Limba engleza contemporana - grileLimba engleza contemporana - grile Intrebarea nr. 1 The "modal" Adjective certain cannot take a Gerund as Subject. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 2 The relation of Coordination renders a parallelism, and a similarity of the conjoined elements. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 3 The relativised elements in Non-Finite Participial Relative Clauses are replaced by complex relative pronouns. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 4 With the Phrasal Verb to turn out, the Extraposition of the Subject THAT Clause is not compulsory. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 5 As a consequence of their nominal features, Gerunds can no longer be modified by adverbs. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 6 Negative Raising cannot apply in the following Complex Sentence: Many studies on animal behaviour demonstrate that the use of tools is not exclusively human. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 7 The Verb prohibit cannot be a Subject-to-Object Raising trigger. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 8 All Reduction Rules can operate upon the first conjunct. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 9 The Tense of the Predicative Verb of a THAT Clause does not depend in any way upon the Tense of the matrix Predicative Verb. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 10 The occurrence of Indefinite Free Relative Clauses typically employs a referential (deictic) use of the definite article as antecedent determiner. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 11 V-Gapping may also delete the identical Auxiliaries. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 12 In case of the following string, phrasal coordination is basic: Linguistic factors and social circumstances intertwine in the evolution of any idiom. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 13 In relativisation, it is not possible for the Main Clause occurrence of the shared element to be missing, while the one in the Subordinate is retained. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 14 In case of the following string, phrasal coordination is the result of reduction: In several mental disorders, one of the most evident symptoms is that reality and fantasy conflate in the patient's mind. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 15 The Adjective unlikely cannot be a Subject-to-Subject Raising trigger. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 16 The evaluative Adjective natural can take a Half Gerund as Subject. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 17 In Subject-to-Subject Raising patterns, the embedded Infinitival Clause may function as an Adverbial or as a modifier. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 18 The Extraposition from Object position of Gerundial Clauses is not obligatory. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 19 Certain abstract Nouns co-occurring with THAT Clauses as Predicatives may also take such clauses as Subjects or Attributes. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 20 The following string is an instance of Complex NP Shift freely applying with a Full Gerund: Is the media's uncovering all his dirty wheeling-and-dealing really going to put an end to his scandalous political career? Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 21 The FOR-phrase is not an obligatory constituent in FOR-TO Infinitive Constructions. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 22 If the identical element is an adverb, the Introducer of the Relative Clause can only be that or as. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 23 The Infinitival Complement Indirect Object cannot be promoted as Subject in the Main Clause. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 24 Complex NP Shift can occur in some patterns featuring a Direct Object THAT Clause. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 25 In the following string, the Gerund functions as Predicative: There are species that simply do not stand caging. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 26 In case of the following string, the Extraposition of the Complement Clause is optional: The military keep it a secret that a special biohazard unit has been sent there. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 27 The occurrence of seldom in a sentence requires the co-occurrence of grammatical Polarity Items. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 28 The Noun disaster cannot take a THAT Clause as its sentential Subject. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 29 There is a one-to-one correspondence between the general classification of semantic relations and the various types of syntactic relations. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 30 Structures of the type 'choose, elect, etc + Object Complement' are the result of an optional deletion of a progressive BE in the Infinitive Complement Clause. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 31 The presence of an incomplete Negator does not suffice for the sentence featuring it to pass the Negativity Tests. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 32 Adjectives cannot take THAT Clauses as Direct Objects. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 33 Half Gerunds featuring a pronominal Complement Subject are less typical as Prepositional Objects than the Full Gerunds the Subject of which is also a pronoun. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 34 Transitive Verbs taking Infinitive Clauses as their Subject obligatorily require the deletion of the Complement Subject. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 35 Free Relative Clauses function as Sentence modifiers. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 36 The Coordinator OR may be used to express condition. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 37 Dependent Relative Clauses modify the head of their expressed antecedent. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 38 Restrictive Relative Clauses may fill in lexical gaps, acting as substitutes for non-existent in the lexicon labels. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 39 Appropriateness cannot account for connectedness of clauses within the string: We have already probed the deep space far beyond the limits of our Solar System, yet we have merely scratched the surface of our planet. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 40 Local negation triggers the occurrence of Negative Polarity Items. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 41 Matrix emotive Predicates prevent the occurrence of the Subjunctive in a THAT Clause functioning as Subject. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 42 Coordinators are not the most explicit Relators. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 43 The Subordinate Subject has to be deleted in Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clauses based on Whmovement. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 44 The syntactic function of a Free Relative Clause, and the function of its Introducer may be identical or different. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 45 Not all Relative Clauses are non-assertive environments. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 46 THAT Clauses functioning as Attributes of abstract Nouns evince Preposition Deletion. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 47 Within Cleft Constructions, the thematically focused element is not always placed after Copula BE. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 48 'One Deletion' may affect the Complement Subject of Gerunds. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 49 Both the FOR-TO Infinitive Construction and TO Complementation may evince aspectual distinctions. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 50 With THAT Clauses, Tense distinctions are lost. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 51 Gerunds do not trigger the turning of a Direct Object into a Genitive Determiner. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 52 Infinitive Clauses are not VP Complements. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 53 The metalinguistic use of Negation is not representational and conceptual. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 54 Local logical negation is not pragmatically constrained. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 55 Referential and linguistic identity are the two compulsory prerequisites of relativisation. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 56 Notional concord cannot account for cases of agreement in the plural. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 57 The correspondent in propositional logic of local logical negation is the internal (or contrary) negation. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 58 Matrix psychological transitive Verbs can only take extraposed THAT Clauses. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 59 There are various abstract Negators which are linguistically actualised as several different realisations. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 60 Sentential logical Negation employs the speaker's subjective attitude as a pragmatic variable. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 61 Subject Control situations are the result of applying passive BE Deletion in the Subordinate Clause. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 62 Polarity Items are derivationally marked as [± assertive]. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 63 There is no systematic correspondence between idiomatic Affirmative and Negative Polarity Items. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 64 The Zero Conjoiner does not occur in syndetic relations. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 65 A for-NP occurring in a Tough Movement pattern is always a matrix constituent. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 66 Gerunds functioning as Attributes of abstract Nouns undergo Preposition Deletion. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 67 Restrictive Relative Clauses can be extraposed. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 68 THAT Deletion is not possible with clauses in topical position. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 69 Certain matrix Verbs of communication may trigger the use of the Subjunctive in THAT Clauses functioning as Objects. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 70 Half Gerunds are less nouny than Full Gerunds, and less sentency than Embedded (Indirect) Questions. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 71 The behaviour of Gerunds with respect to Coordination stands as a counter-argument of their sentencehood. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 72 A matrix Indirect Object and the Complement Subject of an Infinitive Clause functioning as Subject may be identical or not. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 73 In case of Free Relative Clauses functioning as Subject, the replaced antecedent determines the singular or plural form of the matrix Verb. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 74 Object Control presupposes a referential identity between the Object in the Main Clause and the Complement Subject. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 75 Asyndetic relations feature no explicit Connector. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 76 The fact that THAT Clauses pass the 'than-pattern' test stands as a proof of their being non-phrases (or "abstract nominals"). Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 77 Sentences featuring only local negation are positive. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 78 The deletion of the Subordinate Clause occurrence of the identical element is not always an obligatory stage of the embedding by relativisation mechanism. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 79 Lexemes bearing an inherent semantic negation are the result of morphological processes of derivation, by means of which negative affixes are added. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 80 Deletion of the Complement Subject cannot apply with Infinitive Clauses functioning as Adverbials. Adevarat Fals Intrebarea nr. 81 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: The tall man was noticed by the shop assistant almost brutally scolding the child. THAT Deletion; deletion under indefiniteness of the Complement Subject THAT Deletion; deletion under identity of the Complement Subject; Copula BE Deletion Subject-to-Subject Raising; Main Clause passivisation THAT Deletion; Main Clause passivisation Subject-to-Object Raising; Main Clause passivisation; progressive BE Deletion Intrebarea nr. 82 Choose the correct function of the embedded clause: Her father must be a devil to do such awful things to a poor little puppy! Adverbial of Purpose Direct Object Predicative Attribute Adverbial of Reason (or Condition) Intrebarea nr. 83 Choose the correct function of the Relative Clause Introducer: Could the ones whom we have voted for disappoint us again?!. Direct Object Indirect Object Subject Genitive Determiner Prepositional Object Intrebarea nr. 84 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Astronomers are now ___ to have overestimated the number of possibly similar to ours planetary systems in the galaxy. correct common natural certain essential Intrebarea nr. 85 Which of the following meanings can be rendered by an asymmetric use of AND? conditional consecutive none of the three meanings above concessive any of the three meanings above Intrebarea nr. 86 Which of the following Nouns often co-occurs with an Infinitive Clause as Attribute? strawberry
wish dust engine plaster Intrebarea nr. 87 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Microscopic flaws in the material were ___ to detect. believed not impossible careful the task an idea Intrebarea nr. 88 Choose the correct function of the Relative Clause Introducer: In that impenetrable jungle, the soldiers had relied solely on the indications of the compass, which compass was now lost in the white water of the river. Subject Determiner Direct Object Subject Complement Indirect Object Intrebarea nr. 89 Choose the correct function of the Relative Clause Introducer: As a matter of fact, she knew practically nothing about the man to whom she had lent so much money. Subject Prepositional Object Indirect Object Direct Object Predicative Intrebarea nr. 90 Which of the following Subject-to-Object Raising triggers requires the removal of the raised NP from post-verbal position? know certify regard attest recognise Intrebarea nr. 91 Choose the correct types and functions of the embedded clauses: The editor, who was new in the business, had published the manuscript only to discover the plagiarism later. Free Relative Clause - Attribute; Non-Finite Participial Relative Clause - modifier Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - VP modifier; Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause - Attribute Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - NP modifier; Infinitive Clause - Adverbial of Result Restrictive Relative Clause - nominal modifier; Infinitive Clause - Adverbial of Purpose Free Relative Clause - Subject; Infinitive Clause - Prepositional Object Intrebarea nr. 92 Which of the following Complex Sentences contains a Subordinate Clause functioning as Sentence modifier? Leper, which is generally considered a disease of The Middle Ages, still claims victims even today. All the students who had not passed the exam were utterly disappointed. Democracy is often wrongly understood as one's liberty to put into practice whatever crazy idea may cross one's mind. The cars for sale which you can find in newspaper ads are not very expensive. The authorities in charge of the crisis had not complied with any of the demands, which outraged the leader of the hijackers. Intrebarea nr. 93 Which of the following strings contains an idiomatic Negative Polarity Item? Nobody will care to take over any of your responsibilities. You could scarcely get a worse piece of advice! I don't want to hear anything about this being likely to happen to anyone any longer! I cannot translate this pile of documents till tomorrow, since I didn't sleep a wink last night either. Although Kevin and Roger were the real ones to be blamed for all that had happened, they did not even bother asking about our brother's health. Intrebarea nr. 94 Choose the correct function of the embedded clause: These small submarines are specially designed to operate in shallow waters. Adverbial of Manner Adverbial of Purpose Prepositional Object Predicative Attribute Intrebarea nr. 95 Which type of construction is illustrated by the following string? What really worries me is her ever increasing greediness. Gerundial Construction, the Complement Subject being deleted under identity Nominative + Present Participle Construction Nominative + (Derived) Subject Complement Construction Wh-Cleft Construction (Free Relative Clause, focused element right to Copula BE) Nominative + Past Participle Construction Intrebarea nr. 96 Identify the semantico-pragmatic factor involved in the relatedness of clauses in case of the following string: Helen washed the dishes, wiped them dry, and put them into the cupboard. semantic equivalence meaning relatedness among lexemes temporal relatedness relatedness by means of Relators cause - effect relatedness Intrebarea nr. 97 Choose the correct statement regarding the Complement Subject in the following string: How selfish it was of her to spend all the money on furs, jewels, and gambling! It has been deleted under indefiniteness. It has been promoted as Object in the Main Clause. It has been promoted as Subject in the Main Clause. It has been replaced by it. It has been deleted under referential identity with the Prepositional Object in the Main Clause. Intrebarea nr. 98 Choose the correct type(s) and function(s) of the embedded clause(s): In a relatively short time, the sole survivor realised he had practically no recollection of him crawling out of the wreck of the plane and nearly 200 meters away. Free Relative Clause - Direct Object Free Relative Clause - Attribute; Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - NP modifier THAT Clause - Direct Object; Half Gerund - Attribute THAT Clause - Predicative Half Gerund - Prepositional Object Intrebarea nr. 99 Choose the correct types and functions of the embedded clauses: What was even worse was the fans evidently going wild. Embedded (Indirect) Question - Subject; Half Gerund - Direct Object Free Relative Clause - Subject; Half Gerund - Predicative Restrictive Relative Clause - Subject; Full Gerund - Direct Object Free Relative Clause - Subject; Restrictive Relative Clause - Predicative Embedded (Indirect) Question - Predicative; Complementizerless THAT Clause - Direct Object Intrebarea nr. 100 Which of the following strings features an asymmetric use of a Coordinator? We do not positively know whether it was suicide or murder. A good puppet show can amuse the children, and teach them something at the same time. Big cats can be raised as pets but this is not the way to treat a wild animal. The cubs were doing what all cubs do: they were eating, sleeping, and playing. Politicians promise so many things and so solemnly, and they forget all about their commitments so quickly and easily!. Intrebarea nr. 101 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: The spokesman of the Government declared yesterday that there ___ a significant modification in the value added tax collecting system after January, 2012. would have been would be would have occurred will be would occur Intrebarea nr. 102 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: The players quickly judged the newcomer as an individualist. Complex NP Shift; THAT Deletion Subject-to-Subject Raising; passive BE Deletion Subject-to-Subject Raising; Complex NP Shift Subject-to-Subject Raising; progressive BE Deletion Subject-to-Object Raising; Copula BE Deletion Intrebarea nr. 103 Choose the correct analysis (type, function, function of the Introducer) of the embedded clause: The commanding officer hoped for what his soldiers hoped for, too. Restrictive Relative Clause, Prepositional Object, Indirect Object Free Relative Clause, Prepositional Object, Prepositional Object Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause, Adverbial of Purpose, Indirect Object Non-Restrictive Relative Clause, Adverbial of Purpose, Prepositional Object Free Relative Clause, Prepositional Object, Indirect Object Intrebarea nr. 104 Choose the correct type and function of the embedded clause: Our partners can bet on it that the promotion will have an enormous impact. THAT Clause - Prepositional Object Restrictive Relative Clause - PNP modifier THAT Clause - Attribute Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - PNP modifier THAT Clause - Direct Object Intrebarea nr. 105 Choose the correct function of the embedded clause: It was almost too good to be true. Predicative Adverbial of Manner Adverbial of Result Object Complement Adverbial of Purpose Intrebarea nr. 106 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: He was reluctant ___ details to the media. that we give not giving giving to give that he gives Intrebarea nr. 107 Choose the correct statement regarding the Complement Subject in the following string: It is not polite to talk in a loud voice in public places. It has been promoted as Object in the Main Clause. It has been promoted as Subject in the Main Clause. It has been deleted under co-referentiality with some NP in the Main Clause. It has been replaced by it. It has been deleted under indefiniteness. Intrebarea nr. 108 Which of the following Nouns can take an Infinitival sentential Subject? pin ordeal sparrow velocity array Intrebarea nr. 109 Choose the correct operation(s) or rule(s) that has (have) applied in case of the following string: It was not desirable for the third and last group to abort the mission either. Extraposition + IT Insertion; Negative Raising Conjunction Reduction; Negative Raising Extraposition + IT Insertion IT-Cleaving Extraposition + IT Insertion; Conjunction Reduction Intrebarea nr. 110 Which of the following strings features a metalinguistic use of Negation? I told him to get some money, not to steal it! She barely bothers telling her parents anything about her. Hardly can he recover in a month's time, not even with the best medical care that money can buy. He is ill-tempered, and she is not a very patient nature either. Joan has won the one-mile race, and this is unbelievable! Intrebarea nr. 111 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Considering the immense resources of that company, they could hire ___ they want to. whichever whomever whatever what which Intrebarea nr. 112 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: The camera installed by an extremely frustrated bird lover captured the squirrels ___ the seemingly unreachable, and yet mysteriously vanishing seeds placed in suspended bowls. that they stole and ate that they steal and eat stolen and eaten (to be) stealing and eating to be stolen and eaten Intrebarea nr. 113 Choose the correct type(s) and function(s) of the embedded clause(s): One of the outstanding leaders of the opposition has publicly declared his unconditioned support for the majority's initiative, which bewildered everyone. Gerundial Clause - Attribute; Restrictive Relative Clause - nominal modifier Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - Sentence modifier Gerundial Clause - Prepositional Object; Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - VP modifier Restrictive Relative Clause - nominal modifier Restrictive Relative Clause - Sentence modifier; Free Relative Clause - Prepositional Object Intrebarea nr. 114 Choose the correct types and functions of the embedded clauses: The relatives were not very happy that you consented to their getting married so soon. THAT Clause - Predicative; Infinitive Clause - Prepositional Object THAT Clause - Prepositional Object; Full Gerund - Prepositional Object Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - Sentence modifier; Infinitive Clause - Direct Object THAT Clause - Direct Object; Half Gerund - Direct Object THAT Clause - Prepositional Object; Infinitive Clause - Direct Object Intrebarea nr. 115 Which of the following strings contains an inherent semantic negation? One can hardly imagine such recklessness! This may just as well be regarded as an illegal operation. The defendant does not deny that he was in the bank at the time of the robbery. John was so ill that he was unable to rise in bed. He could no longer utter a word. Intrebarea nr. 116 Indicate which operation(s) or rule(s) has (have) applied in the following string: The local clergy considered there were still two more churches to be built in town. THERE Insertion; N-Gapping; passivisation (of the Subordinate Clause) THERE Insertion; THAT Deletion; passivisation (of the Subordinate Clause); deletion by relativisation of the Subordinate Subject; deletion under indefiniteness of the Subordinate Prepositional Object Passivisation (of the Subordinate Clause) Preposition Deletion; THAT Deletion; Subject-to-Object Raising; deletion under identity of the Subordinate Prepositional Object; Right Node Raising Preposition Deletion; Subject-to-Object Raising; passivisation (of the Subordinate Clause) Intrebarea nr. 117 Which is the correct function of the underlined phrase? In a split second, he felt the bear as ready to attack. (Derived) Subject Complement Subject Complement (Derived) Object Complement Prepositional Object Predicative Intrebarea nr. 118 Choose the correct type and function of the embedded clause: Under such terrible circumstances, they could no longer even think about what was to follow. Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - Prepositional Object Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - PNP modifier Complement Clause - Attribute Restrictive Relative Clause - Sentence modifier Free Relative Clause - Prepositional Object Intrebarea nr. 119 Which of the following strings features an asymmetric use of a Coordinator? We either come up with something really important quickly, or the University will cut off our funding. The witness could not tell whether the white van that he saw was a Ford or a Mercedes. In fact, yesterday I found the recommended book to be available at Amazon.com but it was too expensive for me to purchase it on the spot. 5 minutes to launch, and counting. The kittens are healthy, and they are growing with every passing day. Intrebarea nr. 120 Choose the correct rule(s) that has (have) applied in case of the following string: Peter has been but proves to be no longer a drug addict. Right Node Raising; Subject-to-Subject Raising; Conjunction Reduction Right Node Raising; Subject-to-Subject Raising Conjunction Reduction; Subject-to-Object Raising Negative Raising Negative Raising; V-Gapping Intrebarea nr. 121 Choose the correct function of the Relative Clause Introducer: Nobody was showing any consideration for whatever these people had been anymore. Direct Object Predicative Determiner Prepositional Object Subject Intrebarea nr. 122 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: In this story, the stepmother does not turn out malevolent. Subject-to-Subject Raising; Negative Raising Subject-to-Subject Raising; progressive BE Deletion; Negative Raising Subject-to-Object Raising; Negative Attraction Negative Attraction; deletion under identity of the Complement Subject Subject-to-Subject Raising; Copula BE Deletion; Negative Raising Intrebarea nr. 123 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: This snake is ___ to touch, for it rarely bites something larger than its usual prey. not so dangerous the chosen wanted out of danger an idea Intrebarea nr. 124 Choose the correct types and functions of the embedded clauses: The lab assistant simply forgot I had asked for the results to be sent to your office, too. Free Relative Clause - Direct Object; Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause - modifier THAT Clause - Prepositional Object; FOR-TO Infinitive Clause - Direct Object Free Relative Clause - Subject; Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause - modifier THAT Clause - Direct Object; Free Relative Clause - Direct Object THAT Clause - Direct Object; FOR-TO Infinitive Clause - Prepositional Object Intrebarea nr. 125 Choose the correct type and function of the embedded clause: The fossils which that lucky amateur has unearthed right here in the valley are 80 million years old. Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - nominal modifier Restrictive Relative Clause - nominal modifier THAT Clause - Direct Object THAT Clause - Subject Free Relative Clause - Attribute Intrebarea nr. 126 Choose the correct function of the embedded clause: The readings of the sensors also automatically trigger readjustments of the system, which is not the case now. Nominal modifier Sentence modifier VP modifier Predicative Adverbial of Manner Intrebarea nr. 127 Choose the correct type and function of the embedded clause: I imagine you have double-checked the entire installation. Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - Direct Object Free Relative Clause - Predicative THAT Clause - Prepositional Object THAT Clause - Direct Object Free Relative Clause - Direct Object Intrebarea nr. 128 Which is the correct function of the underlined phrase? The prisoner was unanimously recognised as a real brute. Attribute (Derived) Subject Complement Prepositional Object (Derived) Object Complement Predicative Intrebarea nr. 129 Which of the following strings contains an inherent semantic negation? It was barely her transient beauty but her inexhaustible wit that had so deeply and irreversibly seduced him. To the great surprise and sorrow of the defence, the judge did not dismiss the charges against the two under age accomplices. For a second or two, the thought that that was a time to run for his life, not to take pictures, had flashed through John's terrified mind but professional habitude proved even stronger than the self-preservation instinct. It is a commonplace that true heroes are not fearless persons. Lost and disoriented in the endlessness of the sub-Arctic tundra, the explorers could scarcely appreciate the distance they had covered. Intrebarea nr. 130 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: She has forgotten it amazingly quickly working hard for an honest living. N-Gapping; Extraposition + IT Insertion; progressive BE Deletion Extraposition + IT Insertion; deletion under indefiniteness of the Complement Subject N-Gapping; deletion under identity of the Complement Subject N-Gapping; Extraposition + IT Insertion Extraposition + IT Insertion; deletion under identity of the Complement Subject Intrebarea nr. 131 Choose the correct type and function of the embedded clause: The footwear that would meet our explorers' demands must be expensive. Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - nominal modifier THAT Clause - Direct Object Restrictive Relative Clause - NP modifier Free Relative Clause - Direct Object Restrictive Relative Clause - nominal modifier Intrebarea nr. 132 Which type of construction is illustrated by the following string? The more and more evident decay of cultural and moral values is what should actually arrest our attention. Nominative + Present Participle Construction Wh-Cleft Construction (focused element left to Copula BE, Free Relative Clause) Infinitival Construction, the Complement Subject being deleted under indefiniteness Accusative + Present Participle Construction Nominative + (Derived) Subject Complement Construction Intrebarea nr. 133 Choose the correct type and function of the embedded clause: There is no aggressive elephant to beware of in this herd. Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause based on deletion - modifier Free Relative Clause - Predicative Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause based on Wh-movement - modifier TO Complementation - Adverbial of Result Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause based on deletion - Adverbial of Result Intrebarea nr. 134 Choose the correct type(s) and function(s) of the embedded clause(s): Their grossly ignoring the most elementary safety regulations almost killed this poor young worker. Complementizerless THAT Clause - Subject; Full Gerund - Direct Object Full Gerund - Subject Free Relative Clause - Subject; Full Gerund - Predicative Full Gerund - modifier Non-Finite Participial Relative Clause - modifier Intrebarea nr. 135 Choose the correct types and functions of the embedded clauses: A normal endowment of common sense ought to tell one that reality may not always be what one expects of it. Infinitive Clause - Direct Object; Infinitive Clause - Predicative Restrictive Relative Clause - Prepositional Object; Free Relative Clause - Direct Object THAT Clause - Direct Object; Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause - Predicative Restrictive Relative Clause - Attribute; Infinitive Clause - Direct Object THAT Clause - Direct Object; Free Relative Clause - Predicative Intrebarea nr. 136 Choose the correct type(s) and function(s) of the embedded clause(s): Unexpectedly, crocodiles are so gentle and caring with their offspring as to carry the hatchlings in their mouth without harming them. Infinitive Clause - Adverbial of Result Infinitive Clause - Adverbial of Purpose Infinitive Clause - Adverbial of Result; Gerundial Clause - Prepositional Object Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause - Attribute; Gerundial Clause - Attribute Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clause - Adverbial of Purpose Intrebarea nr. 137 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: This unstable structure would not bear ___ once again. shaken shaking that is shaking that it shakes which is shaking Intrebarea nr. 138 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: After a week's search, the missing members of the crew were declared ___ at sea. (to be) lost to disappear to lose that they are lost that they have been lost Intrebarea nr. 139 Choose the correct function of the embedded clause: The latest terrorist threat was serious enough to be discussed at the highest levels of the administration. Adverbial of Manner Indirect Object Adverbial of Result Attribute Prepositional Object Intrebarea nr. 140 Choose the correct function of the Relative Clause Introducer: The lioness the tracks of which they had lost was later spotted by the bushmen. Subject Genitive Determiner Predicative Indirect Object Prepositional Object Intrebarea nr. 141 Identify the semantico-pragmatic factor involved in the relatedness of clauses in case of the following string: The engine of my car does no longer start presently and smoothly, and I suspect a malfunction of the ignition system. temporal relatedness meaning relatedness among lexemes cause - effect relatedness relatedness due to compatibility, common topic relatedness due to the presence of Relators Intrebarea nr. 142 Choose the correct type(s) and function(s) of the embedded clause(s): Present day brain surgery makes use of cutting-edge techniques and technology, whereby doctors succeed in performing operations nobody dreamed of just a few years ago. Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - NP modifier; Gerundial Clause - Prepositional Object; Restrictive Relative Clause - nominal modifier Gerundial Clause - Adverbial of Purpose Gerundial Clause - Prepositional Object; Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - VP modifier Gerundial Clause - Predicative Free Relative Clause - Attribute; Restrictive Relative Clause - nominal modifier Intrebarea nr. 143 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: There ___ be more such dedicated professors in every university! had better as well would rather either well Intrebarea nr. 144 Choose the correct function of the Relative Clause Introducer: Honestly, I don't have the slightest idea about who is going to get the promotion. Prepositional Object Subject Determiner Direct Object Indirect Object Intrebarea nr. 145 Which of the following Verbs can take two Prepositional Objects, out of which one may be clausal? blame argue deny instruct remember Intrebarea nr. 146 Indicate which operation(s) or rule(s) has (have) applied in the following string: By any means, it doesn't appear that the same stupid kind of so-called entertainment can be a delight for the viewers to watch almost every night on almost any channel. Extraposition (+ IT Insertion) of THAT Clause from Subject position; Negative Raising; Polarity Reversal Rule; deletion under identity of the Infinitival Complement Subject; Tough Movement Subject-to-Subject Raising IT-Cleaving; deletion under indefiniteness of the Infinitival Complement Subject; BE Deletion; Polarity Reversal Rule Subject-to-Object Raising; Negative Raising; deletion under indefiniteness of the Infinitival Complement Subject IT-Cleaving; Subject-to-Subject Raising Intrebarea nr. 147 Which of the following items can introduce an Infinitive Clause functioning as an Adverbial? if if only only unless else Intrebarea nr. 148 Indicate which transformations have occurred in case of the following string: The woman realised her son intended trying once more to climb that deadly mountain. Subject-to-Subject Raising; Copula BE Deletion; N-Gapping Extraposition; deletion under indefiniteness of the Complement Subject Subject-to-Object Raising; Copula BE Deletion THAT Deletion; deletion under identity of the Gerund and the Infinitive Complement Subjects Subject-to-Object Raising; progressive BE Deletion Intrebarea nr. 149 Which of the following operations presupposes the existence of an iterated and sequentially ordered co-referentiality? Independent relativisation 'One' Deletion Conjunction Reduction at PNP level Tough Movement recursive embedding Intrebarea nr. 150 Choose the correct type(s) and function(s) of the embedded clause(s): Actually, John could not stand his young wife's permanently worrying about whatever might happen to the child. Free Relative Clause - Indirect Object Full Gerund - Indirect Object Full Gerund - Direct Object; Free Relative Clause - Prepositional Object Half Gerund - Direct Object; Free Relative Clause - Indirect Object Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - Sentence modifier Intrebarea nr. 151 Choose the correct statement: Relative Clauses cannot be extraposed. Free Relative Clauses never function as Indirect Objects. Within Restrictive Relative Clauses, which can also function as a Determiner. That can relativise a Genitive. The preposed constituent in Non-Finite Infinitival Relative Clauses based on Wh-movement is always a Prepositional Phrase. Intrebarea nr. 152 Which of the following possible antecedent determiners triggers a preference for that as a Relative Clause Introducer? my both the this all Intrebarea nr. 153 Which of the following items is a [+ temporal] incomplete Negator? until scarcely ever not all that never Intrebarea nr. 154 Which of the following Verbs corresponds to the subcategorisation frame /_ PNP-S/? drink seem kill agree tempt Intrebarea nr. 155 Choose the correct statement: With Gerunds functioning as Prepositional Objects, the preposition has to be deleted. Subordination by complementation is grounded upon the referential identity between two nominals. Only Verbs of physical perception rendering accidental, non-intended and / or non-durative perception can be Subject-to-Object Raising triggers. Negative Attraction (without Incorporation) is more frequent in post-Auxiliary position. In case of Adversative Coordination, the relation is a binary one. Intrebarea nr. 156 Which of the following possible antecedent determiners prevents the occurrence of Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses? both each these the this Intrebarea nr. 157 Which of the following Verbs can take two sentential arguments? prove glitter give cut run Intrebarea nr. 158 Which of the following Connectors cannot be preceded by another Connector? because if therefore or yet Intrebarea nr. 159 In which of the following environments the Polarity Reversal Rule is optional? Conditional Clauses featuring the Complementizer if none of the three environments above Comparative Clauses introduced by than or as Interrogative Sentences any of the three environments above Intrebarea nr. 160 Choose the correct statement: THAT Clauses behave similarly to NPs with respect to Coordination. Effective semantic relations imply a sequence of states of affairs. The occurrence of Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses presupposes a [- specific] antecedent. The 'Either-Conjoining' Test requires of both sentences to be Negative. Semantically, the Full Gerund has an event interpretation. Intrebarea nr. 161 Choose the correct variant: The obligatory deletion under (referential) identity or under indefiniteness of the Complement Subject is a prerequisite of: Conjunction Reduction Subject-to-Object Raising Subject Control Tough Movement Relativisation Intrebarea nr. 162 Which of the following Verbs can co-occur with Gerunds with passive meaning? guess persist elect become deserve Intrebarea nr. 163 Choose the correct variant: The Noun miracle can take as its sentential Subject: any of the four types above a Free Relative Clause an Infinitive Clause a THAT Clause a Gerundial Clause Intrebarea nr. 164 Which of the following situations prevents THAT Deletion? The clause is an Object Clause, and it is questioned. The matrix Verb is an intransitive (existential) verb. The clause is an Object Clause, and it is relativised. The Complement Subject is a pronoun. The clause is an extraposed Object. Intrebarea nr. 165 Which of the following prepositions is obligatorily fronted in relativisation out of P-NP strings? through concerning by beneath out Intrebarea nr. 166 Which of the following semantic relations is not a circumstantial one? purpose manner comparative none of the four listed above temporal Intrebarea nr. 167 Choose the correct variant: The Noun fact can take a THAT Clause functioning as: any of the three functions above Subject Attribute Predicative none of the three functions above Intrebarea nr. 168 Which of the following Connectors triggers agreement by proximity? neither . nor inclusive, weakly disjunctive OR equally . and both . and not only . but also Intrebarea nr. 169 Which of the following rules applies upon [- specific] and [- referential] constituents? recursive embedding N-Gapping Subject Control Negative Raising Negative Attraction Intrebarea nr. 170 Which of the following items can be a Relative Clause Introducer? for to as or like Intrebarea nr. 171 Which of the following Nouns cannot take a THAT clausal Predicative? reason problem revision fear advantage Intrebarea nr. 172 Choose the correct statement: Causal, consecutive, concessive, conditional, and purpose relations belong to the class of circumstantial semantic relations. Out of two or several elements in a sentence that are potentially capable of incorporating the NEG, only the first one actually attracts and incorporates it. Coordination can only express equivalence in both formal and semantico-pragmatic terms. Subordination can be manifest at the level of phrases or of words. Sentences containing grammatical Negative Polarity Items always have Affirmative counterparts. Intrebarea nr. 173 Which of the following Nouns can occur in Tough Movement patterns? death instinct silence noise burden Intrebarea nr. 174 Which of the following Verbs can be a Subject-to-Object Raising trigger? appear come die hold live Intrebarea nr. 175 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: The technique presupposes the precise isolation of a certain DNA sequence, the structure of ___ would be then modified. that what whatever whom which Intrebarea nr. 176 Which of the following Adjectives can take a THAT Clause as Subject? blond wet fresh warm unfair Intrebarea nr. 177 Which of the following constructions is the result of progressive BE Deletion applying in a Subject-to- Subject Raising pattern? IT-Cleft Construction Gerundial Construction Nominative + Present Participle Construction Nominative + (Derived) Subject Complement Construction Wh-Cleft Construction Intrebarea nr. 178 Choose the correct statement: Complex NP Shift does not apply with Gerunds. Inchoative Verbs are Subject-to-Object Raising triggers. Connectedness resides in the presence of Connectors. Matrix Verbs of perceptual approximation allow Negative Raising. Cases of weakly disjunctive OR trigger agreement by proximity. Intrebarea nr. 179 Which of the following Nouns can take a sentential Subject? pity soap candy devil poverty Intrebarea nr. 180 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: SEALS members are specially trained to be able to surpass ___ difficulties they may encounter during their missions. whither which that whereat whatever Intrebarea nr. 181 Choose the correct variant: Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses modifying long and heavy NPs allow: Extraposition and IT Insertion Extraposition (not followed by IT Insertion) Subject Control Dative Movement passive BE Deletion Intrebarea nr. 182 Which of the following items is a lexical Affirmative Polarity Item? at all long since once still too Intrebarea nr. 183 Which of the following Verbs can be a Subject-to-Subject Raising trigger? admit prove sleep deny listen Intrebarea nr. 184 Which of the following statements is correct? Gapping deletes identical Adverbials. The complete Negator NOT may trigger local negation. Only Full Gerunds can function as Subjects. None of the four previous statements is correct. That cannot introduce a Relative Clause the antecedent of which is determined by a superlative. Intrebarea nr. 185 Which of the following items cannot be a Relative Clause Introducer? whatsoever as whither either that Intrebarea nr. 186 Which of the following Verbs is a bisentential one? feel indicate plan commence understand Intrebarea nr. 187 Choose the correct variant: Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses cannot be: Sentence modifiers AP modifiers NP modifiers PNP modifiers nominal modifiers Intrebarea nr. 188 Choose the correct variant: The presence of an indefinite item in pre-Auxiliary1 position triggers: obligatory Negative Incorporation Dative Movement optional Polarity Reversal Rule Subject Control Subject-to-Object Raising Intrebarea nr. 189 Which of the following prepositions can co-occur with Gerunds with passive meaning? beyond for upon about on Intrebarea nr. 190 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Here is the list of people and materials ___ we need for this special operation. whatever whichever that which what Intrebarea nr. 191 Which of the following Verbs can be a Subject-to-Object Raising trigger? make occur remove fly swim Intrebarea nr. 192 Which of the following Verbs cannot be a Subject-to-Object Raising trigger? occasion agree let hold say Intrebarea nr. 193 Which of the following Nouns can take a sentential Subject? soil ignition cup gear illusion Intrebarea nr. 194 Which of the following items can replace a PNP functioning as Manner Adverbial? much whereby as none of the four items above that Intrebarea nr. 195 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Nobody there fully understood ___ he really meant by uttering those words. as what that which whence Intrebarea nr. 196 Which of the following items is a [- assertive] Relative Clause antecedent determiner? scarcely a(n) if by no means as Intrebarea nr. 197 Choose the correct statement: Right Node Raising is a forward rule in English. THAT Clauses pass the 'pseudo-cleft' test. The Accusative + Infinitive Construction is the result of passivising the Main Clause after Subject-to- Object Raising. Affirmative Sentences are pragmatically more constrained than Negative Sentences. Interrogative Sentences are [+ assertive] environments. Intrebarea nr. 198 Which of the following items is not a grammatical Negative Polarity Item? in any way either ever yet nevertheless Intrebarea nr. 199 Which of the following Verbs can take an Infinitive Clause as Prepositional Object? snore have consent purr knit Intrebarea nr. 200 Which of the following items can occur in a string featuring a Gerund with passive meaning? across above under past over Intrebarea nr. 201 Which of the following constructions may feature either a Free or a Restrictive Relative Clause, and render a thematic focus occurring right to Copula BE? none of the four constructions above Participial Construction Wh-movement Infinitival Relative Clause Construction IT-Cleft Construction Wh-Cleft Construction Intrebarea nr. 202 Which of the following items is not a typical Relative Clause Introducer? what which where why who Intrebarea nr. 203 Which of the following Adjectives can take a THAT Clause as Subject? sheer cold anxious eager incorrect Intrebarea nr. 204 Which of the following prepositions is obligatorily fronted in relativisation out of P-NP strings? at during to about beyond Intrebarea nr. 205 Which of the following constructions is the result of Copula BE Deletion applying in an Infinitival Direct Object pattern? Nominative + Present Participle Construction IT-Cleft Construction Object Complement Construction Accusative + (Derived) Object Complement Construction Gerundial Construction Intrebarea nr. 206 Which of the following items is a [- temporal] incomplete Negator? scarcely at all still until seldom Intrebarea nr. 207 Which of the following items is a [- negative] [- assertive] environment? Object Clause Comparative Clause contradictory negation local negation metalinguistic negation Intrebarea nr. 208 Choose the correct statement: Gerunds are not allowed as "internal clauses". Aspectual distinctions are lost in Infinitival and Gerundial Complement Clauses. Infinitive Clauses are less sentency than THAT Clauses. Matrix exercitive Verbs of command or of permission trigger the occurrence of the Subjunctive in Subject THAT Clauses. Right Node Raising deletes identical prepositions. Intrebarea nr. 209 Which of the following Verbs can be a Subject-to-Subject Raising trigger? apply occur grasp rehearse fill Intrebarea nr. 210 Which of the following operations implies the existence of a semantically indefinite Complement Subject? nominalisation 'One' Deletion Negative Raising BE Deletion THAT Deletion Intrebarea nr. 211 Which of the following statements is correct? The 'Neither' Tag Test requires of two conjoined sentences that the second one should be Negative. The inherently [± assertive] marking of a Polarity Item has to oppose the derivationally assigned [± assertive] feature. Whenever it occurs in a string, the Negator NOT has scope over an entire sentential constituent. The metalinguistic use of Negation employs a distinctive stress with contrastive function. None of the four previous statements is correct. Intrebarea nr. 212 Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: We could find no fellow worker or client to have been ___ offended by his words or behaviour. in any way to a certain extent somehow at all somewhat Intrebarea nr. 213 Which of the following statements is correct? Causative Verbs are Tough Movement triggers. Semantically, the Half Gerund has a manner interpretation. With Verbs taking a clausal Infinitival Direct Object, and also an Indirect Object or Prepositional Object, the identity between the Complement Subject and the Object in the Main Clause is an obligatory condition. None of the four previous statements is correct. Gerunds never undergo Extraposition from Object position. Intrebarea nr. 214 Which of the following Adjectives can be a Subject-to-Subject Raising trigger? young dark sure loud slim Intrebarea nr. 215 Choose the correct variant: The semantic equivalence between the initial string and the resulting one is a condition for: Wh-movement relativisation Negative Incorporation Preposition Deletion Negative Raising Intrebarea nr. 216 Which of the following Verbs subcategorises for a clausal Direct Object (THAT Clause), and an Indirect Object or a Prepositional Object (/_ S-PNP/)? bother suggest walk confuse eat Intrebarea nr. 217 Which of the following Verbs can take two sentential arguments? hear amaze imply insist believe Intrebarea nr. 218 Choose the correct variant: Complement Clauses cannot function as: Attributes Predicatives Prepositional Objects Direct Objects Indirect Objects Intrebarea nr. 219 Choose the correct variant: One Affirmative and one Negative conjunct in a Compound Subject NP trigger agreement: with the Negative conjunct in the plural by proximity in the singular with the Affirmative conjunct Intrebarea nr. 220 Which of the following Nouns can occur in Tough Movement patterns? article curse plum vow education