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Lesson Plan - grade: 7 th, level: intermediate, believe it or not

Lesson Plan - grade: 7 th, level: intermediate, believe it or not

Lesson Plan

School Nr. 22 "Mircea Eliade", Craiova



Grade 7th C

Level intermediate

Lesson Believe it or not

Lesson Type: mixed

Time: 50'

No. of Ss: 14

Lesson Aims - to give the Ss the opportunity to talk about superstitions

to develop Ss' speaking, reading and writing skills

to introduce and recycle vocabulary about superstitions

to raise students cross-cultural awareness

to teach them fixed phrases (adjectives + prepositions)

Assumptions: Ss already know conditional sentences

Skills: Integrated skills

Aids: Bb, hand-outs, textbook, notebooks, cassette

Evaluation: initial, through warm-up

continuous, through speaking activities and exercise solving

final, through feed-back, written examination

Class Management: - the classroom: clean

- the teacher: uses Ss' name, keeps eye contact, moves

around the classroom, smiles, speaks while writing on

the Bb.

New Vocabulary - good-luck/bad-luck

- four-leaved clover

- irrational

- superstitions

- petty crimes

- noose

- spill/spilt/spilt

- to stroke

- tree trunks




General Objective:  2

Specific Objective:  2.1

Derived Competence: expressing opinions

Competence Content: answering the teacher's questions

Method: dialogue

Procedure: Teacher asks the Ss questions about their timetable, about the weather, about the way they spent the 1st of May

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Class management: whole class activity

Time: 2'

Activity 1. Checking the homework

General Object:  2.

Specific Object:  2.1

Derived Competence: correcting the homework

Competence Content: homework

Method: dialogue

Procedure: The teacher will have to listen to the Ss' homework. They have to read it and correct possible mistakes.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-t

Class management: whole class activity

Time: 3'

Activity 2. Introducing the new lesson

General Objective:  2., 4.

Specific Objective:  2.3, 2.1, 4.1

Derived Competence: expressing opinions

Competence Content: answering the teacher's questions

Method: dialogue, brainstorming, eliciting ideas from the Ss

Procedure: The teacher brainstorms superstitions and the common beliefs people have to explain different strange events

The teacher writes the title of the new lesson on the blackboard Believe it or not and asks children to write it in their notebooks.

The teacher writes on the Bb main superstitions; things considered to bring good luck/ bad luck.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Class management: whole class activity

Time: 4'

Activity 3. Presenting the new structures

General Objective:  4., 1.

Specific Objective:  4.1, 1.1

Derived Competence: if-clauses in open conditions, the distinction between if and when in subordinate clauses

Competence Content: language structures: Conditional I

Procedure: Ss are asked if they believe in good luck and are given handouts with the beginnings and endings of conditional sentences expressing superstitions. They are asked to match them using the expressions given in the box.

Students do this exercise in pairs then they discuss the answers. It doesn't matter if they get some of the answers wrong - indeed they might get a lot of fun out of making absurd combinations.

T discusses the answers with them.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss

Class management: pair work

Time: 8'

Activity 4. Highlighting the taught vocabulary

General Objective:  1., 3.

Specific Objective:  1.3, 3.1

Derived Competence: recognizing the previous taught vocabulary in the talk they are going to listen to

Competence Content: informal vocabulary in talks about superstitions

Procedure: T asks the students to listen to the tape and find the correct answers in exercise 2. In order to recognize which of the superstitions listed in the first part of the lessons are also in the talk on the tape.

Ss are asked to match the words in exercise 3 with their meanings and the teacher writes the new words on the blackboard.

T discusses with them about the origin of the superstitions in exercise 4. T explains the children the use of gerund to talk about an action or activity in a general way and when a verb is immediately after a preposition. According to the example given in Ex.5 students are asked to rephrase the sentences by using an -ing form.

The teacher makes the grid in Ex.6 on the blackboard and asks students to tick the correct boxes in order to find out what prepositions we use with the phrases given in Ex.6. Apart from the ones given in the exercise T adds some more asking students to provide the right preposition in order to reinforce their vocabulary.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss-T

Class management: whole class activity, group work, pair work

Timing: 24'

Activity 5. Practising the taught structures.

General Objectives:  2.. 4.

Specific Objectives:  2.2, 4.3

Derived Competence: practicing the structures and vocabulary they have recently learnt and the fixed phrases (adjectives + prepositions)

Competence Content: matching halves on handouts

Method: matching

Procedure: Ss are asked to match the beginnings with the endings according to the prepositions each adjective is followed by.

Interaction: T-Ss,  S-S-t

Class management: pair-work activity

Time: 5'

Activity 6. Feed-back

General Objectives:  3.

Specific Objectves:  3.1

Derived Competence: using the taught information to solve the exercises

Method: filling the gaps

Procedure: T asks them to complete the sentences in Ex. 7 by using the correct prepositions and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Class management: individually

Time: 5'

Giving Assignment

T asks the Ss to do Ex. 8 from page 77. taking into consideration the explanations given regarding adjectives + prepositions and using the gerund to talk about action or activity in a general way and when a verb is immediately after the preposition.

Time: 1'

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