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Pronumele - limba engleza

Pronumele - limba engleza

Pronumele  - Limba engleza

. Pronumele personal

a) cu functie de subiect
b) cu functie de complement

a) Forma pronumelui personal cu functie de subiect:

I --- eu
You --- tu, dumneata, dumneavoastra
He --- el
She --- ea
It --- el, ea (neutru), pentru nume de obiecte, lucruri, animale
We --- noi
You --- voi, dumneavoastra
They --- ei, ele, dumnealor

Exemple: I am a big girl.
He lives near the school.
We like chocolate very much.
Do you like football?

b) Forma pronumelui personal cu functie de complement:
- mie, imi, mi (complement indirect)
- pe mine, ma, m (complement direct)

- tie, iti, ti, dumitale, dumneavoastra (complement indirect)
- pe tine, te, pe dumneata, pe dumneavoastra (complement direct)

- lui, ii, i (complement indirect)
- pe el, il (complement direct)

- ei, ii, i (complement indirect)
- pe ea, o (complement direct)

- lui, ei, ii, i (complement indirect)
- pe el, il, pe ea, o (complement direct)

- noua, ne, ni (complement indirect)
- pe noi, ne (complement direct)

- voua, va, vi, dumneavoastra (complement indirect)
- pe voi, va, pe dumneavoastra (complement direct)

- lor, le, li (complement indirect)
- pe ei, ii, i (complement direct)

I watch my brother playing tennis.
You gave me a nice gift.
Give them a kiss from me!

2. Pronumele reflexive si de intarire

myself --- ma, insumi, insami
yourself --- te, insuti, insati
himself --- se, insusi
herself --- se, insesi
itself --- se, insusi, insasi (neutru)
ourselves --- ne, insine, insene
yourselves --- va, insiva, inseva
themselves --- se, insisi, insesi

I found myself very smart.
We did ourselves all the exercises.

3.Pronumele demonstrativ

this --- acesta, aceasta, asta, asta
that --- acela, aceea, ala, aia
these --- acestea, acestia, astia, astea
those --- acelea, aceia, aia, alea

This is my brother.
Those are his parents.

4. Pronumele posesive

mine --- al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele
yours --- al tau, a ta, ai tai, ale tale
his --- al sau (a lui), a sa (a lui), ai sai (ai lui), ale sale (ale lui)
hers --- al sau (a ei), a sa (a ei), ai sai (ai ei), ale sale (ale ei)
its own --- al sau, a sa, ai sai, ale sale (neutru)
ours --- al nostru, a noastra, ai nostri, ale noastre
yours --- al vostru, a voastra, ai vostri, ale voastre
their --- al lor, a lor, ai lor, ale lor

My brother is tall, but yours is taller.
His car is old, but hers is older.
I lost my pencil, can you lend me yours?

5. Pronumele nehotarat

some + body, one, thing
any + body, one, thing
no + body, one, thing

I want something from you.
She didn't find anything in the fridge.
There was no one in the room.

6. Pronumele relativ

who --- care
whom/who --- pe care
whose --- al (a, ai, ale) carui, careia, carora
what --- ce, ceea ce
which --- care, pe care (pt. lucruri, obiecte )
that --- care

My brother, who is a doctor, lives in Bucharest.
Tom, whose car was stolen, bought another one last week.
I found a cat that was lost.
I didn't like what I saw.

7. Pronumele interogativ

who? --- cine?
whom? who? --- pe cine?
whose? --- al (a, ai, ale) cui?
what? --- care?, pe care,ce?
which? --- (pe) care dintre?

Whom did you see last Sunday?
Whose shoes are those?
What are you doing?
Which do you like more?


1. Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu forma corecta a pronumelui reflexiv:
1) I enjoyed _______ at the party
2) My father didn't buy the book for _______
3) The dog cut _______ while running in the street.
4) Help _______ with some fruit, John and Mary.
5) We saw _______ in the snow.

2. Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu forma corecta a pronumelui posesiv:
1) This is my cat. It is _______
2) That is his lamp. It is _______
3) These are our maps. They are _______
4) Those are their shoes. They are _______
5) This is her shirt. It is _______

3. Completati corect spatiile goale cu unul dintre pronumele din paranteze
1) I saw Mr. Thompson _______ is John's father. (that, who, which)
2) _______ did you meet last week, John or Steve? (which, who, whose)
3) Puffy, _______ is a big cat, is very lazy. (which, who, whose)
4) _______ are you doing? (whom, what, that)
5) _______ is going with you at the theatre?
(who, that, whom)

Lectia 3: Pronumele - raspunsuri

1. Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu forma corecta a pronumelui reflexiv:
1) I enjoyed myself at the party
2) My father didn't buy the book for himself
3) The dog cut itself while running in the street.
4) Help yourselves with some fruit, John and Mary.
5) We saw ourselves in the snow.

2. Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu forma corecta a pronumelui posesiv
1) This is my cat. It is mine
2) That is his lamp. It is his
3) These are our maps. They are ours
4) Those are their shoes. They are their
5) This is her shirt. It is hers

3. Completati corect spatiile goale cu unul dintre pronumele din paranteze
1) I saw Mr. Thompson who is John's father. (that, who, which)
2) Who did you meet last week, John or Steve? (which, who, whose)
3) Puffy, which is a big cat, is very lazy. (which, who, whose)
4) What are you doing? (whom, what, that)
5) Who is going with you at the theatre?
(who, that, whom)

(DE L’)


(DE L’)



Préposition À + art défini



(À L’)


(À L’)



Exemples :

Elle donne au garçon un livre.

Elle s’adresse aux élèves.

Je me souviens du voyage de l’an dernier.

Ils parlent des livres qu’ils ont lus.

Tu pars à l’école.

Il offre des fleurs à la fille de son ami.

Les formes contractées DU, DES ou les articles LA, L' précédés par la préposition DE coïncident avec les formes de l'article partitif ou indéfini (pluriel).

Exercice : Identifiez dans les phrases suivantes les valeurs des mots soulignés :

Le prix du beurre a baissé.

J’achète du pain.

Nous parlons des livres que nous avons reçus.

J’achète des fleurs.

Je bois de l’eau.

Il parle de l’enfant de sa sœur.

Il écrit des lettres.

Ils mangent des gateaux.

Ils ont mangé quelques morceaux des gateaux que leur mère avait préparés.

Emploi de l’article défini

L’article défini est utilisé, en général, devant les noms accompagnés de :

a. adjectifs :

Regardez la voiture bleue !

Le pain acheté est très frais.

b. complément du nom

C’est l’enfant de notre voisin.

Elle est la patronne de ce magasin.

Ce sont les livres de ma sœur.

c. propositions relatives :

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