“Vreau in clasa a noua”
Locatii: Judetele Cluj, Valcea, Dolj, Ialomita, Iasi
Executive summary
economy is growing annually with 7.6% (2006) thanks largely to buoyant
household consumption and corporate investments. The high growth is masking the
still poor state of some parts of the domestic economy under public sector
control (i.e. state-owned enterprises in steel, mining, energy).
remains one of the lowest ranked among EU member states and accession countries
in terms of social spending. Since 2000, public social expenditure, including
expenditure on education and housing, has increased, but throughout the transition
period it has not exceeded 17% of gross domestic product (GDP), compared to
over 25% in the majority of western European countries.
the standards of the current EU members represents the main long term
challenge. These standards refer not only to achieving comparable income levels
and economic performance, but also to establishing the quality of governance
framework and the robustness of the institutions that form the foundation of
democracy and functioning markets.
report regarding the State of the Romanian Education System issued in 2005* by
the Ministry of Education and Research shows that only 36.8% of the children in
rural area continued high-school studies, whilst 24.3% continued
Vocational/Professional studies in 2004/2005 school year. The same document
reveals that the Romanian education system suffers from “chronic under
to the approved draft budget presented by Romanian Government, education will
receive in 2008 six per cent of GDP for the first time in the post-communist
period. According to the Prime Minister, Education will receive 27 per cent
more money than in 2007, which will be spent according to the post EU accession
strategy 2007-2013 with the following key directions:
- Compulsory
education development
- Ensure equal
opportunities and increased participation in educational system for
children living in rural areas as well as to facilitate their access to
high quality educational services.
- Decentralization
of pre-university education system
- Improved
education system in rural areas
(development of infrastructure, equipment and technology as well as
development of human resources)
WV strategy in the education sector will enable access for children living in
sponsorship communities to continue their studies up to completion of high
school (the 12th grade).
the last 9-10 years, World Vision (WV) has implemented community development
projects in rural areas of Cluj, Valcea, Dolj, Constanta, Ialomita and Iasi
counties with a focus on education for children up to 14 years old which
correspond to grade 8th , the highest level that can be attended in
most of rural communities.
Romania school is mandatory up to the 10th grade (age of 16).
Nevertheless, when children graduate 8th level, they have to pass tests for
high school or vocational enrolment.
schools and vocational schools are located mainly in urban settings where
children have to commute daily or to be hosted in school dorms. In very
few cases continuation of studies is possible in rural community. The distances
between targeted communities and the towns vary within a range of 15-60
alternative would be to stay with relatives who live in the city or to find a
host. The costs for any form of accommodation
with meals included range between $70-$ 170/month. The main factors that influence costs are:
local market prices for rent and food, variances in local authorities budget
allocations by county, other decisions at institutional level (i.e. level of
boarding fee between high schools in the same town).
A minimum of a schools supplies package (notebooks,
pens, school bag) for one year is estimated at $ 100. In order to complete their homework, the
students need to buy specialized books (for math, foreign languages and
For sport classes it is required to have a sport
outfit; one set at medium quality costs about $80.
main source of income for 75% of the rural population comes from agriculture
and children’s state allocation ($10/mo). The lack of parents’ financial
resources limits significantly children’s access to advanced education (high
school, university) that can enable them to get better-paid jobs in the
For families with more children at the high school
age becomes a real challenge to get the cash to purchase the items necessary to
support a student in high school.
Raport de
Luna: Anul:
Progresul Proiectului -
Cresterea sanselor copiilor din mediul rural de a avea o
educatie continua.
Increase the chances for continuous education of children.
aparute/Lectii invatate
Plan de
actiune pentru urmatoarea luna
Obiectiv 1
Sustinerea copiilor din mediul rural pentru a-si
continua educatia la licee si scoli profesionale.
care dau examne la scoala profesionala
sunt acceptati doar daca au sustinut intai examenul la liceu si au fost
repartizati la scoala profesionala pentru ca nu au reusit la liceu.)
Activitate 1.1. Identificarea copiilor din clasele a opta si a noua care
au avut rezultate scolare bune si sunt motivati sa isi continue studiile la
Nr. de
copii identificati
Activitate 1.2. Recrutarea copiilor.
Nr de aplicatii primite.
Activitate 1.3. Evaluarea copiilor si a situatiei
familiale pe baza fisei de aplicatie a copilului si a certificatelor de venit
ale parintilor.
calitativa a dosarelor copiilor (revizuirea documentatiei, aplicare criterii
Activitate 1.4. Selectarea copiilor care corespund criteriilor de
selectie si inscrierea lor in proiect
1. Nr. de copii selectati (recrutati) conform
criteriilor de eligibilitate
Activitate 1.5. Semnarea contractelor de colaborare
cu parintii si copiii
Numar contracte de colaborare semnate de parinti
Nr contracte de colaborare semnate de copii
Activitate 1.6. Completarea
CH-ului si intocmirea dosarului copilului
1. Nr de CH-uri completate si trimise la NO
Activitate 1.7
Prezentarea proiectului si realizarea de contracte de
colaborare cu Inspectoratul Judetean Scolar
Contract de Colaborare semnat cu
Inspectoratul Judetean Scolar
Activitate 1.8.
Incheierea de contracte de colaborare cu scolile generale, liceele, scolile
profesionale unde copiii din proiect sunt inscrisi
1.Numar de scoli gimnaziale, profesionale si licee
informate despre proiect
2. Nr de contracte de colaborare semnate
Activitate 1.9. Realizarea planurilor individuale
de interventie pentru copiii bursieri.
planuri individuale de interventie realizate in raport cu nr de bursieri noi
Plan de
activitati intocmit
Activitate 1.10.
de asistenta si suport material continuu pe toata parcursul anului scolar in
functie de planul de interventie al fiecarui copil
Nr. de
copii care au primit rechizite scolare
Nr de copii care beneficiaza de
contributie la plata cazarii in internatele scolare
Nr de copii care beneficiaza de acoperirea
costului de transport
Nr de copii care au primit haine si
Nr de copii car au primit produse
Nr de copii care au primit produse
alimentare de baza
Objectiv 2. Sustinerea elevilor sa obtina
rezultate scolare bune si sa se
integreze in noul mediu.
Activitate 2.1. Monitorizarea in mod regulat asituatiei
scolare a copiilor.
Nr de copii care beneficiaza de cursuri sau
Intalniri /contacte regulate cu profesorii
Intalniri periodice cu parintii
Nr de copii de cls. a VIIIa care au obtinut urmatoarele rezultate scolare:
Nr de
copii de cls. a IXa care au
obtinut urmatoarele rezultate scolare:
Nr de
copii de cls. a Xa care au obtinut
urmatoarele rezultate scolare:
Activitate 2.2. Organizarea de intalniri de grupuri support la fiecare doua luni si
oferirea de sesiuni de consiliere
individuala care ii ajuta pe copii sa se adapteze la noul mediu scolar
Intalniri ale grupului de supor (1 intalnire
la doua luni)
Teme de discutie
Nr de copii care au participat la
Nr de intalniri individuale (sesiuni de
Activitate 2.3. Organizarea
trimestrial de activitati de socializare ( vizite la muzee, concursuri de sport, vizite la
companii, etc).
1. Activitati de socializare (1 activite pe trimestru)
Activitate 2.4. Organizarea
si derularea activitatilor pe perioada vacantei (schimburi de experienta cu
copii bursieri din alte judete, realizarea de excursii, tabere)
Nr. de intalniri pentru schimbare de experienta
No. de copii care au participat la activitatile de vacanta
Nr. de excursii/tabere organizate
Dezvoltarea proiectului de Scholarship
1. Promovarea rezultatelor proiectului la nivel
local in vederea obtinerii de suport din partea stakeholderilor.
2. Cresterea numarului de copii inscrisi in
proiect (CIP)
Vizitele sponsorilor
in acesta luna: in lunile anterioare:
Total copii recrutati:
Copii bursieri::
in acesta luna:
in lunile anterioare:
Total copii bursieri:
Copii care au
plecat din proiect :
in acesta luna :
in lunile anterioare
Total copii care au plecat
din proiect:
Histories (CH) trimise la NO:
in acesta luna:
in lunile anterioare
Total CH trimise la NO:
letters (IL 301):
in acesta luna:
in lunile anterioare
Total IL:
Cards (CC) :
acesta luna:
Reply letters
& small gifts (RL):
in acesta luna :
in lunile anterioare:
Total reply letters &
small gifts (RL):
Progress Reports (APR):
Notification (GN):
in acesta luna
in lunilele anterioare
Total GN:
in acesta luna
in lunilele anterioare
Total farewell letters:
REF:Intalniri cu Managerul de ADP, cu departamentele
de support (financiar, HR, administrative, etc) in vederea imbunatatirii
colaborarii, analizarii activitatii, stabilirea prioritatilor, participare la
sesiuni de instruire sau alte intalniri
REF: Schimbarea atitudinii si comportamentului la copii,
cresterea motivatiei, progrese inregistrate, etc