Principala problema ridicata de sursele de energie reutilizabile, este
stocarea. Energia electrica este de obicei utilizata ca atare, iar pentru
stocarea ei exista deja solutii. In ce priveste energia solara si eoliana,
insa, stocarea acestor forme de energie pentru ..
Hydrogenul poate stoca energie tot asa cum produsele petroliere
stocheaza energie.
"Purtator de energie" Sursa primara de energie poate fi orice sursa
reutilizabila, de exemplu a vantului, biomasei sau altele, dar avantajul utilizarii
hydrogenului ca mediu de stocare este ca vom putea utiliza energia stocata de
acesta pentru aplicatii mobile (auto, aviatie etc).
Hidrogenul este incolor indoor neotravitor
Greutatea specifica este de 0.09g/l, de 14.4 ori mai usor decat aerul.
Hidrogenul se condenseaza la -252.77°C iar greutatea specifica a
hidrogenului lichefiat este de 71 g/L, ceea ce ii confera cea mai mare
densitate de energie pe unitatea de masa intre toti combustibilii si purtatorii
de energie: 1 kg de hidrogen contine la fel de multa energie ca si 2.1 kg de
gaze naturale sau 2.8 kg petrol.
Densitatea de energie pe unitatea de volum a hidrogenului lichefiat este
un sfert din cea a petrolului si o treime din cea a gazelor naturale.
Avantaje ecologice
Arderea hidrogenului in motoare cu combustie interna sau turbine de gaze
produce emisii neglijabile de noxe.
Daca este folosit in baterii celulare de joasa temperatura ex PEMFC
emisiile pot fi reduse la zero. In procesul de generare a energiei din hydrogen
si aer sau oxygen singurul produs de reactie este apa distilata.
In baterii celulare de temperatura inalta, emisiile sunt de o suta de
ori mai mici decat in termocentrale conventionale.
Obtinerea hidrogenului.
Hidrogenul nu poate fi gasit in natura in stare pura, adica in starea in
care poate fi folosit ca purtator de energie), deci nu poate fi exploatat la
fel ca petorolul sau carbunele. Deoarece trebuie extras din compusi chimici,
oamenii de stiinta il denumesc "purtator de energie secundar".
Cel mai cunoscut compus este apa, ce contine doi atomi de hydrogen si unul
de oxygen, dar exista si alte substante ce contin hydrogen, de exemplu metanul,
care contine un atom de carbon si 4 atomi de hydrogen. Biomasa este un alta
exemplu de continut bogat in carbon si hydrogen.
Indiferent de sursa din care extragem hidrogenul, este nevoie de un process
de obtinere si acesta presupune un consum de enrgie. Marele
avantaj, insa este ca pentru generarea hidrgoenului nu este strict necesar sa
utilizam energie provenita din combustibili fosili. Energie eoliana, solara sau
a apelor..
Productia de hydrogen nu este ceva de data recenta. In fiecare an, cca
500 miliarde de metri cubi de hydrogen sunt produsi, stocati, transportati si
utilizati, cu precadere in industria chimica si petrochimica. Cea mai mare
parte insa este obtinuta ca un produs secundar din prelucrarea combustibililor
fosili (petrol si gaze naturale)
Electroliza, adica obtinerea hidrogenuli din apa este in present, precum
si in viitorul apropiat, singurul process cu aplicabilitate practica.
Deocamdata, din punct de vedere economic, electroliza este o alternativa buna
numai in acele tari in care exsita mari hidrocentreale, deoarece foloseste
energie electirca, adica tot un purtator secundar de energie, care trebuie sa
fie obtinuta ieftin.
Hidrogenul permite utilizarea energiei provenite din surse regenerabile,
jucand rolul unui combustibil pentru autovehicule sau combustibil in care produc energie electrica
sau termica. In viitor oricine va putea conduce sau gati folosind hydrogen
generat din energie solara sau eoliana. In particular, hidrogenul este singurul
purtator de energie (agent energetic) care face posibila propulsarea
aeronavelor folosind energia solara.
In privinta mijloacelor de transport, hidrgoenul poate servi drept combustibil
pentru aproape orice autovehicul. Exista doua moduri in care
Hidrogenul poate arde
in motoarele conventionale in locul benzinei
Hidrogenul poate fi
utilizat in baterii FC care genereaza energie electirca pentru masinile cu
motor electric.
Avantaje majore al optinuii FC
Pe teava de esapament nu iese decat
Nu exista zgomot si
vibratii ca la motorul cu ardere interna
Motoarele electrice au
randament mai bun, deci se reduce si consumul de energie.
O masina cu FC oprita
la semafor nu produce zgomot, pur si simplu deoarece motorul ei nu functioneaza
Zgomotul este mult
redus la demaraje, deci poluarea fonica a oraselor va fi mult redusa.
Marii producatori de automobile au pus deja la punct modele de masini
care merg pe solutia FC, desi unii inca cerceteaza motoarele cu combustie.
Probabil ca in 2005 vom vedea primele autoturisme de serie functionand cu FC,
dar decizia nu este definitv luata, daca in FC va fi methanol sau hydrogen.
Deocamdata nu exista o infrastructura a statiilor de alimentare cu FC.
Si pentru autobuze exuista cele
doua concepte diferite, de motor cu combustie si FC. Ambele sunt mult mai putin
poluante decat autobuzele diesel.
Microbuze si camioane
Since the beginning of
the 90`s Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace and Tupolev co-operate in the field of
cryogen aircraft technology. This co-operation is called Cryoplane Program. The
aim is to switch the engines of a turboprop-aircraft (DO 328) over to hydrogen
propulsion and to install a hydrogen supply system on board. The experience to
be gained in this project can be transferred to big passenger aircrafts
(Airbus) later
Hydrogen at home
The most important
stationary application of fuel cells and hydrogen is the co-generation of
electric power and heat in a fuel cell heating and power station. The advantage
of making use of both products - electric power and heat - is the very high
overall system efficiency thus making the best possible use of the primary
energy sources
Such cogeneration fuel
cell power stations can be realised even in very small construction sizes. Most
common will be systems having the size of regular residential heating systems
or of gas heating boilers. When these systems were produced in large numbers
they would be only slightly more expensive than conventional heating boilers
but in addition they are 'incidentally' generating electric power!
One can imagine how our
energy system would change if millions of such plants were installed directly
in residential buildings. The generation of electric power would become
decentralised and we would use the primary energy sources more efficiently
Hydrogen in your hands
A great variety of
possible applications for fuel cells and hydrogen can be found in the energy
supply of portable devices: mobile phones, laptops, walkmen, camcorders and
many other things could be powered by hydrogen and by fuel cells in the size of
In this exposition you
can have a look at a computer powered by a fuel cell. Its operation time far
exceeds the operation time of computers powered by conventional accumulators.
And when the hydrogen draws to an end one simply inserts a new cartridge. The
empty cartridges can be refilled.
Fuel cells which are even
smaller, so called micro fuel cells, could be integrated in mobile phones.
Prototypes with an operation time of fifty hours have already been presente
Is hydrogen dangerous?
Hydrogen is highly
inflammable, that means it easily reacts with oxygen and when it burns water is
produced. Exactly this characteristic makes it suitable as a fuel.
Hydrogen has no greater
danger potential than oil, natural gas or uranium. With regard to its physical
and chemical specifications hydrogen is not particularly dangerous. Therefore,
e.g. in Germany, the safety precautions and regulations for hydrogen do not
differ from those for every other burnable gas.
In car accidents or air
crashes liquid fuels often lead to fire slicks and in consequence frequently
result in fatal injuries. In contrast to this hydrogen escapes upwards into the
air very fast as proved by the accident of the airship 'Hindenburg'
in 1937. On the other hand one has to consider that there is an increased
explosion hazard when hydrogen is set free in closed rooms, e.g. in garages or
tunnels. In closed rooms good ventilation and perhaps additional safety
precautions must be provided.
The chemical industry has
been using hydrogen for hundred years. The experiences concerning safety are
Hydrogen and fuel
cells - a perfect combination
In this chapter we learn
the basic facts of fuel cells. What for we need fuel cells, how they work and
what is already reality.
Fuel cells gives us a
very efficient way to produce electric power and heat. In the whole circle of
renewable energies they are the final element. The sun provides energy, solar
cells or wind power catch it for us, hydrogen is the storage and the medium to
transport the energy and the fuel cells generate the energy whenever and
whereever it is needed.
If we get into our car,
if we need heat and electricity at home or if we just listen music on our
walkmen. The energy could be provided by a fuel cell.
Basic construction
Fuel cells have a very
simple structure. The cell itself consists of three layers, one above the
The first layer is the
anode, the second an electrolyte and the third layer is the cathode.
Anode and cathode serve
as catalyst. The layer in the middle consists of a carrier structure which
absorbs the electrolyte. In different types of fuel cells different substances
are used as electrolyte. Some electrolytes are liquid and some are solid with a
membrane structure.
Because one cell
generates only low voltage several cells get stacked according to the requested
voltage. This arrangement is called 'stack'.
What exactly does a
fuel cell?
The fuel cell reverses the
process of electrolysis which is known from school. In the process of
electrolysis by applying electric power water is decomposed into the gaseous
components oxygen and hydrogen.
The fuel cell takes
exactly these two substances and converts them to water again. In theory the
same amount of energy which has been used for the electrolysis is set free by
this conversion. In practice insignificant losses are caused by different
physical-chemical processes.
So to say electric power
is stored in hydrogen. Therefore we have a gas at our disposal in which
electric power can be stored and this gas is hydrogen. In fuel cells we get
back the electric power stored in the hydrogen. Most fuel cells are operating
with air, so there is no need to store oxygen.
HyNet Hydrogen
Information Site
Welcome to HyNet's
hydrogen, energy and fuel cell information site!
In three short chapters
we will introduce you to some basic facts in the fields 'Energy',
'Hydrogen' and 'Fuel Cells'.
After reading all three
chapters you will be able to understand what hydrogen is, what for we need
hydrogen, and what a fuel cell is.
Further you can find
out how an hydrogen economy works and why it is a perfect solution for the
energy of today and for the future!

Energy the Driver
We need energy for a
lot of purposes in our every day life. Whether we use the refrigerator, TV,
computer whether we drive by car or by subway or whether we only enjoy light
and heat, the driving force is always energy.
But energy is finite!
We generate more than 90% of our energy from fossil sources like oil, gas or
coal. During the next fifty years we will deplete almost all the remaining
oil and gas on the world.
Mankind is growing
Never before have lived
as many people on our planet as today. There are more then six billion people
now, and their number will increase further.
On which scale it will
increase, no one can say with certainty. If you take a look at the UN
scenario of the least growth, you will see that there will be up to 9 billion
people in 2050. This scenario would demand very drastic measures and
therefore the actual population will be supposedly higher in reality.
Extrapolating this
trend there will be 13 billion people in one hundred years. All those people
have a right to meet their basic needs for food, housing, heating, education.
Therefore we need
huge amounts of energy! Now more than 2 billion people have no access to
electric power. Therefore they do not participate in energy consumption yet.

United Nations
growth scenarios
Can the way of
living in the industrialized countries serve as a model for the world?
Considering who is
using the energy today one finds a striking imbalance. Only 17% of mankind
live in industrial nations but nevertheless they have a share of more than
60% on the total energy consumption!
How are our energy
requirements met today?
More then 90% of
today's energy supply consists of coal, petroleum and gas. So we meet 90% of
our energy requirement by burning fossil fuels.
At today's consumption
rate petroleum, our most important fuel, lasts for another 40 to 50 years.
One can easily work out what would happen if the other 83% of mankind
consumed as much energy as we do: In less than 10 years the world's remaining
petroleum would be used up!
Therefore resolving the
world energy problem has to start with us. We have to reduce our energy
consumption and we have to introduce modern technologies. In actual fact the
developing countries do not yet participate in global energy consumption!

% of the world's population needs 62 %
of the world's energy. That means that 83 %
of mankind shares the remaining 38 %

more then 90 % of the world's energy supply
is meet by fossile resources
Today's energy is
Fossil fuels are coal,
petroleum and natural gas. They are not renewable, once burnt they are gone
These sources supply
more then 90% of our energy requirement.
In this context two
problems are paramount. One problem is the question for how many years these
fuels will be available. The other problem is the pollution caused by burning
fossil fuels.
That's why we
subdiveded the fossil chapter into two subchapters: Climate and Resources
 
Energy Conservation
is a Means of Climate Protection
The graph on the right
shows the development of the average temperatures in the last 140 years. The
trend shows a clear increase of temperatures. The graph also shows the
increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is mainly
due to the burning of the fossil fuels coal, oil and gas.
During the last 50
years the mean temperature on earth increased by about 1degree. At first this
does not sound too dramatic. But this increase has caused a dramatic
reduction of the size of alpine glaciers and the beginning melting of huge
areas of ice in the polar region.
Most important an
increase of the average temperature by 1degree leads to an increase in the
occurrence of weather extremes like periods of draught, storms, floods etc.
Biological adaptation processes can not happen at that fast rate of change,
the variety of species begins to decrease. Particularly within insurance
companies there is a growing awareness that natural disasters are a
consequence of climate change.
The causal correlation
between climate change and the emission of carbon dioxide can at the moment
not be proven with final certainty-but also the proof of the contrary is not
possible. Yet all measurements confirm this theory. Our grandchildren and
great-grandchildren will have to take the consequences of our experiments
with atmosphere - this should be reason enough for us to act.
If the
prognosticated increase in energy demand is to be met by fossil fuels then
the world-wide emissions of greenhouse gases will have doubled by 2030!

The grafic shows the temperature divergences from the mean value. Warmer
years are green, colder years are blue. The last decade had been the
warmest in the last century. The orange line represents the increasing
carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.

Satelites view of a hurricane

A 2000 square kilometers iceberg breaks off the 'Larsen Shelf
ice' near the south pole.
World Energy
The graph on the right
shows the reserve-to-production ratios for those fuels which meet almost 100%
of today's requirements (i.e. the remaining number of years these fuels would
last at our present level of consumption.)
It is not realistic to
assume that there will be no increase in consumption. Therefore the graph
below shows the reserve-to-production ratios assuming a 1% yearly increase in
the consumption of crude oil and a 1.5% increase per year in the consumption
of natural gas and coal. One can see clearly how the reserve-to-production
ratios are decreasing. This representation is called the dynamic
reserve-to-production ratio. It should be noted that the assumed rate of
increase in consumption is rather moderate.
Oil and Gas
Those two fuels together meet more then 60% of the world's energy demand. Both
fuels will be depleted in a few decades.
The IEA (International
Energy Agency) -an institution of the United Nations- predicts an increasing
gap between supply and demand starting in 2010. At first this gap will not be
dramatic but no one can say for sure how the energy prices will develop in
future. In any case demand will exceed supply.
A large part of the
fossil resources -about half- has been used up in the last 100 years. Even in
relation to the age of mankind this is a very short period of time.
Therefore it is less
important whether fossil fuels will be depleted in 50 or rather in 70 years
but the real issue is whether mankind should use them to the very end at all.
The use of fossil fuels poses - apart from the problem of greenhouse gases-
the question of a just distribution of resources. The generations to come
will lack these resources we are using at such a great extent. We live at the
expense of future generations.
We have the
responsibility to develop and to apply alternative technologies, in order
that coming generations can be sure to meet their energy requirement!

Static range of fossil energy carriers (years)

Dynamic range of fossil energy carriers (years)

The development of oil demand seen with the eyes of IEA 1999.
In the year 2024 the gap between demand and production corresponds to the
worlds production amount of 1997. The blue areas show the decrease of
A sustainable
The sun could be the
solution to all energy supply problems - already now and in future!
The sun radiates many
times more energy down to earth than we require: Every day, without emissions
and completely free. We just have to find ways of using this energy.
In principle all
renewable energy sources originate from the sun. The sun makes the wind blow,
causes rain to fall and heats our planet.
The term
'renewable' energy means that this energy is not taken from a
finite stock but is generated in a cyclical process. Scientists talk of
'sustainability' in this context.
This can be explained
very graphic taking wood (one type of biomass) as an example: The sun causes
a tree to grow and this tree produces oxygen and binds carbon dioxide. To
burn the wood we need oxygen and we get carbon dioxide as a result. Over all
these processes are balanced but we gained thermal energy. Virtually the tree
has stored solar energy for us.
For every renewable
energy source there is such a balanced cyclical process. This is the decisive
benefit of renewable energy sources!
On the following pages
we want to present you some of the most important technologies for renewable
energy sources. They do not compete but supplement each other. Also today
electric power is generated partly from coal, petroleum, natural gas or
An even greater number
of options is characteristic for the renewable energy sources. Hydrogen is
the perfect connection between these options!

Solar energy
Direct use of solar
energy means that electricity or heat is generated directly from the sun. An
indirect use of solar energy is e.g. windpower.
To generate energy
directly from the sun, there are different possibilities. Photovoltaics
converts solar energy directly into electric power. Solar thermal
installations use the sun to produce heat which is either used directly as
heat or in solar thermal power stations steam is generated to produce
electric power.
The passive use of
solar energy is another solar technology. Whenever a building or the facade
of a building is constructed in such a way that it collects energy then this
is called solar architecture. In principle it is possible to supply a house
with energy entirely by the sun, even in our climes. Additional energy from
fossil fuels is unnecessary. Such 'zero-energy-houses' are state of
the art technology today and even construction costs are only slightly higher
than those of conventional houses.
Where as right now 1
kilowatt hour of electric power from photovoltaics costs well over 50 Cent
solar thermal hot-water systems are already competitive.
Photovoltaics has the
potential to become much cheaper as well. In principle the technology is
simple and silicium (for the production of wafers) is one of the most
frequent elements in the world. Only the necessary mass production is

solar cell

1 MW photovotaic system on the roof of the munich fair


150 MW solar thermal power plant (USA)
Power from wind and
Man has used these two
renewable energy sources for a very long time. In the past windpower has been
used to sail around the world and with the aid of waterpower grain has been
ground in the Middle Ages. Windmills have existed for many hundred years!
Modern power generating
installations are using both energy sources. There are many hydroelectric
power stations which have been producing energy for many decades.
Hydroelectric power
stations are good base load power stations because one can reliably predict
their output. But the potential of waterpower is restricted and not all
countries have enough water at their disposal. Waterpower will also in future
have a stable share in renewable energy sources.
The global potential of
windpower is immense. Wind farms can be built onshore as well as offshore. So
called offshore-wind farms work on perfect wind conditions and they do not
disturb anyone out there.
Europe is the world
champion in using windpower. Installed power has already reached 25,000
megawatt (33,000 MW worldwide). This is sufficient to meet 1.6% of
electricity production in Europe. Unfortunately the wind does not blow all
the time and we therefore have to keep power plants in stand-by. Hydrogen can
be useful to store wind power in future.
Wind power is a good example
to demonstrate how dynamic the development of technologies for renewable
energy sources can become once they reach profitability. In 1993 only under
200 megawatt had been installed and the prognosticated yearly growth was less
than 100 megawatt up to 2015. The actual growth turned out to be 6000
megawatt per year!

wind farm

hydro power

offshore wind farm
Energy from farming
The energetic use of
biomass has much potential world-wide and can get an important share in
European energy supply as well.
There are different
types of biomass. One is 'bio-garbage' coming from our households.
It is especially suited for gasification: In an accelerated process of
putrefaction methane is produced, which can be used directly to generate
electric power. When required also hydrogen can be produced from methane.
All sorts of organic
waste from agriculture and forestry are also forms of biomass and there are
different technologies and methods to utilise them. As pellets it can be used
in modern biomass-ovens to generate heat but of course also cogeneration is
This type of biomass
together with plants especially cultivated for this purpose can be converted
to hydrogen in a biomass-reformer. In this process a lot of carbon dioxide is
produced but only as much as has been absorbed from air by the plants before.
Part of the hydrogen
which is needed for fuel cell cars and residential fuel cell systems could in
future be produced by agriculture.



bio mass pellets for burning in combined
heat power stations

power station for pellets
Further renewable
Apart from the already
demonstrated types of renewable electric power production there are some
technologies which are not so well known or not so well developed. Some of
them we want to present:
In many regions of the world there are subterranean sources of heat.
Sometimes they are so hot that one can use their energy. Nearly hundred
percent of the energy supply of Iceland are based on this energy. Only the
fuels for cars and ships are derived from crude oil. Iceland wants to become
independent of these oil imports as well and has decided to switch the whole
energy economy over to hydrogen. They want to generate hydrogen by geothermal
energy in future. Many European partners are supporting this project.
In Europe there is an
unused potential of geothermics as well. It is imaginable that it will
supplement our supply of energy in future.
Energy from The Sea
Ebb and flow are moving immense masses of water every day. Enormous amounts
of energy are necessary to bring this about. Tidal power stations are able to
use this energy. Such a tidal power station has existed in St. Malo at the
French Atlantic coast for many years.
The power of the waves
can be used as well. Mostly in Britain there are prototypes of such wave
power stations. They are built on the seabed and use the sea's up and down
movement. The energy contained in waves several metres high is considerable
in any case. But the question remains whether we succeed in using them.
Certain sorts of algae
are a perfect source for biomass. With algae farms the immense area of the
sea could be used in a natural way!
Other Solar Power
Apart from the thermo solar and photovoltaic power stations there are various
other types. There one should mention up current thermal power stations and
tower power stations. Both technologies have already been tested
Up current thermal
power stations use the fact that hot air is lighter than cold air. On the
ground of the tower air gets heated by the sun. The air then rises in the
tower and drives a turbine.
In tower power stations
hundreds of mirrors focus the sunlight on top of a tower where water
vaporises. The steam then drives a turbine.

geothermal california

St. Malo in France (240 MW)
Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is
undoubted the most controverse way of producing energy throughout Europe.
Several European
countries already decided to quit the use of nuclear energy due to the risks
and to the unsolved problem of nuclear waste, others will rely on nuclear
power even in the future.
Today there are about
400 nuclear power plants world-wide. Their energy meets just under 7% of the
global energy demand. If nuclear energy is to make a relevant contribution to
the future supply of energy we would need several thousand new power plants.
During the next 40 years we would have to take a new reactor into operation
about every second day if this power source should be available when all
sources of fossil energies are used up.
At the present
consumption rate natural uranium will last for just under 100 years. If power
stations with today's technology were built then the uranium stocks would be
used up in a very short period of time.
The only way out would
be the nuclear breeder technology, its fuels are reprocessable to nearly
hundred percent. World-wide the breeder technology is not pursued any more.
Nuclear breeders have the disadvantage of needing highly toxic plutonium and
producing radioactive waste with long half-life which we have to keep safe
for thousends of years.
Society will have to
decide whether it wants to introduce in a large scale a technology which
holds a certain danger potential and which confronts many future generations
with the problem of the disposal of nuclear materials.
This is especially
relevant if you take into consideration that renewable energy sources give us
the possibility to generate energy in a sustainable and safe way and that
there we have technologies which are much easier to handle for all the people
in the world.
There remains the
problem of profitability. The price of energy generated from renewable energy
sources will decrease when the use increases. Nevertheless it will never
arrive at the price we pay for our energy today. Therefore it is society's
responsibility to start appreciating the value of renewable energy sources
and to perceive their use as a way towards a better quality of life.
Thermo Nuclear
No one can say for sure whether nuclear fusion reactors are ever going to
work. Even the scientists who are working on fusion research talk about
reactors fit for operation only in 50 years. But for several reasons it is
important that at that time we already have at our disposal a working and
clean supply of energy.

nuclear power station
What for we need
As a result of the
'Energy' chapter we can see that a world energy supply only
based on renewable sources is possible. We have the potential and we have the
One problem that
accompanies all renewable energies is the storage. If we use electrical
energy it is always most efficient to use it directly. The electrical grid is
a kind of storage for that. But if the amount for instance of solar and wind
power grows there will be a need to store the energy for example if it needs
to be used at nighttime.
Even for mobile and
portable applications we need an 'Energy Carrier' to use the solar
energy as a fuel for cars or in an aircraft.
Therefore we need
hydrogen. Hydrogen can store energy like it is stored today by oil or by
natural gas. That's why hydrogen is called a secondary energy carrier. You
need a primary energy to produce. But at the same time it is a big advantage
because for production various sources can be used.
So you can fly or drive
by wind power, by biomass or by many other renewable sources.
This chapter will
explain all about the production, the storage and the use of hydrogen.

Hydrogen is a
colourless, odourless and completely non-poisonous gas. It has a specific
gravity of 0.0899g/l (Air is 14.4 times as heavy)
Hydrogen condenses at
-252.77°C. Liquid-hydrogen has a specific gravity of 70.99 g/l. Because of
that hydrogen has the highest energy density in relation to mass of all fuels
and energy carriers: 1 kg hydrogen contains as much energy as 2.1 kg natural
gas or 2.8 kg petrol.
The energy density
referring to volume of liquid hydrogen is a quarter of petrol's and a third
of natural gas's. The share of hydrogen of the weight of water is 11.2%.
Advantages of Hydrogen
When burning hydrogen
with air in internal combustion engines and gas turbines (when a suitable
procedure is applied) only very few or negligible emissions are resulting.
Nitrogen monoxide
emissions increase exponentially with calorific intensity. Therefore these
emissions can be influenced by choosing a suitable process. Because hydrogen,
in contrast to other fuels, leaves us more freedom to influence the burning
process it is possible to decrease the Nox-emissions compared with natural
gas or petroleum. To achieve this one can attain low calorific intensity e.g.
by using a high air surplus.
By using hydrogen in
low-temperature fuel-cells ( e.g. membrane fuel cells: PEMFC) emissions can
be avoided completely. In the process of generating energy from hydrogen and
air-oxygen there is only water as a reaction product (i.e. water without any
minerals, like distilled water).
The use of hydrogen in
fuel-cells operating at a higher temperature-level causes emissions a hundred
times lower than in conventional power stations.


How to get hydrogen?
Hydrogen in a pure form
(and only as such an energy carrier) does not occur in nature but exists only
in bond structures.
It therefore can not be
exploited like crude oil or coal: it has to be generated from other chemical
compounds. This is why scientists call it a secondary energy carrier.
Of course the best
example for a hydrogen-compound is water. Two hydrogen-atoms and one
oxygen-atom form water. But there are many other substances which contain
Most organic compounds
are a combination of carbon and hydrogen. An example for this is natural gas
(methane) which consists of one carbon-atom and four hydrogen-atoms.
Plants consist of
organic compounds which consist of carbon and hydrogen. Biomass in general,
consists on the biggest part of carbon and hydrogen: e.g. refuse containing
biomass, refuse from plants, refuse wood from forests or especially
cultivated energy plants like rape or particular grasses.
Independent from the
base material hydrogen is always generated by a process. For this energy is
It is an advantage of
the use of hydrogen that the energy for its generation has not necessarily to
be taken from fossil sources. Windpower, solar energy and waterpower are
primary energy sources as well!
The production of
hydrogen is not really new. At the moment world-wide every year 500 billion
cubic metres of hydrogen are produced, stored, transported and used. This is
happening mostly in the chemical (and petrochemical) industry.
Click left to see
various ways of industrial hydrogen production

gaseous hydrogen molecules H2

water: two H , one O (H2O)

natural gas: one C, four H (CH4 - Methane)

A typical organic combination.
Biomass consists dominantly of variations of this
organic chains. (here: glucose)
Hydrogen from fossil
Von The biggest part of
todays 500 billion cubic metres world-wide is generated from fossil sources
(natural gas, oil) or is obtained as by-product-hydrogen in chemical
processes. A lot of hydrogen is obtained by chlor-alkali electrolysis and
Altogether the hydrogen
generation as by-product amounts to around 190 billion cubic metres
There are the following
processes to generate hydrogen from fossil fuels:
Small Reformer
To be able to
use hydrogen in fuel cell applications in the near future small reformers
(steam reforming, partial oxidation) are being developed. These systems are
intended particularly for mobile use in vehicles and in small stationary applications.
For mobile applications
one is hoping that the higher energy density and the easier handling of a
conventional liquid fuel could be used to supply fuel cells. For this purpose
the partial oxidation or reforming of methanol or gasoline is particularly
Steam Reforming
Steam reforming is the endothermic catalytic conversion of light hydrocarbons
(methane,, gasoline) in the presence of steam. This large-scale process
normally takes place at a temperature of 850°C and a pressure of 2.5 bar.
Hydrogen and carbon dioxide as well as methane and carbon monoxide are
produced in the conversion process. In the so called 'shift
reaction' carbon monoxide reacts with steam to generate carbon dioxide
and hydrogen. The carbon dioxide and other unwelcome constituents are removed
from the gas mixture by adsorption or membrane-separation later on.
The separated residual
gas which contains about 60% of combustible components (H2, CH4, CO) is used
as a fuel in the reformer, together with a part of the input gas.
The large-scale
generation of hydrogen is done in steam reformers with production capacities
of usually 100.000 cubic metres of hydrogen per hour. These plants are built
by companies like Linde, KTI or Uhde .
Partial Oxidation
Partial oxidation is the thermal conversion of heavy hydrocarbons (e.g.
residues from oil refining or diesel oil) with oxygen and sometimes with
additional water vapour. The amounts of oxygen and hydrogen are allocated in
such a way that gasification without external energy supply is possible.
This hydrogen
generation process works with coal as well. The coal is ground very fine and
mixed with water into a pumpable suspension with 50-70% of solid matters.
This process is profitable only in typical coal mining countries like China
or South Africa. In Germany there are only pilot plants.
In case hydrogen is to
play an important role in the energy economy in the medium or long-term it is
not recommendable to base its generation on conventional steam reforming or
partial oxidation from natural gas, oil or coal in view of the environmental
requirements (CO2-reduction).
Modern Processes
Modern processes make it possible to generate hydrogen potentially without
CO2 from natural gas and using electric power:
Since the beginning of the
80´s KVAERNER ENGINEERING S.A. from Norway is developing the
plasma-arc-process which at 1600°C splits hydrocarbons into hydrogen and
clean coal. For this process which causes no considerable emissions electric
power and cooling water are needed in addition to the primary energy sources
(petroleum, natural gas).
A pilot plant in
operation since April 1992 generates 500kg/h clean-coal (activated carbon)
and 2000 Nm3/h hydrogen from 1000 Nm3/h natural gas and 2100 kWe. As an
additional by-product superheated steam with a power of 1000 kW is generated.
Considering all potentially usable products the plant works with an
efficiency of almost 100%. Of this output about 48% are contained in
hydrogen, 10% in super heated steam and the remaining 40% in activated carbon.
The process is in the
pilot phase. As a next step there are plans to build a plant with a capacity
of 100.00 Nm3/h hydrogen under industrial conditions.
hydrogen production plant in Leuna, by Linde
residential natural gas reformer by Hyradix
natural gas steam reformer by Air Liquide
For the generation of
hydrogen from water now and in the foreseeable future electrolysis is the
only process of practical significance among the possible alternatives. The
conventional process is the alkaline electrolysis which has been in
commercial use for more then 80 years. Because hydrogen generated by
electrolysis uses electric power (also a secondary energy carrier) this is
economic only in those regions of the world where electric power can be
generated very cheaply. This is the case almost exclusively in big
hydroelectric plants (e.g. in Egypt, Iceland, Norway..)
General Description
The water decomposition via electrolysis takes place in two partial reactions
at both electrodes, which are separated by an ion conducting electrolyte. At
the negative electrode (cathode) hydrogen is produced and on the positive
electrode (anode) oxygen is produced. The necessary charge exchange works via
ion conduction. To keep the product gases separated the two reaction
compartments are separated by an ion separator (diaphragm). The energy for
the splitting of the water is provided by electric power. The following types
of electrolysis exist:
Conventional Water
This process works with alkaline, aqueous electrolytes. Anode compartment and
cathode compartment are separated by a microporous diaphragm to avoid the
blending of the product gases. Good dynamic performance is a feature of the
latest developments which allows for fluctuating operation. Therefore they
are perfectly suited for applications with renewable energy generating
High-Pressure Water
With high-pressure electrolyzers hydrogen pressures up to and even over 50
bar are possible. This is feasible because of a specific choice and
optimisation of materials. Some technologies which are in the development
stage at the moment shall make feasible an unproblematic operation of an
electrolyzer powered by a fluctuating electric power unit (e.g. wind- or
PV-power) thus enabling the building of stand-alone plants.
High-temperature electrolysis has been discussed as an interesting
alternative some years ago. It would be an advantage to put part of the
energy needed for dissociation as high-temperature heat at around 800-1000°C
into the process and then to be able to run the electrolysis with reduced
electric power. These considerations were directed at using in this way the
heat set free in a solar-concentrator or waste heat from power plants. But in
the last years the interest in this type of electrolysis decreased and
therefore we will not go into more detail.

large scale electrolysis by norsk hydro

electrolysis from

home electrolyser to refuel a car at home (stuart)

high pressure electrolyser by GHW
(at munich filling station)
Hydrogen from
Technologies for the
generation of hydrogen from biomass are not commercially available so far.
Dependent on the process they are at different stages of research and
Experts differentiate
between the following methods for the generation of hydrogen: conversion of
firm biomass (e.g. pellets from cultivation, residues consisting of biomass),
fermentation of biomass like liquid-manure and biological generation of
The charming thing
about generating H2 directly from biomass is that the generation of hydrogen
is effected directly from the renewable energy source without taking the
detour of converting the energy contained in the biomass to electric power
(needed for electrolysis). By doing this a high system efficiency with a
positive general balance is made possible.
The process of water
vapour gasification of biomass generates a gas mixture which consists of
- 0% hydrogen
- 20% carbon monoxide
- 10% carbon dioxide
- just under 5% methane
- 45% nitrogen
using pure oxygen or only water vapour the product gas contains no nitrogen.
In this process due to
the heat the organic substances decompose into coke, condensate and gases
before the gasification itself takes place. This process is called thermal
decomposition or pyrolysis. Because of the oxygen present in the reactor the
intermediate products are not reformed but there is a partial oxidation
In a second phase of
the shift-reaction the carbon monoxide together with water vapour is
converted into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. After that the gas mixture is
dissociated in a pressure-swing-absorption process into pure hydrogen and
residual gas.
Fermentation of
Biogas can be generated by anaerobe methane fermentation when biomass or
liquid manure contains a high percentage of moisture. Biogas contains a high
percentage of carbon monoxide and methane. Even though this gas mixture
contains very little hydrogen it can be used as fuel in advanced
high-temperature fuel cells (MCFC). Because of the high process temperatures
(~ 650°C) the reforming of the methane takes place directly at the electrode.
Before it can be used in membrane fuel cells (PEM) the gas has to be
converted into hydrogen in a reformer.
Biological Hydrogen
There are different biological processes in which hydrogen is set free or is
produced as an intermediate product. In principle two different types of
processes can be distinguished: The photosynthesis which requires light and
the fermentation which takes place in darkness. Hydrogen is produced by algae
in the first case and by micro-organisms in the latter case.
These methods of
generating hydrogen are still in the development stage but they are a
complementing option for a future hydrogen economy.



biomass gasification plant (Herten, Germany)
How to store
Hydrogen serves as a
storage and transportation medium for energy.
In general there are
three different ways of storing hydrogen:
- storage in pressure tanks
- storage of liquid hydrogen
- storage via absorption
All of them have pros
and cons which qualify them for different applications:

Storage of
Pressurised Gas
We talk of the storage
of pressurised gas whenever a gas is stored under higher than normal
pressure. Tanks for the storage of pressurized gas differ by their
construction according to the type of application which determine the
required pressure levels. For the most part stationary tanks have a lower
pressure level because this type of storage is cheaper. The requirements for
mobile applications, for example in a motor vehicle, are quite different
because there is not much room for tanks. For such applications tank pressure
is increased up to 700 bar in order to store as much hydrogen as possible in
a very confined space.
Pressure tanks used to
be made from steel and therefore were very heavy. Modern pressure tanks are
made from composite materials (coal-fibre composite materials with a thin
internal aluminium liner) and they are much lighter.
When it is necessary to
store large amounts of hydrogen in a future energy economy then hydrogen can
be pressed into subterranean cavern storages. There it can be stored under a
pressure of up to 50 bar. In France and in the USA this method is already in
use. In Germany natural gas is stored in such caverns. They could be used for
the storage of hydrogen in future.

vehicle storage system (GM)

storage system for buses (roof system by MAN)

Stationary storage system at a filling station
Liquid storages for
Hydrogen has the
highest energy storage density referring to volume when it is liquefied
before storing. Hydrogen is liquefied at -235°C.
Cryo-tanks - tanks for
liquid gases at very low temperatures are called this - can be produced with
very high quality today. The losses resulting from the gradual heating up of
the liquid hydrogen in the tank (waste steam losses) can be kept very low.
The storage of liquid hydrogen is especially suited for the use in vehicles
because the space requirement of liquid hydrogen tanks is lowest.
For the re-fuelling of
these vehicles automatic robots exist already.
liquid-storage will only be used when hydrogen is really requested in liquid
form, e.g. in fuel stations. For all other applications the high amount of
energy requested for the liquefaction should be avoided wherever possible.

BMW with liquid hydrogen storage in the back

robot fueling station at munich airport
Adsorption Storage
Beside pressure gas and
liquid gas storage there are other methods for the storage of hydrogen as
Metal hydride
This storage technology uses certain metal alloys which are storing hydrogen
like a sponge becoming saturated with water. The hydrogen is adsorbed by the
metal thus building metal hydrides.
If a metal hydride is
'filled' with hydrogen it emits heat. To regain the hydrogen heat
must be supplied.
Referring to the volume
metal hydride storage has a very high storage capacity. Unfortunately those
storages are quite heavy and therefore they can not be used in mobile
applications. In addition they are very expensive because of the high costs
of materials.
With regard to handling
and safety there are advantages in the use of metal hydride tanks. Almost all
of them operate at normal pressures, there are no losses and they effect a
cleaning of the hydrogen. Hydrogen is released by the supply of heat and
therefore the hydrogen remains bonded in case the tank is damaged.
In submarines this type
of storage is in commercial use today.
Carbon Nanotubes
This material on carbon base may revolutionise the technology of storage for
hydrogen one day. Some years ago it has been discovered that large amounts of
hydrogen can be stored in tube-shaped microscopically small
Meanwhile many groups
are doing research on the storage technology world-wide. But up to now the
reports on the storage capacity are differing very much.
Independent from each
other several groups proved that this method of storage is working in
principle and that it has a high potential. We can really look forward to the
scientific and technical advances.

portable metal hydride storage

large scale metal hydride storage

tubular graphite structures
Hydrogen supply
In principle hydrogen
can be transported by using all the discussed storage technologies. Tank
sizes will be rather big corresponding to the technologies.
Liquid hydrogen can be
transported with trucks either in special trailers or in containers. In the
USA there even exists a 40 km pipeline for liquid hydrogen.
Pressurized hydrogen
today is delivered in mobile pressure tanks by truck or train from producer
to consumer. In addition there is the option to build a pipeline system for
the delivery of hydrogen which would principally correspond to our present
natural gas mains. One day every household could be supplied with hydrogen
instead of natural gas.
In the Ruhr Basin and
in Leuna there has been a pipeline grid for hydrogen with a length well over
100 km for several decades. It is working without any problems. World-wide
there are about 1000 km of hydrogen pipelines in operation.
Ships for the transport
of liquid hydrogen could be very similar to the tankers for liquid natural
gas which are used today. But new concepts for ships specially for the
transport of liquid hydrogen have been designed in detail as well.
As long as there are
only small amounts of hydrogen to be transported intercontinentally the
transport in containers makes sense. These containers for liquid hydrogen are
standardised and they can be transported world-wide with ships, trains and
trucks. And they can be transferred in every container-terminal.

hydrogen pipeline

trailer for pressurized hydrogen

liquid gas vessel

liquid hydrogen delivery trailer
Mobile or stationary
The use of hydrogen as
an energy carrier will change many facets of our life in future. Together
with the fuel cell it has the potential to revolutionise the whole energy
Hydrogen enables the
use of renewable energy sources: as a fuel in traffic or as a fuel for the
co-generation of electric power and heat in stationary applications. Whoever
wants to cook or to drive with hydrogen generated from solar energy or from
windpower will be able to do so.
By the way, hydrogen is
the only energy carrier which makes it possible to power an aircraft using
solar energy!
Generally one can
differentiate between three main areas for the use of hydrogen: Stationary,
mobile and portable applications. Chose a category on the left
and take a look at some examples!

fuel cell car (Toyota)

residential fuel cell system
Hydrogen as a fuel
All the means of
transport we know today could be powered by hydrogen. There are two
possibilities for doing so: Hydrogen is burnt in conventional engines instead
of gasoline. The other option is the use of fuel cells which are generating
electric power for an electric motor in the car.
The use of fuel cells
in cars has some decisive advantages: There is only water emitted from the
exhaust, it operates without noise and without vibrations and it is more
efficient than a combustion engine - so it saves energy. When a fuel cell car
is waiting at a traffic light there is no noise because the engine does not
work. The noise from accelerating is much reduced as well. Our cities will
become much quieter.
Motorcars with Fuel
World-wide all the big motorcar producing companies are developing test cars
with fuel cell drive systems. In Germany mainly DaimlerChrysler, Opel and
Ford are the first to do so. BMW presented hydrogen powered cars very early
but they are still concentrating on combustion engines. Though future
vehicles of the 7-series will use a fuel cell for the electric power supply.
DaimlerChrysler wants
to bring a serial A-class model with fuel cells up for sale beginning in
2005. Which fuel will be used then - hydrogen or methanol - has not been
decided yet. At the moment the missing fuel station infrastructure is an
obstacle to the broad market introduction of fuel cell cars.
Hydrogen Driven City
For buses the two different concepts of internal combustion engine and fuel
cell exist as well. Compared with diesel buses they both have the advantage
of greatly reduced pollutant emissions.
At the Munich Airport
three hydrogen buses with internal combustion engines which were built by MAN
and Neoplan are in operation since 1999. Meanwhile both companies are also
testing fuel cell buses because they are convinced of the advantages of fuel
cells, especially concerning operation in cities. It is planned to run a MAN
city bus with a fuel cell in Berlin as well.
DaimlerChrysler wants
to test some dozen of its 'Nebus' city buses with fuel cells in
regular service in the coming years.
Trucks, Trams,
Railway Engines and Ships
There is hardly a means of transport for which no hydrogen or fuel cell concept
exists. The use in trams or railway engines is in the discussion for all
applications where there are not yet overhead lines or where these overhead
lines would be really spoiling. In these cases there is a trade-off between
the additional costs for hydrogen powered railway engines and the costs for
overhead lines.
The use of hydrogen and
fuel cells in trucks has not been tested yet, because on long-distance rides
diesel engines work very efficiently. However the use of fuel cells in
delivery vehicles operating in cities is very interesting because these
vehicles are usually part of a fleet and have only a limited daily mileage.
In the evenings they could be refilled in the depots. The
'Hermes-Versand' in Hamburg, inter alia, runs seven Mercedes Sprinters
(with internal combustion engines) to supply its customers. The next step
will be the import of hydrogen from Iceland which will be renewably
generated. As a result the hydrogen driven vehicles will have an excellent
local and global emission balance.
Ships which are used in
urban areas, like passenger ferries or pleasure boats, could considerably
lower their emissions. In addition these ships are very quiet and really
comfortable for the passengers because the fuel cell works without noise. In
big ships the electric power supply is to be met by fuel cells first,
allowing the generators to be stopped when in harbour.
Hydrogen Driven
Since the beginning of the 80`s the Russian manufacturer Tupolev worked on
aircraft versions with cryogen energy supply. In 1988 Tupolev presented a TU
154 of which the right of the three engines was modified so that it could be
powered by liquid hydrogen and also tanks for hydrogen were installed.
The engine was working
successfully for the whole flight phase which lasted more than 100 hours.
Since the beginning of
the 90`s Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace and Tupolev co-operate in the field of
cryogen aircraft technology. This co-operation is called Cryoplane Program.
The aim is to switch the engines of a turboprop-aircraft (DO 328) over to
hydrogen propulsion and to install a hydrogen supply system on board. The
experience to be gained in this project can be transferred to big passenger
aircrafts (Airbus) later on.
BMW with internal combustion engine for hydrogen
fuel cell delivery car (GM/Opel)
the fuel cell 'motor'
the Hywire concept car (GM/Opel)
fuel cell bus by MAN
airport bus with internal hydrogen combustion engine
fuel cell locomotive for mining
fuel cell delivery truck (DC)
sightseeing boat with fuel cell propulsion
hydrogen aircraft
concept aircraft 'cryoplane'
Hydrogen at home
The most important
stationary application of fuel cells and hydrogen is the co-generation of
electric power and heat in a fuel cell heating and power station. The
advantage of making use of both products - electric power and heat - is the
very high overall system efficiency thus making the best possible use of the
primary energy sources.
Such cogeneration fuel
cell power stations can be realised even in very small construction sizes.
Most common will be systems having the size of regular residential heating
systems or of gas heating boilers. When these systems were produced in large
numbers they would be only slightly more expensive than conventional heating
boilers but in addition they are 'incidentally' generating electric
One can imagine how our
energy system would change if millions of such plants were installed directly
in residential buildings. The generation of electric power would become
decentralised and we would use the primary energy sources more efficiently.
In Europe only a very
small part of all power stations uses the 'waste heat' of the power
generation for heating purposes. Conversely heating installations burn oil
and gas without generating electric power.
Even if in the
beginning the fuel cell is to be operated together with a reformer which
converts natural gas (i.e. a fossil fuel) the overall energy consumption and
therefore the greenhouse gas emissions would decrease considerably.

fuel cell system for an apartment house

1 kW home fuel cell system (SOFC)

home fuel cell system (PEM)
Hydrogen in your
A great variety of
possible applications for fuel cells and hydrogen can be found in the energy
supply of portable devices: mobile phones, laptops, walkmen, camcorders and
many other things could be powered by hydrogen and by fuel cells in the size
of batteries.
In this exposition you
can have a look at a computer powered by a fuel cell. Its operation time far
exceeds the operation time of computers powered by conventional accumulators.
And when the hydrogen draws to an end one simply inserts a new cartridge. The
empty cartridges can be refilled.
Fuel cells which are
even smaller, so called micro fuel cells, could be integrated in mobile
phones. Prototypes with an operation time of fifty hours have already been
Portable applications
with higher power ratings are in the development stage as well. In the USA
the lighting appliances on some construction sites in remote regions are
already powered by fuel cells. Provided there is a big enough tank these
systems work for weeks and they are cheaper to run than batteries with
equivalent capacities.

mobile phone (motorola)

notebook power supply (SMFC)

portable power supply (Ballard)
Hydrogen Demonstration
There are already a lot
of hydrogen demonstration projects throughout Europe.

CUTE -European fuel cell bus project
Is hydrogen
Hydrogen is highly
inflammable, that means it easily reacts with oxygen and when it burns water
is produced. Exactly this characteristic makes it suitable as a fuel.
Hydrogen has no greater
danger potential than oil, natural gas or uranium. With regard to its
physical and chemical specifications hydrogen is not particularly dangerous.
Therefore, e.g. in Germany, the safety precautions and regulations for
hydrogen do not differ from those for every other burnable gas.
In car accidents or air
crashes liquid fuels often lead to fire slicks and in consequence frequently
result in fatal injuries. In contrast to this hydrogen escapes upwards into
the air very fast as proved by the accident of the airship
'Hindenburg' in 1937. On the other hand one has to consider that
there is an increased explosion hazard when hydrogen is set free in closed
rooms, e.g. in garages or tunnels. In closed rooms good ventilation and perhaps
additional safety precautions must be provided.
The chemical industry
has been using hydrogen for hundred years. The experiences concerning safety
are positive.

The outbreak of the fire which destroyed the airship LZ 129
'Hindenburg' in Lakehurst in 1937 had nothing to do with the
hydrogen gas which had been stored on board in large amounts as ascending
force. The reasons for the accident were the chemical and electric
characteristics of the paint applied to the outer skin in combination with
the particular weather situation in Lakehurst on the day of the tragedy. In a
thunderstorm a electrostatic stroke set the highly inflammable paint on fire.
Then the fire spread to the hydrogen.

If the airship really had 'exploded', like it is so often said,
then this photo could not have been taken. The truth is that the hydrogen
burnt while escaping upwards. Any passenger who did not jump off survived the
accident! If a liquid fuel had started burning the accident would have been
much more disastrous, because a liquid fuel always collects at the bottom and
builds a fire slick!
  
Hydrogen and fuel
cells - a perfect combination
In this chapter we
learn the basic facts of fuel cells. What for we need fuel cells, how they
work and what is already reality.
Fuel cells gives us a
very efficient way to produce electric power and heat. In the whole circle of
renewable energies they are the final element. The sun provides energy, solar
cells or wind power catch it for us, hydrogen is the storage and the medium
to transport the energy and the fuel cells generate the energy whenever and
whereever it is needed.
If we get into our car,
if we need heat and electricity at home or if we just listen music on our
walkmen. The energy could be provided by a fuel cell.

An invention with
Back in the year 1839
the foundation stone for today's fuel cell technology has already been laid.
It was the Welsh justice and physician Sir William Robert Grove (1811-1896)
who developed the first working prototype. This prototype consisted of two
platinum electrodes which were separately surrounded by a glass cylinder. One
of the cylinders was filled with hydrogen the other with oxygen. Both
electrodes were immersed in diluted sulphuric acid -which was the
electrolyte- and created the electric connection. At the electrodes voltage
was produced. This voltage was very low and therefore Grove linked several of
these fuel cells to get a higher voltage.
Groves`s contemporaries
underestimated the importance of his discovery and the fuel cell was
forgotten. Only in the 1950`s, against the background of the Cold War, his
idea was taken up again. Space travel and military technology required
compact and powerful energy sources.
Spacecraft and submarines
require electric power and it is not possible to work with internal
combustion engines. Because of batteries being too heavy for spacecrafts,
NASA (e.g. in the Apollo program) decided in favour of the direct chemical
generation of electric power by fuel cells.
The civil use of fuel
cells became interesting only during the last years.
At the beginning of the
90`s scientists and engineers developed different new concepts and
technologies which made it possible to increase efficiency continually and to
decrease costs at the same time. Today fuel cells can be used for a lot of
different applications: for vehicle engines, for residential heating systems
and also for big power stations with a power rating of several megawatts as
well as for smallest applications like in mobile phones or mobile computers.
The fuel cell really
has the potential to revolutionise the world of energy technology!

Sir Wiliam Robert Grove

Groves experiment
Basic construction
Fuel cells have a very
simple structure. The cell itself consists of three layers, one above the
The first layer is the
anode, the second an electrolyte and the third layer is the cathode.
Anode and cathode serve
as catalyst. The layer in the middle consists of a carrier structure which
absorbs the electrolyte. In different types of fuel cells different
substances are used as electrolyte. Some electrolytes are liquid and some are
solid with a membrane structure.
Because one cell
generates only low voltage several cells get stacked according to the
requested voltage. This arrangement is called 'stack'.

princip of a cell

Many cells combined are called a fuel cell stack. The bipolar plates (dark
blue) seperate the cells and avoid electric connections.
What exactly does a
fuel cell?
The fuel cell reverses
the process of electrolysis which is known from school. In the process of
electrolysis by applying electric power water is decomposed into the gaseous
components oxygen and hydrogen.
The fuel cell takes
exactly these two substances and converts them to water again. In theory the
same amount of energy which has been used for the electrolysis is set free by
this conversion. In practice insignificant losses are caused by different
physical-chemical processes.
So to say electric
power is stored in hydrogen. Therefore we have a gas at our disposal in which
electric power can be stored and this gas is hydrogen. In fuel cells we get
back the electric power stored in the hydrogen. Most fuel cells are operating
with air, so there is no need to store oxygen.
There are different
types of fuel cells which are distinguished by construction and mode of
function. In the next chapters we will describe the fundamental modes of
operation of different fuel cells:


a fuel cell
The first
'modern' fuel cell
Apart from Grove`s
prototype the alkaline fuel cell - AFC- was the first type of fuel cell.
It was in use, and
still is in use today, for space travel and submarine engines.
It is the only type of
fuel cell that requires oxygen and hydrogen in purest form because even
smallest amounts of dirt would destroy the cell. The electrolyte consists of
caustic potash.
Today there are AFC
available that can be operated with air. A very good filter is needed to
clean the air to avoid contamination of the fuel cell.


AFC used in the space shuttle
The function of the
AFC in seven steps:
Step 1
Inside the two seperate gas supply cicuits the gaseous oxygene and hydrogen
flow into the gas area and the catalyzer.
Step 2
While getting in contact with the catalyzer the hydrogen molecules (H2) are
splitted into two H+ protons. At the same time each hydrogen atom sends out one
Step 3
Dhe electrons move from the anode to the cathode and cause an electric current.
This electric current supplies an electric capacitor with electric power.

Step 4
Respectively four electrons recombine with one hydrogen molecule at the
Step 5
The now generated oxygene ions react with water to OH ions.
Step 6
This hydroxide ions move through the electrolyte (potash solution) to the
Step 7
The hydroxide ions react at the anode with the protons to water. The water is
partly leaded back to the cathode to enhance the further reaction.
AFC applications
Alkaline fuel cells
have been in use in manned space travel which would not have been possible
without the fuel cell. In the Apollo and in the Apollo-Soyuz program as well
as in the Skylab and in space shuttles alkaline fuel cells were and are in
At the moment AFCs are
in the development stage for the use as vehicle drives. But the fact that
AFCs can not be fed directly with air (but only with pure oxygen) is a big
CO2 has to be removed
from the air in the beginning to avoid a 'poisoning' of the
electrolyte. This requires additional devices in the fuel cell system.
Alkaline fuel cells are
especially suitable for niche vehicles because they can be produced quite
cheaply even in small numbers. An example for such an application are the
famous London taxis.

fuel cell from the Apollo program

a taxi driven by a AFC

the first fuel cell boat with an AFC |
The proton exchange
membrane fuel cell - PEMFC
is easy to handle. It
is very light, it is very efficient and as reaction gas it requires only
atmospheric oxygen instead of pure oxygen. The hydrogen has to have the
typical purity.
PEM fuel cells are very
sensitive to carbon monoxide (CO). This gas might block the anode catalyst
and subsequently lead to a reduced performance.
The electrolyte
consists of a solid proton exchange membrane (PEM) made from sulphonated
The power output of a
PEM fuel cell can be controled very dynamically. Therefore it is perfectly
suitable for mobile applications and decentralised power plants.
Among the development
of fuel cells the PEMFC is most paramount at the moment. One reason is the
cell`s enormous potential to be mass produced. The target costs for a fuel
cell stack are about 200 DM/kW.

1.2 kW PEM fuel cell system (Ballard)

PEM fuel cell stack components
The function of the
PEM fuel cell in seven steps:
Step 1
Inside the two seperate gas supply cicuits the gaseous oxygene and hydrogen
flow into the gas area and the catalyzer.
Step 2
While getting in contact with the catalyzer the hydrogen molecules (H2) are
splitted into two H+ protons. At the same time each hydrogen atom sends out one
Step 3
The protons move through the electrolyte (membrane) to the cathode area.

Step 4
Dhe electrons move from the anode to the cathode and cause an electric current.
This electric current supplies an electric capacitor with electric power.
Step 5
Respectively four electrons recombine with one hydrogen molecule at the cathode.
Step 6
The now generated oxygene ions have a negative load. They move to the positiv
loaded protons.
Step 7
The oxygene ions give their electrons to the two protons and oxidize to water.
Applications for PEM
fuel cells
The PEM fuel cell can
be used for a great variety of applications such as mobile phones,
cogeneration of power and heat or drive trains for automobiles.
PEM fuel cell drive
systems are now demonstrated in many prototype vehicles. Motorcars, minibuses
and city buses will be the first types of vehicles to be fitted and sold with
fuel cells.
Later on vans and some
other light commercial vehicles will be added. Only heavy trucks are not
probable to be offered with PEM fuel cells in the near future because very
large hydrogen tanks would be needed to drive long distances and in addition
the diesel engines work very efficiently in big trucks.
PEM fuel cells are also
suitable for rail vehicles like trams or regional railways. In this case
overhead lines are not required.
PEM fuel cells are
perfectly suitable for the co-generation of electric power and heat. Small
applications e.g. in houses as well as applications for large buildings like
hospitals are in the development stage.
It must be reckoned
that the commercialisation will take place in the next two years. In these
applications the hydrogen is generated from natural gas or liquid gas in
Portable devices which
require electric power are also possible applications of PEM fuel cells. Most
prominent is the field of camping equipment. But also accumulator-drills or
lawn-mowers could be driven by PEM fuel cells. The first fuel cell systems
for mobile phones and laptops have already been developed.

fuel cell car (Ford)

PEM fuel cell integration (Ford)

stationary fuel cell by GM

bycicle with PEM fuel cell (front) and hydrogen storage
The phosphoric acid
fuel cell - PAFC
is the type of fuel
cell which has reached the highest stage of technological and commercial
Because it is run at a
high operating temperature it is suited perfectly for cogeneration. Highly
concentrated phosphoric acid which is bond in a gel matrix serves as
The PAFC requires
atmospheric oxygen and hydrogen as reduction gases. One disadvantage is that
the phosphoric acid effloresces irreversibly when temperature sinks below 42°.
When this happens the fuel cell becomes unusable.

200 kW PAFC cogeneration unit (Onsi)
The function of the
PAFC in seven steps
Step 1
nside the two seperate gas supply cicuits the gaseous oxygene and hydrogen flow
into the gas area and the catalyzer.
Step 2
While getting in contact with the catalyzer the hydrogen molecules (H2) are
splitted into two H+ protons. At the same time each hydrogen atom sends out an
Step 3
The protons move through the electrolyte (highly concentrated phosphoric acid)
to the cathode area.

Step 4
The electrons move into the anode and cause an electric current. This electric
current supplies an electric capacitor with electric power.
Step 5
Respectively four electrons recombine with one hydrogen molecule at the
Step 6
The now generated oxygene ions have a negative load. They now move to the
positiv loaded protons.
Step 7
The oxygene ions give their electrons to the two protons and oxidize with them
to water.
Applications for the
The PAFC is used
exclusively for the cogeneration of power and heat.
The PAFC was the first
commercially available fuel cell. In units with an electric power of 200 kW
and a thermal power of 220 kW it is offered by the American company ONSI. Up
to now more then 200 PAFC plants have been installed world-wide.

fuel cell power plant for an apartment house
(supply of heat and electric power)
The molten carbonate
fuel cell - MCFC
operates at high
temperature ranges of 580 to 660°C.
The advantage of this
type of cell is that there is no need for gas purification. In addition the
cell is insensitive to carbon monoxide poisoning.
Natural gas, coal gas,
biogas and synthesis gas can be used directly as fuels. No reformer is
The electrolyte in this
fuel cell is a salt melting of combined alkali carbonates (Li2CO3 / K2CO3).

280 kW MC fuel cell (Hot Module by mtu)
MCFC Applications
Molten carbonate fuel
cells are being developed for stationary applications. They are especially
useful for the cogeneration of power and heat in industrial and commercial applications
where high temperatures are required (process heat) because the MCFC operates
at temperatures around 650°C.
Plants with around 300
kW power rating are in the development but plants with more power are also
possible. Apart from these stationary applications ship engines on the basis
of MCFCs are being developed as well.

2 MW MCFC power station
fuel cell; with alkaline electrolyte, operating temperature 60 to
90°C; fuel: pure hydrogen; can only be operated with pure oxygen or with air
if the CO2 has been removed; state of the art: so far used mainly
in military applications and space travel; presently developed and
manufactured by ZeTek Power for terrestrial applications.
organic substances: plants, wood chips, bales of straw, liquid manure,
organic wastes etc.
system that converts organic feedstock (biomass) into a technically usable energy
carrier: e.g. steam reformer.
of gas that vaporizes in a liquid gas storage through external heating
(ambient temperature). The gas will only be vented when the operating
pressure is exceeded.
catalyst is a material that facilitates, accelerates etc. a chemical reaction
retaining its own properties and without being consumed.
in a
catalytic combustion the combustion temperature is reduced by a catalyst.
Lower temperatures result in near zero nitrous oxide (NOx)
or CH2
gaseous hydrogen
gas storage
device for gases (e.g. hydrogen, natural gas, nitrogen) at room temperature
under high pressure (typically some 20 MPa).
for increasing gas pressure or gas flow rate.
type of graphite storage. Carbon is able to adsorb hydrogen. Different
qualities of carbon can adsorb higher quantities of hydrogen under certain
temperature and pressure conditions than could be stored without the carbon
under the same conditions. Temperatures are below 0°C (cryogenic) and above
boiling temperature of hydrogen (20 K). The pressure levels are above
5 MPa.
krýos: cold, frost. Applied to gases cryogenic refers to low temperatures
where the gases are in their liquid phase. For natural gas the boiling
temperature (where the phase transition from liquid to gaseous occurs) is
-161.5°C (111.5 K) and for hydrogen it is -253°C (20 K).
of water at high temperatures
2000 K (1700°C approximately), a temperature that can be achieved in
solar furnaces without major problems, water is split into hydrogen and
oxygen. Ceramic membranes permitting the permeation of hydrogen but
inhibiting that of oxygen are used for the gas separation. This process is in
a very early stage of development.
methanol fuel cell; fuel: methanol; state of the art: basic research.
that comprises the conversion of energy crops (biomass) via steam reforming
and fuel cells into electricity. This way, in principle, electricity is
In an
electrolyzer, an electric current splits water into hydrogen and oxygen.
Reverse process of the fuel cell.
(gaseous, e.g. natural gas, hydrogen; liquid, e.g. petrol, biofuels; solid,
e.g. wood, coal) in which energy is stored in chemical form; by means of
energy carriers energy is storable and transportable. Non-material energy
carriers are e.g. electricity and solar radiation. Within certain limits and
with certain losses energy carriers can be converted into one another (e.g.
solar radiation into electricity, electricity into hydrogen, hydrogen into
electricity, electricity into light etc.).
that are grown for the sole purpose of energy production, not for food
production (e.g. rape used for the production of biofuels). The growing of
energy crops is not yet very wide-spread.
A fuel
cell is an electrochemical device in which hydrogen and oxygen combine in an
controlled manner (in contrast to combustion or explosion) to directly
produce an electric current and heat. Reverse process of electrolyzer.
composite storage
tank produced entirely from composite materials. Presently, the market
introduction of full composite compressed gas storages takes place.
hydrogen. At room temperature (above -253°C or 20 K, to be exact)
hydrogen is gaseous independent of the pressure.
is able to adsorb hydrogen. The amount of adsorbed hydrogen depends on
temperature, pressure and the quality/ structure of the carbon used. Carbon
structures in the nanometers range (one nanometer corresponds to 10-9
meters), e.g. balls, tubes or fibers, seem to be very promising. The
developments are in a very early stage.
steam generator
that produces steam via the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. The subsequent
injection of water allows a temperature control between 200 and 2000°C. H2/O2
steam generators have been developed as a spinning reserve of large power
plants, but have not yet been applied.
content of an energy carrier. Upper and lower heating value are
distinguished. Upper heating value: total energy content of the energy
carrier. Lower heating value: energy content reduced by the condensation
energy (latent heat) of the product gas (the steam in the product gas, to be
H is
the chemical symbol for hydrogen, the lightest element of the table of
elements and the most abundant element of the universe. In general, hydrogen
will be found in molecular form, i.e. as a hydrogen molecule composed of two
hydrogen atoms (H2), or in other compounds (e.g. in water - H2O,
organic substances). Hydrogen as secondary energy carrier is seen as the key
component of a global renewable world energy supply.
as solar energy carrier
hydrogen energy economy
energy economy
economy where hydrogen is used as the secondary energy carrier.
of hydrogen, which is gaseous at room temperature, by cooling it below -253°C
(20 K).
engine which uses hydrogen as a fuel.
propulsion system that uses hydrogen as fuel. The propulsion energy is
produced in a fuel cell and an electric motor, in a combustion engine (hydrogen
motor) or a gas turbine.
gas storage, cryoadsorption storage, graphite storage, iron sponge storage, liquid
hydrogen storage, metal hydride storage.
jet engine
fueled jet engine for aviation use
sponge storage
sponge can be used as a hydrogen storage material. Hydrogen and "rust'
(Fe3O4) are converted into pure iron ("iron
sponge') which is transported to the hydrogen consumption site. In the
reverse reaction (oxidation) "rust' is produced liberating the hydrogen.
The iron sponge storage can also be filled/ loaded with synthesis gas
(mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide) also liberating pure hydrogen in
the reverse reaction. Iron sponge storage is in an early stage of development.
hydrogen storage
gas storage
for the storage of liquids that are gaseous under normal conditions (room
temperature, atmospheric pressure). The substances are kept in the liquid
phase either by applying a slight over-pressure (e.g. LPG - liquefied
petroleum gas; 0.5 - 1.5 MPa) or by storing it at low temperatures in
superinsulated devices (e.g. hydrogen at -253°C).
-253°C or 20 K hydrogen is in its liquid phase.
hydrogen storage
gas storage for cryogenic hydrogen at atmospheric pressure and cryogenic
carbonate fuel cell; with molten alkaline carbonate electrolyte; operating
temperature 600 to 650°C; fuel: carbon containing gases (e.g. natural gas,
synthesis gas); state of the art: prototypes are being manufactured,
demonstration planned for the period 1997 to 2000, first small series
production starting after 2000.
hydride storage
that can store hydrogen by use of a metal alloy. The hydrogen is soaked into
the alloy like into a sponge and fills the spaces in the crystal lattice of
the alloy. The storage is filled applying a modest over-pressure and is
usually operated in the temperature range of 20 - 80°C.
Pascals (SI pressure unit); one MPa corresponds to a pressure of 10
atmospheres (10 barabs).
acid fuel cell; with phosphorous electrolyte; operating temperature
160 up to 220°C; fuel: pure hydrogen; state of the art: 200 kWe
systems commercially available.
of hydrocarbons (diesel, residual oil etc.) into a synthesis gas that
consists of hydrogen, carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
The necessary energy is supplied by the combustion ("oxidation') of
parts ("partial') of the feedstock in the process itself. Partial
oxidation is a common process for the production of hydrogen (the synthesis
gas is converted into pure hydrogen by converting the carbon monoxide and
water into carbon dioxide and hydrogen and by subsequently separating the
carbon dioxide).
exchange membrane fuel cell; with proton conducting membrane as electrolyte;
operating temperature 60 to 80°C; fuel: pure hydrogen; state of the art: in
1997 first systems in commercial operation in the very small power range
(>50 W), larger units in series production for mobile and stationary
applications before the turn of the century.
water splitting
are different biological processes that liberate hydrogen or where hydrogen
is produced as an intermediate product. Photobiological processes as e.g.
photosynthesis use the solar radiation as source of energy, while
fermentation processes that take place in the absence of light take advantage
of the energy stored in the feedstock (e.g. glucose). There are several first
efforts to use photobiological water splitting for the technical production
of hydrogen.
carrier to be found in nature (e.g. solar energy, wood, coal, petroleum,
natural gas).
energy carrier
energy, energy carrier
form of
energy which is never exhausted because it is renewed by nature (within short
time scales; e.g. wind, solar radiation, hydro power).
raw material
that is only harvested to an extent that allows a (natural) regeneration. It
is used for energetic or other purposes (e.g. as a construction material).
carrier which has been produced from primary energy in a conversion process
(e.g. electricity, hydrogen, petrol).
energy carrier
energy, energy carrier
oxide fuel cell; with oxygen ion conducting ceramic electrolyte; operating
temperature 800 to 1000°C; fuel: pure hydrogen, carbon containing gases (e.g.
natural gas, synthesis gas); state of the art: first demonstration projects
are presently being carried out, commercialization planned after 1998.
radiation reaching the earth and its use for the production of electricity
and heat.
hydrogen energy economy
economy where solar energy is the primary energy and hydrogen is used as secondary
energy carrier.
polymer fuel cell = PEMFC
for steam reforming
conversion of light hydrocarbons (biomass, fossil energy carriers e.g.
natural gas) producing a synthesis gas that consists of hydrogen (H2),
carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4). The process is heat
consuming. Steam reforming of natural gas is a common process for the
production of hydrogen (the synthesis gas is converted into pure hydrogen by
converting the carbon monoxide and water into carbon dioxide and hydrogen and
by subsequently separating the carbon dioxide).