Chose a building you like/dislike in your town and describe itchose a building you like/dislike in your town and describe it (location, style, features, etc)CHOSE A BUILDING YOU
LIKE/DISLIKE IN YOUR TOWN AND DESCRIBE Among the most impressive and
beautiful building in our country is the Palace of the Parliament in The structure combines elements and
motifs from multiple sources, in a postmodernist architectural style. It
reflects the desire for grandeur that the former communist president,
Ceausescu, had. It measures more than 80 m high and its structure goes 90 m
underground. It has more than 1000 rooms and it is 12 stories high, with four
additional underground levels. It is made of marble from Its construction caused the
demolition of many others building, churches and historical buildings among
them. It contains many rooms, used on different purposes. It is mainly used as
the premises of the Chamber of Deputies, but it is also a museum visited by
people from all over the world. Director Costa Gavras used it to shot scenes of
Amen, as a set replicating the I really like it because it proves
our ability to work and make great things even if with a huge effort. It also
shows that