Prezentul simplu (Simple Present Tense) - mod de conjugareMod de conjugareexprima: o actiune cu caracter general (prezent simplu generic) o actiune cu caracter obisnuit, repetat (prezent simplu habitual) o actiune cu caracter momentan, interesul vorbitorului concentrandu-se asupra actiunii in sine pe care o exprima verbul, si nu asupra faptului ca actiunea are loc in momentul vorbirii.(prezent simplu instantaneu) Mod de conjugare: verb de conj. (inf.scurt )+ s/es (la pers. a III-a sg.) la afirmativDo (prez.) + sb. + Vb. de conj. (inf.scurt) la interogativ; Sb + do (prez) + not + vb. de conj (inf. scurt) la negativ. She works late at night. Does she work late at night? She does not work late at night. P.S. Generic: apare in legi, definitii, adevaruri generale: Ex: The Moon spins round the Earth. Dogs bark. Children like sweets. Women are talkative. P.S. Habitual verbul apare insotit de adverbe de frecventa (always, often, usually, frequently, seldom, rarely etc.) sau de locutiuni adverbiale de frecventa (from time to time, once in a fortnight, once in a blue moon, twice a month, every weekend, every now and then, every meeting etc.) Ex. They always play chess in the spare time. Usually, bakers make bread at night. I go for a walk every evening. P.S. Instantaneu: apare in demonstratii practice: retete, mod de utilizare, reparare, administrare, preparare . : Ex. We take a pot, put some water into it, add some coffee and sugar while the pot is still on the fire and the coffee is ready. apare in exclamatii de uimire, dupa verbe de miscare: Ex. Here comes the police. Winter arrives apare in comentarii (sportive, diverse intamplari care au loc chiar in momentul vorbirii) Ex. “A. Ilie passes the ball to Hagi and the latter scores.” “Look! The car runs into the hedge!” Conjugare proprie: Verbul To Be I am//You are//he/she/it is// we are//You are // They are//. Am I ?//Are you? .I am not//You are not . To Have (dubla conjugare, cu sau fara To Do ca auxiliar) I have//you have//she has . Have I?//Do I have? . I have not// I do not have . Mod de ortografiere a formei de persoana a III - a sg.: adauga “s” majoritatea verbelor: he works / plays / runs / stops / laughs . adauga “es” verbele care se termina in : - ch/-tch/-sh/-ss/-zz/-x/-o: she teaches / watches / washes / misses / buzzes / does / goes; verbele care se termina in : -voc + y, = voc + y + s: plays / says . ; cons + y,= cons.+ i + es: cry: cries; fly: flies . Valorile temporale ale prezentului simplu: Prezentul simplu se poate utiliza cu valoare de prezent (vezi ex. anterioare), viitor (in exprimarea datei sau a unor actiuni planificate, sigure) sau trecut (in evocarea unor personalitati, evocari istorice etc.) We go to the seaside next summer. Tomorrow is my birthday. Stephen the Great wins the battle at Vaslui.. Se traduce prin prezent in romana. Prezentul continuu (Continuous Present Tense) Exprima o actine care se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii (now) sau intr-o perioada mai mare de timp, care include momentul vorbirii (this week / weekend/ month / year . ) Mod de conjugare: to be (prez) + (vb de conj. (inf.scurt) + ing) I am writing a letter to my friends now. What are you doing at this moment? Verbe durative: exprima actiuni care pot sa dureze in timp: work / play / sleep / draw . ; acestea accepta conjugare la forma continua, indiferent de timpul la care sunt utilizate; majoritatea verbelor sunt durative. Verbe non-durative: exprima actiuni care dureaza foarte putin in timp; acestea nu accepta conjugare la forma continua, decat atunci cand sunt utilizate cu sens schimbat fata de cel propriu: secundar, figurat, sau exprima o exagerare, o participare deosebita a subiectului la realizarea actiunii pe care o exprima verbul: Ex. to die, start, begin, clap, knock, slip, fetch, catch . The patient dies at 6 p.m. (inregistrarea unei actiuni cu sens propriu) Look! That little bird is dying! (emotie puternica) I’m dying after my pet. (sens figurat) Tom knocks at the door now. (actiune desfasurata in mod normal, scurt) Open the door! Somebody is knocking. (iritare pentru a exprima o actiune prelungita mai mult decat normal) Alte categorii de verbe care nu accepta in mod obisnuit forma continua: Verbe de perceptie: to see, to hear, to feel, to smell, to taste I see a little dog in that garden. (sens propriu) That woman is odd. She is seeing things. (sens figurat, exagerare)
I am seeing my friends every weekend. (sens secundar) I see what you mean. (sens secundar, sinonim cu verbul de cunoastere to understand The milk tastes great. (sens propriu, adevar general) I am tasting the soup to see if it is sour or not. (cand perceptia se realizeaza in mod voit, verbul se poate utiliza la forma continua) Roses smell nice. (sens propriu, adevar general) She is smelling the roses because she likes doing it. (perceptie voita) Verbe de cunoastere: to think, realize, understand, imagine, believe, consider, suggest, know . I think she is not quite right in the head. (sens propriu, efectuarea unei actiuni intelectuale) Silence! She is thinking! (exagerare, iritare) I am thinking at my best friend. (proces durativ de rememorare, participare afectiva intensa) Verbe de stare: a) stare existentiala: to be, live, exist . b) stare emotionala: to love, hate, miss, like, dislike . a) She is a teacher, but these days she is being a guide for some German tourists. (starea normala se exprima prin forma simpla, in timp ce starea exceptionala, desi mai scurta temporal, se exprima prin forma continua). b) I love modern music, but I dislike the house and rap music. Exceptie: She is loving him more and more. I am still loving him. Starea existentiala obisnuita, caracteristica a subiectului se exprima prin forma simpla a prezentului, in timp ce starea necaracteristica a subiectului se exprima prin forma continua; like si dislike nu apar niciodata la forma continua. Verbe de posesie: To have, to have got, to own, to possess. se utilizeaza la forma simpla cand apar cu sens propriu (exprima posesia): I have / possess a house of my own. Have , cand intra in expresii ca: have a headache / a bath / a shower / a meeting / a party / breakfast . , poate fi utilizat la forma continua, daca este necesar: I have breakfast at 7 every morning. I cannot answer the phone; I am having breakfast. Mod de ortografiere a formei in –ing: Verbele care se termina in: (verbe mono- sau bisilabice) terminate in: 1 cons. precedata de 1 voc. accentuata, dubleaza cons finala si adauga –ing: run: running; cut:cutting; control: controlling . -e, elimina e final si adauga –ing: have: having; starve: starving . ; exc. See: seeing; dye: dyeing ie, transforma ie in y si adauga –ing: die: dying; lie: lying . voc / cons –y , voc / cons – y - ing: say:saying; cry: crying . Valori temporale ale prezentului continuu: Prezent (actiune in desfasurare): They are standing at the blackboard now. Viitor: They are going to the theatre tomorrow. Se traduce prin prezent in romana. Prezentul perfect simplu (Simple Present Perfect) Este un timp de tranzitie intre trecut si prezent, o definitie completa ar trebui sa enumere toate situatiile de folosire a acestui timp, dupa cum urmeaza: Prezentul perfect simplu exprima: a) o actiune nelocalizata temporal b) o actiune incheiata cu putin timp inaintea momentului vorbirii c) o actiune desfasurata intr-un interval de timp deschis d) o actiune care reprezinta un obicei sau o stare inca actuala a subiectului e) o actiune desfasurata inaintea momentului vorbirii, care are efecte concrete, vizibile in prezent. Mod de conjugare: to have (prezent) + verb de conj. + (III / - ed) Ex. She has worked a lot lately. a) Have you read the book? I haven't Have you met? Yes, we met a week ago. b) The burglars have just entered the house. Have you already called for the police? I have not managed to get through to their office yet. c) You have worked a lot at the office lately / in the last time / this week. d) I have always eaten an apple before going to sleep. You have never told a lie. e) The cat has broken a vase; there is Cazurile a-e se traduc prin perfect compus in romana. Prezentul perfect continuu (Continuous Present Perfect) Exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut, care continua in prezent, eventual in viitor. Se foloseste cu verbele care accepta forma continua; Mod de conjugare: Have (prezent) + be (III) + (verb de conj. (inf. scurt ) + ing) Ex. How long have you been waiting for the bus? I have been waiting for twenty minutes / since 5:30. Exceptie: How long have you been in the laboratory? I have been here for 3 hours. (verbele de stare, posesie, cunoastere, perceptie se folosesc la forma simpla Se traduce in romana prin prezent Trecutul simplu (Past Tense Simple) Exprima o actiune desfasurata intr-o perioada de timp trecuta, incheiata. Adverbe sau locutiuni adverbiale specifice: yesterday, last week, last Monday, a week ago, a month ago, in 1946, in January etc Mod de conjugare: verb de conj (inf. scurt) + ed la toate pers, afirm. pentru verbele regulate; Interog.: do (past tense) + sb. + Verb de conj. (inf. scurt); neg. :do (past tense) + not + verb de conj (inf. scurt) La verbele neregulate, forma de trecut simplu este echivalenta cu coloana a doua din tabel, pentru afimativ. Situatii de folosire: Trecutul simplu se utilizeaza pentru a exprima: o actiune trecuta, incheiata la un moment dat in trecut, moment precizat in enunt: Ex. Last year he wrote a lot of articles on this theme. Did he come at the party a week ago? He did not leave Bucharest in 1935. Se traduce prin perfect compus in limba romana. o actiune reprezentand un obicei trecut al subiectului, fiind in acest caz utilizat in varianta libera (la alegere) cu: expresia “used to” ; sau “would + verb de conj (inf. scurt)”: Ex. As a child, he ate many junk food. (in acest caz, forma de Past Tense a verbului de conjugat este sinonima, ca sens, cu verbele modale used to sau would: He used to eat junk food as a child. He would eat junk food as a child.) Se traduce prin imperfect in limba romana. o succesiune de actiuni trecute, de obicei in naratiuni, relatari, articole, biografii etc. Ex. “The old man entered the garden gate, walked to the front door, rang the bell and waited for somebody to answer him. In the meantime, he sat down on the porch, as he was exhausted, and put his dusty bag near him. As nobody answered him for some time, he got up onto his feet and walked away, visibly sad and worried about his fate in this world.” Se traduce in romana prin perfect simplu la pers a III a singular si plural si prin perfect compus la celelalte persoane. Trecutul continuu (Past Tense Continuous) Exprima o actiune aflata in desfasurare in trecut, fara a se preciza perioada in care aceasta actiune are loc. Mod de conjugare: to be (Past Tense) + (verb de conj (inf. scurt) + -ing) afirmativ; to be (Past Tense) + sb + (verb de conj (inf. scurt) + -ing) interogativ; to be (Past Tense) + not + (verb de conj (inf. scurt) +-ing) negativ; Ex. The little boy was crying when his mother entered the room. While the girls were preparing something to eat, the boys were cleaning the place for installing the tent. They finished their job at the same time. Were they waiting for you? Se traduce prin imperfect in limba romana. Nu se poate folosi cu verbe care nu accepta forma continuua. (non-durative, perceptie, cunoastere . cu sens propriu) Trecutul perfect simplu (Past Perfect Simple) Exprima o actiune trecuta, incheiata inaintea altei actiuni trecute sau a unui moment trecut. Mod de conjugare: have (past tense) + verb de conj (a III-a/ed) afirmativ; have (past tense) + sb + verb de conj (a III-a/ed) interogativ; have + (past tense) + not + verb de conj (a III-a/ed) negativ. Ex. He went out only after he had finished his work at the office. (past perfect este aici obligatoriu datorita prezentei adv. only) As soon as the lawyer ( had) realized that the woman was lying, he gave up her case. (in acest caz, desi ar fi necesara marcarea anterioritatii prin past perfect, se poate utiliza si past tense simple, anterioritatea fiind cuprinsa ca sens in expresia “ as soon as”/”after”. Se traduce in limba romana prin mai mult ca perfect sau chiar perfect compus. Trecutul perfect continuu (Past Perfect Continuous) Exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut, inaintea altei actiuni trecute, actiune aflata in desfasurare pe o perioada definita de timp in momentul intersectiei cu actiunea trecuta. Verbul este insotit de expresii introduse prin: for . / since . in afirmatii/negatii sau how long, in intrebari. Mod de conjugare: have (past tense) + be (III) + (verb de conj(inf. scurt) + –ing) afirmativ; have (past tense) + sb + be (III) + (verb de conj(inf. scurt) + –ing) interogativ; have (past tense) + not + be (III) + (verb de conj(inf. scurt) +–ing) negativ. Ex. Sarah had been writing on the computer for two hours when she realized that she had missed some important paragraphs. How long had you been waiting when the bus came? Se traduce in limba romana prin imperfect. Viitorul simplu (Simple Future Tense) Exprima o actiune ulterioara momentului vorbirii Verbul poate fi insotit de adverbe de timp care exprima perioade de timp ulterioare: tomorrow, next week, next weekend, next year . Mod de conjugare: shall/will + verb de conj (inf. scurt) afirmativ; shall/will + sb + verb de conj (inf. scurt) interogativ; shall/will + not + verb de conj (inf. scurt) negativ. Shall se foloseste la persoana I singular si plural; will se foloseste la celelalte pers., singular si plural. Ex. She will come to visit us soon / next summer. He won’t say a word about it. Se traduce prin viitor I in limba romana. Viitorul continuu (Continuous Future Tense) Exprima o actiune ulterioara momentului vorbirii, aflata in desfasurare in viitor. Mod de conjugare: shall/will + be (inf. scurt) + (verb de conj ( inf. scurt) +–ing) afirmativ; shall/will + sb + be (inf. scurt) + (verb de conj ( inf. scurt) +–ing) interogativ; shall/will + be (inf. scurt) + (verb de conj ( inf. scurt)+ –ing) negativ. Ex. She will be cleaning the house at this time tomorrow. What will you be doing at 3 o clock in the afternoon? Se traduce prin viitor I in limba romana. Viitorul apropiat (The Near Future) Exprima o actiune imediat urmatoare momentului vorbirii (prin formele de viitor apropiat exprimate prin 'to be about to' / 'to be to', sau o intentie (in cazul viitorului apropiat exprimat prin 'going to'). Mod de conjugare: to be (prezent) + about to / to / going to Ex. She is going to write a letter to her sister. It' s about to rain. The train is to arrive at the North Station. Intentia se exprima cu predilectie prin viitorul cu'going to' si are un subiect personal, traducandu-se in romana prin 'a intentiona sa', ' a avea de gand sa', 'urmeaza sa'; celelalte forme ('to be about to' si 'to be to') pot avea ca subiect si abstractiuni sau obiecte, traducandu-se prin: 'a fi pe cale sa', 'a urma sa', 'cat pe ce sa'. 'To be going to' poate sa exprime si predictia ( The students are going to graduate from the faculty in May.) sau actiuni planificate ( My friend is going to buy a new car next year.) 'To be to' poate sa exprime si un plan oficial sau un aranjament (The Prime Minister is to arrive at the meeting at 6 o' clock.), vointa unei persoane, care este diferita de cea a vorbitorului (The latest news are to be given by our reporter.), datoria (What exercises are we to do?) sau posibilitatea, probabilitatea ( Prices are to increase sooner Viitorul perfect simplu (The Future Perfect Simple) Exprima o actiune care va fi terminata inaintea unui anumit moment sau a unei alte actiuni viitoare. De obicei apare insotit de constructii introduse prin by: by Monday, by that time, by the end of . Mod de conjugare: Shall / will + have (inf. sc.) + verb de conj.(part. trecut) Ex. Mother will have finished the housework by the moment father comes back home / by eleven o' clock. Poate exprima si posibilitatea sau presupunerea: If he has taken a taxi, he will have arrived at the airport in time. Se traduce prin viitor I sau II in limba romana. Viitorul perfect continuu (The Future Perfect Continuous) Exprima durata unei actiuni pana la un anumit moment din viitor. Mod de conjugare: Shall / will + have (inf. sc.) +be (part. trecut) + verb de conj. (inf. scurt + ing). Ex. At 10 o' clock, my children will have been sleeping for two hours. Se traduce prin viitor I in limba romana. Viitorul in trecut simplu (The Future-in-the Past Simple) Exprima o actiune sau o stare ulterioara vazuta dintr-o perspectiva trecuta, adica dupa un verb la Past Tense in propozitia regenta. De obicei apare in relatari, in vorbirea indirecta, deci in subordonate completive directe care prezinta verbul dicendi la Past Tense. Mod de conjugare: Should / would + verb de conjugat (inf. scurt) They told me that she would visit us soon. Se traduce prin viitor I in romana. Acest timp nu poate exista in afara contextului trecut creat de verbul care introduce relatarea. Viitorul in trecut continuu (The Future-in-the-Past Continuous) Exprima o actiune in desfasurare vazuta din perspectiva unui punct de vedere trecut, adica cerut de un verb la Past Tense in regenta: Mod de conjugare: Should / would + be (inf. scurt) + verb de conjugat (inf. sc. + ing). Mother told us that, in less than half an hour, our baby-brother would be sleeping soundly. Se traduce in romana prin viitor I. Nu poate exista decat in completive directe cu verbul dicendi la Past Tense. Viitorul apropiat in trecut (The Near Future in the Past) Exprima o actiune imediat urmatoare unui moment trecut. Poate exista si in propozitii principale independente in care raportarea la momentul trecut este implicita. Mod de conjugare: to be (Past Tense) going to / about to / to. Ex. They were going to meet the delegation at the railway station. She said that the Principal was about to leave the country for some time. Se traduce prin expresiile semnalate la viitorul apropiat, al caror timp se va corela cu axa trecutului, mai precis prin imperfect in limba romana.