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Adverbul - limba engleza

Adverbul - limba engleza

Adverbul - Limba engleza

. Adverbe de mod

- arata modul in care se petrece o actiune

Mod de formare:
- de obicei, aceste adverbe se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ly la finalul unui adjective.

beautiful ---> beautifully
sad ---> sadly
capable ---> capably
slow ---> slowly
easy ---> easily

B. Adverbe de loc

- arata locul in care se petrece o actiune

here, there, upstairs, downstairs, anywhere, everywhere, outside, inside

C. Adverbe de timp

- arata timpul in care se petrece o actiune

today, yesterday, tomorrow, Saturday, Monday, now, finally, later, soon, just, still

D. Adverbe de durata

- arata perioada de timp a unei actiuni

forever, shortly, long, permanently

E. Adverbe de comparatie

- arata gradul de intensitate al unei actiuni

extremely, greatly, hugely, partially, perfectly, strongly, totally, almost, very, entirely

F. Adverbe de frecventa

- arata gradul de repetabilitate al unei actiuni

always, constantly, often, rarely, regularly, seldom, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, never

G. Adverbe de probabilitate

- arata gradul de probabilitate a unei actiuni

certainly, perhaps, maybe, possibly, definitely


1. Cunoscand urmatoarele procente corespunzatoare adverbelor de frecventa, realizati propozitiile de mai jos, conform modelului.
never ---> 0%
rarely ---> 10%
sometimes ---> 25%
often ---> 50%
usually ---> 75%
always ---> 100%

Sam / have / shower / evening (75%)
Sam usually has shower in the evening.

a) I / eat / cake / afternoon. (25%
b) Tim / sleep / living - room (50%
c) I / go / school / Sunday (0%)
d) Dennis / play / tennis / weekends (100%)
e) She / run / park / morning (10%)

2. Transformati urmatoarele adjective in adverbe
horrible --->
careful --->
nervous --->
desperate --->
slow --->
sudden --->
bright --->
proud --->

3. Subliniati termenul corect din urmatoarele propozitii
a) Denisa was wearing a pretty / prettily dress at the wedding.
b) I had a terrible / terribly dream last night.
c) Final / Finally, she passed the exam.
d) She was walking rapid / rapidly.
e) Sam is fluent / fluently in French.
f) Was your grammar test easy / easily?
g) They were talking loud / loudly so everybody could hear them.

4) Alegeti varianta corecta
1. Please don't talk so .. . I'm trying to sleep.
a) louder; b) loudest; c) loudly
2. We .. go on picnics on weekends. We love fresh air.
a) never; b) usually; c) seldom
3. The bouquet was .. . She loved it.
a) beautiful; b) beautifully; c) ugly.
4. James .. put the broken glass into the rubbish bin.
a) careful; b) more carefully; c) carefully

Lectia 7: Adverbul - raspunsuri

1. Cunoscand urmatoarele procente corespunzatoare adverbelor de frecventa, realizati propozitiile de mai jos, conform modelului.
never ---> 0%
rarely ---> 10%
sometimes ---> 25%
often ---> 50%
usually ---> 75%
always ---> 100%

a) I / eat / cake / afternoon. (25%)
I sometimes eat cake in the afternoon.
b) Tim / sleep / living - room (50%)
Tim often sleeps in the living-room.
c) I / go / school / Sunday (0%)
I never go to school on Sunday.
d) Dennis / play / tennis / weekends (100%)
Dennis always plays tennis on weekends.
e) She / run / park / morning (10%)
She rarely runs in the park in the morning.

2. Transformati urmatoarele adjective in adverbe
horrible ---> horribly
careful ---> carefully
nervous ---> nervously
desperate ---> desperately
slow ---> slowly
sudden ---> suddenly
bright ---> brightly
proud ---> proudly

3. Subliniati termenul corect din urmatoarele propozitii
a) Denisa was wearing a pretty / prettily dress at the wedding.
b) I had a terrible / terribly dream last night.
c) Final / Finally, she passed the exam.
d) She was walking rapid / rapidly.
e) Sam is fluent / fluently in French.
f) Was your grammar test easy / easily?
g) They were talking loud / loudly so everybody could hear them.

4) Alegeti varianta corecta
1. Please don't talk so loudly. I'm trying to sleep.
2. We usually go on picnics on weekends. We love fresh air.
3. The bouquet was beautiful. She loved it.
4. James carefully put the broken glass into the rubbish bin.

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