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Present Simple – Prezentul Simplu

Present Simple – Prezentul Simplu

Present Simple – Prezentul Simplu

Afirmativ:      Subiect + verb( se adauga s/es)

Negativ:         Subiect +don’t/doesn’t + verb

Interogativ:  Do/Does +subiect + verb +?

folosit pentru a exprima o acțiune repetata, obișnuita, activitați zilnice, stari permanente, adevaruri general valabile, orare și comentarii sportive.

adverbe de frecvența: never (niciodata); rarely, seldom ( rar); sometimes  (uneori); usually (deobicei); often (des); always (mereu)

Alte reguli:

  • Doar  la persoana a III-a singular se adauga S/ES
  • Daca verbul se termina in ss, sh, ch, x, o se adauga ES
  • Daca verbul se termina in vocala și y se adauga S
  • Daca verbul se termina in consoana și y, y-ul se transforma in i și se adauga ES


  • The train leaves at half past two. – Trenul pleaca la ora doua și jumatate.
  • I always drink coffee in the morning. – Mereu beau cafea de dimineata.
  • I rarely skip breakfast. – Rareori sar peste micul dejun.
  • Mark never goes to sleep before 10 pm. -Mark nu se culca nicodata inainte de ora 10.
  • Lucy often eats fried potatoes for dinner. – Lucy mananca deseori cartofi prajiti la cina.
  • It rains a lot in London. – In Londra ploua des.
  • I hate people who speak to much.- Urasc oamenii care vorbesc prea mult.
  • My mother cooks very well. – Mama mea gateste foarte bine.

Question words – Cuvinte interogative

Question Word



What = ce?

asking for information about something

What do you want?  - Ce doresti?

whatfor = pentru ce?

asking for a reason, asking why

What does you do that for? – Pentru ce face asta?

When = cand?

asking about time

When does he leave? – Cand pleaca el?

Where = unde?

asking in or at what place or position

Where do they live? – Unde locuiesc ei?

Which = care?

asking about choice

Which car do you want? – Pe care masina o vrei?

Who = cine?

asking what or which person or people (subject)

Who opens the door? – Cine deschide usa?

Whose = a/al/ale cui?

asking about ownership

Whose are these keys? – Ale cui sunt aceste chei?
Whose turn is it? – Al cui rand este?

Why = de ce?

asking for reason, asking whatfor

Why do you say that? – De ce spui asta?

why don't = de ce nu?

making a suggestion

Why don't I help you? – De ce sa nu te ajut?

How = cum?

asking about manner = modalitatea de functionare

How does this work? – Cum functioneaza asta?

asking about condition or quality

How is your exam? – Cum este examenul?

how far = cat de departe?


How far is Pattaya from Bangkok? – Cat de departe este P de B?

how long = cand de mult timp?

length (time or space)

How long does it take to eat this soup? – Cat timp dureaza sa mananci aceasta supa?

how many = cat de mult?

quantity (countable)

How many cars are there? – Cate masini sunt acolo?

how much = cat de mult?

quantity (uncountable)

How much money do you have?  - Cati bani ai?

how old = cat de in varsta?


How old are you? – Cati ani ai?

What does it taste like? – Ce gust are?

sour = acru

bitter = amar

salty = sarat

sweet = dulce

spicy = picant

frozen = inghetat

hot = fierbinte

minced = tocat

fried = prajit

raw = crud

fresh = proaspat

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