FORMELE IN – ING (Participiul si Gerund-ul)FORMELE IN – ING (Participiul si Gerund-ul) Din punct de vedere gramatical, forma in –ing poate fi sau un gerund sau un participiu. In ambele cazuri, forma este aceeasi. Forma: forma in –ing regulata se obtine adaugand –ing infinitivului fara TO. (go – going) GERUND Gerund-ul poate fi folosit ca: 1. subiect Smoking is dangerous for your health. 2. complement Emily loves teaching. 3. interdictii scurte No fishing. 4. dupa prepozitii Verbele care urmeaza dupa prepozitii trebuie sa fie la forma in –ing Francis is interested in learning Polish. I am sorry for hurting your feelings. Verbele care urmeaza dupa verbele complexe cu prepozitie sunt de obicei la forma in -ing My father has just given up smoking. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Dar unele verbe complexe cu prepozitie pot fi urmate de infinitiv The researcher set out to prove his theory. Nota Cuvantul TO este o sursa de confuzii. Uneori to este o prepozitie urmata de –ing. Alteori to intoduce un infinitiv complet. Kevin looked forward to seeing her. Kevin wanted to see her. I am used to studying until late. = I am accustomed to studying late. I used to study until late. = I always studied until late. 5. dupa anumite verbe si expresii Principalele verbe si expresii sunt: admit, avoid, delay, detest, enjoy, finish, imagine, mind, miss, postpone, practise, remember, resist, stop, can’t stand, can’t help, be worth, be busy, be no good, be no use, deny, keep, risk Did you mind selling your house? I missed listening to her play the piano. We stopped studying in the summer.
Nota Notati diferenta dintre: He remembered writing to us. = Isi amintea ca ne-a scris. They remembered to write to us. = Nu au uitat sa ne scrie. He stopped eating. = El a terminat de mancat. He stopped to eat. = S-a oprit din alte treburi ca sa manance. Nota Admit, deny, remember primesc si pe that: They remembered that they had sent us the bill. Nota Hate, like, love, prefer pot primi infinitiv + to. I love dancing. = I love to dance. Dar la conditional ele primesc de obicei infinitiv cu to: I’d love to dance. 6. dupa anumite verbe + adjectiv posesiv/ complement pronominal Principalele verbe sunt: dislike, dread, mind, remember, resent, stop, understand, object to, appreciate, excuse, forgive, prevent, (dis)approve of I don’t mind his/him staying with us. I truly appreciate their/them being so hospitable. Utilizarea adjectivului posesiv este mai formala: The committee resented his being so frank. Utilizarea complementului pronominal este mai raspandita in engleza vorbita: I certainly understand him getting upset. Nota Iata cateva modificari ortografice: 1. Dispare –e final. Live living Give giving Dar nu pentru: Be being Age ageing Dye dyeing Glue glueing 2. Finala in –ie se schimba in –y. Die dying Lie lying 3. Se dubleaza consoana finala. Stop stopping Travel travelling Begin beginning Dar nu si pentru: Read reading Peel peeling Suffer suffering PARTICIPIUL Participiul poate fi folosit: 1. la timpurile continue. He is working. You were singing. 2. ca adjective. annoying, frightening, depressing, embarrassing, relaxing, exciting, shocking, charming, interesting, boring 3. in substantive compuse. a washing machine, a diving board, a sewing kit, a walking stick, a fishing rod, a gardening tool 4. dupa spend si waste (timp, bani, effort, energie). They spent a fortune building that house. He wasted all his energy getting that contract. 5. dupa go si come (activitate fizica). I’m coming shopping with you. Eileen and Paul are going swimming. 6. dupa see, hear, feel, listen to , notice, watch + complement. The entire family watched Tim skating. Nota Aceleasi verbe pot fi urmate si de complement + infinitiv fara TO. He heard the baby cry. 7. dupa catch, find, leave + complement. The baker caught the boy stealing rolls. 8. in locul subordonatelor: A. in locul unei subordonate relative We watched the boy working. (= We watched the boy who was working.) B. in locul subordonatelor. cand doua actiuni se petrec la acelasi moment in timp. Smiling warmly, she shook Hector’s hand. (= She smiled warmly as she shook Hector’s hand.) Learning to ski, Sam broke his leg. (= While Sam was learning to ski, he broke his leg.) pentru a inlocui o propozitie care incepe cu since sau because. Thinking Joan was honest, he lent her the money. (= Because he thought Joan was honest, he lent her the money.) Being curious, he looked through the keyhole. (= Since he was curious, he looked through the keyhole.) cand actiunea unei subordonate se petrece in mod clar inainte de actiunea celeilalte subordonate se foloseste participiul perfect. Having got divorced once, Al decided not to marry again. (= After he had got divorced once, Al decided not to marry again.)