualify |
stability |
animate |
decency |
class |
humanize |
recoverable |
audible |
Exercise 2. Analyse the diminutive suffixes in the following nouns, according to the scheme:
Word |
Suffix |
Diminutive |
Pejorative |
Romanian |
Idea |
Meaning |
Meaning |
duckling |
-ing |
Yes |
No |
ratusca |
princeling |
-ing |
No |
Yes |
printisor |
hamlet |
bootee |
leaderlet |
pullet |
gosling |
starlet |
coa tee |
weakling |
baronet |
cigarette |
fillet |
piglet |
hireling |
frontlet |
daddy |
bullet |
waggonette |
bracelet |
lording |
auntie |
dinette |
coverlet |
kitchenette |
underling |
cellaret |
streamlet |
sonnet |
leaflet |
ringlet |
nestling |
goatee |
armlet |
Exercise 3. By using suffixes
A. Form adjectives from the following proper names, according to the model:
Shakespeare Shakespearian
Rembrandt Rembrandtesque
Mexico Mexican
Venezuela |
Shaw |
Milton |
Seneca |
Marlowe |
Chicago |
IIemingway |
Pickwick |
Einstein |
San Francisco |
Harrow |
Thoreau |
Falstaff |
Dante |
Promelheus |
Oxford |
Iceland |
Leonardo |
Lenin |
Darwin |
B. Form adjectives from the following proper nouns, according to the model:
Wagner Wagnerite
Elizabeth Elizabethan
Bonaparte Bonapartist
Spencer |
6. Darwin |
Brooklyn |
7. Buddha |
Brontė |
8. Paris |
Calvin |
9. Jacob |
New Hampshire |
London |
C. Form abstract nouns from the following proper nouns, according to the model:
Marx |
Marxism |
America |
Americanism |
Dada |
Plato |
Luther |
Euphues |
Aristotle |
Scott |
Kant |
Machiavelli |
Lenin |
Mohammed |
Exercise 4. Choose the corect variant:
The plane is just going to take
a. away b. out
c. off d. up
Have you for that job?
a. appointed b. applied
c. presented d. succeeded
The committee wants to $1,000 for deprived children.
a. rise b. arise
c. raise d. lift
They keep a tank with fish swimming in it.
a. living b. alive
c. life d. live
By eight I was on the plane heading Brussels.
a. at b. for
c.to d.on
The temperature was at least 35° C in the
a. shelter b. shade
c. cover d. shadow
You're jogging too fast. I can't you up.
a. catch b. find
c.run d.put
If you don't know what the capital city is, look it in the atlas.
a. with b. up
c. over d. on
Would you me through to his office, please?
a. turn b. make
c. put d. call
I prefer travelling by train driving at night.
a. from b. than
c. to d. over
I couldn't laughing at her jokes.
a. help b. stop
c. escape d. attend
I don't remember his number. Where's the telephone?
a. catalogue b. register
c. index d. directory
He would always find fault whatever I suggested.
a. on b. at
c. with d. to
The ink left a on the table-cloth.
a. colour b. stain
c. fault d. wound
Although she him to study, he never did.
a. urged b. suggested
c. argued d. said
We them not to leave in the rainy season.
a. explained b. warned
c. hoped d. prevented
Her shoes her gloves, and look really good.
a. suit b. match
c. fit d. compare
The bus to our factory is 80 p.
a. cost b. fare
c. payment d. charge
If you want to make another about the food, I won't listen.
a. fault b. trouble
c. complaint d. discount
Family are widely read in the northern countries.
a. secrets b. descriptions
c. sagas d. definitions
though it may seem, we have never found out the truth.
a. Immortal b. Incredible
c. Impartial d. Indistinct
There are two of houses on both sides of the street.
a. queues b. ranks
c. rows d. trains
He got into the of jogging every morning.
a. tradition b. manner
c. use d. habit
The climbers were from going on by the terrible blizzard.
a. warned b. prevented
c. stopping d. shown
Can't you the principal to let us make this trip?
a. overcome b. make
c. persuade d. reason
He was sitting on the of the chair.
a. outside b. edge
c. tip d. border
There's something strange this fellow.
a. with b. of
c. about d. around
They're staying with us the time being.
a. during b. in
c. since d. for
If anyone suspects you of doing it, you'll run into.
a. problem b. trouble
c. mess d. nuisance
He always the crossword in the paper after dinner.
a. makes b. writes
c. does d. works
Spanish is the language of many South Americans.
a. mother b. native
c. birth d. natural
The buses are to run every 15 minutes, aren't they?
a. assumed b. promised
c. presumed d. supposed
After the accident he was in great.
a. agony b. suffering
c. hurt d. pain
He has neat in his garden.
a. ways b. tracks
c. paths d. lanes
It's the in this country to offer little badges on 1 March.
a. use b. habit
c. norm d. custom
Add it up for me, please. I've never been good at.
a. counters b. summaries
c. figures d. characters
He used to his living by delivering goods to customers.
a. win b. gain
c. get d. earn
It was a big of bees.
a. herd b. swarm
c. flock d. pack
One of the tigers at the Zoo has got
a. lose b. loose
c. lost d. escaped
She the blouse but it was obviously too small.
a. put off b. tested
c. tried d. tried on
How much money do I you?
a. debt b. borrow
c. owe d. own
I to him for the error.
a. excused b. apologized
c. pardoned d. forgave
You must facts and not run away from the truth.
a. look b. sight
c. front d. face
Would you mind paying for the tickets?
a. in advance b. forwards
c. primarily d. in front
You may rest here you mind your own business.
a. as far as b. during
c. as long as d. meanwhile
Mother has cooked your favourite today.
a. menu b. receipt
c. dish d. plate
Exercise 5. Choose the best variant:
1. He was by an aunt after his parents' death.
a. brought out b. grown up
c. brought up d. grown
2. He's to know the reason.
a. likely b. probable
c. possible d. probably
3. I don't think I could another night without sleep.
a. stand b. support
c. put up d. suppose
4. He gets a good from his work.
a. wage b. earning
c. income d. salary
5. The outside the house said "For Sale".
a. advice b. signal
c. label d. notice
6. He dived into the water and then swam to the.
a. level b. surface
c. ground d. sea
7. Dinner will be ready.
a. currently b. lately
c. presently d. suddenly
8. She prefers to her own business.
a. charge b. make
c. run d. order
9. They had a terrible row and now their engagement is . .
a. up b. off
c. over d. out
10. I caught of him at the other end of the corridor.
a. glance b. view
c. vision d. sight
11. She emptied the of her purse into her lap.
a. money b. valuables
c. items d. contents
12. That dress is quite loose. It needs taking.
a. in b. out
c. down d. up
13. They couldn't come to terms and off their agreement.
a. ended b. broke
c. stopped d. took
14. Something is moving up there but I can't what it is.
a. take out b. make out
c. work off d. find out
15. If you make a mistake, just it out with your pen.
a. cross b. clear
c. do d. wipe
16. Of course I didn't do it purpose.
a. by b. with
c. from d. on
17. The driver me ten pounds to take me to the station.
a. paid b. cost
c. took d. charged
18. Is he always so to criticism?
a. tender b. sensitive
c. aware ` d. sensible
19. When you pour the tea, don't it in the saucer.
a. spill b. turn
c. spit d. leak
20. He has proved to be so that everyone wants his help.
a. lively b. profitable
c. trustful d. reliable
21. Papermaking began in China and from there it to Europe.
a. sprang b. spilled
c. flowed d. spread
22. The grew angry and started throwing stones at the policemen.
a. public b. mob
c. spectators d. onlookers
23. Why don't you try to avoid the details?
a. unchanging b. inevitable
c. suitable d. irrelevant
24. The of the bank where he works is a small one.
a. branch b. seat
c. quarter d. plot
25. What standard is this map drawn to?
a. route b. line
c. base d. scale
Exercise 6. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the word or sentence in italics.
1. How long can a pearl-diver remain submerged?
a - unconscious b - underwater
c - breathless d - fearless
2. The main attribute of this circus rope is its flexibility.
a - contraction b - advantage
c - characteristic d - part
3. To be able to stand thirst is vital for the desert crossers.
a - essential b - alive
c - acquired d - helpful
4. She's too conceited to speak to ordinary people.
a - slow b - silly
c - nervous d - proud
5. Things happened exactly as we had anticipated.
a - waited b - extended
c - expected d - pointed
6. The crowd's rage was due to the use of tear gas by the police.
a - agony b - anger
c - ache d - fear
7. I wonder who can afford buying such an estate.
a - piece of jewelry b - piece of furniture
c - piece of cloth d - piece of land
8. The clown made the little girl giggle.
a - wonder b - laugh
c - tease d - mock
9. We waited for him to turn up in the lounge.
a - kitchen b - parking
c - attic d - saloon
10. Many families get along on simple food.
a - go on b - buy
c - manage on d - like
11. I like everything shined up when I have guests.
a - arranged neatly b - hidden
c - covered d - cleaned and polished
12. She was a truly valiant woman.
a - brave b - intelligent
c - industrious d - valuable
13. Use whatever spices are close at hand.
a - in the hands b - nearby
c - in the recipe d - ready
14. The host was just as glad that they could not come.
a - happy b - unhappy
c - worried d - anxious
15. If a statement is too direct, it can sound blunt.
a - boring b - surprising
c - mild d - rough
16. They dug out great amounts of gravel.
a - reserves b - quantities
c - trucks d - buckets
17. They seldom attempt to cross that moor.
a - want b - try
c - dare d - plan
18. Is this of sufficient size to fit in?
a - perfect b - neat
c - matching d - adequate
19. On hearing the unexpected news, they left hastily.
a - quietly b - suddenly
c - presently d - quickly
20. Smog makes this an endangered environment.
a - crowded b - unusual
c - threatened d - doomed
21. Large deposits of oil and coal lie beneath the surface of this region.
a - sites b - stores
c - strata d - tanks
22. There was something defiant about him that somehow scared me.
a - challenging b -rude
c - ill-meaning d - mean
The harsh winters in the northern countries make driving difficult there at that time of the year.
a - severe b - long
c - changeable d - cold
24. We all agreed it was a fair decision.
a - quick b - thoughtful
c - just d - profitable
25. The delay of the take-off was due to a technical problem.
a - a cause of b - a result of
c - a reason why d - a part of
26. He made his fabulous fortune in the movie industry.
a - living b - reputation
c - status d - wealth
27. Pollution is unfortunately a present-day feature of most of the industrial towns.
a - attribute b - characteristic
c - side d - disadvantage
28. He counted primarily on the readiness of his friends' help.
a - exclusively b - actually
c - mainly d - heartily
29. Who's the cute girl he has dated lately?
a - clever b - cheerful
c - slim d - attractive
30. The lake lured us with its veil of mystery.
a - drew b - delighted
c - bound d - wrapped
31. He's been in a pensive mood these last weeks.
a - angry b - idle
c - bored d - thoughtful
32. He ruthlessly criticized the uselessness of the committee.
a - gradually b - mercilessly
c - bluntly d - reluctantly
33. He never complained of his sad lot.
a - destiny b - chance
c - past d - loss
34. Can a satellite remain stationary for a while?
a - secure b - stuck
c - immobile d - hung
35. It's impolite to stare at people when they're eating.
a - look directly at b - wait for
c - speak to d - mock at
36. During the Stone Age men dwelt in caves.
a - lived b - slept
c - hunted d - grew
37. Quinces are generally harvested in late autumn.
a - sorted b - stored
c - delivered d - gathered
38. Don't be taken in by his big words. The picture is a mere fake.
a - bargain b - imitation
c - fraud d - trick
39. They say appearances are deceptive.
a - acceptable b - predictable
c - amazing d - misleading
40. On that November night the temperature suddenly dropped below 00 C.
a - nearly b - abruptly
c - steadily d - merely
41. Natural gas is conveyed by a national network of pipelines.
a - transported b - filtered
c - divided d - shared
42. What does GMT stand for?
a - estimate b - measure
c - conceal d - represent
43. We should try to keep up this century-old tradition.
a - settle b - ignore
c - maintain d - revive
Chilarescu, M., Paidos, C. 1996. Proficiency in English. Iasi: Institutul European.
Hulban, H., Lacatusu, T., Gogalniceanu, G. 1983. Competenta si performanta. Exercitii si teste de limba engleza. Bucuresti: Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica.
Vince, M. 2002. Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan.
Graver, R. 1987. Advanced English Practice. Lonodon: OUP.
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