carti? = what (kind of)
ce fel de ? = what kind/sort of
ce importanta are? = what does it matter?
ce om! = what a man!
ce om inalt! = what a tall man!
ce prostie! = how stupid!
din ce cauza? = why?
ceea ce = what
ceea ce (cu
referire la o propozitie) =
cel ce = he who
cei ce = those who
cu ce? = with what?
despre ce =
of/about what?
din ce =
out of what? from what?
pe ce = on
pentru ce =
pentru ce =
for what?
ce am de plata? = how much is my account?
ce am de plata? = what`s to pay?
ce doriti? = what do you want?
ce doriti? (cu
ce va pot servi?) = what
can I do for you?
ce e? = what is it?
s-a intamplat?) = what`s
ce e? (ce s-a
intamplat?) = what`s the
ce faci acolo? = what are you doing there?
ce-i cu tine? = what`s the matter with you?
ce-i cu tine? = what ails you?
ce ma uimeste = what astonishes me
ce mi-e una,ce mi-e alta(?) = that`s all the same (to me)
ce mi-e una,ce mi-e alta(?) = it comes all to the same thing
ce mi-e una,ce
mi-e alta(?) = it`s six
of one and half a dozen of the other
ce mi-e una,ce
mi-e alta(?) = `tis
tweedledum and tweedledee
ce ce vedeai acolo! = how much there was to be seen!
ce nu vedeai acolo! = what a lot there was to be seen!
ce s-a intamplat? = what happened?
ce spui! = you don`t say so!
esti grozav,ce sa spun! = you are a beauty!
a nu avea de ce sa = to have no reason for (cu forme in
despre ce e vorba? = what`s the matter?
despre ce e vorba? = what is it (all) about?
dupa ce l-am vazut = after seeing him
fie ce-o fi = come/happen what may
iata ce = look here
iata ce = I say
iata ce = listen
in ce ma priveste = I,for one
in ce ma priveste = as for me
in ce ma priveste = as regards myself
n-ai pentru ce = not at all
n-ai pentru ce = don`t mention it
n-ai pentru ce = you`re welcome
tot ce stie el = all (that) he knows
ce tie nu-ti place,altuia nu face = do as you would be done by
ce de (cat) = how much
(cati) = how many ce as mai rade daca ! = how I should laugh if
ce bine calareste baiatul! = how well the boy rides!
ca un baiat cuminte ce este = the sensible boy he is
ca un baiat cuminte ce este = as a good boy
te miri ce = next to nothing
cum iti place ? = (how) do you like
azi nu e scoala = there`s no school
frumosi,varsta frumoasa =
springtime of life today
o zi
frumoasa = a fine day
ocazie frumoasa = a fair