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Prepozitia - limba engleza

Prepozitia - limba engleza

Prepozitia - Limba engleza

Prepozitii de miscare

- arata miscarea

to, through, across

to - utilizam 'to' pentru a arata deplasarea catre o destinatie anume.

I went to Chicago two years ago.

through - utilizam 'through' pentru a sugera deplasarea dintr-o parte in alta a unui spatiu inchis.

The cars went through the tunnel.

across - utilizam 'across' pentru a sugera miscarea dintr-o parte in alta a unei suprafete.

She flew across the sea.

Alte prepozitii de miscare
along, down, over, off, round, into

B. Prepozitii de loc

- arata locul in care se situeaza obiectele definite

at, on, in

at - folosim 'at' pentru a arata un anumit loc sau o anumita pozitie.

Someone is at the door.

on - folosim 'on' pentru a arata pozitia pe o suprafata verticala sau orizontala.

The dog is on the roof.

in - folosim 'in' pentru a arata ca un anumit obiect este imprejmuit sau inchis.

The parrot is in the cage.

Alte prepozitii de loc
after, among, behind, between, in front of, next to, beside, by, over, above, under, below.

C. Prepozitii de timp

- pentru a specifica timpul unei actiuni

at, on, in

at - pentru a arata timpul exact.

She left at 7.00 a.m.

on - pentru anumite date sau zile

She arrived on Monday.
Her birthday is on 23rd of October.

in - pentru o perioada de timp nespecificata, necunoscuta din timpul unui an, zi, luna, anotimp.

It is very cold in Winter.
I left Romania in 1989.

Alte prepozitii de timp
after, by, since, during, for, throughout


1. Completati cu prepozitia corecta
of, on, at, to, with, in, for, along

1) His t-shirt has a picture ______ it.
2) The queen ______ England wanted to wear golden dress at her wedding.
3) I went ______ Brussels last week.
4) She spent the afternoon ______ her friends.
5) We walked ______ the banks of River Seine.
6) She's been waiting ______ me for about four hours.
7) What's the weather like ______ Paris?
8) She was ______ the cinema last evening.

2. Traduceti in limba engleza:

1) Mihaela a plecat la munte la ora 8 dimineata.
2) Statuia este in fata stadionului.
3) In spatele operei se afla un hotel.
4) Trenul a trecut prin tunel foarte rapid.
5) Lui Philip ii place sa zboare deasupra oceanului.

3. Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitia corecta
in, on, at, to

1) They live ____ Dubai.
2) We are staying ____ a nice hotel.
3) Philip always plays tennis ____ the afternoon.
4) They where very close ____ their cat.
5) We got ____ the first train to Sibiu.
6) Romania is ____ Europe.
7) You are going ____ a city tour tomorrow.

Lectia 8: Prepozitia - raspunsuri

1. Completati cu prepozitia corecta
of, on, at, to, with, in, for, along

1) His t-shirt has a picture on it.
2) The queen of England wanted to wear golden dress at her wedding.
3) I went in Brussels last week.
4) She spent the afternoon with her friends.
5) We walked along the banks of River Seine.
6) She's been waiting for me for about four hours.
7) What's the weather like in Paris?
8) She was at the cinema last evening.

2. Traduceti in limba engleza

1) Mihaela a plecat la munte la ora 8 dimineata.
Mihaela went to the mountain at 8 o’clock in the morning.
2) Statuia este in fata stadionului.
The statue is in front of the stadium.
3) In spatele operei se afla un hotel.
Behind the opera there is a hotel.
4) Trenul a trecut prin tunel foarte rapid.
The train passed through the tunnel rapidly.
5) Lui Philip ii place sa zboare deasupra oceanului.
Philip likes flying across the ocean.

3. Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitia corecta
in, on, at, to

1) They live in Dubai.
2) We are staying at a nice hotel.
3) Philip always plays tennis in the afternoon.
4) They where very close to their cat.
5) We got on the first train to Sibiu.
6) Romania is in Europe.
7) You are going on a city tour tomorrow

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