Complementul indirect (the indirect object) -englezaCOMPLEMENTUL INDIRECT (The Indirect Object) -engleza 1. Definitie Complementul indirect este partea secundara de propozitie care indica persoana (rareori lucrul) asupra careia se resfrange in mod indirect actiunea verbului. 2. Indicii formali ai complementului indirect Indicii formali ai complementului indirect sunt: a) cazul dativ, cand complementul indirect este exprimat printr-un pronume personal (cu exceptia lui it) sau prin pronumele interogativ-relativ who, precedat de prepozitia to sau for: Please, send a postcard to me. Te rog trimite-mi o ilustrata. To whom did you lend the tape recorder ? Cui i-ai imprumutat magnetofonul ? b) locul in propozitie: - dupa complementul direct + prepozitia to sau for: He sold his car to his neighbour. Si-a vandut masina vecinului. She bought a new shirt for her brother. A cumparat o camasa noua pentru fratele ei.- inaintea complementului direct, fara prepozitie: Tom sold us his car. She bought her brother a new shirt. pag: 189 c) transformarea la diateza pasiva, in care complementul indirect al persoanei: - poate deveni subiectul formal al propozitiei: Peter promised the tickets to us. We were promised the tickets (by Peter). - poate fi complement indirect retinut: They showed the town to us. The town was shown to us. 3. Exprimarea complementului indirect Complementul indirect este exprimat de regula printr-un substantiv sau echivalent al acestuia, precedat de prepozitia to sau for: We offered flowers to our teacher We offered flowers to her She bought books for her children She bought books for them
Prepozitia to sau for se omite: a) cand complementul indirect se afla imediat dupa verb: Mother gave the children some sandwiches. Mama le-a dat copiilor niste sandvisuri. We sent her a message. I-am trimis un mesaj. b) dupa verbe ca: afford, allow, forgive, refuse, spare: Can you spare me a few minutes ? Imi puteti acorda cateva minute ? Allow me to ask a question. Permiteti-mi sa pun o intrebare. 4. Intrebuintarea complementului indirect Complementul indirect este intrebuintat: a) dupa verbe tranzitive urmate de un complement direct si unul indirect, a caror ordine poate fi schimbata, impreuna cu omiterea prepozitiei for: buy, choose, do, leave, make, order, reserve, save: She ORDERED a new dress for herself. She ORDERED herself a new dress. Si-a comandat o rochie noua. b) dupa verbe tranzitive urmate de un complement direct si unul indirect, a caror ordine poate fi schimbata, impreuna cu omiterea prepozitiei to: bring, give, hand, offer, owe, promise, red, show etc. He showed the stamp book. to the visitors. He showed the visitors the stamp book. Le-a aratat vizitatorilor clasorul. c) dupa verbe tranzitive urmate de un complement direct si de un complement indirect + prepozitia to in aceasta ordine: address, announce, communicate, describe, explain, introduce, mention, relate, repeat, say, translate, etc.: The boy explained everything to his father. Baiatul a explicat totul tatalui sau. pag: 190 5. Locul complementului indirect Complementul indirect in propozitie este asezat de regula: a) dupa complementul direct (+prepozitia to sau for): He said goodbye to them. Le-a spus la revedere. She made coffee for all of us. A facut cafea pentru toti. b) inaintea complementului direct. cand complementul direct este mai lung sau urmat de o propozitie subordonata, prepozitia to sau for fiind omisa: I bought Hellen all the English books I saw in the bookshop. I-am cumparat Elenei toate cartile englezesti pe care le-am vazut in librarie. Nota: Complementele indirecte dupa verbele urmate obligatoriu dupa prepozitia to nu pot fi asezate de regula inaintea complementelor directe, iar prepozitia to nu poate fi omisa: She introduced her husband to the people present. Si-a prezentat sotul celor de fata. Dar si: She explained to him the new regulations / how she had the information. I-a explicat noul regulament / cum a obtinut informatia. c) la inceputul propozitiei, pentru subliniere: To her, I gave the dictionary, not to him. Ei i-am dat dictionarul si nu lui. For her children she does her best. Pentru copiii ei ea face totul. 6. Transformarea pasiva Verbele tranzitive urmate de complemente directe si indirecte se impart in doua mari grupe, dupa felul in care se transforma la diateza pasiva: a) Unele verbe au o singura transformare, in care complementul direct devine subiectul propozitiei pasive, iar cel indirect este retinut. Asemenea verbe sunt cele de la punctul (c) cap.4. urmate obligatoriu de prepozitia to: He conveyed the message to them. The message was conveyed to them. si de la punctul a) urmate de prepozitia for: Have you left anyfood for the others? Has anyfood been left for the others? b) alte verbe ca: give, tell, show, promise au doua transformari pasive. Transformarea mai frecventa este cea in care complementul indirect al persoanei devine subiect, iar complementul direct este retinut: Activ: The teacher gave the prize to Mary. Pasiv: Mary was given the prize. Este posibila si transformarea: The prize was given to Mary, in care complementul direct devine subiect, iar complementul indirect este retinut. Aceasta transformare este folosita mai rar.