Folosirea structurilor care incep cu IT sau THERE in limba englezaIn limba engleza, o problema delicata o constituie folosirea structurilor care incep cu IT sau THERE. IT – pronume personal It este pronumele personal care se foloseste atunci cand: a) se face referire la un obiect, un loc, o organizatie, o notiune abstracta sau un animal Ex: Have you listened to the concert? Yes, it was fabulous. (Ai ascultat concertul? Da, a fost extraordinar.) b) se identifica o persoana Ex: Hello. It’s Christine Black (formula de adresare la telefon) (Buna. Aici Christine Black) IT impersonal (indeplineste functia de subiect pentru verbele impersonale) Structura IT + to be Cazurile in care putem folosi aceasta structura sunt urmatoarele:
Ex: It’s nice here. (Este frumos aici)
Ex: It’s raining. (Ploua) Observatie: Atunci cand descriem vremea putem folosi IT impreuna cu urmatoarele verbe impersonale: to drizzle (a burnita), to hail (a bate grindina), to pour (a ploua torential), to rain (a ploua), to sleet (a cadea lapovita), to snow (a ninge), to thunder (a trasni)
Ex: It’seven o’clock. (Este ora 7)
Ex: It’s two weeks since you last wrote. (Au trecut 2 saptamani de cand mi-ai scris ultima oara)
Ex: It’s Saturday, the 23rd of December. (Este sambata, 23 decembrie)
Ex: It’s 200 miles to London. (Sunt 200 de mile pana la Londra)
Ex: It was my aunt who took the child to Paris yesterday. (not my mother) [Matusa mea a fost cea care a dus copilul la Paris (nu mama mea)] sau It was the child that my aunt took to Paris yesterday. (not the cat) [Copilul a fost cel pe care l-a dus matusa mea la Paris (nu pisica)]
It was to Paris that my aunt took the child yesterdat (not to London) [La Paris a fost locul unde l-a dus matusa mea pe copil (nu la Londra)] It was yesterday that my aunt took the child to Paris. (not last year) [Ieri a fost ziua cand matusa mea a duc copilul la Paris (nu anul trecut)] Structura IT + alte verbe
Ex: It costs so much to get there. (Costa mult sa ajungem acolo)
Ex: It’s important that she should listen to her own conscience. (Este important ca ea sa-si asculte constiinta)
Ex: It was a surprise that they should all come on time. (A fost o surpriza ca au venit toti la timp)
Ex: It surprised/shocked/pleased him to realise he had won a lot of money. (A fost surprins/socat/incantat sa realizeze ca a castigat multi bani)
Ex: It takes a great man to build such a company. (Este nevoie de un om important ca sa construiasca o asemenea companie) It took the crow a month to build its nest. (Acestei ciori i-a luat o luna sa-si construiasca cuibul) It took us $2000 to pay the piano. (Am avut nevoie de $2000 ca sa platim pianul)
Ex: It was said that he could speak Chinese.
Ex: It occured to him that he hadn’t talked to his colleagues since the day before Christmas. (Si-a dat seama ca nu vorbise cu colegii lui de pe 24 decembrie)
Ex: It is easy to speak English. (Este usor sa vorbesti engleza) IT impersonal (cu functia de complement) It are functia de complement atunci cand dorim sa exprimam sentimente, cu ajutorul verbelor to hate (a uri), to like/dislike (a dis/placea), to adore (a adora), to enjoy (a se bucura), to loathe (a detesta), to love (a iubi), to prefer (a prefera). Ex: He knew they would have hated it if he head said no. (Stia ca lor le-ar fi displacut un refuz) THERE Are functia de subiect. Subiectul logic al propozitie vine imediat dupa verb. Este folosit atunci cand: a) se face referire la un eveniment care a avut sau va avea loc Ex: There was a knock at the door. (S-a auzit un ciocanit la usa) b) se constata existenta unui obiect/unei persoane Ex: There is a book on the table. (Este o carte pe masa)