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Participiul trecut engleza (The Past Participle)

Participiul trecut engleza (The Past Participle)

Participiul trecut engleza (The Past Participle)

1. Participiul trecut este forma nepersonala a verbului care denumeste actiunea ca rezultat.

Participiul trecut al verbelor regulate se formeaza de la infinitiv, la care se adauga terminatia -ed: listen - listened, move - moved, carry - carried, stop - stopped, etc.

(Pentru particilaritatile fonetice si ortografice ale formei in -ed, vezi &1.6.3.)

Pentru forma de participiu trecut a verbelor neregulate, vezi lista principalelor verbe neregulate, pp.12 - 16.

2. Caracteristicile verbale ale participiului trecut:

a) Participiul trecut este folosit la formarea diatezei pasive, impreuna cu verbul be: Fresh fruit and vegetables are sold here. Aici se vand fructe si legume proaspete.

b) Participiul trecut este intrebuintat la formarea timpurilor perfecte ale verbelor, impreuna cu verbul auxiliar have:

Present Perfect:                      He has read the book. El a citit cartea.

Past Perfect:                           He had read the book. El citise cartea.

Future Perfect: He will have read the book. El va fi citit cartea.

Past Conditional:                   He would have read the book. El ar fi citit cartea.

Nota: Verbul go si mai rar come pot reda idea de perfect prezent si respectiv de mai-mult-ca-perfect, cu ajutorul verbului be la prezent sau Past Tense (in loc de auxiliarul have): The plumber is come. A sosit instalatorul. The quest were gone. Musafirii plecasera.

3. Caracteristicile adjectivale ale participiului trecut. Participiul trecut are si caracteristici adjectivale, putand functiona ca un adjectiv in propozitie.

Sublinierea, fie a naturii verbale a participiului trecut, fie a celei adjectivale, reiese din pozitia acestuia.

Cand se accentueaza caracterul verbal, participiul urmeaza substantivul, functionand ca un inlocuitor al unei propozitii relative: The things not wanted were given away (= which were not wanted).

Cand este accentuat aspectul adjectival al participiului, el se aseaza inaintea substantivului: These are portraits of wanted persons.

4. Atentie ! Unele verbe au forme speciale pentru participiile trecute folosite adjectival:

a) participiul unor verbe regulate (aged, beloved, learned, cursed, blessed) isi schimba pronuntia, adaugand un [id] silabic:

Participiul trecut

Adjectiv din participiu:

He was aged.????

He was beloved ???? by his students.

He has learned ???? this lesson.

He is an aged ???? man.

Our beloved ???? country.

He is a learned ???? man.

b) Unele verbe neregulate au forme la participiul trecut: una folosita ca participiu, cealalta ca adjectiv (care poate aparea fie singur, fie in anumite combinatii):

Participiu trecut:

Adjectiv din participiu:

The little child was beaten by the bigger boys.

We have drunk too much coffee.

The steel has melted.

The tree was struck by lightning.

The lawn was mown/mowed yesterday.

She has sewn/sewed a dress.

He has just shaved.

They have shourn/sheared the sheep.

The shirt has shrunk.

The ship has sunk.

He has sown/sowed the field.

He has spilt/spilled the milk.

They have spoilt/spoiled the child.

They have worked here.

He was dead-beat (mort de oboseala) after the day’s work.

A drunken man is unpleasant to look at. (folosirea atributiva a adjectivului) dar si: He was half - drunk.

(folosirea predicativa a adjectivului)

Molten steel.gold/lava (atributiv), pentru metale, dar: melted butter/snow.

He was grief stricken (folosit predicativ).

He was panic stricken (folosit predicativ).

He was terror stricken (folosit predicativ).

He was stricken with fever.

Mown grass/hay (doar atributiv)

A handsewn dress.

A cleanshaven man.

A shorn lamb.

Shrunken clothes.

Sunken eyes.

Sown seeds.

Spilt milk.

A spoilt child.

Wrought iron; wrought-up nerves.

5. Functiile sintactice ale participiului trecut. Participiul trecut indeplineste functiile sintactice de:

a) atribut: There is the Lost Property Office. Acolo este biroul de obiecte gasite.

b) nume predicativ: He was, impressed by her kindness. A fost impresionat de bunatatea ei.

c) parte dintr-un complement direct complex (Acuzativ cu participiu trecut): I want it done immediately. Vreau ca aceasta sa fie facuta imediat.

d) parte dintr-un complement circumstantial (de timp, cauza, conditie, comparatie), deseori precedat de conjunctiile when, if, as if/as though etc.: Struck with the emotion in his tone, she turned and looked at him.Impresionata de emotia care se simtea in vocea lui, (ea) se intoarse si-l privi. She kept silent AS IF puzzled by my words. Tacea ca si cand cuvintele mele i-ar fi starnit nedumerirea.

6. Traducere. Participiul trecut se traduce de obicei in limba romana printr-un participiu sau printr-o propozitie subordonata: He looked at the clerk bent over the papers. Privi la functionarul aplecat peste hartii. The preparations for the birthday party completed, I went out to buy a birthday cook. Dupa ce am terminat pregatirile pentru aniversare, am iesit sa cumpar un tort.

7. Conjugarea verbului call


Diateza activa

Diateza pasiva

Aspectul simplu

Aspectul continuu

Aspectul simplu

Aspectul continuu

Indicativul prezent

I call

I am calling

I am called

I am being called

Perfectul prezent

I have called

I have been calling

I have been called

Past Tense

I called

I was calling

I was called

I was being called

Mai mult ca perfect

I had called

I had been calling

I had been called

Viitorul apropiat

I am going to call

I am going to be calling

I am going to be called

Viitorul simplu

I shall/will call

I shall/ will be calling

I shall/will be called

Viitorul perfect

I shall/

will have called

I shall/will have been calling

I shall/will have been called


I call

I should call etc.

I be calling

I should be calling etc.

I be called

I should be called etc.

Conditionalul prezent

I should/

would call

I should/would be calling

I should/would be called.

Conditionalul trecut

I should/

would have called

I should/would have been calling

I should/would have been called


Let me call !

Call !

Let me bbe calling !

Be calling !

Let me be called !

Be called !

Infinitivul prezent


be calling

be called

Infinitivul perfect

have called

have been calling

have been called

Participiul prezent si Gerund


being called

Participiul si Gerund-ul perfect



having been called

Participiul trecut



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