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Redactare de texte - limba engleza test

Redactare de texte - limba engleza test

CSRP, an I


10 points - bonus

I.            Mention the main features of a tabloid and give 3 examples of Romanian tabloids. (10 points)

II.          Provide 2 eye-catching headlines for a news report about a bank robbery (5 points).

III.        Provide 3 questions with 3 different types of answers for a survey on computer games. (5 points)

IV.        Read the following topics and say what kind of report each one is. Then answer the questions below (30 points):

a)      (2 p.) You work for an estate agent's and have been asked to inspect a house to see if it is suitable for a family of four. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

b)      (2 p.) You have to present a report on a train accident which cost the lives of ten people. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c)      (2 p.) Your teacher has asked you to find out about the television programmes that students prefer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

d)      (2 p.) You have to present a report about two missing brothers who have been found by the policemen in a deserted barn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

  1. What paragraph plan would you follow for each report? (9 p.)
  2. Which of the topics above require(s) subheadings? (2 p.)
  3. In which report should you include facts and generalisations? (2 p.)
  4. Which of the reports above require(s) the use of linking words contrasting positive and negative aspects? (2 p.)
  5. Which of the reports above could end with reference to future developments or comments from the people involved? (2 p.)
  6. Which of the reports above require(s) the use of present tenses and which the use of past tenses? (5 p.)

V.          You work for a tourist agency and were recently asked to visit a new hotel in your area. You must now write a report for your boss, assessing the good and bad points of the hotel (40 points).

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