ADJECTIVUL - gradele de comparatie in Englezapozitiv = adjectivul nu se schimba comparativ - de inferioritate (2.1.) - de egalitate (2.2.) - de superioritate (2.3.) superlativ - relativ (3.1.) - absolut (3.2.) 2.1. Comparativ de inferioritatept adj scurte (mono si bisilabice) se formeaza din: not so/not as + adj + as Ex: This room is not so big as the bedroom. sau This room is not as big as the bedroom. pt adj lungi se formeaza: less + adj + than Ex: The chair is less comfortable than the bed. 2.2. Comparativ de egalitateAtat pt adj scurte cat si pt lungi: as + adj + as Ex: The bed is as good as the chair. Ideea de egalitate mai poate fi sugerata si prin constructia: the same + subst + as as si nu like !!! Ex: This room is the same size as the other one. Schimbare de valoare gramaticalaAdjectiv Substantiv big, small size (masura) long, short length (lungime) broad, narrow breadth (largime pt ceva concret) wide, narrow width (largime pt ceva abstract) high, low height (inaltime) deep, shallow depth (adancime) heavy, light weight (greutate) strong, weak strength (putere) . . ..etc. Constructii cu comparativul de egalitate: as brave as a lion as blind as a bat as black as coal as busy as a bee as cool as a cucumber as clear as daylight as dry as a bone as easy as ABC as fresh as a daisy as hairy as a gorilla as mad as a hatter (palarier) as poor as a church-mouse as silent as a grave as wise as Solomon as soft as silk as smooth as grass as gentle as a lamb . . .etc. 2.3. Comparativul de superioritate- pt adj scurte adj + er + than Modificari ortografice: daca adj se termina in e, se adauga doar r Ex: nice nicer daca adj se termina in y precedat de consoana, se transforma y in ier Ex: pretty prettier Exceptii: shy shyer sly slyer wry wryer (stramb) 3) daca adj se termina in consoana precedata de vocala, dublez consoana finala Ex: big bigger - pt adj lungi more + adj + than Ex: The book is more interesting than the movie. Adj provenite din Ex: He is superior to me. 3.1. Superlativul relativthe + adj +est Ex: large the largest silly the silliest Modificarile ortografice sunt la fel. Pentru adj lungi: the most+ adj Ex: This is the most expensive thing. dupa superlativ urmeaza prepozitiile of sau in Ex: He is the best of all/the best in my group. daca se face comparatie intre 2 elemente, comparativul implica superlativul: the + comparativ Ex: Between you and me, I am the older. 3.2. Superlativul absolutvery + adj
very poate fi inlocuit cu: extremely exceptionally tremendously awfully nu toate adj au grad de comparatie, unele definesc ideea de unitate (own, complete, proper, perfect, marvelous, maximum, minimum). Altele au sufixe si prefixe: extra large over crowded super fine ultra short priceless Comparatia neregulatagood better the best bad worse the worst ill worse the worst many more the most much more the most little less the least near nearer the nearest (cel mai apropiat); next (urmatorul) far farther the farthest (in spatiu) far further the furthest (in timp) late later the latest; the last (ultimul); the latter (ult din 2) Dintre 2, primul este the former, nu the first. up upper the upmost in inner the inmost out outer the outmost fore former the foremost old older the oldest old elder the eldest (doar atributiv, pt membrii aceleiasi familii) Ex: My elder brother is older than me. (fratele meu mai mare) Constructii adjectivale cu mult mai = much/ a lot + comparativ Ex: It is much warmer today / a lot warmer today de departe cel mai = by far + superlativ Ex: This is by far the hottest day of the year. din ce in ce mai = comp + and + comp Ex: It is warmer and warmer pt adj lungi se repeta doar more Ex: It is more and more interesting. cu cat mai, . cu atat mai . (the + comparativ . the + comparativ) Expresia e obligatoriu sa se repete identic si verbul to be lipseste: Ex: The more, the better (cu cat mai mare, cu atat mai bine) Mai multe adjective care determina acelasi substantiv se despart prin virgula. Daca nu apare virgula intre ele atunci cel care nu este urmat de virgula este adverb. Ordinea adjectivelor care determina un substantiv va tine cont de cele subiective (primele expuse) si de cele obiective (imediat langa substantiv). Un adjectiv poate sa determine si un verb. Verbul va fi obligatoriu to be sau orice alt verb de perceptie care poate fi inlocuit cu to be. Ex: I am intelligent He looks happy sau He is happy. Adjectivul demonstrativanuleza articolul substantivului invariabil ca forma (M/F) se aseaza in fata substantivului pe care il determina daca nu determina un substantiv devine pronume demonstrativ this aceasta, acesta (singular apropiere) these acestea, acestia (plural apropiere) ambele merg cu here. that acela, aceea (singular departare) those acelea, aceia (plural departare) ambele merg cu there. Indepartarea in spatiu presupune si indepartarea in timp. Deci that si those se vor cupla cu trecutul. Ex: This book is good. (this = adjectiv, book = substantiv) This is a good book. (this = pronume) Adjectivul posesivinvariabil ca forma si numar anuleaza articolul substantivului se aseaza in fata substantivului pe care-l determina forme: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their Ex: My book. Adjectivul interogativpozitie initiala in propozitie invariabil ca forma anuleaza articolul determina un substantiv forme: what, which, whose, how much, how many. Diferenta: what./which Which presupune selectie dintr-un numar limitat. Ex: Which boy is your best friend? What nu presupune selectie. Ex: What days of the week do you know? Diferenta how much / how many How much presupune cantitatea si se foloseste pentru substantive nenumarabile. Ex: How much money do you want? How many inseamna numar si se foloseste la substantive numarabile. Ex: How many books do you want? Adjectivul relativpozitie mediana introduce o propozitie secundara invariabil determina un substantiv anulandu-i articolul forme: whatever (fara selectie), whichever (selectie din numar limitat), whose (a, al, ai, ale cui). Ex: You may take 1/ whatever books you want 2/. Adjectivul nehotaratSOME = unii, niste, vreo, cativa Utilizare: In propozitia enuntiativa urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural. Ex: I have some money / friends. In propozitia interogativa in care se face o afirmatie sau o invitatie. Ex: Would you like some coffee? In propozitia in care stiu sigur ca primesc raspuns pozitiv. Ex: Mother, can you give me some money? Aici some pp o certitudine comparativ cu any. In propozitia interogativa in care intrebarea nu se refera la some. Ex: Why are there so many people in some restaurants? Aici, cu sau fara some propozitia are aceeasi logica, ea nu se refera la some, important este so many In propozitia negativa al carui sens este afirmativ. Ex: I never go home without buying some chocolate. Sensul real este: I always buy chocolate when I go home. Cand poate fi inlocuitorul lui certain. Ex: Certain people/some people believe they are the best. ANYEste inlocuitorul lui some in: Propozitia interogativa la care nu stiu ce raspuns voi primi. Ex: Is there any milk left? In propozitia enuntiativa dar cu sensul de oricine, oricare, orice. Ex: Any book is good for you. In propozitia care contine un adverb negativ de genul: hardly, barely, scarcely (de abia, cu greu, deloc). Ex: I hardly eat any bread (nu mananc paine aproape deloc) In propozitia care contine if. (if = incertitudine) Ex: If you find any books, buy them. In propozitia care contine o expresie de indoiala: maybe, perhaps. Ex: I doubt there are any good films in town. In propozitia negativa in care verbul este negat. Ex: I havent any friends here. NOSe foloseste numai in propozitia negativa in care verbul este la afirmativ. Ex: I have no friends here. EVERY (fara particularizare) Ex: Every day I go to my office. (nu ma duc chiar in fiecare zi) EACH (cu particularizare) Ex: Each person has a name. (fiecare, particularizare) EITHER (fiecare din doi) NEITHER (nici unul din doi) Dupa each, every, either sau neither rmeaza substantiv numarabil la singular iar acordul cu verbul se face la singular. Expresii cu every si each Each other = unul pe altul (pp reciprocitate) Every bit/inch = fiecare bucatica Every right = tot dreptul Every now and than = din cand in cand Every other day = alternativ Every so often = la interval regulat de timp fara a sti exact cand. SUCH (astfel) Urmat de substantiv numarabil la plural sau nenumarabil. Ex: I have such friends/information. SUCH AUrmat de substantiv numarabil la singular. Ex: This is such a man of honor. ALLUrmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural. Ex: All books/information must be used. WHOLEUrmat de substantiv numarabil la singular. Ex: I like the whole book. Pt perioade de timp se poate folosi si whole si all Ex: Im home all the morning/ the whole morning. (whole este cotat ca fiind mai puternic) THE OTHERUrmat de substantiv numarabil la singular sau plural. Ex: The other child/children can swim. Expresia The other day = some days ago, cere obligatoriu trecutul. Ex: I was there the other day. (Am fost acolo acum cateva zile) OTHERUrmat de substantiv numarabil la plural. Ex: Give me other examples. Daca e precedat de no poate fi urmat si de numarabil la singular. Ex: No other man is as good as you are. ANOTHER+ substantiv la singular (different, in addition) Ex: Would you like another drink? = vrei inca unul (suplimentar) sau un altul (diferit)? BOTH+ substantiv numarabil la plural (pt. doi) Ex: I like both kids -> acordul in plural Both are intelligent. SEVERALMai multi intr-un numar nedefinit. + substantiv numarabil la plural. Ex: We spent several days there. MOST = majoritatea + substantiv numarabil la plural sau nenumarabil. Ex: Most books/information can be read easily. ENOUGHDaca e urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural are pozitie mobila. Ex: I have enough money/money enough to be happy. Daca e urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular se aseaza dupa el. Ex: He is man enough to understand me.