Nobody's story by charles dickensNOBODY'S STORY By CHARLES DICKENS Charles Dickens is one of the giants of English literature. He wrote from his own experience a great deal-the Marshalsea prison dominates Little Dorrit, and his father was at least partially the model for Mr. Micawber in David Copperfield. Although he was expert at journalistic reporting, he wrote nothing that was not transformed from actuality by his imagination. Sharp depiction of the eccentricities and characteristic traits of people was stretched into caricature, and for generations of readers the names of his characters-Mr. Pickwick, Uriah Heep, Miss Havisham, Ebenezer Scrooge-have been household words. His enormous warmth of feeling sometimes spilled into sentimental pathos, sometimes flowed as pure tragedy. Dickens was particularly successful at evoking the sights, sounds, and smells of London, and the customs of his day. He attacked the injustices of the law and social hypocrisy and evils, but after many of the ills he pictured had been cured he gained still more readers. Some critics complain of his disorderliness in structure and of his sentimentality, but none has attempted to deny his genius at revealing the very pulse of life. All authors incorporate autobiographical elements in their fiction, but with Dickens this is very noticeable, even though he took pains to cover up what he considered his shameful, lowly past. David Copperfield is one of the most clearly autobiographical but the scenes from Bleak House of interminable court cases and legal arguments could only come from a journalist who has had to report them. Dickens' own family was sent to prison for poverty, a common theme in many of his books, in particular the Marshalsea in Little Dorrit. Little Nell in The Old Curiosity Shop is thought to represent Dickens' sister-in-law, Nicholas Nickleby's father and Wilkins Micawber are certainly Dickens' own father and the snobbish nature of Pip from Great Expectations is similar to the author himself. Dickens may have drawn on his childhood experiences, but he was also ashamed of them and would not reveal that this was where he got his realistic accounts of squalor. A shameful past in Victorian times could taint reputations, just as it did for some of his characters, and this may have been Dickens' own fear. The short story "Nobody's Story" can be a true example of morality and equality between human beings. The whole story is centered on a character whose name we do not find. The name is exampled at the end why it is not given- it simply does not matter as this man can be anyone. The idea of a regular person is expressed from the beginning, when the set of the action is described. The scene could be almost anywhere, on a river bank, but it is in concordance with the person's nature: a very determined person, but without making himself remarked in the society. There is nothing to make him get out from the anonymity, but this does not mean he is insignificant. The main character is a hard working man, who spent all his life working like this, but his main goal is not to improve his life, but to sustain his family, planning to work like this all his life: "he has no prospect, he seeks none". This is a detail that speaks a lot about the main character: he is satisfied by his current status in life although he realizes it is not exactly a very stable one. He considers that he is not able to think for himself, and he lets the "burden" to a family he respects greatly. The family lives in the same neighborhood and they spend their time sculpturing. It is an occupation that inspires him a lot of respect just because he does not understand the meaning of those sculptures. The first thing he asks the helping family is to help him decide how it is best to educate his own children. Although he is presented as being a man without education, he realizes that his children will soon develop as some brutes, without proper education and guiding. But this simple task proves to be very difficult. The members of the family argue because some think that the ecclesiastical education is better than the lay one. This is a good moment for the author to describe this family. All is presented with a lot of humor, and all the arguments are presented as seriously describing a great effort. The source of humor is exactly the apparent seriousness of the author, and the argument brought in favor of the thesis.
Afara ninge prapadind . ; Ninge secular . ; Ningea grandios in orasul vast cum nu mai este, / Ning la cinematografe grave drame sociale, Pe cand vantul hohoteste-n bulevarde glaciale . . Penetratia umezelei peste tot, atmosfera cetoasa care inabuse, crasmele umede, murdare, ziduri vechi ce se darama, peretii uzi si frigul, un mort evreiesc pe ploaie , o fata ingropata pe ploaie, toate acestea sfarsesc prin a da nervi, prin a exaspera. Isterizati, bolnavii racnesc la ploaie : Si ce enervare pe gand ! / Ce zi primitiva de tina ! / O bolnava fata vecina / Racneste la ploaie razand . Poezia Nocturna exprima starea sufleteasca a citadinului nelocalizat : Fug ratacind in noaptea cetatii, / In turn miezul noptii se bate rar, / E ora cand cade gandul amar / Tacere .. e ora lasitatii . // Te pierzi in golul singuratatii, / O, suflet al meu, de lume fugar, / E ora cand Petru plange amar / Asculta . e ora lasitatii . . Bacovia a scris muzica si si-a scris versurile dupa strunele vioarei , iar in urmatoarele versuri se face referirea la imitatia cadentei unui mars funebru Ningea bogat - sitrist ningea - era tarziu / Cand m-a oprit - in drum, la geam clavirul; / Si-am plans la geam, si m-a cuprins delirul - / Amar, prin noapte - vantul - fluiera pustiu . La un moment dat, Bacovia afirma ca fiecarui sentiment ii corespunde o culoare . ( Pictorul inrebuinteaza in mestesugul sau culorile : alb, rosu, violet. Le vezi cu ochii. Eu am incercat sa le redau cu inteligenta, prin cuvinte. Fiecarui sentiment ii corespunde o culoare. Acum, in urma m-a obsedat galbenul, culoarea deznadejdei. De aceea ultimul meu volum poarta titlul Scantei galbene ). George Bacovia prefera deci culorile inchise, sumbre - negru, violetul, griul , dar si pe cele deschise cum este albul , galbenul, etc. negru si alb : Copacii albi, copaci negri / Stau goi, in parcul solitar ; Cu pene albe, pene negre ; Si frunze albe . frunze negre . Viziunea copaci albi / negri si But this proves to be a greater task that the first one and a great quarrel begin in the Bigwig family. But his confidence in this family remains the same. But a great tragedy happens in his city, and the pestilence kills his family. He is very affected by the event, but understands that it is a part of the hard life he had even from before. His status is revealed even when the reverend prays for his family. He expects the reverend to say something to him to comfort him, but the reverend does not bother. After the funerals he returns to work, as usual. But there he finds out that the wife of his master was killed by the pestilence, too. He tries to comfort his master from his humble position, but his master accuses him that it was part of his fault. His master accuses the poor that they are responsible for the rapid spread of the pestilence because they live in misery and they have bad eating habits. But in this moment the main character truly responds to what happens to him. He was a passive man all his life, but this time he responds. He answered to his master that the conditions they all live are a consequence of the way their masters treat them. In the end there is an explanation for the entire story, and the reader finds out all the reasons why the name and the identity of the person were not revealed. He makes an analogy with the funeral monuments for the heroes lost on the battlefield. On those monuments can be read the name and the status of a few important persons, and the number of the others. Their only importance is that they were there; their names are of no importance. This short story can be also integrated in the larger theme of Christmas which was used in many writings. Christmas is considered a proper time for the recollection of these men whose importance lays in the fact that they too have their share of the everyday battle. It is also used a recurrent symbol in Dickens' stories: the fire. Sitting by the fire becomes the perfect scene for sharing, memories, special moments, and paying honor to special persons that take part in our lives.