Vorbirea directa si indirecta (Direct and Indirect Speech) - englezaVorbirea directa si indirecta (Direct and Indirect Speech) - engleza Exista doua posibilitati de redarea a spuselor cuiva: prin vorbire directa si indirecta. 1. Vorbirea directa (Direct Speech) 1.1. In vorbirea directa se reproduc intocmai cuvintele persoanei care le-a rostit. Acestea se introduc de obicei prin virgula si sunt incadrate intre ghilimele, spre deosebire de limba romana: He asked me, “Where is Dan ? M-a intrebat: - Unde este Dan? 1.2. Enuntul
reprodus indeplineste functia de propozitie completiva
directa a predicatului din propozitia principala.
Propozitia principala poate aparea inainte, intercalata sau
dupa completiva directa. Cu exceptia pozitiei
initiale, poate avea loc inversiune intre subiect si predicat cand
subiectul este exprimat printr-un substantiv, iar verbul este dar: I can come with you said Tom. I can come with you Tom said. I can come with you he said. 1.3. Folosirea timpurilor in vorbirea directa nu este afectata de timpul predicatului din propozitia principala: He is saying -I’ll see him tomorrow. - I met her last night. - I’ve just arrived. He has said -I’ll see him tomorrow. - I met her last night. - I’ve just arrived. He said -I’ll see him tomorrow. - I met her last night. - I’ve just arrived. 2. Vorbirea indirecta (Indirect / Reported Speech) In vorbirea indirecta, o a treia persoana reda spusele cuiva, fara a reproduce totdeauna intocmai cuvintele sale: John said to Peter, Shall I meet you at the station tomorrow ? John suggested that he should meet Peter at the station the next day. John suggested meeting Peter at the station the next day. Propozitia reprodusa indeplineste de asemenea functia de completiva directa a predicatului din propozitia principala. pag: 265 3. Transformarea vorbirii directe in vorbire indirecta (Change form Direct to Indirect Speech) Candva spusele cuiva sunt trecute de la vorbirea directa la cea indirecta, procedeul frecvent utilizat in coversatie, au loc anumite schimbari atat in propozitia principala cat si in completiva directa. Modificarile sunt de doua feluri: A) generale, care afecteaza orice fel de enunt reprodus; B) specifice, caracteristice fiecarui tip de propozitie: enuntiativa, interogativa, exclamativa, imperativa. 3.1. A. Modificarile generale se refera la: persoana, determinanti si timpuri verbale. Pronumele personal, reflexiv si posesiv se schimba dupa inteles: persoana I si II-a devin de obicei persoana a III-a: Tom said to Mary, You should have asked me first. Tom told Mary that she should have asked him first. Pot aparea insa si cazuri ca: You are right, Diana, said Paul. Diana: Paul said that I was right. Pronumele ramane neschimbat cand vorbitorul isi reproduce propriile lui cuvinte: I think we should leave immediately, I said. I said I thought we should leave immediately. 3.2. Pronumele / adjectivele demonstrative si adverbele de loc si timp ce indica apropierea sunt inlocuite cu altele care exprima departarea. Astfel: this devine that this devine those here devine there today devine that day yesterday devine the day before tomorrow devine the next / following day next week devine the previous week / the week before Schimbarea adverbelor de loc si timp nu are loc in mod automat. Contextul si momentul vorbirii indirecte indica schimbarile necesare: The teacher said, Tom, bring your paintings here the day after tomorrow. The teacher told Tom to bring his paintings to school in two days time. 3.3. In
ceea ce priveste adverbele de timp, ele sunt inlocuite numai daca
relatia dintre momentul vorbirii indirecte si momentul vorbirii
directe nu mai este aceeasi: 7 : Daca actul de vorbire are loc si este reprodus in acceasi zi, schimbarea pronumelor si adverbelor determinative nu mai este necesare, deoarece intelesul lor este acelasi fata de momentul prezent: Dan: They said on the radio this morning that British steel workers are planning a trade-union meeting tomorrow. Folosirea timpurilor in vorbirea indirecta 3.4. Daca predicatul din propozitia principala este la prezent, Present Perfect sau viitor, timpul din propozitia redata in vorbirea indirecta (completiva directa) ramana neschimbat. pag: 266 Alice is saying to Tom, I’ll help you if I can. Alice has said to Tom, I’ll help you if I can. Vorbire indirecta: Alice is telling Tom she will help him if she can. Alice has told Tom she will help him if she can. Adjectivele / pronumele demonstrative sau adverbele din completiva directa raman de asemenea neschimbate: Alice has said, I’ll come here tomorrow. Alice has promised she will come here tomorrow. 3.5. Daca predicatul propozitiei principale este la un timp trecut: Past Tense, Past Perfect, Future -in-the-Past, timpurile verbale din enuntul reprodus devin si ele trecute. Aceasta schimbare a timpurilor este denumita back-shift in limba engleza, deoarece ea are loc dinspre prezent spre trecut sau dinspre trecut spre un timp si mai trecut: Present devine Past Tense; Past Tense, Present Perfect, Past Perfect devin Past Perfect; Future devine Future-in-the-Past. Schimbarea timpurilor in completiva directa se aplica la propozitiile enuntiative, exclamative si interogative. Mr Brown said to his wife I’ve been very busy today. Mr Brown said to his wife How hungry I am. Mr Brown said to his wife will you give me something to eat ? Mr Brown told his wife that he had been very busy that day. He exclaimed that he was very hungry. He asked his wife is she would give him something to eat. Propozitiile impserative, care devin infinitive in vorbirea indirecta, nu se supun acestei reguli, deoarece nu contin un verb la o forma personala: Mrs Brown said to her husband, Be careful! Don’t drive so fast! Mrs Brown told her husband to be careful and not to drive so fast. 3.6. Conform regulilor de corespondenta a timpurilor, dupa un verb la un timp trecut, Present simple devine de obicei Past Simple in vorbirea indirecta: Doris said, I have many friends. Doris said she had many friends. Exceptii: a) cand prezentul nedefinit exprima o actiune repetata, un obicei sau o caracteristica a subiectului, timpul poate ramana neschimbat daca actiunea are acelasi caracter si in momentul prezent (momentul vorbirii indirecte): George said I go to the seaside every summer. George said that he went to the seaside every summer. George said that he goes to the seaside every summer. pag: 267 b) cand vorbirea directa exprima un fapt universal valabil, un adevar absolut, timpul nu se schimba: The teacher said, Water boils at 100 Celsius. The teacher said that water boils at 100 Celsius. c) cand continutul enuntului este valabil si in momentul vorbirii: George said I can’t buy a pair of skis now, I haven’t saved enough money. george said, he can’t buy a pair of skis as he hasn’t saved enough money. Prezentul continuu se transforma de obicei in Past Tense continuu: I’m reading. He said he was reading. 3.7. O actiune viitoare este exprimata in vorbirea indirecta in modul urmator: will (+infinitiv) devin: would (+infinitiv) would (+infinitiv) devin: would (+infinitiv) I, we shall (+infinitiv) devine: he, they, would (+infintiv) am / is / are going to (+infinitiv) devin: was / were going to (+infinitiv) Frank said, I’m going to buy a new car next year. Frank said I shall buy a Dacia car. Frank said he was going to buy a new car the following year and added he would buy a Dacia car. Exceptie: Corespondenta timpurilor nu se aplica in cazul in care actiunea e viitoare si momentul vorbirii indirecte, nu numai in momentul vorbirii directe: George said, I’ll take up engineering after graduation. George said he’ll take up engineering after graduation. 3.8. Past Simple devine Past Perfect Simple In vorbirea indirecta: Mother said, Tom hurt himself. Mother said that Tom had hurt himself. Exceptii: Past Simple poate ramane neschimbat pentru: a) actiuni repetate in trecut: Harry said, I invited all my friend to my birthday parties when I was young. Harry said he invited all his friends to his birthday parties when he was young. b) exprimarea unui fapt: The children asked, Were there any animals on the farm ? The children asked if there were any animals on the farm. c) enunturi redate in vorbirea indirecta imediat dupa rostirea lor (in aceeasi zi): Paul said, I played football this morning. Paul said he played football this morning. d) cand intre predicatele din principala si completiva directa nu exista un raport de anterioritate: He said, Sadoveanu was the greatest writer of his time. he said that Sadoveanu was the greatest writer of his time. e) in vorbire, daca nu se produce confuzie cu privire la momentele celor doua actiuni: My friend said to me, i saw good film last night. My friend told me he saw a good film last night. f) in propozitiile circumstantiale de
timp. Propozitia regenta circumstantialei de timp poate fi de
asemenea mentinuta Our neighbour told us he met our father when he was living in Brasov. Our neighbour told us he had met our father when he was living in Brasov. g) in propozitiile conditionale de tipul 2: Harry said, I would go to the museum if it was open. Harry said he would go to the museum if it was open. h) dupa wish, would rather, it is time: It’s time you finished your papers, the teacher said. The teacher told the pupils it was time they finished their papers. pag: 268 3.9. Past Tense Continuous devine in principiu Past Perfect Continuous, dar in practica ramane adesea neschimbat. Schimbarea are loc doar cand acest timp se refera la o actiune terminata: He said, We were thinking of moving house but have changed our minds. He said that they had been thinking of moving house but had changed their minds. 3.10. Verbele modale se schimba in felul urmator: may devine might, will devine would, can devine could: The typist said, The mecanic can fix my typewriter but he won’t. The typist complained that the mechanic could fix her typewriter but he wouldn’t. Daca verbele modale exprimate in vorbire directa nu au forme pentru trecut, ca de exemplu must, need, should, ought to, had better, sau sunt deja la trecut sau conditional, ca would, could, might si used to (numai Past Tense), ele raman neschimbate in vorbirea indirecta: We must buy Mother a present for her birthday, the children said. The children said they must buy mother a present for her birthday. You ought to help your parents, Tom, the teacher said. The teacher told Tom he ought to help his parents. Atentie! In general must se mentine in vorbirea indirecta. Cand insa must exprima o obligatie, el poate deveni would have to sau had to, in functie de sens: Harry said, I must go to school now. Harry said he had to go to school immediately. Father said, I must go to a conference tomorrow. Father said he would have to go a conference the next day. In mod similar, could este mentinut in vorbirea indirecta: George asked, Could I use your pen ? George asked me if he could use my pen, sau mentinut / schimbat in functie de sens: He said Could you lend me your dictionary, please ? He said I could swim when it was fine. He said I couldn’t go into the water alone when I was a child. He asked me to lend him my dictionary. He asked me if I could lend him my dictionary. He said he could swim when it was fine. He said he had been able to swim when it was fine.
He added he couldn’t go into the water alone when he was a child. He added he had not been allowed to go into the water alone when he was a child. 3.11. Frazele conditionale de tipul 2 si 3 nu se schimba in vorbirea indirecta. Cele de tipul 1 devin identice ca forma cu conditionalele de tipul 2: He said, You’ll hurt yourself if you are not careful. he told me I would hurt myself if was not careful. B. Modificarile specifice se refera la verbele care trebuie folosite in fiecare fel de propozitie reprodusa (enuntiativa, exclamativa, interogativa, imperativa), la punctuatie, ordinea cuvintelor etc. 3.12. Propozitiile enuntiative (Declarative Sentence) Verbul say este caracteristic vorbirii directe, cu sau fara complement indirect. Daca este urmat de un complement indirect, verbul say urmeaza de obicei cuvintele reproduse: I don’t understand the question, Cathy said to her teacher. pag: 269 In vorbirea indirecta, se pastreaza de regula say cand complementul indirect nu este mentionat, iar verbul ocupa pozitia initiala: Cathy said she didn’t understand the lesson. In celelalte cazuri se intrebuinteaza tell + complement indirect: Cathy told the teacher she didn’t understand the question. Semnele citarii sunt omise in vorbirea indirecta, iar enuntul reprodus se introduce prin conjunctia that: I’ve just arrived, Fred said. Fred said (that) he had just arrived. In unele situatii, spusele cuiva nu pot fi reproduse in vorbirea indirecta, ci trebuie parafrazate, in functie de sens: Paula said, I’m sorry I’m late. You’d better stay in bed for a few days, Peter, the doctor said. Yes si no sunt exprimate in vorbirea indirecta cu ajutorul unui subiect si verb auxiliar: Is this device safe ? Yes. The man asked if the device was safe and the mechanic replied that it was. sau prin inlocuirea cu verbe de afirmare sau negare: He said, No. He refused. He said, No. He denied it. He said, No. He answered in the negative. He said, Yes. He agreed. He said, Yes. He accepted. He said, Yes. He answered in the affirmative. 3.13. Propozitiile interogative Daca Verbul din principala este say, acesta trebuie inlocuit cu verbe ca: ask, wonder, want to know, inquire etc. Why is Tom angry ? Helen said to me. Helen asked (me) why Tom was angry. Helen wondered why Tom was angry. Cand propozitiile interogative sunt redate in vorbirea indirecta, ele devin propozitii enuntiative. In consecinta forma interogativa a verbului devine afirmativa sau negativa: subiectul precede predicatul, verbul auxiliar do este omis, iar semnul intrebarii se transforma in punct: Peter is saying Isn’t Bob coming ? Peter is saying Where does he live ? Peter wants to know if Bob is not coming. Peter wants to know where he lives. Exceptie: Cand un cuvand interogativ: who, what, how much este subiectul propozitiei interogative, se mentine ordinea cuvintelor din vorbirea directa: Laura says, How many arrived last night ? Laura wants to know how many (people) arrived last night. pag: 270 De asemenea: I said, What’s the matter ? I asked (him) what was the matter. Daca in vorbirea directa propozitia interogativa este o intrebare speciala , adica daca ea incepe cu un pronume, adjectiv interogativ, acesta este pastrat in vorbirea indirecta: How do you spell this word ? the teacher has asked. The teacher has asked how we spell this word. In cazul unor intrebari generale, legatura intre propozitia principala si completiva directa se face cu ajutorul conjunctiei if sau whether: He is saying Have you been to Suceava? He is asking if we have been to Suceava. He is asking whether we have been to Suceava. Whether este folosit in mod obligatoriu pentru redarea in vorbirea indirecta a intrebarilor alternative: Are you going to the theatre or to the cinema ? Tommy said to his sister. Tommy asked his sister wheter she was going to the theatre or to the cinema. Tommy asked his sister wheter she was going to the theatre or not. Intrebarile generale incepand cu will / would / could you se transforma in vorbirea indirecta in mod diferentiat, in functie de sensul intrebarii. a) o intrebare despre o actiune viitoare: Will you sing in the choir tomorrow ? He said . He asked me if I would sing in the choir the next day. b) o rugaminte, cerere: Could you serve the coffee ? Bob said. Bob asked me to serve the coffee. Bob asked if I could serve the coffee. c) o invitatie: Would you attend our meeting ? The children said to their teacher. The children asked their teacher to their meeting. The children invited their teacher to their meeting. d) un ordin, o comanda: Copy the lesson, Mary. The teacher told Mary to copy the lesson. In mod similar, intrebarile incepand cu shall I / we se transforma diferentiat in vorbire indirecta, devenind: a) o intrebare despre o actiune viitoare: would + infinitiv: Shall I see you tomorrow ? Bob said. Bob wanted to know if he would see me the next day. b) cererea unui sfat: should + infinitiv: Shall I buy the long dress, mother? Alice said. Alice asked her mother if she should buy the long dress. c) o oferta: offer + infinitiv lung: Shall I bring you your glasses ? Patricia said. Patricia offered to bring me my glasses. d) o sugestie: suggest + Gerund / should + infinitiv: Shall we have a snack? Denise said. Denise suggested having a snack. Denise suggested that they should have a snack. pag: 271 Schimbarile de timp in propozitiile interogative au loc la fel ca si in cele enuntiative: He said, Where have you been? He said, What is Tom doing ? He said, When will they leave? He wanted to know where we had been. He wanted to know what Tom was doing. He wanted to know when they would leave. 3.14. Propozitiile exclamative Propozitiile exclamative devin propozitii enuntiative in vorbirea indirecta. In consecinta, semnul exclamarii din vorbirea directa nu mai este necesar: What a funny joke! he said. He exclaimed that it was a funny joke. Sunt posibile mai multe transformari, in functie de natura exclamatiei: a) Exclamatii incepand cu what(a), how se transforma in completive directe Exclimed that it was very kind of him to help! mother said. Mother exclaimed that it was very kind of him to help them. b) Exclamatii ca Oh! Ah! Ugh! devin: He exclaimed with surprise / disgust, etc. He gave an exclamation of surprise / disgust, etc. In functie de sens se intrebuinteaza diverse verbe (+ adverbe de mod) ca: exclaim, complain, shout, remark, observe, say admiringly, say scornfully, etc., pentru redarea propozitiilor exclamative in vorbirea indirecta: What a delicious cake! the quest said. The qest said asmiringly that the cake was delicious. How tired I am! the old woman said. The old woman complained that she was very tired. Observati de asemenea: She said, Thank you. He said, Damn it! They said, Good morning! She said, A happy new year! He said, Well done! She said, Liar! She thanked me. He swore. They greeted me / wished me a good morning. She wished me a happy new year. He congratulated me. She called me a liar. Predicatul propozitiei exclamative se supune corespondentei timpurilor fata de un predicat trecut in propozitia principala. He said, How beautifully she sang! He said, How pretty she is! He said, What a delightful trip we’ll have! He exclaimed that she had sung beautifully. He said admiringly that she had sung beautifully. He remarked that she had sung beautifully. He exclaimed that she was pretty. He said admiringly that she was pretty. He remarked that she was pretty. He exclaimed that they would have a delightful trip. He said admiringly that they would have a delightful trip. He remarked that they would have a delightful trip. Daca exclamatia in vorbirea directa nu contine un verb la un timp personal, in vorbirea indirecta se foloseste verbul be: Helen said, What a lovely present! Helen exclaimed that the present was lovely. pag: 272 3.15. Propozitiile imperative In vorbirea indirecta, propozitiile imperative defin infinitive: a) afirmative: He said, Sit down, Peter. b) negative: He said , Don’t interrupt the speaker please. Verbul din propozitia principala (say, tell) se inlocuieste cu un verb care exprima un ordin (tell, order, command), o rugaminte (ask, request, urge), un sfat (warn, advise, recommand), etc., in functie de sens: Officer to soldiers: Clean the barracks! The officer ordered his soldiers to clean the barracks. Mother to Ann: Pass me the salt, will you ? Mother asked Ann to pass her the salt. Teacher to Tom: (You shouls) go to the doctor . The teacher advised Tom to go to the doctor. Aceste verbe sunt urmate in mod obligatoriu de complemente indirecte sau prepozitionale. Daca ele nu mentionate in vorbirea directa, vor fi adaugate: Give me my ball! the little boy shouted. The little boy shouted at the bigger to give him his ball. Daca verbul din principala este la diateza pasiva, complementul indirect nu mai este necesar: Go to bed! they said to Tommy. Tommy was told to go to bed. Imperativul pentru persoana I plural (let’s + infinitiv) exprima de obicei o sugestie si se exprima in vorbirea indirecta prin verbul suggest + Gerund / completiva directa introdusa de that: Nick said, Let’s watch TV. Nick said, What about watching TV? Nick suggested watching TV. Nick suggested that they should watch TV. Nick suggested that they watch TV. (in engleza americana). Imperativele exprimand un ordin in general se pot transforma in vorbire indirecta si: - cu ajutorul verbului be to, in special cand: a) verbul din principala este la prezent: He says, Do the next exercise! He says that we are to do the next exercise. b) ordinul este precedat de o propozitie temporala sau conditionala: He said, If she comes, ring me up. He said that if she came we were to ring him up. - cu ajutorul lui should: The Captain ordered that the sailors should clean the deck./ 4. Vorbirea indirecta libera Acesta reprezinta un stadiu intermediar intre vorbirea directa si indirecta si este utilizata frecvent in stilul narativ. Se caracterizeaza prin schimbarea timpurilor, a pronumelor si adverbelor ca si in vorbirea indirecta, dar propozitia principala este de obicei omisa si se pastreaza unele forme din vorbirea directa: propozitii interogative, vocative, intrebari disjunctive etc. Aceasta forma este adeseori folosita in literatura pentru exprimarea gandurilor unui personaj. In consecinta, verbul he thought este de obicei mai potrivit decat he said in asemenea cazuri. Cheia exercitiilorCap. 1. VERBULII. 1. It is raining; 2. is he driving; drives; 8. started, was walking; 4. rang, was going out; 5. has been, blew; 6. has been snowing; 7. have you heard; 8. I've just spoken, spoke; 9. lent, asked/had asked; 10. had been, arrived; 11. had been living, met; 12. is, shall go; 13. is, shall be skiing; 14. shall have skied, have 15. are you doing; am having; have; 16. does the train leave, leaves; 17. are you doing; am looking; have you been looking; have been looking; came; did you coma; came. III. 1. It is raining. It often rains in autumn. 2. It has been raining since you came. 3. It has rained. 4. It. rained yersterday too. 5. It was raining when I looked out of the window. 6. It had rained when I went out. 7. It had been raining for a long time. 8. It looks like rain. 9. It is going to rain today. 10. It will be raining when you come back from your office. 11. We'll go for a walk when the rain has stopped. 12. We shan't go for a walk unless it stops raining. IV. 1. They are being shown the museum. 2. He has been appointed president. 8. The pupils were asked several questions. 4. The soldiers were ordered to stand to attention. 5. I have been given a good dictionary. 6. You will be told what time the bus leaves. 7. The carpenter will be paid for his work. 8. They were promised new bicycles. 9. I have been lent this book by the form teacher. 10. The singer will be offered flowers. V. 1. This matter must be looked into. 2. This bed has not been slept in. 3. The children were well looked after. 4. The dog was run over by a bus. 5. You will be laughed at if you wear this dress. 6. Empty bottles must not be thrown away. 7. This glass ha not been drunk out of. 8. I was taken on by his behaviour. 9. Every moment must be accounted for. 10. She doesn't like to be stared at. VII. 1. It is advisable that you be/should be there at eight o'clock sharp. 2. They require that the enemy troops be/should be withdrawn from their territory. 3. Why should we do this? 4. His wish that we should become teachers has been fulfilled. 5. Come what may, FU start the engine. 6. I wish you would be quieter. 7. I wish they were here now. 8. I wish they had attended the conference. 9. What would you do if they offered you this job? 10. If anyone should call for her, tell them she is away. 11. Mother gave me some money so that I might buy the dictionary I needed. 12. I'll give you his phone number so that you may ring him up. 13. He worked very hard for fear he should fail the exam. 14. However late it may be, ring me up. 16. No matter how many mistakes he might have made, his paper is the best in the class. VIII. 1. to become; 2. come; 3. to revise*4. wait; 5. cross; 6. to repeat; 7. wait; 8. to return; 9. to compare; 10. to understand; 11. to compete; 12. to say; 13. try; 14. to hear. IX. 1. from leaving; 2. of studying; 3. about
losing; X. 1. me/my reading; 2. him/his coming; 8. me for interrupting you/my interrupting you; 4. her/her wearing; 5. them/their making; 6. us/our coming; 7. you/your going out; 8. her/her acting; 9. them/their playing; 10. him/his pretending; 11. you/your trying; 12. us/ our working. XI. 1. to give. 2. meeting. 8. interrupting. 4. to talk. 5. to give. 6. leaving. 7. cycling. 8. to walk. 9. to wake. 10. to tell. 11. walking. 12. selling, working, writing. 18. to make. 14. to write. 16. singing. 16. to hear. 17. cutting. 18. to go 19. walking, travelling. 20. to go. 21. to see. 22. seeing. 23. smoking. 24. to smoke. XII. 1. following. 2. followed. 8. interesting. 4. interested. 5. frozen. 6. freezing. 7. riding. 8. exported. 9. importing, exporting. 10. tired. 11. tiring. 12. accused. 13. accusing. 14. baked. 15. expected. 16. astonishing. 17. lost. 18. frightened. 19. frightening. 20. dried. 21. crowded. XIII. 1. Books borrowed from the library must be returned in time. 2. The windows of the drawing-room opened on to a terrace overlooking the sea. 8. Hearing, footsteps, he turned with a start. 4. AU long known objects are dear to us. 5. He kept silent, as if puzzled by my behaviour. 6. Having completed her piece of work, she rose to switch of f the machine. 7. Then he was gone, the dog following. 8. He practised every day, his principle being that practice makes perfect. 9. The child stopped crying. 10. He stopped to help the old woman. 11. One of the reasons for her having read the book so many times had been to learn the new words. 12. He coughed to draw the attention of the audience, 18. I'm sorry to have disturbed you while working. 14. His voice began to tremble with emotion. 16. I promised to obey my parents. 16. I saw her weep(ing). 17. I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. 18. Nobody is to blame. 19. This problem is too difficult for us to solve. He denies having been there. XIV. 1. may leave. 2. may have heard. 3. must have gone. 4. must not play. 5. couldn't have forgotten. 6. should see. 7. could repair. 8. must be true. 9. should have written. 10. had to take. XV. 1. Will you fetch me the newspaper, please. 2. Shall I buy some bananas? You'd rather buy some oranges. 3. Would you sign in the register, please. 4. Could you help me with my luggage? 5. Would you like a cup of coffee? No, thank you. I'd like a cup of tea. 6. She can't speak English yet, but she will be able to do so in a few years' time. 7. He could have learned the poem but he wouldn't. 8. The sky might clear up later. 9. May I borrow this book? I used to go swimming every day when I was younger. 10. I used to go swimming every day when I was younger. 11. They may have won the match, but I'm not sure. 12. He should/ought to have left earlier. Then he would have caought the train. 13. There is a good concert on TV. You shouldn't miss it. 14. Peter is absent today. He must be ill. 15. You mustn't play in the middle of the road. 16. He can't/couldn't have been out of town last week. I met him several times. 17. He went to bed at eight o'clock last night. He must have been very tired. 18. The children were allowed to go out when the rain stopped. 19. How dare he say such a thing? 20. You needn't have taken your umbrella; it had stopped raining. Cap. 2. SUBSTANTIVUL I.1. School begins in September. 2. 'We go swimming on Sunday(s). 3. Mr Brown is an MP. 4. On July 4th every year the Americans celebrate Independence Day. 5. The Danube flows into the Black Sea. 6. Dr. Ionescu consults the pupils every Monday. 7. Spain borders on France. 8. The Chinese, the Vietnamese and the Japanese live in Asia. 9. The Intercontinental Hotel in Bucharest is next to the National Theatre. 10. 'Hard Times' is a novel by Dickens. 11. We study English and Russian at school. 12. The Conference for Peace and Security in Europe was held in Helsinki in 1976. II. schoolboys, masterpieces, brothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, headmasters, milkmen, women dentists, postmen, blackboards, sons-in-law, passers-by, bedrooms, car races, lookers-on, men singers, merry-go-rounds, horse races, forget-me-nots, footsteps, firemen. III. 1. books, shelves. 2. toys. 3. men, tourists.
4. children, stories. 5. watches. 6. lice, insects. 7. cliffs. 8. leaves. 9.
geese. 10. potatoes. IV. 1. hundreds. 2. hundred. 3. million. 4.
million. 6, thousands. 6. thousands. 7. dozen. 8. dozen. 9. dozens. V. a) stimuli, phenomena, desiderata, addenda, larvae, bases, analyses, crises, criteria; b)campuses, viruses, encyclopedias, villas, museums, albums, gymnasiums, electrons, sopranos; c) syllabuses, geniuses/ genii, formulas/formulae, curriculums/curricula, symposiums/symposia, indexes/indices, automatons/automata, plateaus/plateaux, tempos/ tempi VI. 1. sheet. 2. bars. 3. loaf, loaves. 4. piece/stick. 5. piece. 6. piece. 7. pair. 8. piece/ item. 9. piece/item. 10. piece. 11. piece. 12. head. VII. 1. The news I have received is interesting. 2. I packed my luggage last night. 3. We are going to publish all the information necessary to the candidates. 4. His know-ledge of history is remarkable. 5. I've bought some fruit and some cakes. 6. Have you done your homework? IX. 1. Where are the tongs? 2. Many thanks. 3. E
very means has been tried/ All means have been tried. 4. The Army Headquarters
was/were near London 5. Physics is his favourite subject. 6. We caught three
big trout. XI. My dear uncle Ghita, A thousand thanks for your friendly card. As soon as I get the author's copies from the Academy, I shall send you a copy of my work on the Black Sea. We are having an unpleasant winter, my wife and I both being ill. But our dear Tofu is strong and I am very pleased to hear his voice over the telephone. Gr. Antipa XII. 1. daughter; 2. lady; 8. niece; 4. aunt; 5. mother; 6. sister; 7. hen; 8. hind; 9. girl; 10. wife; 11. woman; 12. queen. XIII. 1. boy-friend; girl friend; 2. he-goat; she-goat; 3. male student; female student; 4. Tom cat; Tibby cat; 5. Jack-ass; Jenny ass; 6. male frog; female frog. XIV. 1. This is my neighbour' car. 2. This is Lily's doll. 8. This is Dick's bicycle. 4. This is my cousin's stamp book. 5. This is Mr White's umbrella. 6. This is Lawrence and Paul's electric train. 7. These are Peter's and Mary's bicycles. XVI. 1. My cousins' house is large. 2. The ladies' hats are very pretty. 8. The pupils' uniforms are blue. 4. The women's work is very much appreciated. 5. The workers' life is much better today. 6. The teacher praised the students' work. 7. Where are the children's clothes? 8. The babies' food is in the fridge. XVII. 1. Mary is David's sister. 2. The pages of the book have numbers. 8. What is your brother's hobby? 4. This is a woman's hat. 5. What's the favourite sport of this boy? 6. The roof of the shed was blown off by the wind. 7. That is Alice's pencil-box. 8. Ladies' hats are very pretty this year. 9. This is the room of my brother and sister. 10. Where are the girls' blouses? 11. Dickens' novels are very interesting. 12. The house is at a mile's distance. 18. Have you read yesterday's paper? XIX. 1. I bought a dog for Mike. 2. He gave some presents to Tom. 3. I chose a nice present for my sister. 4. Mary showed her composition to the teacher. 5. They sent a parcel to their parents. 6. Did you make this cardigan for Helen? 7. Did he give a bunch of flowers to his mother? 8.1 ordered a lemonade for my sister. XX. a) 1. The 12th Party Congress has taken decisions of great importance for our people and our country's progress. 2. Have you read yesterday's newspaper? 3. After a moment's thought, the pupil answered all my questions perfectly. 4. The jury handed rewards to all the winners of the competition. 6. We had a very good time at the party of my friend's sister. 6. I think I have taken somebody else's hat. 7. The pen is Bob's. 8. What do you know about the climate of this country? 9. The teacher spoke for more than an hour about the climate of this country. 10. The pupils offered a bunch of flowers to their teacher. 11. We'd better meet at Mary's. 12. The printing of this book meant an important success. b) 1. Our most modern poetess spoke about her latest volume of poems. 2. You will be accompanied by my son and daughter. 8. I don't know who acts the princess. 4. I haven't seen my aunt and uncle for a few months. 5. Her youngest niece is the heiress of the house. 6. My neighbour left the door open and forgot about it. Cap. 8. ARTICOLUL IV. 1. -, the, the. 2. -. 3. -. 4. -. 5. the. 6. –
the, -. 7. -, - 8. the. 9. - the, the. 10. the,-, -. 11. - , -. 12. the. VII. A. 1. What a beautiful day! B. 1. Pens, pencils, rubbers, glue and ink are on
sale at the stationer's. 2. Where is the pen I bought yesterday? 3. I like
symphonic music. 4. I like the music composed/ written for the piano. 6. We
study the history of the Romanian people at school. 6. We also study world
history. C. 1. Where are your people? Grandpa is in bed, grandma is in the kitchen, mother is at school and father is at work. 2. I generally go home by bus, but sometimes I go by tram. 8. I can never sleep in the/a car or on the/a train. 4. Mother often wakes up in the night to feed the baby. 6. I don't like to go out at night. 6. What time do you have lunch? 7. I usually have lunch at noon/at 12 o'clock. 8. Have you finished preparing (the) lunch? 9. I had to stay in bed for a week last year when I had (the) flu. 1. His shoes ____ 2. Her hat ____ 3. Their hats ____ 4. ____. its nest 5. Her dress ____. 6. His eyes ____. 7. Their books ____. 8. Its tail ____. 9. Their ears ____. 10. Her brother ____. IX. 1. each 2. either 3. every 4. either 5. each 6. each 7. «very 8. each 9. either 10. either, both 11. each 13. either 18. every, each 14. each. XI. 'Why do people sleep at night?' 'But when do you sleep, Darie?' 'Also at night. But I wouldn't sleep at all, especially in the summertime/in (the) summer,' 'And what would you do?' 'I would lie down in the grass. But I would lie down on my back. I'd keep my eyes open. If I could stop blinking, I wouldn't blink at all, I'd look at the stars. And, looking at them, I'd imagine I was free.' 'Lie down in the grass now. Look at the stars now, Darie, and imagine now whatever you want to imagine.' I do as the wind is telling me. I lie down in the grass. I put both my arms under my head. I look at the sky. It seems motionless, but I know it isn't. Nothing ever keeps still. The whole sky, what you can see of it and what you can't, with its stars, those that can be seen and those that can't, comes from somewhere. From where? I don't know. I’ll ask the grass. She doesn't know either. I stretch out my hands, I stop the wind in his gentle run. I ask him. 'I don't know, Darie.' 'Does anyboy in this world know?' 'Nobody knows, Darie.' Now, I say to myself, now I shan't ask anyone. I shall look at the sky. I start to look at it. Cap. 4. NUMERALUL III. 1. The 24th of January, and the 23rd of August are national days of our people. 2. Open the book at page 48 and read chapter 15 again. 3. I live at no. 49, Spiru Haret street. 4. How old are you? I am 12. (years old) 6. At half past two I’ll get on bus no. 331 and go to visit the exhibition. 6. How much is a pair of shoes? 7. I've bought butter, a dozen of eggs and a kilo of flour. 8. We have the long break between ten minutes to ten and ten past ten. 9. I have been waiting for you for more than half an hour. 10. I dialled double five, seven, nine, two, four, and then I waited. 11. I think they left by the 6.30 train. 12. The 12th Congress of the Romanian Communist Party took place in November 1979. Cap. 5. PRONUMELE I. 1. her. 2. yours. 8. your, mine. 4. your 5. our 6. his 7. his. 8. theirs. 9. mine. 10. hers. II. 1. I told it to them. 2. I wrote it to her. 3. I sent it to him. 4. I bought them for her. 5.1 gave them to him. 6.1 explained it to him. 7. I showed it to them. 8. I asked him about it. III. 1. him. 2. we. 3. them 4. he 5. it 6. it 7. her 8. us. IV. 1. who 2. - 3. who 4. who 5. - 6. who 7. who 8. which/that V. Birica and Polina stayed behind. They put their sickles over their shoulders and made for Tudor Balosu's land. On the way Polina told him again they could not reach an agreement with ver father if they stayed and waited for him to make it up to them. She knew him better than that. The land must be taken by force. Birica answered that you could take anything by force, say a horse, a cart, a cow; you take it by force and carry it away with you. But you can't take land. You need papers at the notary's office for the land and only then you can say it is yours. Telling her this, Birica made her realize what a fool she had been to imagine he hadn't thought of their situation from all possible angles. Polina answered she knew more about legal papers than he thought. What she knew was that if you made use of one thing for several years, and afterwards you brought witnesses that the thing had been yours for so many years, you could obtain papers saying that it was yours even if the other person did not want you to. Birica's face lightened and he said with great wonder and admiration that she was some woman. Polina blushed when she heard him praise her and answered that she no longer hoped to find any understanding from her father. They shouldn't waste their good intentions on him. When she was a young girl, he hadn't bought her anything, not a stitch of clothing; she used to come bare-footed to the village dance. Birica himself knew the story well enough. He ought to understand there was nothing else to do about the matter. They walked silently for a long time and he ,answered only later. He told her that her father could sue him and take him to court. A trial might turn out bad. Polina interrupted him by saying he wouldn't dare do such a thing. She had married and had a right to the land she had worked on. And if her father wanted a trial, she would take care to make him sorry he had wanted it. Cap. 6. ADJECTIVUL I.1. the best. 2. longer, shorter. 3. the longest. 4. warmer, warmer. 5. many 6. the most popular 7. as beautiful as 8. warm, more beautiful 9. the worst 10. the most interesting. II. 1. the better 2. fewer and fewer 3. the latter 4. elder 5. the next. III. 1. Have you read Marin Preda's last novel? 2. Did it seem more interesting than his other novels? 3. 11 was by far the most pleasant holiday we spent at the seaside. 4. They study more and more and get better and better results. 5. The more attentive he was the fewer mistakes he made. 6. Have you met her elder brother? 7. Your dress is more modern than mine. 8. Which is the farthest/furthest planet? Cap. 7. ADVERBUL I.1. Peter works slowly. 2. Ann dances well. 3. Our teacher speaks English fluently. 4. He acts badly. 6. Doris works hard. 6. Nick swims fast. 7. Mother types carefully. 8. Father drives carelessly. 9. He teaches intelligently. 10. He speaks optimistically. 11. He eats noisily. 12. Paul listens attentively. 13. He speaks sensibly. 14. Diana runs quickly. II. 1. She works very hard at school. 2. He dug deep in the ground. 3 He was rightly considered the best pupil in the class. 4 I can hardly see your face in the dark. 6 The train arrived late. 6. He was deeply moved by her kindness. 7. He guessed the answer right / He rightly guessed the answer. 8. Birds fly high. 9.I haven't seen him lately. 10. He is highly appreciated for his work. 11. He is closely related to me. 12. Take it easy! 13. We are mostly out on Sundays. 14. It is nearly midnight. 15. What is troubling you most? 16. He is right at the top. 17. Open your mouth wide. Cap. 8. PREPOZITIA I. 1. at; on. II. 1. from, to. III. 1. What are you looking at? 2. He is looking
out of the window. 3. Who are you waiting for? 4. What's the time by your
watch? 5. Let's go for a walk. 6. He has been in hospital for two weeks. 7.
What are you afraid of? He is always kind to his patients. 8. Fm grateful to
him for the favour he has done to me. 9.I congratulated him on his success. 10.
He was shivering with cold. 11. Don't lie to me. Cap. 9. CONJUNCTIA III. In the evening they reached Mr Vasiliu's inn. Vitoria knew she would find some-thing there. And indeed she did. In the village of Suha people were talking. They said a judge from the city should come to investigate how things had been with the sale of the sheep, to see whether the bill for their sale at Dorna could be found, and whether the honourable men from Suha had a receipt for the money they had given to Lipan. Nobody said such important men could commit an evil deed - but it was good for them to claim their rights. Besides, somebody said the honourable men should produce the witness or witnesses who had been present at the sale and at the counting of the money. It was obvious that only such a stranger or strangers who had been there, could have followed Lipan and stolen the money for the sheep. These witnesses might be totally unknown. Neither Calistrat, nor Ilie Cutui had seen them before or since. Even so, they had to say what they looked like and how their horses and clothes were. You could learn a lot from a little Information and the evil doers would 'be found. Cap. 11-13 II. 1. They say we'll have a long autumn. 2. You must be very careful when you drive in such a busy street. 3. They drink a lot of beer in this country. 4. You can never tell. 5. It is easier to ride your bike when the wind blows from behind. 6. Don't take into account what people say. 7. It is believed that this year's crop will be very good. III. 1. have 2. was 3. is. 4. were 5. has 6. are 7. have 8. has 9. is 10. have. 11. attracts IV. 1. My family consists of father, mother, my
brother and I. 2. The class were puzzled by the teacher's questions. 3. The
information received is favourable. 4. Her savings have been put into the bank.
5. Her hair is chestnut-brown. 6. The United States borders on Mexico and
Canada. 7. People are always inquisitive. 8. The poultry are being fed now. 9.
There are a lot of young families in this block of flats. V. 1. is 2. are 3. are 4. is 6. is 6. am 7. is 8. are VI. 1. Someone has taken my umbrella by mistake. 2. All the pupils are in the class-room. 8. Neither of them is very young. 4. All the food is in the fridge. 6. Everyone / Every-body has arrived and everyone / everybody is enjoying themselves. 6. Either they or he has done it. 7. None of them is right. 8. Who has done this? 9. Which books are yours? 10. It is he who is to blame, not she. VII. 1. is 2. is. 8. misses 4. are 5. accompanies 6. wash 7. ranks 8. is 9. are 10. are. VIII. 1. Fifty minutes is a short time for a term-paper. 2. Most of his articles are oft literary criticism. 3. The number of Romanian tourists who spend their holidays at the seaside increases every year, 4. Kindness and understanding is what is needed row. 5. Who is it? It's your father and mother. 6. There is the letter and your glasses, Grandpa. 7. Mr Brown and his wife usually go to the country on Sundays. 8. Mr Brown, together with his family, usually spends his holidays at the seaside. 9. There are coal, iron and oil in the Sub-carpathians. 10. It is they who arrange everything. 11. Four times ten make / makes forty, 12. Romanian red and white wines are famous. Cap. 14-22 III. 1. Describe this landscape to us. 2. Please dictate to me the translation of the new words. 3. Tell them/Let them know the great piece of news. 4. I bought a very nice tie for my husband. 6. The gold medal was awarded to the Romanian athlete for her extraordinary performance. 6. You needn't return this book to me. I offer it to you as a present. XI. Rosu Gheorghe was the shortest soldier, not only in his group or platoon, but in the entire company. He was so short that at recruitment he had hardly managed to escape being sent back home. In fact they had rejected him at first, after his application had been withheld twice in two years, and if people in his village had not thought this was a certain proof of infirmity, Rosu Gheorghe could have taken a train from the recruitment centre immediately and left for home the same day. But the same day, the whole village would have known he was not good for the army, the girls first of all. He came from Banat. And so, stepping off the medical weighing scales, Rosu Gheorghe had not left the room, but had gone back, silent and sad, puttind off for as long as he could the time to get dressed again. With the watchful eyes of a quiet Banat man, he had noticed that nobody paid him any attention. And then he had mixed with the others whose turn was next, had undressed and had appeared before the commission again. Cap. 23 FELURILE PROPOZITIILOR VII. 1. None of them liked the show. 2. Neither of them understood what you were talking about. 3. Who have you received/did you receive that parcel from? 4. They're going to the match, aren't they? 6. You have never been to the Art Galleries, have you? 6. Shall I leave the radio on or turn it off? 7. Let's turn back, shall we? 8. Will you be so kind as to sing a song for us? 9. You must ring him up. 10. It's a long time since I last saw him. 11. He wasn't away long. 12. I don't like this actor and neither does my friend. 13. They aren't here any longer/They are here no longer. 14. He could hardly see anything in the dark room. VIII. The coach knew there was nothing better, when you wanted to teach a man something, than to make him ambitious, make him compete with others if necessary. This is the reason why he had begun to promise small prizes to those who performed best the drills necessary to their training. After a while Luca felt, like the teacher who has gained his pupils' trust, that the indiscipline was over. Even 'Know-all, once |so stubborn, showed interest in these games. The prizes did not amount to much, but nobody could stand someone else being ahead of him, as usually happens with all people. Cap. 24 - 25 SINTAXA FRAZEI IV. A. The secretary of the U.W.Y, had climbed up the iron stairs and almost did not notice them. He had been looking for them all morning, without looking like doing it. Mucala had told him where he might find them, but he had lied, saying he was not interested. He would have walked by, if he had not heard Sandu's thick voice, B. Dearest Ghita, It is eight days now since I sent you a letter in which I asked you to let me know whether the person who wanted to buy paintings from me, about whom you wrote to me some time ago, is still willing to do so and whether, consequently, I should send you any pictures to/for this purpose. Your painting of Mount Ceahlau, which I had informed you was still being worked on, is now completely ready. I am looking forward to your answer, so that I can know what to do. With all my love, Octav Bancila C. Dearest Ghita, It is a long time since I last heard from you. I know you are very busy as you always are, but write us a few lines when you can, to tell us how you are and what you are doing. I have been feeling better since I went to- Teohari. The others are all well. I have finished Mrs. Cireasa's portrait and I am very pleased with it. At first, and even all the time she sat for me, I felt desperate that I would not be able to paint her well enough because of a certain liveliness which is characteristic of her. Then she did not keep her word. For instance, she would tell me she was coming the next day and I would wait in vain because she was deceiving me. Now at last my troubles are over and the result is .completely satisfactory, at least for me, the one who did it. I do not know what all the critics will have to say. Octav Bancila D. Everybody knew Mr. Pantelimon had repaired his old car, a 'Topolino', which had been left under repair for five years, and that he missed none of the Sundays when the football team played in another town. He borrowed money if he did not have any, he filled his tank with petrol and made a tour of the city, driving so that people could see him. The little car burnt up so much petrol that you would have thought a wave of artificial fog flowed over the city. People out for a walk at eleven in the morning took out their handkerchiefs and shielded their noses with them. Beside him, Vizante waved to the people he knew. E. There are certain dreams that we seem to have lived somewhere and some time just as there are things we have lived which make us wonder if they were not a dream. This is what I was thinking of yesterday evening when, searching through my papers to see what was to be burned - papers mix things up - I came upon a letter which reminded me of a strange story, so strange that, if it not were only seven years since it happened, I would feel very much in doubt, I would believe that I had only dreamed about it, or that I had read it or heard it long ago. It was in 1907. I had been seriously ill in Bucharest and I had returned to Berlin. My recovery proceeded slowly, requiring intensive care. When I left, the doctor had advised me to avoid even the slightest exertion. Poor doctor! I had shrugged my shoulders, smiling, and told him not to worry. Cap. VORBIREA DIRECTA SI INDIRECTA VI. 1. The pupil asked the headmaster when he should/must come to his office. 2. The clerk advised us to read the instructions carefully before opening the box. 3. The secretary asked if she must / had to type all the reports. 4. Mother reminded me not to forget about my U.C.Y. meeting. 5. The doctor told us that nobody could / was allowed to speak to the patient until the next day. 6. He wanted to know why my friends had left so early. 7. The old man told us that he never locked / locks the back door. 8. The teacher asked the pupils whether they had understood the lesson or not. 9. George apologized, saying that it was his fault. 10. The teacher wanted to know who had taken part in the Maths competition. 11. He wondered if he would manage / be able to go away over the weekend. 12. Mr Brown told us that he went swimming every day when he was a child. 13. The teacher explained that wood floats on water. 14. They said they would have been in time if they had caught the bus. 15. Bob suggested going for a walk / they should all go for a walk. 16. The guests thanked the hostess and said (that) the party had been a great success. 17. Little Tommy wanted to know if pioneers must / have to wear uniforms. 18. She exclaimed with disgust that the smell was very bad. 19. He wished Mary good night and advised her to have a good rest. 20. The old woman said she wished the children were not making so much noise. VIII. A. Though it was late, the girl came to the gate. But she asked him why he had not come earlier. Paraschiv answered her that he had been busy, he had spent al evening talking with his parents. To the girls question he answered that they had talked about the two of them, that is, about their marriage. B. And as I was saying, he rushed into my office and said, 'Pussy dear, we have to fight against an injustice' 'What injustice?' I asked him. And he told me in a few words that Mangiru wanted to fire you because the football team had lost a match in I-don't-know-what-place where you had gone. You are a man just as he likes. He told me, as if I hadn't known, how you had fought with the tramps to make them work, how you had repaired the arena; yes sir, as if I hadn't been there with you and Mangiru I let him talk, wondering how he had found out all those things. 'And why does he want to fire Mangiru?' I asked him when he had finished. Bibliografie selectivaAcademia R.S.R., Gramatica limbii romane, Ed. Academiei R.S.R. Bucuresti, 1966. Bantas Andrei, A Descriptive Grammar of English, TUB, Bucuresti, 1978. Badescu Alice, Gramatica limbii engleze, Ed. Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1963. Bira Elena, Aspects of Modality in English, TUB, Bucuresti, 1979. Catedra de limba si literatura engleza a Facultatii de limbi straine a Universitatii din Bucuresti, Gramatica limbii engleze, Editura Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1962. * * * Limba engleza. Exercitii pentru admiterea in invatamintul superior, E.D.P., Bucuresti, 1978. Chitoran D., English Phonetics and Phonology, E.D.P., Bucuresti, 1978. Cornilescu Alexandra, The Transformational Syntax of English, TUB, Bucuresti, 1976. Dimitriu C., Gramatica limbii romane explicata. Morfologia. Junimea, Iasi, 1979. Iordan lorgu, Robu Vladimir, Limba romana contemporana, E.D.P., Bucuresti, 1978. Kruisinga E., A Handbook of Present-Day English, volume II, English Accidence and Syntax. Kemink and Zoon, Utrecht, 1922. Leech G., J. Svartvik, A Communicative Grammar of English, Longman, London, 1979. Levitchi Leon, Gramatica limbii engleze, E.D.P., Bucuresti, 1971. Levitchi Leon, Preda Ioan, Gramatica limbii engleze, Ed. Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1967. Nicolescu Adrian, Tendinte in limba engleza contemporana, TUB, Bucuresti, 1978. Palmer Harold si F.G. Blandford, A Grammar of Spoken English, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1969. Quirk Randolph, Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvik J., A Grammar of Contemporay English Longman, London, 1972. Quirk Randolph, Greenbaum S., A University Grammar of English, Longman, London 1973. Retinschi Sanda, Explicatii gramaticale pentru cursurile intensive postuniversitare de limba engleza, TUB, Bucuresti, 1980. Schibsbye Knud, A Modern English Grammar, Second Edition, OUP, London, 1970. Stefanescu Ioana, Lectures in English Morphology, TUB, Bucuresti, 1978. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V., A Practical English Grammar, 2-nd Edition, OUP, London, 1969. Zandvoort R.W., A Handbook of English Grammar, Longman, London, 1957.