Verbul - limba engleza
- Limba engleza
Verbul 'TO BE' - a fi
I am (I'm) - Eu sunt
You are (You're) - Tu esti
He is (He's) - El este
She is (She's) - Ea este
It is (It's) - El/Ea este
We are (We're) - Noi suntem
You are (You're) - Voi sunteti
They are (They're) - Ei/Ele sunt
Forma interogativa:
Am I? - Sunt eu?
Are you? - Esti tu?
Is he? - Este el?
Is she? - Este ea?
Is it? - Este el/ea?
Are we? - Suntem noi?
Are you? - Sunteti voi?
Are they? - Sunt ei/ele?
Forma negativa:
I am not (I'm not) - Eu nu sunt
You are not (You aren't) - Tu nu esti
He is not (He isn't) - El nu este
She is not (She isn't) - Ea nu este
It is not (It isn't) - El/Ea nu este
We are not (We aren't) - Noi nu suntem
You are not (You aren't) - Voi nu sunteti
They are not (They aren't) - Ei/Ele nu sunt
'TO HAVE' - a avea
I have (I've) - Eu am
You have (You've) - Tu ai
He has (He's) - El are
She has (She's) - Ea are
It has (It's) - El/Ea are
We have (We've) - Noi avem
You have (You've) - Voi aveti
They have (They've) - Ei/Ele au
Forma interogativa:
Have I? - Am eu?
Have you? - Ai tu?
Has he? - Are el?
Has she? - Are ea?
Has it? - Are el/ea?
Have we? - Avem noi?
Have you? - Aveti voi?
Have they? - Au ei/ele?
Forma negativa:
I have not (I haven't) - Eu nu am
You have not (You haven't) - Tu nu ai
He has not (He hasn't) - El nu are
She has not (She hasn't) - Ea nu are
It has not (It hasn't) - El/Ea nu are
We have not (We haven't) - Noi nu avem
You have not (You haven't) - Voi nu aveti
They have not (They haven't) - Ei/Ele nu au
Verbul 'TO DO' - a face
I do - Eu fac
You do - Tu faci
He does - El face
She does - Ea face
It does - El/Ea face
We do - Noi facem
You do - Voi faceti
They do - Ei/Ele fac
Forma interogativa:
Do I? - Fac eu?
Do you? -
Faci tu?
Does he? - Face el?
Does she? - Face ea?
Does it? - Face el/ea?
Do we? - Facem noi?
Do you? - Faceti voi?
Do they? - Fac ei/ele?
Forma negativa:
I do not (I don't) - Eu nu fac
You do not (You don't) - Tu nu faci
He does not (He doesn't) - El nu face
She does not (She doesn't) - Ea nu face
It does not (It doesn't) - El/Ea nu face
We do not (We don't) - Noi nu facem
You do not (You don't) - Voi nu faceti
They do not (They don't) - Ei/Ele nu fac
Completati spatiile goale cu forma corecta a verbului TO BE:
a) Forma afirmativa:
I _______ in the classroom.
He _______ in the garden.
They _______ in the house
b) Forma negativa:
You _______ in the office.
She _______ in the bathroom.
We _______ in the restaurant.
2. Traduceti in limba engleza:
1. Eu am 12 ani.
2. Tu esti in casa cu tatal tau.
3. Noi avem 2 buchete de flori.
4. Voi sunteti in clasa a patra.
El are un mar si doua portocale.
6. Ea este in curtea scolii cu prietena ei.
3. Completati spatiile goale cu forma interogativa a verbului TO BE:
1. _______
you a good friend?
2. _______ he your father?
3. _______ they your colleagues?
4. _______ she in the living
5. _______ we in the courtyard?
Lectia 4: Verbul
- raspunsuri
1. Completati
spatiile goale cu forma corecta a verbului TO BE:
a) Forma afirmativa:
I am in the classroom.
He is in the garden.
They are in the house
b) Forma negativa:
You are in the office.
She is in the bathroom.
We are in the restaurant.
2. Traduceti in limba engleza:
1. Eu am 12 ani.
I have twelve years.
2. Tu esti in casa cu tatal tau.
You are in the house with my father.
3. Noi avem 2 buchete de flori.
We have two bunch of flowers.
4. Voi sunteti in clasa a patra.
You aren't in fourth class.
5 El are un mar si doua portocale.
He has un apple an two orange.
6. Ea este in curtea scolii cu prietena ei.
She is in the schoolyard with her friend.
3. Completati spatiile goale cu forma interogativa a verbului TO BE:
1. Are you a good friend?
2. Is he your father?
3. Are they your colleagues?
4. Is she in the living room?
5. Are we in the courtyard?
Prezentul simplu
. Mod de
Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
(la persoana a III-a singular se adauga terminatia „-s' sau
1. I go
to school every day.
2. He reads a book every month.
3. She lives in Bucharest.
Do / Does (pers.III, sg.) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
1. Do you go to school every day?
2. Does he read a book every month?
3. Does she live in Bucharest?
Subiect + do / does (pers.III, sg.) + not + Verbul la infinitiv
Se folosesc adesea contractiile don't (do + not) si doesn't (does + not)
1. I don't go to school every day.
2. He doesn't read a book every month.
3. She doesn't live in
B. Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei „-s' sau „-es' la
afirmativ pentru persoana a III-a singular
! La
majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia „-s' la persoana a
III-a singular la afirmativ
I talk – He talks
I work – He works
I sleep – He sleeps
! Verbelelor care se termina in –ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o li se adauga terminatia
I kiss – He kisses
I wish – He wishes
I catch – He catches
I mix – He mixes
I go – He goes
! La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o consoana, se
inlocuieste litera y cu litera i, iar apoi se adauga terminatia
I fly – He flies
I study – He studies
I cry – He cries
! La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o vocala, se
adauga terminatia „-s'
I pay – He pays
I stay – He stays
I play – He plays
C. Folosim Prezentul Simplu pentru:
• activitati
zilnice, saptamanale, lunare, anuale
I go to the mountains every month.
We have breakfast at 7.30 every morning.
• obiceiuri, hobby-uri
She plays tennis in her free time.
In the summer, they go to the seaside.
• situatii permanente
He lives in Paris.
I work as a manager.
• a exprima actiuni care respecta un anumit program
The bus for Bucharest
lives at 12.15 on Monday.
I have Maths Friday at 11.30.
• situatii emotionale
I love my girlfriend very much.
He hates cats.
• adevaruri generale
The earth moves around the sun.
Water boils at 100°C.
D. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Simplu:
every day/
week/ month/ year etc., every morning/ evening/ afternoon/ night, usually,
always, sometimes, often, never, in the morning/evening/night etc.
1. He goes to the gim every day.
2. I play football every week.
3. We go to the dentist every year.
4. She watches TV every evening.
5. She usually studies hard for her exams.
6. I always do my homework.
7. He sometimes goes shopping.
8. I often play pool with my friends.
9. She never go to school by bus.
10. In the evening we play Monopoly.
propozitiile urmatoare la persoana a III-a singular. Consultati mai intai
They live in Craiova.
He lives in Craiova,
1. I fly from Bucharest to Rome every week. (Mary)
2. We usually play in the park. (John)
3. They like their jobs very much. (He)
4. I want a new car. (She)
5. You wake up at 7 o'oclock. (Paul)
6. You always wash the dishes. (Angela)
7. We watch TV every afternoon. (Tom)
8. I go to school by bus. (My brother)
9. You cook every Saturday. (My mother)
10. We study hard for our exams. (Mark)
2. Scrieti forma interogativa a urmatoarelor propozitii:
You like swimming.
Do you like
1. He lives in Bucharest.
2. You wear an uniform at school.
3. My father drives very well.
4. Mr. Smith teaches English.
5. You like pizza and hamburgers.
6. My neighbour works as an engineer.
7. Your father repairs the car every month.
8. We drink coffee every morning.
9. Mary pays her bills every month.
10. He goes to bed very early every evening.
3. Folositi forma negativa pentru propozitiile urmatoare, folosind
cuvintele din paranteze, la fel ca in exemplul de mai jos:
I like Maths. (Physics)
I like Maths, but I don't like Physics
1. Mary writes postcards. (letters)
2. I go to the cinema. (theatre)
3. They read newspapers. (books)
4. You study French. (English)
5. Mr. Brown works in an office. (at home)
6. I like football. (rugby)
7. He drives a car. (a lorry)
8. Dan and John travel by train. (plane)
9. We drink tea. (coffee)
10. She plays chess every day. (tennis)
4. Formulati propozitii folosind conjunctia but:
I watch TV every evening. (John)
I watch TV every evening, but John doesn't.
He doesn't speak French. (they)
He doesn't speak French, but they do.
1. Julia washes the dishes. (I)
2. He doesn't want to go to the seaside. (his girlfriend)
3. I go to the cinema every week. (they)
4. She doesn't swim. (her sister)
5. We have breakfast early in the morning. (Paul)
6. I don't play football. (my best friend)
7. Me and my brother play on the computer. (Michael)
8. John doesn't read the newspaper every day. (we)
9. My mother likes to go shopping. (I)
10. You don't travel by plane. (she)
5. Adauga propozitiilor de mai jos adverbele din paranteze:
I have lunch at 12 o'clock. (always)
I always have lunch at 12 o'clock.
1. My sister gets up at 10 o'clock. (usually)
2. We play football on Sundays. (sometimes)
3. I go out with a stranger. (never)
4. She listens to music in the evening. (always)
5. He goes to school by bus. (often)
6. I eat a hamburger in the morning. (never)
7. I read the newspaper in the evening. (usually)
8. In the morning I play on the computer. (sometimes)
9. Mother washes the dishes in the evening. (always)
10. They go skiing in the winter. (often)
9: Prezentul simplu - raspunsuri
Puneti propozitiile urmatoare la persoana a III-a singular: I fly
from Bucharest to Rome every week. (Mary)
Mary flies from Bucharest to Rome every week, too.
2. We usually play in the park. (John)
John usually plays in the park, too.
3. They like their jobs very much. (He)
He likes his job very much, too.
4. I want a new car. (She)
She wants a new car, too.
5. You wake up at 7 o'oclock. (Paul)
Paul wakes up at 7 o’clock, too.
6. You always wash the dishes. (Angela)
Angela always washes the dishes, too.
7. We watch TV every afternoon. (Tom)
Tom watches TV every afternoon, too.
8. I go to school by bus. (My brother)
My brother goes to school by bus, too.
9. You cook every Saturday. (My mother)
My mother cooks every Saturday, too.
10. We study hard for our exams. (Mark)
Mark studies hard for his exams, too.
2. Scrieti forma interogativa a urmatoarelor propozitii:
1. He lives in Bucharest.
Does he live in Bucharest?
2. You wear an uniform at school.
Do you wear an uniform at school?
3. My father drives very well.
Does your father drive very well?
4. Mr. Smith teaches English.
Does Mr Smith teach English?
5. You like pizza and hamburgers.
Do you like pizza and hamburgers?
6. My neighbour works as an engineer.
Does your neighbour work as an engineer?
7. Your father repairs the car every month.
Does your father repair the car every month?
8. We drink coffee every morning.
Do we drink coffee every morning?
9. Mary pays her bills every month.
Does Mary pay her bills every month?
10. He goes to bed very early every evening.
Does he go to bed very early every evening?
3. Folositi forma negativa pentru propozitiile urmatoare, folosind
cuvintele din paranteze:
1. Mary writes postcards. (letters)
Mary writes postcards, but she doesn’t write letters.
2. I go to the cinema. (theatre)
I go to the cinema, but I don’t go to the theatre.
3. They read newspapers. (books)
They read newspapers, but they don’t read books.
4. You study French. (English)
You study French, but you don’t study English.
5. Mr. Brown works in an office. (at home)
Mr. Brown works in an office, but he doesn’t work at home.
6. I like football. (rugby)
I like football, but I don’t like rugby.
7. He drives a car. (a lorry)
He drives a car, but he doesn’t drive a lorry.
8. Dan and John travel by train. (plane)
Dan and John travel by train, but they don’t travel by plane.
9. We drink tea. (coffee)
We drink tea, but we don’t drink coffee.
10. She plays chess every day. (tennis)
She plays chess every day, but she doesn’t play tennis.
4. Formulati propozitii folosind conjunctia but:
1. Julia washes the dishes. (I)
Julia washes the dishes, but I don’t.
2. He doesn't want to go to the seaside. (his girlfriend)
He doesn't want to go to the seaside, but his girlfriend does.
3. I go to the cinema every week. (they)
I go to the cinema every week, but they don’t.
4. She doesn't swim. (her sister)
She doesn’t swim, but her sister does.
5. We have breakfast early in the morning. (Paul)
We have breakfast early in the morning, but Paul doesn’t.
6. I don't play football. (my best friend)
I don't play football, but my best friend does.
7. Me and my brother play on the computer. (Michael)
Me and my brother play on the computer, but Michael doesn’t.
8. John doesn't read the newspaper every day. (we)
John doesn't read the newspaper every day, but we do.
9. My mother likes to go shopping. (I)
My mother likes to go shopping, but I don’t.
10. You don't travel by plane. (she)
You don't travel by plane, but she does.
5. Adauga propozitiilor de mai jos adverbele din paranteze:
1. My sister gets up at 10 o'clock. (usually)
My sister usually gets up at 10 o'clock.
2. We play football on Sundays. (sometimes)
We sometimes play football on Sundays.
3. I go out with a stranger. (never)
I never go out with a stranger.
4. She listens to music in the evening. (always)
She always listens to music in the evening.
5. He goes to school by bus. (often)
He often goes to school by bus.
6. I eat a hamburger in the morning. (never)
I never eat a hamburger in the morning.
7. I read the newspaper in the evening. (usually)
I usually read the newspaper in the evening.
8. In the morning I play on the computer. (sometimes)
In the morning I sometimes play on the computer.
9. Mother washes the dishes in the evening. (always)
Mother always washes the dishes in the evening.
10. They go skiing in the winter. (often)
They often go skiing in the winter.
Prezentul continuu
. Mod de
Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Verbul la
infinitiv + terminatia '-ing'
1. I'm writing an article now.
2. They are playing football.
3. She is having lunch at this moment.
To be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
+ terminatia '-ing'
1. Am I writing an article now?
2. Are they playing football?
3. Is she having lunch at this moment?
Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + not + Verbul la
infinitiv + terminatia '-ing'
Se folosesc adesea contractiile isn't (is + not) si aren't (are + not)
1. I'm not writing an article now.
2. They aren't playing football.
3. She isn't having
lunch at this moment
B. Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei „-s' sau „-es' la
afirmativ pentru persoana a III-a singular
! La
majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia „-ing' fara nici o
play – playing
try – trying
drink – drinking
sing - singing
go - going
draw - drawing
cook - cooking
learn - learning
send - sending
wash - washing
! La
verbele care se termina in litera e precedata de o consoana, se
renunta la litera e si se adauga terminatia '-ing'
make – making
come – coming
leave – leaving
! La verbele formate dintr-o singura silaba (monosilabice) care se termina
intr-o consoana precedata de o vocala, se dubleaza consoana si apoi se adauga
terminatia '-ing'
get – getting
sit – sitting
hit – hitting
C. Folosim Prezentul Continuu pentru:
• activitati
care se petrec in momentul vorbirii
She is watching TV now.
Mother is washing the dishes at this moment.
• actiuni care se desfasoara pe o perioada mai mare de timp, incluzand si
momentul vorbirii
John is studying Maths for his exam.
My brother is writing a book.
• a vorbi despre o intalnire sau despre un aranjament din viitorul
He is flying to New York
next week.
I'm meeting Susan next
D. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Continuu:
now, at this
moment, these days, this week, today, tonight etc.
1. Paul is repairing his car now.
2. I'm having lunch at this moment.
3. He is working hard for a project these days.
4. They are going to the basketball game this week.
5. I'm writing a letter today.
6. I'm watching TV tonight.
Lectia 10:
Prezentul Continuu - raspunsuri
1. Puneti verbele din
paranteze la timpul Prezentul Continuu:
1. Everybody (wear) blue T-shirts today.
is wearing blue T-shirts today.
2. I (listen) to classic music at this moment.
I am listening to classic music at this moment.
3. What (do) mother in the kitchen?
What is mother doing in the kitchen?
4. We (organize) a study trip this week.
We are organizing a study trip this week
5. Our colleagues (plan) a surprise party for John's birthday these days.
Our colleagues are planning a surprise party for John's birthday these
6. I (meet) with my best friend at the cinema tonight.
I am meeting with my best friend at the cinema tonight.
7. My father (work) in the garage now.
My father is working in the garage now.
8. This week, you (go) to the theatre with your geography teacher.
This week, you are going to the theatre with your geography teacher.
9. At this moment, in Bucharest,
it (rain).
At this moment, in Bucharest,
it is raining.
10. My friends (travel) to Egypt
this week.
My friends are travelling to Egypt this week.
2. Corectati afirmatiile false:
1. Mother is cooking at this moment. (iron)
No, mother is not cooking at this moment.Mother is ironing.
2. My brother is learning
English now. (study French)
| |
No, my
brother is not learning English now. My brother is studying French.
3. All my colleagues are working hard for their final exams these days. (plan
their holiday)
No, all my colleagues are not working hard for their final exams these
days. All my colleagues are planning their holiday.
4. The cat is climbing the tree now. (eat a mouse)
No, the cat is not climbing the tree now. The cat is eating a mouse.
5. I am taking some photos for my album. (read a book)
No, I am not taking some photos for my album. I am reading a book.
6. You are drinking Coke Cola now. (drink a coffee)
No, you are not drinking Coke Cola now. You are drinking a coffee.
7. Joana is swimming in the pool. (play voleyball on the beach)
No, Joana is not swimming in the pool. Joana is playing volleyball on the
8. I am making an apple-pie now. (do my homeworks)
No, I am not making an apple-pie now. I am doing my homeworks.
9. It is raining today. (snow)
No, it is not raining today. It is snowing.
10. We are riding by bycicle to school. (go by bus)
No, we are not riding by bycicle to school. We are going by bus to school.
3. Scrieti forma interogativa a urmatoarelor propozitii:
1. We are playing cards.
Are we playing cards?
2. Mother is washing dishes.
Is mother washing dishes?
3. My brother is reading a newspaper.
Is my brother reading a newspaper?
4. We are serving breakfast.
Are we serving breakfast?
5. They are decorating the Christmas tree.
Are they decorating the Christmas tree?
6. My family is planning a trip to Maldive
Islands these days.
Is my family planning a trip to Maldive
Islands these days?
7. Father is sleeping in the bedroom.
Is father sleeping in the bedroom?
8. You are watching a horror movie.
Are you watching a horror movie?
9. Your sister is doing her homeworks.
Is your sister doing her homeworks?
10. I am sending a postcard in France now.
Am I sending a postcard in France
4. Alegeti varianta corecta la Prezentul Continuu:
1. We are playing basketball in the schoolyard.
2. They are watching a movie in the dining-room.
3. My friends and I are wateringsome flowers in the garden.
4. I am making my homeworks at Maths.
5. You are readinga novel to your little brother.
6. The poet is creating a poem about love at this moment.
7. I am looking after my lost cat.
8. are we going to the cinema tonight?
9. The sun is shining brightly.
10. My friends are going on a picnic without me.
5. Corectati forma gresita a verbului:
1. I am makeing an apple-pie.
I am making an apple-pie.
2. Mary is comeing from Italy
Mary is coming from Italy
3. We are siting in the living-room.
We are sitting in the living-room.
4. He is geting off the bus at the first station.
He is getting off the bus at the first station.
5. My brother isn't writeing poems.
My brother isn’t writing poems.
6. You aren't plaing with kids.
You aren’t playing with kids.
7. They are leaveing Bucharest
tomorrow evening.
They are leaving Bucharest
tomorrow evening.
8. He is comeing tonight to see me.
He is coming tonight to see me.
9. She is haveing lunch at this moment.
She is having lunch at this moment.
10. Are you flyng to New York
next week?
Are you flying to New York
next week?
| |
Puneti verbele din
paranteze la timpul Prezentul Continuu:
Diana (play) with Tim now.
Diana is playing with Tim now.
1. Everybody (wear) blue T-shirts today.
2. I (listen) to classic music at this moment.
3. What (do) mother in the kitchen?
4. We (organize) a study trip this week.
5. Our colleagues (plan) a surprise party for John's birthday these days.
6. I (meet) with my best friend at the cinema tonight.
7. My father (work) in the garage now.
8. This week, you (go) to the theatre with your geography teacher.
9. At this moment, in Bucharest,
it (rain).
10. My friends (travel) to Egypt
this week.
2. Corectati afirmatiile false ca in exemplul urmator:
Jim is playing basketball. (watch TV)
No, Jim is not playing basketball. Jim is watching TV.
1. Mother is cooking at this moment. (iron)
2. My brother is learning English now. (study French)
3. All my colleagues are working hard for their final exams these days. (plan
their holiday)
4. The cat is climbing the tree now. (eat a mouse)
5. I am taking some photos for my album. (read a book)
6. You are drinking Coke Cola now. (drink a coffee)
7. Joana is swimming in the pool. (play voleyball on the beach)
8. I am making an apple-pie now. (do my homeworks)
9. It is raining today. (snow)
10. We are riding by bycicle to school. (go by bus)
3. Scrieti forma interogativa a urmatoarelor propozitii:
I am having lunch at this moment.
Am I having lunch at this moment?
1. We are playing cards.
2. Mother is washing dishes.
3. My brother is reading a newspaper.
4. We are serving breakfast.
5. They are decorating the Christmas tree.
6. My family is planning a trip to Maldive
Islands these days.
7. Father is sleeping in the bedroom.
8. You are watching a horror movie.
9. Your sister is doing her homeworks.
10. I am sending a postcard in France now.
4. Alegeti varianta corecta la Prezentul Continuu:
1. We basketball in the schoolyard.
a) play; b) prepare; c) ski
2. They a movie in the dining-room.
a) watch; b) play; c) eat
3. My friends and I some flowers in the garden.
a) read; b) water; c) travel
4. I my homeworks at Maths.
a) do; b) make; c) give
5. You a novel to your little brother.
a) read; b) create; c) put
6. The poet a poem about love at this moment.
a) create; b) give; c) look
7. I after my lost cat.
a) look; b) search; c) spend
8. .. we to the cinema tonight?
a) go; b) watch; c) eat
9. The sun brightly.
a) show; b) shine; c) rain
10. My friends on a picnic without me.
a) go; b) play; c) read
5. Corectati forma gresita a verbului:
1. I am makeing an apple-pie.
2. Mary is comeing from Italy
3. We are siting in the living-room.
4. He is geting off the bus at the first station.
5. My brother isn't writeing poems.
6. You aren't plaing with kids.
7. They are leaveing Bucharest
tomorrow evening.
8. He is comeing tonight to see me.
9. She is haveing lunch at this moment.
10. Are you flyng to New York
next week?
Trecutul Simplu
. Mod de
Subiect + Vb.II (terminatia '-ed' pentru verbele regulate)
1. I
wrote a book last year.
2. He went to a football game last week.
3. We played in the park yesterday.
Did + Subiect + Vb.I?
1. Did you write a book last year?
2. Did he go to a football game last week?
3. Did you play in the park yesterday?
Subiect + didn't + Vb.I
1. I didn't write a book last year.
2. He didn't go to a football game last week.
3. We didn't play in
the park yesterday.
B. Folosim Trecutul Simplu pentru:
activitati terminate care s-au petrecut in trecut
She was in France
2 years ago.
We bought a new washing machine 2 weeks ago.
• actiuni incheiate care s-au petrecut la un moment determinat in trecut
They were in England
in 1981.
I left Bucharest in april
C. Expresii
cu care se foloseste adesea Trecutul Simplu:
at this time yesterday, 2 days ago, 2 months ago, last year, last week, the
day before yesterday
1. Diana went in Belgium
3 years ago.
2. I was having lunch at this time yesterday.
3. They played football 2 hours ago.
4. Paul taught English and French 3 months ago.
5. She left town the day
before yesterday.
forma corecta a verbului din paranteza la Trecutul Simplu: I
(watch) a horror movie yesterday evening.
2. Mary (play) in the garden with her dog yesterday morning.
3. Two days ago, John (go) with his mother at the doctor.
4. Mary (talk) a lot during the French lesson.
5. My mother (wash) many clothes yesterday evening.
6. I (do not enjoy) the movie from last night.
7. I (solve) the Math problem very quickly.
8. I (prepare) my luggage yesterday.
9. I (be) at school when you called me.
10. When you were young, you (live) in the countryside.
2. Folositi cuvintele din paranteze pentru a realiza propozitii negative
precum in exemplu:
Mary liked the apple pie. (the soup)
Mary liked the apple pie, but she didn't like the soup.
1. I played in the schoolyard. (in the garden)
2. My friend went to the mountain. (to the seaside)
3. I travelled abroad 2 days ago. (1 month ago)
4. Yesterday I visited Mr. Peterson. (Mrs Smith)
5. During lunch, I listened a football game on the radio. (music)
6. You called me at 10 o'clock a.m. (12 o'clock)
7. I arrived at home early in the morning. (in the afternoon)
8. You received a computer on your birthday. (a car)
9. It rained 2 days ago. (last week)
10. Mike repaired his car. (bicycle)
3. Treceti la
Trecutul Simplu verbele neregulate de mai jos, precum in
I leave school at 2 o'clock yesterday.
I left school at 2 o'clock yesterday.
1. I eat a delicious soup at the restaurant 2 days ago.
2. My family buy a new car 3 months ago.
3. I read a very interesting novel yesterday evening.
4. Mary speak with her English teacher last week, about her exams.
5. Last Monday, John write to his mother a letter.
6. Last winter, I make a beautiful snowman in front of the house.
7. You give your sister a necklace for her birthday.
8. Last year, Tim become a doctor.
9. Mrs. Thompson teach Spanish and English every Monday and
10. Father come from the office late at noon.
4. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la Trecutul Simplu:
I see
I saw
I watch
I watched
1. I sleep
2. He plays
3. He run
4. You speak
5. They don't read
6. He doesn't feel
7. I meet
8.He catches
9. You wake up
10. They leave
5. Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari conform precizarilor din
paranteze (vezi exemplu)
When did she leave Bucharest?
(2 years ago)
She left Bucharest
2 years ago.
1. Where did you sleep last night? (at Cathy's)
2. When did you read this book? (3 weeks ago)
3. When did you find out about Susan's problems? (last Monday)
4. Where did you meet your friends? (in the park)
5. When did she study French (2 years ago)
6. Where did he work last year (in a bank)
7. When did they divorce? (4 years ago)
8. How did she die? (in a train accident)
9. Who was Mihai Eminescu? (a Romanian poet)
10. When was he born? (in
Lectia 11: Trecutul Simplu - raspunsuri
1. Scrieti forma corecta a verbului din
paranteza la Trecutul Simplu:
1. I watched a horror movie yesterday evening.
2. Mary played in the garden with her dog yesterday morning.
3. Two days ago, John went with his mother at the doctor.
4. Mary talked a lot during the French lesson.
5. My mother washed many clothes yesterday evening.
6. I didn’t enjoy the movie from last night.
7. I solved the Math problem very quickly.
8. I prepared my luggage yesterday.
9. I was at school when you called me.
10. When you were young, you lived in the countryside.
2. Folositi cuvintele din paranteze pentru a realiza propozitii
1. I played in the schoolyard, but I didn’t play in the garden.
2. My friend went to the mountain, but he didn’t go to the
3. I travelled abroad 2 days ago, but I didn’t travel abroad 1
month ago.
4. Yesterday I visited Mr. Peterson, but I didn’t visit Mrs Smith.
5. During lunch, I listened a football game on the radio, but I
didn’t listen to music.
6. You called me at 10 o'clock a.m, but you didn’t call at 12
7. I arrived at home early in the morning, but I didn’t arrive at
home early in the afternoon.
8. You received a computer on your birthday, but you didn’t
receive a car.
9. It rained 2 days ago, but it didn’t rain last week.
10. Mike repaired his car, but he didn’t repair his bicycle.
Treceti la
Trecutul Simplu verbele neregulate de mai jos:
1. I ate a delicious soup at the restaurant 2 days ago.
2. My family bought a new car 3 months ago.
3. I read a very interesting novel yesterday evening.
4. Mary spoke with her English teacher last week, about her exams.
5. Last Monday, John wrote to his mother a letter.
6. Last winter, I made a beautiful snowman in front of the house.
7. You gave your sister a necklace for her birthday.
8. Last year, Tim became a doctor.
9. Mrs. Thompson taught Spanish and English every Monday and
10. Father came from the office late at noon.
4. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la Trecutul Simplu:
1. I sleep / I slept
2. He plays / He played
3. He run / He ran
4. You speak / You spoke
5. They don't read / They didn’t read
6. He doesn't feel / He didn’t feel
7. I meet / I met
8.He catches / He caught
9. You wake up / You woke up
10. They leave / They left
5. Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari conform precizarilor din
1. Where did you sleep last night? (at Cathy's)
I slept at Cathy’s.
2. When did you read this book? (3 weeks ago)
I read this book 3 weeks ago.
3. When did you find out about Susan's problems? (last Monday)
I found out about Susan’s problems last Monday.
4. Where did you meet your friends? (in the park)
I met my friends in the park.
5. When did she study French (2 years ago)
She studied French 2 years ago.
6. Where did he work last year?(in a bank)
He worked in a bank last year.
7. When did they divorce? (4 years ago)
They divorced 4 years ago.
8. How did she die? (in a train accident)
She died in a train accident.
9. Who was Mihai Eminescu? (a Romanian poet)
Mihai Eminescu was a Romanian poet.
10. When was he born?
(in 1973)
He was born in 1973.
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