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Nasterea viteilor - asistenta pas cu pas si imagini - cum fata vacile?

Nasterea viteilor - asistenta pas cu pas si imagini - cum fata vacile?

1a. Calving - Move para TB close up cow

Check cow’s Para TB status and days to expected calving

If cow’s status is Green  OK

If cow’s status is Yellow or Red

Remove calf from the cow immediately after birth

Move the cow into a clean calving pen _____ days prior to expected calving

Green cow Calving pen

No _______

Yellow /Red cow calving pen


If the calving has started, do not move the cow before appearance of limbs in the birth canal


Provide feed and water


Yellow /Red cow remove calf immediately after birth

Discard colostrum from the first 4 days

1b. Calving - Move close up cow

Check days to cow’s expected calving, on

(report forventede kælvninger)

Move the cow into a clean and dry calving pen _____ days prior to expected calving

If the calving has started, do not move the cow before appearance of limbs in the birth canal

Provide feed and water

2. Calving - Minding close up cows

Monitor the calving pens for calvings:

In the morning

At noon

In the afternoon

Before closing time

Daily feed to dry cow/ heifer in calving pen:

Ad libitum







Daily supplement:

First time calvers:

____ kg concentrate

____ g dry cow minerals

Other calvers:

____ kg concentrates

____ g dry cow minerals

____ g energy supplement

____ calcium supplement

(2-3 days prior)


3. Calving - Signs of calving

Tense udder


10-20 % of first time calvers do not show any signs before calving

cow lies down and gets up

shuffles in the pen

keeps to itself

soft and swollen vagina

soft pelvic tendons

This normally starts 12-24 hours before calving

Tail whipping and the cow shifts its weight from hind leg to hind leg

Starts few hours before calving

4. Calving - Monitoring

Amniotic sack (water calf) appears

Monitor the cow discreetly and without stress every ______ minutes

Do not remove the cow during this phase (the cow can be moved when 2 legs are visible)

Normal position of the calf on birth

Hoofs, legs and head appear

Check up on the cow every minutes. If the head is out, stay with the cow

Stagnation in calving for ___ minutes is a sign of difficult calving

Give birth assistance(SOP No 5)

If the calf has not been born within ___ hours after appearance of the water calf:

Give birth assistance - especially to heifers! (See SOP No 6.)

Contact ______________

5. Calving - Birth Assistance

Get clean bucket with water and soap

Get clean and disinfected pulling chains

(in service room)

Wash the cow’s vagina opening in

(water and soap or gel)

Wash hands and arms thoroughly in water and soap

The calving continues= do not pull.

Total stagnation for 20-30 minutes start pulling (Se item 5.6)

The expulsion phase begins when legs are visible and takes up to 1-1,5 hours.1st calvers use 300% more time than other cows.

Make sure the calf is in the correct position:

2 forelegs and head, or two 2 hindlegs and tail visible in the birthway?

Yes = OK

No  = Push calf inside a bit, pull legs or head toward the opening again. If necessary call____________( Vet, colleague, phone)

5. Calving - Birth Assistance

Place pulling chains above the calf’s pastern joints

Alternately, pull the left and the right chain - when the cow bears down app. 1 cm

per pull.

Pause when the cow does not bear down

Stagnation for 10 -15 minutes and eyes not visible, contact  ________________

(Vet, colleague, phone.)  

If the calf is stuck at the hips twist it sideways where it is, and continue the pulling.

Stagnation, call

(Vet, colleague, phone)  


Calving - The calfs first minutes

Check calf’s breathing

Tickle its nose with a straw

the calf will sneeze out mucus

If lots of mucus in air passages – strap up the calf by hind legs possibly using the housing equipment

Rub/dry the calf with clean straw

Disinfect the navel with

( spray bottle, iodine dip)

Calf of a  Para TB Yellow or Red cow is moved to a calf pen immediately

Other calves are moved after ___ hour


Find ear tack

Put ear tacks in ears

Register CHR-number


Calving - The cow after calving

Register on _______________ 

(paper, board, Dyreregistrering, PC)

Cow’s CHR-No.

Time of calving

Calf’s gender

Calving procedure

Calf’s CHR-No.

Offer the cow a bucket of water with__________( electrolyte)

Avoid milk fever and give energy supplement to

2nd and older cows)

After calving give ______

(type, volume)

Plus water and straw feed

Leave the cow in the calving pen, and monitor its condition every ____ hour

If you are in doubt, contact: ________________

(Manager, Vet, colleague, phone)


The cow is milked first time  _____________ (withinr 2 hours after calving)

Signs of milk fever:

-Head and ears hanging?

-Reduced appetite?

-Cold skin and horns?

-Cannot get up?

Contact ________________

(Manager, Vet, colleague, phone)

The cow is not drinking and eating within ___ (4 to 6) hours after calving

Contact ________________

(Manager, Vet, colleague, phone)

Within about hours the cow should have delivered the afterbirth

If not contact

(Manager, Vet, colleague, phone)

days after calving

- move first time calvers to ______ (group 1)

- move others to ______ (group 2)

Clean the calving pen

Speciel requirements ____________

(disinfect with VirkonS)

. Calving - Calving pen

Remove excess feed from the feeding alley


Give fresh feed


Check water cup

Remove dirt and straw residue

Check water flow

Add bedding ____________


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