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Comitetului OMI pentru Siguranta Maritima - piraterie si jaf armat impotriva navelor

Comitetului OMI pentru Siguranta Maritima - piraterie si jaf armat impotriva navelor

Comitetului OMI pentru Siguranta Maritima progreseaza larga de ordine de zi

Maritime Safety Committee - 85th session: 26 November - 5 December 20Piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia, the Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) system, the development of goal-based standards for new ship construction and the adoption of amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) were among the items at the top of the agenda during an 8-day meeting of IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC). Piraterie si jaf armat de-a lungul coastei Somalia, Long Range de identificare si de urmarire (LRIT) de sistem, dezvoltarea de obiectiv pe baza de standarde pentru nava noua constructie, precum si adoptarea de modificari la Conventia internationala pentru ocrotirea vietii omenesti pe mare (SOLAS ) au fost printre elemente din partea de sus a ordinea de zi, in timpul unei zile 8-a reuniune a OMI al Comitetului pentru siguranta maritima (CSM). The MSC held its 85th session, at the Organization's London Headquarters, from 26 November to 5 December 2008. CSM a organizat 85th sesiune, la sediul central de Organizatia Londra, de la 26 noiembrie-5 decembrie 2008.

Piracy and armed robbery against ships Piraterie si jaf armat impotriva navelor
A lengthy discussion was held on the escalation in reported acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships off the coast of Somalia. O lunga discutie a avut loc la escaladarea in raportat acte de piraterie si jaf armat impotriva navelor de-a lungul coastei Somalia. The MSC expressed its support for various initiatives being undertaken, including action by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), in particular the adoption of UNSC Resolution 1846, extending for another twelve months, from 2 December 2008, the authorization for States and regional organizations to enter Somalia's territorial waters and to use 'all necessary means' to repress acts of piracy and armed robbery in these waters. CSM a exprimat sprijinul pentru diferitele initiative intreprinse, inclusiv actiuni de catre Consiliul de Securitate al Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite (UNSC), in special de la adoptarea UNSC Rezolutia 1846, de prelungire pe un alt douasprezece luni, de la 2 decembrie 2008, autorizatia pentru membre si organizatiilor regionale pentru a intra in apele teritoriale ale Somaliei si de a folosi 'toate mijloacele necesare' pentru a reprima actele de piraterie si jaf armat in aceste ape.

The Committee also welcomed information regarding the planned high-level meeting convened by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Somalia in Nairobi on 10 and 11 December. Comitetul a salutat, de asemenea, informatii cu privire la planificate la nivel inalt sedinta convocata de Reprezentant Special al Secretarului General al Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite privind Somalia la Nairobi la 10 si 11 decembrie. It was announced that an IMO-led high level, sub regional meeting for States from the Western Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea areas, is to be held in Djibouti, from 26 to 29 January 2009. A fost anuntat ca o OMI-a condus la nivel inalt, sub regionale pentru reuniunea de Vest membre din Oceanul Indian, in Golful Aden si Marea Rosie domenii, este de a fi tinut in Djibouti, 26 - 29 ianuarie 2009. This meeting will consider a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for regional co-operation to enhance maritime security and combat piracy and armed robbery against ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden area, and a draft regional agreement concerning the repression of piracy and armed robbery against ships in the wider Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden area. Aceasta intalnire va avea in vedere un proiect de memorandum de intelegere (MoU) pentru cooperarea regionala de consolidare a securitatii maritime si de combatere a pirateriei si jaf armat impotriva navelor in Marea Rosie si Golful Aden zonei, si un proiect de acord regional privind reprimare a pirateriei si jaf armat impotriva navelor in cadrul mai larg de Vest din Oceanul Indian si Golful Aden zona.

The Committee expressed its thanks to those Governments which had provided warships to protect World Food Programme (WFP) ships and patrol the waters off the coast of Somalia, and to their crews, and to those other Governments which are considering similar actions. Comisia a exprimat multumiri celor Guvernele nave de razboi, care a avut cu conditia de a proteja Programul Alimentar Mondial (WFP) si nave de patrulare a apelor de-a lungul coastei Somalia, ca si la echipele lor, si cu cele alte guverne care au in vedere actiuni similare.

The Committee instructed a correspondence group, tasked with the revision of guidance on the prevention and suppression of acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships, to consider the need for guidance to seafarers should they be attacked, fired upon, kidnapped or held hostage. Comitetul a instruit un grup de corespondenta, insarcinat cu revizuirea indrumare cu privire la prevenirea si suprimarea actelor de piraterie si jaf armat impotriva navelor, sa ia in considerare nevoia de orientare a navigatorilor care ar fi atacat, la concediat, rapita sau ostatic. The group was also instructed to discuss proposals on practical measures to enhance the safety and security of merchant ships against attack and to examine the carriage of firearms or armed personnel on board such vessels. Grupul a fost, de asemenea instruiti pentru a discuta propuneri privind masurile practice pentru a spori siguranta si securitatea navelor comerciale impotriva atacului si sa examineze transportul de arme de foc sau armate, personalul de la bordul acestor nave.

It was noted that the number of acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships reported to the Organization in the first nine months of 2008 (1 January to 30 September) was 214, against 213 in the first nine months of 2007. A fost mentionat faptul ca numarul de acte de piraterie si jaf armat impotriva navelor raportat la organizarea in primele noua luni din 2008 (1 ianuarie-30 septembrie) a fost de 214, fata de 213 in primele noua luni ale anului 2007. Although the overall number of reported acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships during the period under review was virtually unchanged, the decrease in the number of incidents in most areas of the world had been negated by the sharp increase in both number and severity of attacks in waters off the coast of Somalia. Desi numarul total de raportat acte de piraterie si jaf armat impotriva navelor in timpul perioadei in curs de revizuire a fost practic neschimbat, de scadere a numarului de incidente in cele mai multe zone ale lumii au fost negated de crestere brusca in ambele numarul si severitatea atacurilor in apele de-a lungul coastei Somalia.

During the period under review, seven crew members were killed, 20 crew members were reportedly injured or assaulted, more than 430 crew members were reportedly taken hostage or kidnapped and 29 ships were hijacked, largely off the coast of Somalia. In perioada in curs de revizuire, sapte membri ai echipajului au fost ucisi, 20 membri ai echipajului au fost raniti sau au agresat, mai mult de 430 membri ai echipajului au fost luat ostatic sau rapit si 29 de nave au fost furata, in mare masura de-a lungul coastei Somalia. The Committee urged all Governments and the shipping industry to intensify and coordinate their efforts to eradicate these unlawful acts. Comisia a indemnat toate guvernele si industria navala sa-si intensifice si sa isi coordoneze eforturile pentru a eradica aceste acte ilegale.

Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) Long Range de identificare si de urmarire (LRIT)
The MSC reviewed progress on the implementation of the LRIT system, which is intended to be operational, with respect to the transmission of LRIT information by ships, from 30 December 2008. De MSC revizuite progrese privind punerea in aplicare a sistemului LRIT, care este destinat sa fie operational, cu privire la transmiterea de informatii LRIT de catre nave, de la 30 decembrie 2008.

Two resolutions were adopted, one appointing the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) as the LRIT Coordinator and one on Operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange, which agrees that the United States should continue to provide the International LRIT Data Exchange on an interim basis until 31 December 2011, while a permanent solution is sought. Au fost adoptate doua rezolutii, o numire a Organizatiei Internationale mobile prin satelit (IMSO) in calitate de coordonator si un LRIT pe Operatia de la International LRIT de schimb de date, care este de acord ca Statele Unite ar trebui sa continue sa furnizeze International LRIT de schimb de date in mod provizoriu, pana la 31 decembrie 2011, in timp ce o solutie permanenta este solicitata.

The Committee approved an MSC Circular providing guidance on the application of the mandatory SOLAS provisions concerning the global LRIT system, from 31 December 2008, as well as a number of other circulars relating to the technical specifications of the LRIT system and its establishment and utilization, such as for search and rescue purposes. Comitetul a aprobat o Circulara MSC ofera orientari cu privire la punerea in aplicare a dispozitiilor privind obligatorii SOLAS global LRIT sistem, de la 31 decembrie 2008, precum si o serie de alte circulare referitoare la specificatiile tehnice ale sistemului LRIT si de la infiintarea sa si utilizare, cum ar fi de cautare si salvare scopuri.

Protocols and arrangements for the prototype, development, integration and modification testing phases of the LRIT system were also approved. Protocoalele si modalitatile de prototip, dezvoltarea, integrarea si modificarea testare faze ale LRIT sistem de asemenea, au fost aprobate. It was agreed that the ad hoc LRIT Group would meet before the next session of the MSC to review outstanding issues relating to the full establishment of the LRIT system. A fost de acord ca ad-hoc LRIT Grupului ar raspunde inainte de urmatoarea sesiune a CSM a revizui aspectele referitoare la stabilirea completa a sistemului LRIT.

SOLAS regulation V/19-1 on LRIT entered into force on 1 January 2008 and will apply to ships constructed on or after 31 December 2008, with a phased implementation schedule for ships constructed before 31 December 2008. Regula SOLAS V/19-1 pe LRIT a intrat in vigoare la 1 ianuarie 2008 si se vor aplica pentru navele construite la sau dupa 31 decembrie 2008, cu un program de punere in aplicare pe etape pentru navele construite inainte de 31 decembrie 2008.

Goal-based new ship construction standards Goal-nave constructii noi bazate pe standarde
Substantial progress was made in developing goal-based standards (GBS) for the construction of new bulk carriers and oil tankers. Progrese substantiale a fost facuta in scop de dezvoltare bazat pe standarde (GBS) pentru constructia de noi vrachierelor si petrolierele.
Draft SOLAS amendments to make GBS mandatory for such new ships were agreed, as were the draft international goal-based ship construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers, with a view to approval at MSC 86, in May 2009, and eventual adoption at MSC 87, in 2010. Proiect de SOLAS modificari pentru a face GBS obligatorie pentru noi astfel de nave au fost de acord, astfel cum au fost proiectul de obiectiv internationale bazate pe standarde pentru constructii nave vrachierelor si a tancurilor petroliere, cu scopul de a CSM de aprobare de la 86, in mai 2009, precum si eventuala adoptare la CSM 87, in 2010.

The MSC also further developed the proposed draft Guidelines for the verification of compliance with GBS and draft Guidelines for the information to be included in a Ship Construction File, and agreed to work towards finalizing them at MSC 86. De asemenea, CSM a dezvoltat in continuare a propus proiectul de Regulament pentru verificarea conformitatii cu GBS si a proiectului de Regulament pentru informatiile care urmeaza sa fie incluse intr-o nava de constructie de fisiere, precum si a convenit sa lucreze pentru finalizarea lor la CSM 86.

Measures to enhance maritime security Masurile de consolidare a securitatii maritime
The MSC approved an MSC circular on Non-mandatory guidelines on security aspects of the operation of vessels that do not fall within the scope of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code. CSM a aprobat o circulara MSC pe care nu sunt obligatorii orientari privind aspecte legate de securitate de modul de functionare a navelor care nu intra in sfera de aplicare a SOLAS capitolul XI-2 si ale Codului ISPS.

International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code) Codul International de stabilitate pe intacte, 2008 (2008 IS Cod)
The International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), and amendments to the SOLAS Convention and to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol to make the Code mandatory, were adopted, and an MSC circular on Early application of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), to encourage its implementation, was approved. Codul international de pe intacte de stabilitate, 2008 (2008 IS Cod), precum si modificarile la Conventia SOLAS si de la liniile de incarcare din 1988 Protocolul de a face Cod obligatoriu, au fost adoptate, precum si o circulara MSC pe Early aplicare a Codului International de pe intacte de stabilitate , 2008 (2008 IS Cod), pentru a incuraja punerea in aplicare a acesteia, a fost aprobata. The amendments are expected to enter into force on 1 July 2010. Modificarile sunt de asteptat sa intre in vigoare la 1 iulie 2010.

The 2008 IS Code provides, in a single document, both mandatory requirements and recommended provisions relating to intact stability, taking into account technical developments, in particular regarding the dynamic stability phenomena in waves, based on state-of-the-art concepts. In 2008 este Codul prevede, intr-un singur document, atat cerintele obligatorii si a recomandat dispozitii referitoare la stabilitatea intacta, tinand cont de evolutia tehnica, in special cu privire la fenomenele de stabilitate dinamica in valuri succesive, in functie de state-of-the-art concepte. The Code's mandatory status, under both the SOLAS Convention and the 1988 Load Lines Protocol, will significantly influence the design and the overall safety of ships. Codul lui statut obligatoriu, in conformitate cu atat Conventia SOLAS din 1988 si a liniilor de incarcare protocol, va influenta in mod semnificativ de proiectare si globale de siguranta a navelor.

International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code) Maritime Internationale Codul marfurilor solide in vrac (Codul IMSBC)
The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code), and amendments to SOLAS chapter VI to make the Code mandatory, were adopted. Maritime Internationale Codul marfurilor solide in vrac (Codul IMSBC), precum si modificari la SOLAS, capitolul VI din Codul de a face obligatorii, au fost adoptate. The amendments are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2011. Modificarile sunt de asteptat sa intre in vigoare la 1 ianuarie 2011. The IMSBC Code will replace the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code), which was first adopted as a recommendatory code in 1965 and has been updated at regular intervals since then. Codul de IMSBC va inlocui Codul de practici sigure pentru marfuri solide in vrac (Codul BC), care a fost adoptat ca o prima recomandare cod in 1965 si a fost actualizat la intervale regulate de atunci.

The aim of the mandatory IMSBC Code is to facilitate the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes by providing information on the dangers associated with the shipment of certain types of cargo and instructions on the appropriate procedures to be adopted. Scopul obligatorii IMSBC Codului este de a facilita stivare in conditii de siguranta si de transport de marfuri solide in vrac prin furnizarea de informatii cu privire la pericolele legate de transport a anumitor tipuri de marfuri si instructiunile de pe procedurile adecvate pentru a fi adoptate.

Other issues Alte aspecte
The MSC considered and took action on other issues arising from the reports of Sub-Committees and other bodies, as follows: CSM a luat in considerare si de actiune cu privire la alte probleme care decurg din rapoartele de sub-comisii si a altor organisme, dupa cum urmeaza:

a number of proposals on ships' routeing, ship reporting and other relevant measures, all aimed at enhancing the safety of navigation in areas of identified navigational hazards and environmentally sensitive sea areas, were adopted; o serie de propuneri pe nave 'routeing, nava de raportare si de alte masuri, toate avand ca scop imbunatatirea sigurantei navigatiei in zonele de riscuri identificate de navigatie si de mediu sensibile zone maritime, au fost adoptate;

draft amendments to SOLAS regulation V/19 to make mandatory the carriage of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) and Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm Systems (BNWAS), under SOLAS chapter V, were approved, with a view to their adoption by MSC 86 in May 2009; proiecte de modificare a regula SOLAS V/19 obligatorii pentru a face transportul de Electronice Diagrama de afisare si Sisteme Informatice (ECDIS) si Podul Navigational Watch sisteme de alarma (BNWAS), in conformitate cu SOLAS Capitolul V, au fost aprobate, in vederea adoptarii lor de catre MSC 86 in mai 2009;

a strategy for the development and implementation of e-navigation, including a framework for its implementation and a timeframe for the process, was approved; and o strategie de dezvoltare si implementare a e-Navigare, inclusiv a unui cadru pentru punerea sa in aplicare si a unei perioade de timp pentru acest proces, a fost aprobat, si

a resolution on Clarification of the term 'bulk carrier' and guidance for application of regulations in SOLAS to ships which occasionally carry dry cargoes in bulk and are not determined as bulk carriers in accordance with regulation XII/1.1 and chapter II-1, to clarify the definition of 'bulk carrier', was adopted. o rezolutie cu privire la o clarificare a termenului 'vrachier' si de orientare pentru aplicarea reglementarilor in SOLAS la navele care transporta ocazional uscata incarcaturi in vrac si nu sunt stabilite ca vrachierelor, in conformitate cu Regulamentul XII/1.1 si capitolul II-1, pentru a clarifica definitiei de 'vrachier', a fost adoptat.

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