Revision - english courseREVISION - ENGLISH COURSE A. Communication tasks 1. Write a short letter to Professor Jane Baker of Oxford University to thank her for leading the workshop you organised at the faculty in Bucharest. Mention that you hope to invite her next year to talk about another aspect of the same topic. 2. A friend recently recommended a holiday company for particular destination. You took his advice and had a wonderful holiday. Write a note to thank him for his recommendation and describe one or two highlights of the holiday. 3. The local newspaper published an article about your sister recently. Unfortunately, many of the details in the article were incorrect. Write to the editor explaining the inaccuracies and asking for a few lines in next week’s paper to set the record straight. 4. Write a note inviting a friend to stay for the weekend and suggesting some places you might visit together. 5. Explain what the two candidates for jobs described bellow ignore:
6. If you were an interviewer, in which order would you ask questions on the issues bellow: ways of improving company activities present duties reasons for applying and educational background leadership position 7. Write a letter of application to an advertising company which has published in the local newspaper the specifications for the position of copywriter. 8. Write a C.V. to be put on the Internet for all those who offer scholarships to the students in social communication and public relations. 9. Write a letter of application for the job of head of a certain department in a television (mention which one), and enclose your C.V. Be as convincing as possible. 10. Discuss all the necessary documents to be sent to a firm for employment. Explain why you have to send each of them. B. Grammar tests.B1. Translate into English:Ar trebui sa-l scrie. Trebuie sa-l scrie. A putut sa-l scrie. Se poate sa-l fi scris. Probabil ca l-a scris. Ar fi putut sa-l scrie. Poate sa-l scrie. Va putea sa-l scrie. Ar putea sa-l scrie. Va trebui sa-l scrie. S-ar putea sa-l scrie. Ar fi trebuit sa-l scrie. Nu era nevoie sa-l scrie. Nu i s-a permis sa-l scrie. B2. Translate the following text and comment upon the modal verbs in italic: Strether hesitated. “No – she’s not well, I’m sorry to have to tell you”. “Ah”, said Chad, “I must have had the instinct of it. All the more reason then that we should start straight off”. Strether had now got together hat, gloves and stick, but Chad had dropped on the sofa as if to show he wished he would make his point. He kept observing his companion’s things; he might have been judging how quickly they could be packed. He might even have wished to hint that he would send his own servant to assist. B3. Provide an alternative sentence beginning with the words in bold: a. I think he should leave at once. It’s time ………… b. John thinks he knows all the answers. He talks as if ………… c. I would like you to clean the blackboard instead of telling jokes. I’d rather ………… d. Why didn’t you tell me first thing in the morning? I wish ………… e. My sister is getting married to a crook. I hope she’ll change her mind. If only………… f. John wants to play the piano in order to earn money. He wants to play the piano in order that ………… g. I will tell him the truth to avoid being punished. I’ll tell the truth for fear that …………
h. Go change that dress immediately! I insist that ………… i. It would be better for you not to obey the order. You had better ………… j. How about teaching them a lesson? I suppose ………… B4. Choose the correct form:1. What do you usually do in your free time?
2. Why do you feel so tired now?
3. Thank you for the lovely dinner. This roast
4. I wonder … … …to make it.
5. Here you are at last! … … …for you for 35 minutes.
6. He … … …to me about his future plans over a year ago.
7. The parties … … …agreement last week if they had had more time.
8. I am sorry I haven’t given you a ring, I … … …too busy over the past week.
9. It is high time … … …where to go this summer.
10. If you … … …decide very soon, you will end up staying at home.
11. It’s a pity you didn’t come to England. As you … … …there before, you would have enjoyed every minute of the trip.
12. I … … …her something confidential, but I changed my mind.
13. … … …half of the villa had burnt down.
14. When you … … …him again you will surely notice the difference in his appearance.
15. He said he … … …to go to the theatre as he had seen Hamlet three times.
16. I … … …that my teeth are in a bad state.
17. I … … …it was a good idea, but now it is too late.
18. I wonder what the problem is. The guests … … …come about seven.
19. Your hair is very untidy. You … … ….
20. I wish John … … …drink so much at every party.
C. Communication theories. 1. Write an essay explaining the general pattern of communication and the critics addressed to it. 2. Explain in an essay the resemblance and the differences between propaganda and persuasion. 3. Write on two columns the arguments for and against mass culture. 4. Explain in no more than 100 words the special features of a media institution. 5. Give the definitions of magazines and newspapers and explain the concepts. 6. Try to give definitions of radio and television and sustain your opinion about these media. 7. Try to find interesting data and write down a brief history of one of the media. 8. Discuss in one page the ethics of media. D. Vocabulary practice. D1. Translate into English: 1. Profesiile necesita o pregatire speciala. Meseriile necesita munca manuala calificata. 2. Zidarii, zugravii, geamgii, dulgherii, electricienii, instalatorii si tamplarii lucreaza cu totii sa construiasca o casa. 3. Economistii sunt specializati in management, marketing, comert, finante sau contabilitate. 4. La aceste birouri sunt angajati functionari, dactilografe si secretare. 5. Avocatul apararii s-a intalnit cu avocatul acuzarii si cei doi au hotarat sa ceara schimbarea judecatorului. 6. Regizorul, actorii si actritele au facut greva pentru ca nu erau platiti suficient. 7. Mecanicul de locomotiva s-a plans soferului de taxi ca are o munca foarte grea. 8. Tesatoarea a dus panza croitoresei care a facut o rochie frumoasa si apoi s-a intalnit cu palarierul pentru ca acesta sa faca o palarie potrivita. D2. Translate into English: Putine intreprinderi au ca scop comunicarea. Majoritatea intreprinderilor au un alt scop: de a vinde un produs sau serviciu, de a satisface o nevoie sociala, de a realiza planuri sau de a duce unele politici. Si totusi, pentru a face toate acestea, intreprinderile consuma enorm de mult timp, energie si bani comunicand. Oamenii din intreprinderi comunica in multe feluri: de la om la om, discutii in doi, in grupuri neofociale, in sedinte, oral, la telefon, in scris, cu ajutorul calculatoarelor sau terminalelor, prin scrisori si rapoarte. Toate aceste metode alcatuiesc asa-zisa comunicare verbala. D3. Translate into Romanian and comment upon the following text: Business writing is a craft, not an art form. Like carpentry and knitting, it can be learnt even by those of us who have no particular artistic skill. As a craft, it has a heavy reliance on formulas, a wide use of graphics, and an intense awareness of purpose and audience. These formulas make the business writer more organised and the information conveyed more easily accessible to the reader. They also help speed possible, the writer won’t wait for inspiration, we’ll have a formula at hand for any information to be transmitted. D4. Explain the differences between the following verbs: to declare and to pronounce; to affirm and to allege; to explain and to elucidate; to notice and to perceive.