Postal and telephone services - basic vocabularyPOSTAL AND TELEPHONE SERVICES - Basic Vocabulary Letter scrisoare Ordinary letter scrisoare simpla Registered letter scrisoare recomandata Envelope plic Postcard carte postala Picture card ilustrata Stamp timbru Telegram / wire telegrama Inland telegram telegrama interna Greetings telegram telegrama de felicitare Money-order / postal order mandat postal Parcel pachet, colet Scales balanta, cantar Printed matter imprimate Radio licence abonament radio Television licence abonament TV Old-age pension pensie de batranete Allowance pensie (alimentara), ajutor (de boala etc.) Postmark stampila postei Form formular Receipt chitanta, recipisa Cheque cec Post-office oficu postal Head post-office posta centrala Branch post-office oficiu postal secundar, filiala Dead-letter office servicul scrisorilor fara adresa Telegraph office oficiu telegrafic Inland postal service servicii postale in interiorul tarii Savings account cont de depuneri Letter-box cutie de scrisori Pillar box cutie de scrisori (in Anglia) Mail posta, scrisori Mail collection ridicarea scrisorilor Mail delivery distribuirea scrisorilor Mail van furgoneta postala Postman - postas Post-office clerk functionar la postaPostmaster diriginte de postaOperator telefonist(a) Sender expeditor Addressee destinatar Addressee unknown adresantul necunoscut Return address adresa expeditorului P.O. Box / P.O.B. casuta postala Underpaid francat insuficient Special issue marca emisiune speciala Reply pre-paid raspuns platit Lower rate/ reduced charge taxa redusa Declared value valoare declarata Express delivery expeditie express Payee primitorul unui mandat postal Subscriber abonat Telephone telefonPrivate line telephone telefon necuplat Party-line telephone telefon cuplat Residential / home telephone telefon la domiciliu / acasa Business telephone telefon la serviciu Telephone exchange centrala telefonica Telephone box / call-box / booth cabina telefonica Extension interior
Telephone directory carte telefonica Call convorbire telefonica Local call convorbire locala Trunk call / long-distance call convorbire interurbana Transferred charge call convorbire cu taxa inversa Alarm call apel la ora indicata de abonat Emergency call convorbire in caz de urgenta Fixed-time call convorbire cu intelegere Figure cifra Code number prefixul telefonic al unei localitati Dial disc de telefon Receiver receptor Pay tone ton dupa introducerea monedei Pip semnal intermitent Purring semnal continuu Enquiries Informatii Maintenance Department Deranajamente Call-services servicii telefonice Fee taxa (pentru un serviciu) Charge pret, cost, taxa Extra charge / additional charge taxa suplimentara Change rest Loss pierdereDamage stricaciune Compensation compensatie Record evidenta, dovada Particulars detalii To send by surface mail a trimite simplaa letter by air mail o scrisoare par avionby registered post recomandata by recorded delivery cu confirmare de primire To post a trimite, a expedia (prin posta) To carry a duce To reach / to arrive at a ajunge la To return a trimite inapoi To write / to send home a scrie / a trimite acasa To deliver a distribui To collect a strange, a ridica To sort a sorta To stamp a timbra To stick a stamp a lipi un timbru To cost a costa To seal a sigila To wire / to cable a telegrafia; a telegrafia peste ocean To take a letter to the post-office a duce o scrisoare la posta To weigh a cantari To claim payment a pretinde / cere despagubiri To save a economisi To deposit a depune (bani etc.) To withdraw a scoate, a retrage (bani etc.) To (tele)phone/ ring up/ call (up)/ to make a (telephone) call a suna / a chema la telefon, a telefona To look up the number a cauta numarul To drop / press / put the coin in(to) the slot a introduce moneda To dial a forma numarul To connect / to put through - a face / a da legatura To lift / to pick up the receiver a ridica receptorul To hang up the receiver a pune receptorul in furca To give / to convey a message a transmite un mesaj To call / ring back a suna mai tarziu To get the wrong number a gresi numarul The person required persoana cautata The directory concerned cartea de telefon respectiva The line is busy / engaged firul este ocupat The line is free / clear firul este liber Hold the line, please! ramaneti la aparat, va rog Theres something wrong with our phone / our phone is out of order telefonul nostru este deranjat Wrong number ati gresit numarul Who is that speaking? cine e la telefon?Mary speaking la telefon Mary You are wanted on the phone va cauta cineva la telefon Forgive my troubling you iarta-ma ca te deranjez May I make use of this telephone? pot sa folosesc telefonul? I dont know how to manage this automatic telephone. nu stiu cum sa manuiesc acest telefon automat All you have to do is to pick up the receiver, drop the coin into the slot, lift it to your ear, wait for the tone/signal, dial your number - tot ceea ce trebuie facut este sa ridici receptorul, sa introduci fisa in aparat, sa-l duci la ureche, sa astepti tonul, sa formezi numarul Put the receiver down pune receptorul jos Press this button to get your money back apasa pe acest buton pentru a primi banii inapoi The coin will be returned fisa va fi inapoiata Try/ dial again incearca/ formeaza numarul din nou I hear a prolonged buzzling aud un bazait prelungit Thats all right. Hold the line, your number will answer in a moment (if there is anybody in there) foarte bine. Ramai la telefon, persoana va raspunde imediat (daca acolo este cineva) The phone is out of order/dead telefonul este deranjat/mort What if there is a non-automatic phone? cum procedez daca nu este un telefon automat? The procedure is almost the same but instead of the buzzzing youll hear the operator calling: Number please, instead of dialling the numerals you have to ask for your number procedeul este aproape acelasi dar in locul bazaitului vei auzi operatoarea spunand: Numarul va rog, in loc de a forma tu numerele trebuie sa ceri sa ti se dea numarul. The moment you hear the operators voice just give the number you want to call in momentul in care auzi vocea telefonistei indici numarul Please connect me with number - dati-mi, va rog, numarul Can you put me through to Mr Ps office? Extension one-seven please imi puteti da legatura cu biroul D-lui P? Interior 17, va rog. Will you book the call? doresti sa dai un aviz telefonic? What is the rate for a three-minute call to Paris? care este taxa pentru o convorbire de trei minute cu Parisul? I should like to put through a trunk-call to - as dori sa efectuez o convorbire interurbana cu Im putting your call through right now va fac legatura chiar acum Berlin is on the line. Go ahead! aveti legatura cu Berlinul. Vorbiti! When can I get you over the phone? cand te pot gasi la telefon? Will you take down my number? vrei sa-ti notezi numarul meu? By the way, when you ring through to my office, ask the operator extension four-six apropo, daca imi telefonezi la birou, cere-i telefonistei interior 46 Hello, is that Mr. Johnson? Yes, who is speaking? N.N. speaking Alo, D-ul J.? Da, cine e la telefon? N.N. la aparat I cant hear you I cant understand you I cant understand a word nu va aud bine . Nu va inteleg nu inteleg nici un cuvant Someone is interfering someone else cut in e cineva pe fir a intrat altcineva pe fir Would you like leave a message? doriti sa lasati un mesaj? THE POST-OFFICEThe Post-Office has many duties and has hundreads of thousands of officials: postmasters who are in charge of post-offices, post-office clerks and many postmen. It is the postman who brings many items of news to everybody, going round from house to house, and droppping the letters into our letter-boxes. The Post-Office not only delivers and sends letters and other mail, but also controls the telegraphs and telephones, issues television and radio licences and registers them, and pays out pensions and allowances. Do you want to send a telegram? Just ask for a telegram form at the counter and fill it in. A telegram reaches the addressee in two or three hours. Remember: the charge depends on the number of words; so try to convey your message in as few words as possible. You can also dictate a telegram over the telephone. If you want to post an ordinary letter, a postcard or a small parcel, you neednt go to the post-office, you can drop it into the nearest letter-box. In Britain these boxes are either fixed in the wall, or they are iron cylinders painted red, called pillar-boxes, standing by the kerbstone. The time of the next collection is indicated on a little plate, which is changed by the postman every time he comes to collect letters. In cities pillar-boxes are emptied several times a day , but in villages there may be only one or two collections. The letter whose receivers are unknown are either returned to the sender or carried to the dead-letter office. If you want your letter to arrive more quickly than by ordinary post, you can send it by Air Mail. When you send a parcel, you hand it to the assistant, who weights it on the scales. You pay according to the weight of the parcel and the clerk gives you a receipt. Then, if the parcel is lost or stolen, you can claim payment from the post-office. Do you want to have a conversation with a friend of yours who lives in another town? Then you make a long-distance call. You either ask the operator to connect you, or, if your friend lives in a bigger town you may dial the call yourself. You dial first the code number for the town that you are calling and then the number of the subscriber. If you make a local call, you go into the telephone-box and lift the receiver. When you hear the dialling tone indicating that nothing is wrong on the line, dial the number you want. When you hear rapid pips, you press in the coin, and then you can speak. Extra Letters. In Britain letters are brought from pillar-boxes to a Head or Branch Post-Office where they are sorted. Then they are carried to their destination and delivered. In towns there are several collections and deliveries a day. The letters whose receivers are unknown are either returned to the senders or carried to the dead-letter office. There are also registered letters and printed matter. Letters arrive more quickly by registered post and compensation is offered in case of loss or damage. Documents and papers of little or no monetary value may be sent by recorded delivery. Recorded delivery is particularly suitable when a record of posting and delivery is needed rather then compensation for loss. Telephone. When you are not a telephone subscriber, you must go to a call-box. If you cannot use the dial telephone, the exchange puts you through to your correspondent, but you must not forget to say your number figure by figure and remember that the figure o (nought) is read as the letter o.