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Substantivul - limba engleza

Substantivul - limba engleza

Substantivul  - Limba engleza

Tipuri de substantive

1. Substantive comune
2. Substantive proprii

Substantivele comune desemneaza fiinte (oameni si animale) si obiecte / lucruri.

- fiinte: man, woman, grandmother, teacher, brother, pupil, doctor, nurse
- obiecte (lucruri): pencil, school, car, hotel, medicine, shop, power, health

2. Substantivele proprii desemneaza nume de familie si prenume, nume de munti, orase, tari, ape etc.

- nume de familie si prenume: Ewing, Brown, Sawyer, John, Mary, Helen
- nume de munti: Alps, Himalaya, Everest
- nume de orase: Bucharest, Paris, Venice
nume de tari: France, Italy, Croatia
nume de ape: Mississippi, Danube, Thames

B. Genul substantivelor

1. Genul masculin (care se inlocuiesc cu pronumele personal he)

Exemple: man, doctor, driver, father, boy

2. Genul feminin (care se inlocuiesc cu pronumele personal she)

Exemple: woman, mother, girl, actress, sister.

3. Genul neutru (nume de lucruri, obiecte si animale; se inlocuiesc cu pronumele personal it

Exemple: cat, dog, pencil, butterfly, car, notebook.

C. Numarul substantivelor

Substantivele pot fi la singular sau la plural.

Formarea pluralului:
a) pluralul cu '-s'

a dog ---> two dogs
a school ---> two schools
a car ---> two cars
a book ---> two books

b) pluralul cu '-es' (pentru substantivele care au terminatia in -s, -x, -z, -ch, -sh)

a bus ---> two buses
a fax ---> two faxes
a church ---> two churches

a tomato ---> two tomatoes
a potato ---> two potatoes

radio ---> radios
photo ---> photos

c) pluralul cu '-ies' (pentru substantivele care au terminatia in -y)

lady ---> ladies
baby ---> babies
fly ---> flies

day ---> days
boy ---> boys

- pentru substantivele care se termina in y precedat de o consoana, pluralul se va face in -ies
- pentru substantivele care se termina in y precedat de o vocala, pluralul se va face in -s

d) pluralul cu '-ves' (pentru substantivele care au terminatia in -f sau -fe)

leaf ---> leaves
calf ---> calves
shelf ---> shelves
wife ---> wives
wolf ---> wolves

chief ---> chiefs
proof ---> proofs
belief ---> beliefs

e) pluralele neregulate

child ---> children
man ---> men
woman ---> women
foot ---> feet
goose ---> geese
mouse ---> mice
tooth ---> teeth

f) substantive invariabile care nu primesc '-s'

deer (cerb)
duck (rata)
sheep (oaie)
trout (pastrav)
fish (peste)
fruit (fructe)

g) substantivele cu sens colectiv care nu au forma de plural

advice (sfat)
baggage (bagaj)
luggage (bagaje)
information (informatii)
furniture (mobila)
people (oameni)
crowd (multime)
police (politie)

h) pluralul substantivelor proprii

the Browns
the Johnsons
the Thompsons

D. Substantive compuse



1. Alcatuiti pluralul urmatoarelor substantive

table --->
clock --->
leaf --->
gentleman --->
baby --->
tooth --->
friend --->
city --->
life --->
chief --->

2. Inlocuiti substantivele urmatoare cu pronumele personal potrivit:

the girl ---
the dog ---
the actor ---
the schoolboy ---
the pencil ---
the grandmother ---

3. Alcatuiti cat mai multe substantive compuse cu ajutorul urmatoarelor cuvinte

dining, bird, school, class, kinder, mate, room, boy, father, black, book, girl, board, living, garden, note, exercise, parents, grand.

Lectia 5: Substantivul - raspunsuri Alcatuiti pluralul urmatoarelor substantive

table ---> tables
clock ---> clocks
leaf ---> leaves
gentleman ---> gentlemen
baby ---> babies
tooth ---> teeth
friend ---> friends
city ---> cities
life ---> lives
chief ---> chiefs

2. Inlocuiti substantivele urmatoare cu pronumele personal potrivit

the girl --- she
the dog --- it
the actor --- he
the schoolboy --- he
the pencil --- it
the grandmother --- she

3. Alcatuiti cat mai multe substantive compuse cu ajutorul urmatoarelor cuvinte

dining, bird, school, class, kinder, mate, room, boy, father, black, book, girl, board, living, garden, note, exercise, parents, grand.

dining-room; schoolgirl; classmate; kinder-garden; blackboard; grandfather; living-room; notebook; grandparents; schoolboy

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