Modul imperativMODUL IMPERATIVForma Imperativul persoanei a II-a se formeaza cu Infinitivul fara TO, fara subiect, pentru a face invitatii, cereri sau pentru a da sfaturi, instructiuni si atentionari. Negativul se formeaza cu DO NOT + Infinitiv fara TO. Come! Do not go! Imperativul persoanei I se formeaza cu LET + ME/US + Infinitiv fara TO pentru a da sugestii si a face oferte. Negativul se formeaza cu DO NOT + Infinitiv fara TO. Let me help! Let us dance! Let’s go! Utilizare Imperativul persoanei a II-a se foloseste: 1. pentru a cere ceva Give John this letter when you see him. Don’t tell Mary what I said last night. 2. pentru a face invitatii Come to my party on Saturday night. Don’t ask him to stay over the night. 3. pentru a da sfaturi sau a atentiona Take an umbrella with you, it’s raining. Eat your vegetables. They’re good for you.
4. pentru a da indicatii Turn the engine off, open the bonnet and unscrew the cap slowly. 5. cu interogatii disjunctive: will/won’t/would you? si can/can’t/could you? Have something to drink, will you? Nota Se poate folosi DO pentru a sublinia sensul imperativ Do help yourself to anything you want. Nota Imperativele nu au subiect, desi uneori se adauga un substantiv sau pronume pentru a identifica persoana careia i se vorbeste. Have another drink, Bill. Children, be quiet, please! Imperativul cu Let se foloseste: 1. cu Me, pentru a face oferte Let me explain in more detail. Let me get you a drink, Harry. 2. cu Us, pentru a oferi sugestii I think we are lost. Let’s ask a policeman. Let’s not watch TV tonight. Let’s go out for a stroll. 3. cu interogatii disjunctive: will you? dupa let me/ let him etc. si shall we? dupa let us Let me/let him/let them etc. go first for once, will you? Let’s not argue about it, shall we? 4. cu raspunsuri scurte la sugestii I’m too tired to walk. Shall we take a taxi? Yes, let’s. Nota Exista si o forma de persoana a III-a imperativ: LET + Substantiv sau complement pronominal + Infinitiv fara TO (cu sensul de a permite) Let everyone come in now in single file. Let him continue. Don’t let them stop you, it’s your decision.