Homework - limba englezaBucharest The 3rd of April 2010 1. European Union (E.U.) is an economical and political union with 27 countries, located primarily in Europe. But there are also 22 European countries that are remaining outside, most part of them situated in the Balkans region and Eastern Europe. 2. Europe experienced a period of 11 years of peace, the last conflict taking place in the Balkans region with NATO and Serbia on opposite sides. This war was carried out without approval by the UN Security Council and the pretext used was the unwillingness to reach agreement of Serbia with the Albanian separatists in Kosovo and the ethnic cleansing carried out by them. 3. The Treaty establishing a Constitution (TCE) was an unratified international treaty intended to create a Constitution for the E.U. He was signed on 29 October 2004 by representatives of the then 25 member states by means of parliamentary votes or referendums. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, Slovenia and Spain were the countries that ratified the Constitution of E.U. Germany and Slovakia nearly ratified it and the rejection of the Constitution by the French public (55%) and the Netherlands (61,6%) - two key founders of E.U. - resulted in a process of cancelling by the other states such as Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and U.K. In what regards my opinion, I disagree with the project of E.U. Constitution because inspite the 'intergovernmental pillars' of the present E.U. (where member states still retain their sovereignty - in relation with national policy on health, education, social security, culture, the area of crime and justice, on foreign and military matters), the 'Community pillar' is the one that matters more. We have the European Community that cover mainly the economic and single market area, including the euro-currency and his Commission that will have the exclusive right to propose European Community's laws. What with sovereignty? It's all just propaganda from the referendums that were supported with the money of the voters to the process of transforming E.U. in a supranational entity that will be 'The State'. We all believed that after the Nice Treaty all the countries will have equal rights and liberties (we can take as an further example the citizenship - all had to believe that after their country is accepted, enters in E.U., will become E.U citizens but this is just a lie intended to mislead us). Why this lie was necessary? This was made in order to create the illusion that nothing bad will come up after the Constitution will be ratified. Also it was stated at the Nice Treaty, that all member states will be equally represented, but in fact just the strongest (or populated) will have their say. When I say that, I mean that countries such as Germany and France will be the ones that will impose their opinions rather than the common laws passed by the other member states. This delusion of a Federative state can be observed by everyone interested, if they want. 'We know that nine out of ten people will not have read the Constitution and will vote on the basis of what politicians and journalists say. More than that, if the answer is No, the vote will probably have to be done again, because it absolutely has to be Yes' (these are the words of Jean-Luc Dehaene, Former Belgian Prime Minister and Vice-President of the E.U. Convention, published in Irish Times, 2.06.2004). So, if we aren't blind, the E.U. Constitution would have made us after the ratification, citizens of the E.U. not before as we think and the State called E.U. would have become a legal representative in the world of the 450 millions people that joined and enjoyed of their 'well-deserved rights'. The rejection by France and Netherlands is nothing more than a delay of the plans of the bureaucrats. This is a conclusion that can be easily 'extracted' if we read with the mind clear what Dehaene said. Those animated by idealistic projects should twice put the problems in the light of what posterity will say if we will be catch in this trap. We will loose our rights in time and nothing will stop them in the process of transforming E.U. in a dictatorial state, sort of Fascist one. Our lives are at stake, so we must let our dreams aside and face the cruel reality and stop this almighty propaganda machine. I vote No for Constitution but Yes for the individual right to a opinion.
4. The Romanian parliament ratified the constitution on 17 May 2005, as part of its preparations for joining the EU on 1 January 2007. So what does it matter if the accession in the Euro area was conditioned by our previous commitment to this Constitution? It wasn't our choice but a preliminary step toward integration. We wanted so badly to be a part of E.U. but the politicians had to face 'Community acquis' that covered fields as right for intellectual property, rules for the public acquisition, state supports and competition, corruption fighting, environment and frontier control. In what regards my opinion, Romania wasn't prepared to enter in E.U., but geopolitical factors influenced the balance in our favour. Our politicians wanted to benefit because Romania becoming a full member would have had obtained positions in the European Commission. But wasn't just about looking forward to represent us in front of Europe, but also a chance to profit of the huge amounts of money that came up and corruption was increasing and scandals also.