Modul subjonctiv – limba englezaMODUL SUBJONCTIV – LIMBA ENGLEZA In engleza contemporana, subjonctivul nu are formele lui proprii. El apare cu forme de infinitiv, de Past Tense si de Past Perfect. De asemenea, exista echivalenti de subjonctiv care constau in verbele should, may, might, would + infinitiv. Subjonctiv cu forma de infinitiv a.
Apare in propozitii exclamative, exprimand o lozinca, o
urare, o dorinta sau un blestem. b.
Poate fi intalnit in poezia clasica, in situatii in care,
in engleza contemporana, ar fi inlocuit cu prezentul. c.
Poate fi folosit ca o modalitate de a da ordine. d. Dupa constructii de tipul: it is impossible that, it is desirable that, it is necessary that, it is likely that.
Ex. It is necessary that you be present. e) Dupa verbe ca: to propose, to suggest, to insist, to demand, to urge, to recommend, to order Ex. I recommended that
his proposal be accepted. Subjonctiv cu forma de Past Tense sau Past Perfect: Apare dupa urmatoarele expresii: a. I wish (mi-as dori, bine ar fi sa) Daca dorinta se refera la momentul prezent, se foloseste subjonctivul cu forma de Past Tense. Ex. I wish I
were in Nota: Verbul to be la subjonctivul du forma de Past Tense, apare ca were la toate persoanele. Daca dorinta se refera la un moment anterior, se foloseste subjonctivul cu forma de Past Perfect. Ex. I wish I
had been born in Daca dorinta se refera la un moment viitor, se foloseste would, ca echivalent de subjonctiv. Ex. I wish it
would stop raining. b) If only – are aproximativ
acelasi sens cu I wish c) As if/though (ca
si cum, de parca) d)It is time. (E timpul.) It is high time. (Era de mult timpul.) a. I would sooner/rather (as prefera sa . ) Ex. I
would sooner you stayed at home tonight. Echivalenti de subjonctiv a. should – ca si subjonctivul cu forma de infinitiv (1-d) se poate folosi dupa constructii de tipul: It is impossible that, it is necessary that. Ex. It
is necessary that you should be present. De asemenea, la fel ca si subjonctivul cu forma de infinitiv (vezi 1-e), should poate aparea dupa verbe ca: to propose, to suggest, to insist, to demand, to urge, to recommend. Ex. I recommend
that his proposal should be accepted. Dupa conjunctia lest (ca nu cumva sa) Ex. Hurry up
lest you should miss the train. Nota: In engleza contemporana exista tendinta de a se omite should dupa lest si de a se folosi subjonctivul cu forma de infinitiv. Ex. Hurry up lest you miss the train. Intrebari introduse prin how, why, where,when, fie in vorbirea direca, fie in vorbirea indirecta. Ex. How
should I know where he is now? a. may, might Ca si subjonctivul cu forma de infinitiv, may poate aparea in lozinci si urari: Ex. May success
attend you! Dupa to hope, to be afraid Ex. I
hope that he may pass the exam. Dupa so that, in order that Ex.
Study hard so that/in order that you may pass the exam. Dupa whoever, whenever, wherever, however, whichever, whatever sau dupa formulele echivalente no matter who, no matter when, etc. Ex.
Whoever you may/might be, you have no right to do this. Dupa it is possible, it was possible Ex. It
is possible that he may be here in time. Nota: Dupa cum se poate observa, echivalentii de subjonctiv sunt la origine verbe modale. Exisa situatii cand se pot folosi si alte verbe modale decat cele expuse in acest capitol ca echivalenti de subjonctiv, iar in aceste cazuri, verbele respective aduc in propozitie si sensul lor initial. Ex. I wish I
could speak English. Exercitii cu modul subjonctiv Transformati urmatoarele propozitii, astfel incat sa inceapa cu I wish + Past Tense (afirmativ sau negativ): Model I am sorry/I regret the
weather isn’t fine. I am sorry my friend is ill. I am sorry I
don’t live in I regret I am not a student. I regret I can’t go to the concert. I am sorry I can’t play the piano. I am sorry you live so far away. I regret I have only one child. I regret I have no children. I am sorry books are so expensive. I am sorry it rains so often. Transformati urmatoarele propozitii, astfel incat sa inceapa cu I wish + Past Perfect (afirmativ sau negativ): Model I am sorry I lost my
umbrella. I am sorry you had an accident. I was sorry you were out when I called. I regretted the weather was bad when I was on holiday. I regretted you couldn’t come to me yesterday. I am sorry you were delayed at the office. I am sorry I was late for the party. I regret you didn’t win the competition. I am sorry I had no money to buy that painting. I was sorry you had got a fine. I am sorry I didn’t win the Great Prize. Transformati urmatoarele propozitii, astfel incat sa inceapa cu I wish + would + infinitiv scurt: Model I am sorry he will not
take my advice. I regret you won’t come on holiday with me.
I am sorry he won’t accept my proposal. I regret I
won’t spend my holiday in I am sorry he will be away for such a long time. I am sorry they will not sign the contract. I regret he will stay in hospital so long. I am sorry you won’t take a driving licence. I am sorry I will get fat when giving up smoking. I regret I won’t be able to read Goethe in the original. I regret I won’t have a phone in my new flat. Puneti verbele din paranteze la forma corecta de subjonctiv: You behave as if you (own) the place. Don’t treat me as if I (be) a child. I would rather you (not waste) your time! I am cold, I would rather you (close) that window. It is high time you (start) studying for your exam. It’s time we (go) home. I’d rather I (stay) at home and (watch) TV. If only I (be) in I wish I (enter) the faculty last year. If only my telephone (work)! I wish I (not catch) a cold on the trip yesterday. He wishes he (have) a good English teacher in the next academic year. I would marry you even if you (be) a pauper. I would rather he (tell) me the truth. He would rather his daughter (not get married) so young. It’s high time he (take) a job and (stop) living on his parents. If only I (not forget) his phone number! He wishes his book (become) a best-seller! If only I (become) a millionaire. It’s time I (get) a promotion! 5. Traduceti in limba engleza folosind subjonctivul cu forma de Past Tense sau Past Perfect: Bine ar fi sa nu fi facut atatea greseli la lucrarea de control. Mi-as dori sa incetezi cu zgomotul acela chiar in acest moment. Mi-as dori sa incetezi sa te mai vaicaresti pentru ca am si eu necazurile mele. Bine ar fi sa fii mai ordonata! Ce pacat ca ploua! Daca n-ar ploua, am putea merge la plaja! Ti-ai dori sa fi fost invitata la petrecerea lui John? Ce pacat ca nu mai sunt tanar! As prefera sa te scoli mai devreme. As prefera sa ma scol mai devreme. As prefera sa mergi la teatru. As prefera sa merg la teatru. E timpul sa-mi inapoiezi banii pe care ti I-am imprumutat. Era demult timpul sa incepi sa citesti cartile cerute pentru examenul de literatura romana. E ora 10! Nu crezi ca era demult timpul sa te scoli si sa te apuci de lucru? Ea arata de parca ar fi manechin. Vorbesti ca si cum ai fi suparata pe mine. Ea se poarta cu el de parca ar fi sotul ei. El mi-a vorbit ca si cum nu se intamplase nimic intre noi. Jane si-ar dori sa-mi petrec sfarsitul de saptamana cu ea. Stiu ca tu ti-ai dori sa-ti petreci vacanta intr-o tabara, dar eu prefer sa mergi la bunicul, la tara. 6. Traduceti in limba engleza folosind subjonctivul cu forma de infinitiv sau echivalentul de sobjonctiv should + infinitivul prezent sau trecut: Este imposibil ca el sa se intoarca atat de devreme. Este imposibil ca el sa se fi intors atat de devreme. Este important ca tu sa stii engleza bine. Este necesar sa fii informat despre ce se intampla in tara. Era ciudat ca el sa nu fi citit aceasta carte. Este enervant ca tu sa fi uitat sa-mi aduci cartea inapoi. Este probabil ca fiul meu sa fi luat examenul. Este foarte important ca acest contract sa fie semnat foarte curand. Vrei sa spui ca este probabil sa ne petrecem concediul in Bucuresti? Este necesar sa fiu prezent la aceasta sedinta? 7. Traduceti in limba engleza folosind subjonctivul cu forma de infinitiv sau echivalentul de subjonctiv should + infinitivul prezent: Mama a hotarat ca noi sa stam acasa. Profesorul sugereaza ca noi sa citim aceasta carte. Directorul a cerut ca toata lumea sa fie prezenta la ora 8. Prietenul meu a insistat sa merg cu el la concert. Directorul a propus ca eu sa lucrez in alt sector. El a sugerat ca noi sa cumparam aceasta casa. Insist ca tu sa accepti aceasta slujba. Am sugerat sa-l alegem presedinte. 8. Traduceti in limba engleza folosind subjonctivul cu forma de infinitiv sau echivalentul de subjonctiv may sau might + infinitivul prezent: El a intrat in casa fara zgomot, astfel incat sa nu-l aud eu. Da-te la o parte ca sa vad (astfel incat sa pot vedea) ecranul. Vorbeste mai tare ca sa te aud (asfel incat sa te pot auzi). Orice mi-ai spune, nu te pot crede. Oricat te-ai stradui, nu poti castiga un astfel de concurs. Oricand te vei intoarce, eu voi fi acasa si te voi astepta. Oricine ti-ar fi spus asta despre mine, nu ar fi trebuit sa crezi. Am facut un imprumut ca sa (astfel incat sa) pot sa-mi cumpar casa. Este posibil ca ea sa fie plecata din oras. Oricare ar fi motivul, nu ar trebui sa ma minti. Inlocuiti infinitivele din paranteze cu unul dintre tipurile de subjonctiv sau cu un echivalent de subjonctiv: I closed the window so that it (not get) too cold. I closed the window lest (get) too cold. It is desirable that they (divorce) immediately. It is impossible that my sister (tell) this to you yesterday. No matter how/however absent – minded you (be), you should remember your own phone number. I propose that we (leave) by the 9 o’clock train. I wish my car (not break down) last week. He throws money away as if he (be) a rich man. She speaks about her son as if he (be) a genius. I’d rather you (retire) as soon as possible. It is strange that she (leave) the lights on when she left the town. I have to work hard so that my company (prosper). The road is wet; drive carefully lest you (have) an accident. I’ve told you everything so that you (understand) my position. I suggested that we (take) a taxi. The doctor recommended that the patient (have) an operation. All success (attend) you! I wish I (be) there when it happened. I have such a boring job; I wish I (find) another. If only I (have) a brother or a sister! LECTIA VIII MODURILE
In limba engleza, modurile nepersonale sunt urmatoarele: infinitivul, forma -ing
(gerunziul si participiul prezent) si participiul trecut. o infinitiv prezent simplu: to call o infinitiv prezent continuu: to be calling o infinitiv perfect simplu: to have called o infinitiv perfect continuu: to have been calling Diateza pasiva o infinitiv prezent simplu: to be called o infinitiv perfect: to have been called Forma -ing. Atat participiul
prezent cat si gerunziul se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ing la
infinitivul verbelor (to call – calling). Participiul prezent si gerunziul pot
avea timpuri si diateza. o nedefinit: calling o perfect: having called Diateza pasiva o nedefinit: being called o perfect: having been called Participiul trecut se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ed la verbele regulate; in cazul verbelor neregulate, el reprezinta forma a III-a: o to call – called – called o to go – went – gone Constructii cu infinitivul Acuzativ cu infinitiv Consta dintr-un verb urmat de un pronume sau substantiv
in acuzativ + un verb la infinitiv. a.
exprimand dorinta sau vointa: to want, to wish, to like, to dislike, to hate. b.
exprimand perceptia senzoriala: to see, to hear, to feel, to watch. Aceste
verbe sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt (fara to). c.
exprimand un ordin, o permisiune sau o cauzalitate: to make, to cause, to
allow, to order. Verbele to make si to let sunt urmate de
infinitivul scurt (fara to). d.
exprimand perceptia mentala: to think, to suppose, to expect, to consider, to
understand, to know, to believe. e.
declarative: to state, to declare, to admit. f. cu anumite verbe urmate de prepozitii obligatorii: to rely upon/on, to count upon/on . Ex. I
rely on you to do this. Nominativ cu infinitiv Consta dintr-un subiect in nominativ + un verb la diateza pasiva sau activa + un verb la infinitiv. a. folosit cu verbe la diateza pasiva: to see, to hear, to know, to say, to believe, to suppose, to expect, to make, to consider.
b. cu verbele: to happen, to prove, to turn out, to seem, to appear o la diateza activa: Ex. He
proved to be a good journalist. Nota: Trebuie remarcat faptul ca expresia impersonala din limba romana se intampla sa este, de obicei, tradusa cu o expresie personala in limba engleza. a. cu expresiile: to be sure / likely / unlikely / certain Ex. She
is sure to come in time. Nota: Din nou avem in limba engleza o expresie personala care se traduce in romaneste cu o expresie impersonala. Daca vrem sa traducem expresia personala: „Ea e sigura ca va veni la timp' o redam in modul urmator: „She is sure the she will come in time'. For – phrase Consta din propozitia for + un substantiv sau pronume in
acuzativ + un verb la infinitiv. Nota: Ultimele doua propozitii se se pot reda in limba engleza si cu ajutorul subjonctivului. Ex. It is
impossible that I (should) come. Constructii cu participiul prezent Acuzativ cu
participiu Nominativ
cu Participiu Nominativul absolut Este o constructie participiala care are un subiect al
ei propriu. Constructie cu participiul trecut Este formata din verbul
to have sau to get + un complement + participiul trecut. Exercitii cu constructiile verbale 1. Traduceti in limba engleza folosind constructia Acuzativ cu Infinitiv sau Acuzativ cu Participiu: M-am asteptat sa vii mai devreme. El voia ca eu sa-l ajut. Ea m-a facut sa inteleg ce se intamplase. Cred ca el e un sot bun. Am auzit-o certandu-si copilul. John a recunoscut ca vina era a lui. Ma bazez pe tine sa-mi imprumuti niste bani. I-am privit jucand fotbal. L-am vazut vorbind cu prietena lui. Mama ar vrea ca eu sa devin doctor. Inteleg ca ea e o profesoara foarte buna. Stiam ca el e un om foarte ocupat. Am vazut cativa copii jucandu-se in parc. Presupuneam ca el stie sa conduca masina. El m-a facut sa pierd trenul. 2. Reformulati urmatoarele propozitii folosind constructia „for-phrase': Model: This problem is too difficult. I can’t solve it. This is a good book. You should read it. This fact is important. You should bear it in mind. This is a valuable piece of advice. You should take it. The time has come. We should have a heart to heart talk. The people were impatient. The match was about to begin. I have closed the window. I don’t want you to catch a cold. This is the main thing. We should do it now. I ordered a taxi. I didn’t want her to miss the train. This is a strange thing. I can’t believe she said that. 3. Reformulati urmatoarele fraze cu modul subjonctiv folosind constructia „for-phrase': Model: It is necessary that he be present. It is recommendable that you should read this book. It’s time we met again. It’s time you started learning foreign languages. It is possible that the plane might be delayed. It is impossible that he should have said that. It is possible that I might buy a car. It is advisable that you should resign. It is important that you should come to the office, at once. It is necessary that you should study the matter seriously. 4. Reformulati urmatoarele fraze cu modul subjonctiv folosind constructia Nominativ cu Infinitiv. Folositi drept subiect pronumele subliniate: Model: It is expected that he will arrive at 2 o’clock. They heard him repeat it several times. It seemed that she was satisfied with me. Everybody. Expected that he would resign. It was proved that she was a liar. They said she was ill. People believed he was a brilliant surgeon. I thought she was unable to win the contest. It is sure they have had an argument. It happened that she made three spelling mistakes in her letter. 5. Treceti la pasiv urmatoarele constructii Acuzativ cu Participiu, transformandu-le in Nominativ cu Participiu: Model: 6. Traduceti in limba romana urmatoarele propozitii cu constructia Nominativul absolut: 1. Weather permitting, we shall climb
to the top of the mountain.