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Imperativul - limba engleza

Imperativul - limba engleza

IMPERATIVUL - Limba engleza

A. Forma.

  • imperativul pesoanei a II-a se formeaza cu INFINITIVUL fara to, far subiect, pentru a fac einvitatii, cereri sau pentru a da sfaturi, instructiuni si atentionari. Negativul se formeaza cu do not + INFINITIV fara to.


Do not (don’t) come!

  • imperativul persoanei I se formeaza cu let + ME/US + INFINITIV fara to pentru a da sugestii sau a face oferte. Negativul se formeaza cu do not.

Let me help!

Let’s o!

Let us not interrupt!

Don’t let me oversleep tomorrow morning!

B. Utilizare.

  1. imperativul persoanei a II-a se foloseste:
    • pentru a cere ceva:

Give John this letter when you see him.

Don’t tell Mary what I said last night.

pentru a face invitatii:

Come to my party on Saturday night.

Try this: it’s a new recipe.

pentru a da sfaturi sau a atentiona:

Drive slowly, the roads are icy at night.

Don’t exceed the speed limit. I saw a policeman down there.

Change your money before you leave; you’ll get a better exchange rate.

pentru a da indicatii:

Go to the third door, ring the bell and ask to see Mr. Goodman.

Turn the engine off, open the hood and unscrew the cap slowly.

NOTA: Se poate folosi do pentru a sublinia sensul imperative (vezi Lectia 1).

Do be careful when you cross that main road.

Do help yourself to anything you want.

ATENTIE: Imperativele nu au subiect, desi uneori se adauga un substantiv sau pronume pentru a idetifica persoana careia i se vorbeste.

Have another drink, Bill.

Listen carefully, everyone.

Children, be quiet, please.

cu interogatii disjunctive: will/won’t/would you? si can/can’t/could you?

Come in, won’t you?

Have something to drink, will you?

  1. imperativul persoanei I cu let se foloseste:

cu me, pentru a face oferte:

Let me explain in more detail.

Let me get you a drink, Harry.

cu us, pentru a oferi sugestii:

What shall we do today, Ruby? I know, lets go to that exhibition in town.

I don’t fancy cooking tonight. Let us get a Chinese take-away.

NOTA: Do poate fi folosit inainte de let pentru intarire (vezi Lectia 1).

Please, do let me know if you need any help.

cu interogatii disjunctive: will you? dupa let me/let him etc., si shall we? dupa let us:

Open the door and let me in, will you?

Let me/let him/let them etc. go first for once, will you?

Let’s not argue about it, shall we?

cu raspunsuri scurte la sugestii:

Why don’t’ we go to Greece for our holidays this year for a change? Yes, let’s.

I don’t think I want to go to see Jane tonight. Fine, let’s not.

ATENTIE: Exista si o forma de penrsoana a III-a imperativ: let + substantiv sau complement pronominal + INFINITIV fara to (cu sensul de “a permite”).

Let everyone come in now in single file.

Don’t let the State treat you like this. Stand up for you rights.

Let him continue


1. Ce instuctiuni si atentionari va asteptati sa vedeti in urmatoarele situatii? Folositi verbele de mai jos fie la forma afirmativa, fie la forma negativa.

sit keep store drive swim lock

  1. There is heavy fog on the motor way.

  1. The park benches have just been painted.

  1. High tide is coming in.

  1. This fresh cheese contains no preservatives.

  1. This material is highly flammable.

  1. There have been a lot of burglaries in my street lately.

2. Completati aceste instructiuni plasand in spatiile libere verbe din lista de mai jos:

release push insert fit

pull tighten depress keep

Care of your Vacuum Cleaner.

  1. How to assemble the handle.

. . . . . (1) the base of the handle into the top of the body. . . . . . (2) the handle home and . . . . . (3) the screw. Warning! . . . . . (4) the cord on the upper hook clip before operating the vacuum cleaner.

  1. Using you Cleaner.

To use your cleaner, . . . . (5) the foot pedal and . . . . . (6) back the handle to a comfortable angle . . . . . (7) the pedal to lower the head. For cleaning under furniture . . . . . (8) the hose extension into the connection tube for maximum convenience.

3. Folositi let pentru a transforma urmatoarele propozitii intr-o oferta sau sugestie.

  1. I’ll call a porter to carry your bags.

  1. I think we should visit my sister in Glasgow at Christmas.

  1. We could offer them 10% more than the asking price.

  1. Can I show you how it works?

  1. It’s better if we fly.

  1. I would like to speak to Mr. Irons personally.

  1. I’ll see if the lawyer is free to see you now.

  1. I don’t want t go alone. Why don’t we go together?

  1. I need to lock into the matter further before giving you an answer.

  1. I can’t afford a flat of my own, why don’t be share one?

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