Limba englezǎ contemporanǎ SemanticaLimba englezǎ contemporanǎ Semantica MULTIPLE CHOICE 1) Choose the correct variant: As far as the forming of the plural is concerned, the morphological behaviour of a compound lexeme depends upon: a) the presence / absence of a bound root component b) the degree of solidarity between (among) its components c) the difference between the sum of the meanings of the components and its overall meaning d) the presence / absence of a negative affix or particle as one of its components e) the number of its components 2) Which of the following signs may acquire different references when used by various speakers? a) diamond b) brass c) homeland d) Hamlet e) Verdi 3) Choose the correct variant: The graphically recorded indications of a seismograph are: a) an indexic sign b) an indexic sign also having symbolic values c) an iconic sign d) an iconic sign also having symbolic values e) a symbolic sign 4) Choose the correct variant: The syntagm stone deaf is part of: a) the conceptual field stone b) the semantic field of stone c) the family of words of stone d) a general taxonomy of the mineral kingdom e) a meronomy the superior term of which is rock 5) Choose the correct variant: The fact that classemes tend to be lexicalised is demonstrated by: a) the existence of irregular plurals like children or oxen b) the existence of irregular gradable adjectives like good – better – the best c) the existence of a commonly shared across an entire field feature like [+ animate] d) the existence of the commonly shared suffix -en with verbs like to darken, to strengthen, to broaden, etc e) the existence of a relation of oppositeness of meaning with pairs like to whiten / to blacken 6) Choose the correct variant: A bar code on the wrapping of a product is: a) an iconic sign (image) b) an indexic sign c) a symbolic (conventional) sign d) an indexic sign with additional symbolic values e) an iconic diagrammatic sign 7) Which of the following affixes cannot entail a negative meaning? a) a b)dis c)mis d)-ment e) -less 8) Which of the following statements is correct? a) Grammatical aspects are irrelevant with respect to the issue of markedness. b) Meaningfulness is paramount in epistemological processes. c) Semantic fields are perfectly homogeneous. d) Borrowed lexemes are not subject to any adaptive processes. e) A linguistic sign is always an isolated lexematic unit. 9) Choose the correct variant: The string Towards the end of World War II, many British ships were equipped with an ASDIC, a device which can be justly considered as the precursor of the sonar. demonstrates that: a) ASDIC (Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee) is a metaphor b) ASDIC (Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee) is the result of backformation and clipping c) ASDIC (Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee) is an indexic sign d) ASDIC (Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee) is an abbreviation e) ASDIC (Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee) is an acronym 10) Which of the following signs does not have the same reference (≈ referent) as the other four? a) the author of The Adventures of Gordon Pym b) Samuel Clemens c) the author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn d) Mark Twain e) the creator of the character Tom Sawyer 11) Which of the following series of terms is not a taxonomy? a) coal: boghead coal, lignite (brown coal), bituminous coals (subbituminous, bituminous, semibituminous coals), semianthracite coal, anthracite (black coal); but also: humic (woody) coals, and sapropelic coals b) dinosaur: the Ornithischia order (Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Iguanodon), and the Saurischia order (Tyrannosaurus, Apatosaurus – Brontosaurus –, Diplodocus); but also: quadrupedal / bipedal dinosaurs; carnivorous / herbivorous dinosaurs; terrestrial / amphibious (Hadrosauridae) / semiaquatic / aquatic (Ichthyosauridae) dinosaurs c) microwave oven: power supply unit, magnetron (cathode, anode), magnetron control circuit (with micro-controller microprocessor), waveguide, cooking chamber, control panel d) dishes: soup (fish soup, giblet soup, noodle soup, pea soup, gravy soup, etc), fricassee, stew (Irish stew, vegetable stew), chop (mutton chop, pork chop), steak (sirloin steak, rump steak, stewing steak), ragout, confit (goose confit, duck confit), salad (lettuce salad, endive salad, etc), French fries, sausages, pizza, scrambled eggs, etc e) drinks: soft drinks (orange, grapefruit, pineapple, etc juice, coke, soda, etc), wine, brandy, cider, beer (light beer – ale, lager –, dark beer – stout, porter, stingo, bock –), vermouth, whiskey (barley, maize, rye whiskey), etc 12) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Together with their actual productive output of linguistic expressions, the native speakers’ ___ are principal sources in constituting the body of primary data that the empirical study of Lexical Semantics needs. a) knowledge and experience of various extra-linguistic entities b) training and skills in various domains c) intuitive semantic judgements of various linguistic materials d) various uses of basic syntactic structures e) intuitive interpretations of various syntactic structures 13) Which of the following lexemes is a case of blending? a) overextension b) apocalypse c) enhancement d) kaleidovision e) e-business 14) Choose the correct variant: Within the componential analysis of the verb to rain, the feature [+ impersonal verb] acts: a) as a classeme b) as a marker c) as a semantic marker d) simultaneously as a marker and as a semantic marker e) simultaneously as a marker and as a distinguisher 15) Choose the correct variant: The ‘individual’ is one of the central concepts in: a) Structural Semantics b) Lexical Semantics c) Logical Semantics d) Semiotics e) Syntax 16) Choose the correct variant: The string His new and expensive boat is the pearl of this picturesque but shabby marina. features: a) a welded compound lexeme b) two lexemes which are in a relation of complementarity c) an instance of conversion d) an instance of a sign having no reference e) an instance of secondary iconicity 17) Choose the correct variant: The following example: flask: 1) a) a bottle, usually of glass, of spheroidal or bulbous shape, with a long narrow neck (also more fully Florence flask) b) a similar vessel for use in a laboratory c) the contents or capacity of a flask; a definite quantity of liquid 2) a bottle of glass or metal (usually furnished with a screw-top, and – when made of glass – encased in leather for protection), somewhat flat in shape, and of a size suitable to be carried in the pocket, which is intended to contain a supply of wine or other beverage for use on a journey 3) a) (founding) a frame or box used to hold a portion of the mould for casting b) (dentistry) a sectional metal container for holding a denture during vulcanisation 4) (dialectal) a kind of basket 5) (attributive and combinations) as flask-case, -glass, -shaped; also, flask-leather, a fastening for a powder-flask; flask-shell, a mollusc whose shell is flask-shaped (adapted after Oxford English Dictionary Online, copyright © Oxford University Press, 2005) is an instance of: a) a conceptual field b) a lexical field c) a semantic field d) a family of words e) none of the four above 18) Which of the following statements is incorrect? a) Linguistic signs cannot be grounded upon a resemblance with their object. b) Cognitivistic approaches to Semantics typically focus on lexical meaning. c) In informal speech, the term semantics may also acquire a pejorative connotation. d) According to the realistic approaches to Semantics, meanings are extra-mental entities. e) There are approaches which practically oppose the term sign to the term symbol. 19) Which of the following signs is capable of signification irrespectively of the existence / nonexistence of its object? a) footprints in a muddy soil b) a loud and clear signal on the sonar of a submarine c) a recorded echography d) the indicator paper turning red when in contact with a liquid e) traces of gunpowder on a murder suspect’s hands 20) Choose the correct variant: Frege’s claim that identity (similitude) of sense triggers identity of reference can be illustrated by: a) the sign speed b) the sign swiftness c) the sign rapidity d) the sign velocity e) the four signs above 21) Which of the following affixes has two homonymous variants, out of which one is inflectional, and the other one is lexical? a) -ed b) i c)-ness d) -er e) a- 22) Choose the correct variant: The claim that signs have dynamic properties refers to: a) their evincing various modes in which they are capable of signification b) their being independent of the human consciousness entities c) their being meaningless d) their being triadic e) their representing a cause triggering the occurrence of other (in their turn, semiotic) events 23) Choose the correct variant: The following example: OE steorfan, ME sterven = to suffer complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions, to come to the end of one’s life, to die LME sterven = to die of hunger ModE to starve = to suffer severe, chronic (and sometimes lethal) malnutrition; to be very hungry is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of: a) narrowing b) narrowing and pejoration c) pejoration d) elevation e) narrowing and elevation 24) Choose the correct variant: Within the componential analysis of the lexeme leech, the feature [+ blood-sucking] acts: a) as a semantic marker b) as a distinguisher c) simultaneously as a semantic marker and as a distinguisher d) simultaneously as a semantic marker and as a classeme e) simultaneously as a marker and as a classeme 25) Which of the following items represents the content-substance underlying the sign satellite? a) the sounds that are produced when uttering the word in question b) the sequence of graphemes forming up the word in question c) the sequence of phonemes forming up the word in question d) the concept of ‘satellite’ e) the natural or artificial entities revolving round a planet, and our knowledge of them 26) Which of the following verbs of visual perception most appropriately corresponds to a tentative componential analysis featuring the semes [- durative], [+ instantaneous], [+ mere sensorial perception], [- mental processing], [± furtively], [- fixedly], [- systematically], [- emotionally connotated], [+ also used figuratively]? a) to look b) to stare c) to gaze d) to peep e) to glance 27) Choose the correct variant: The lexeme marathon is the result of: a) coining b) both coining and extension c) semantic shift d) both extension and semantic shift e) both coining and semantic shift 28) Choose the correct variant: The series pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) represents: a) a case of locative inclusion b) a part of a segmental meronomy c) a systemic meronomy d) a part of a folk-taxonomy e) a scientific taxonomy 29) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Single-criterion concepts ___ describe the referent. a) partially b) fully c) scientifically d) roughly e) figuratively 30) Choose the correct variant: The following example: 18 c. avatár = the descend of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form 19 c. avatar = manifestation in human form; incarnation; manifestation or
presentation to the world as a ruling power or object of worship 19-20 c. avatar = manifestation; display; phase is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of: a) pejoration and specialisation b) broadening and pejoration c) broadening and amelioration d) amelioration e) pejoration 31) Which of the following lexemes is an illustration of coining? a) walrus b) guru c) meson d) famine e) breach 32) Choose the correct variant: Typically, Semantics is not conferred a central role in: a) traditional grammar b) Standard Generative-transformational Grammar (GTG) c) Extended Standard Theory (EST) d) Revised Extended Standard Theory (REST) e) any of the four approaches above 33) Choose the correct variant: One of the fallacies of the descriptivist account of reference resides in the fact that a typical definitional mechanism would fail to pick up referents like: a) tight shirts b) numerous insects c) brilliant scientists d) toothless sharks e) ancient civilisations 34) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: When confronted with the author’s own postulations regarding the requirements that a scientific theory has to meet, Hjelmslev’s glossematic model appears ___ . a) to comply with all of them b) not to comply with any of them c) to be non-contradictory and simple, yet not exhaustive d) to be non-contradictory and exhaustive, yet not simple e) to be simple and exhaustive, yet contradictory 35) Choose the correct variant: Lexemes are more resistant to change than: a) inflectional affixes b) the associated to them sememes c) syntactic structures d) phonological rules e) morphological categories 36) Which of the following signs can illustrate the one-to-many correlation in the sign – referent dyad? a) The Renaissance b) Babylon c) Great-grandfather d) clone e) molecule 37) Choose the correct variant: The string The snake was hissing menacingly. contains an instance of: a) incompatibility b) incompatibility and conversion c) onomatopoeic iconicity and conversion d) onomatopoeic iconicity and converseness e) onomatopoeic iconicity 38) Which of the following pairs is an instance of hyponymy? a) Phobos / Deimos b) barren / prolific c) aristocrat / count d) to commence / to start e) lack / want 39) Choose the correct variant: The noun kingdom is not: a) a base b) a stem c) a compound d) a symbolic sign e) a designator 40) Which of the following verbs of light most appropriately corresponds to a tentative componential analysis featuring the semes [+ intermittently], [± emitting light], [± reflecting light], [- intense light], [+ lustre], [- incandescence], [+ referring to water], [- referring to eyes], [- referring to cheeks], [- referring to stars], [± also used figuratively]? a) to sparkle b) to glow c) to twinkle d) to glitter e) to glisten 41) Which of the following lexemes is the result of both prefixation and back-clipping? a) undergrad b) bigamy c) atheist d) misspell e) aftermath 42) Choose the correct statement: a) The content dimension of a lexeme is integrally rendered by its componential definition. b) Semantic theory has always operated a clear distinction between lexical and semantic field. c) The sememes associated with the terms within a lexical field have to be completely distinct. d) Several terms belonging to one and the same lexical field can have a common referent. e) Terms belonging to different lexical fields cannot evince commonly shared features. 43) Choose the correct variant: The string The car in front of me suddenly pressed the brakes and skidded laterally. contains: a) an illustration of the fact that there can be signs without a referent b) an instance of reversibility c) an instance of coining d) an iconic sign e) an instance of secondary iconicity 44) Choose the correct variant: The string When the meat is almost cooked, you have to add the diced vegetables, and afterwards the tomato sauce. contains an instance of: a) attachment b) antonymy c) conversion d) extension e) blending 45) Choose the correct variant: Within the componential analysis of the verb to cease, the feature [+ ergative] is: a) a unit of expression b) a distinguisher c) a semantic marker d) a marker e) none of the listed above 46) Choose the correct variant: The following example: 17 c. Parea, 17-18 c. Paria = a member of a tribe in South India, originally functioning notably as sorcerors and ceremonial drummers, and also as labourers and servants, but later increasingly as “untouchables” in insanitary occupations 19-20 c. pariah = member of any low caste; a person of no caste; a member of a despised class of any kind; someone or something shunned or avoided; a social outcast (adapted after Oxford English Dictionary Online, copyright © Oxford University Press, 2005) is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of: a) broadening b) specialisation c) pejoration and broadening d) pejoration and specialisation e) amelioration and broadening 47) Choose the correct variant: The meanings of solution in There were several salts dissolved in that solution., and in As a result of the violent contact with the sharp edge of the box, the skin on his ankle presented a two-inch contiguity solution. illustrate: a) non-identity b) the semantic change process of narrowing c) the relation of meronymy d) the relation of enantiosemy e) the relation of incompatibility 48) Which of the following affixes can trigger two different changes of word-class? a) -less b) -ify c) dis d)-ly e) re- 49) Choose the correct variant: A schoolboy’s coming home having a black eye, several other bruises and scratches, torn and dirty clothes is: a) an iconic diagrammatic sign b) an indexic sign c) an indexic sign with additional iconic values d) an iconic sign with additional indexic values e) an iconic sign with additional symbolic values 50) Choose the correct variant: The following example: ME cork = the outer bark of the cork oak (a Mediterranean tree) LME, ModE cork = the bark of a tree; the material itself (light, soft, and porous) having various uses; a particular product made of this material or of other materials (e.g. plastic), which is used for closing the opening of a bottle is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of: a) elevation b) pejoration c) narrowing and pejoration d) broadening e) broadening and elevation 51) In which of the following domains the study of cognitive processes stands as one of the central aims? a) Linguistics b) Semiotics c) Psychology d) Philosophy e) Sociology 52) Choose the correct variant: The fact that the position of an indicator needle on a control panel can signify (i.e. supply information about) the pressure of a fluid in a container can serve as an illustration of: a) the nature of signs as exclusively human products b) the linguistic nature of signs c) the arbitrariness of signs d) the meaninglessness of signs e) the nature of signs as entities that have to involve relations to other sorts of things 53) Which of the following series of terms is not a meronomy? a) US: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Wyoming, etc b) US: New England, The Mid-Atlantic, The South, The Midwest, The Southwest, The West c) Complement Clauses: THAT Clauses, Infinitive Clauses (FOR TO Complementation, TO Complementation), Gerundial Clauses, Embedded (Indirect) Questions d) Zoology: Entomology, Ichthyology, Herpetology, Ornithology, Primatology, etc e) leaf: petiole or stalk, and blade or lamina (margin, midrib, vein) 54) Choose the correct variant: The feature [+ cards] within the componential analysis of the verb to shuffle functions as: a) a classeme b) a semantic marker c) a marker d) a distinguisher e) none of the four above 55) Which of the following models (theories) of the (linguistic) sign most ambiguously deals with meaning? a) Saussure’s model b) Hjelmslev’s model c) Frege’s theses d) Carnap’s symbolic logic e) Peirce’s general semiotic theory 56) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: The concepts ___ can be both employed in analytic statements. a) veal and elephant b) rubber and glue c) drone and lass d) marmalade and paper e) cucumber and mutton 57) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: The lexeme ___ illustrates the fact that the suffix -ling may in some cases behave as a classchanging affix. a) weakling b) nestling c) deathling d) earthling e) worldling 58) Choose the correct variant: The syntagm thin ice within the string To lie to your employer is to skate on thin ice. Pertains to: a) the lexical field ice b) the paradigm of ice c) the semantic field of ice d) the truth value of the designator ice e) none of the four above 59) Which of the following items is an instance of acronymy? a) HQ (headquarters) b) HP (horse-power) c) k. p. h. (kilometres per hour) d) m. p. h. (miles per hour) e) each of the four items above 60) Choose the correct variant: The fact that a four-year-old child’s, a housewife’s, and an entomologist’s views on spiders may significantly differ stands as an argument supporting: a) Hjelmslev’s theoretical assumptions regarding the functioning of the linguistic sign b) the tenets of the external account of reference c) an a priori definition of the concept d) Frege’s first and second theses e) Carnap’s general classification of designators 61) Which of the following pairs is an instance of lexical relatedness? a) device – vice b) fascinating – fastidious c) calf – half d) drop – droplet e) obstacle – barrier 62) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: The most difficult problem to be solved by a non-psychological account of sign-action is ___, and, by doing this, not to alter the concept of ‘sign’ itself. a) to explain the differences among the various classes of signs b) to capture the essential nature of the objects of signs c) to focus upon the transcendental condition of signs d) to avoid discussing the dynamic properties of signs e) to avoid resorting to the intervention of a human brain 63) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Hyperonyms are ___ than holonyms. a) typically, simpler terms b) typically, simpler concepts c) more frequently and clearly expressed d) less frequently and/or clearly expressed e) less relevant for the study of field properties 64) Choose the correct variant: The following example: OE heofon, ME heven = sky ModE heaven = the place (somewhere up in the sky) where God and angels live; the place where the souls of good people go; the land of happiness; extremely pleasant place or enjoyable situation is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of: a) broadening and elevation b) narrowing and pejoration c) elevation d) pejoration e) broadening and pejoration 65) Choose the correct variant: The collocation from cradle to the grave is an instance of: a) a one-to-many correlation b) a many-to-one correlation c) narrowing d) metonymy e) zero derivation 66) Which is the extension of the designator Salieri envied Mozart.? a) the existence in the real world of an actual individual entity called Mozart (1756-1791) b) the actual individual entity of the person called Salieri (1750-1825) c) the concept of ‘Italian composer’ d) the property of being a genius e) the truthfulness of the corresponding proposition 67) Which of the following lexemes is the result of back-clipping? a) none of the four below b) T-Rex c) viz. d) tin e) hue 68) Which of the following construals of (linguistic) sign-action is not resolvable into, and does not resort to any dichotomy? a) Peirce’s theory of signs b) Voronin’s phonosemantic analysis c) Hjelmslev’s glossematic model d) Saussure’s model e) Carnap’s analysis of designators 69) Which of the following pairs is not an illustration of a hierarchical sense relation? a) spice / cinnamon b) ship / keel c) windpipe / trachea d) game / darts e) radiator / antifreeze 70) Choose the correct variant: The suffix -ous can attach to: a) grief b) murder c) poison d) burden e) all the four lexemes above 71) Choose the correct variant: A de re reading of a concept entails: a) considering speaker’s knowledge of the referent b) considering the possible modifications that the referent itself may undergo c) considering other contextual variables d) all the three above e) none of the three above 72) Which of the following verbs of cutting most appropriately corresponds to a tentative componential analysis featuring the semes [+ wood, stone], [- meat], [± into thin portions], [- into small pieces], [- disintegrating], [- at the edges], [- engraving], [± using a special device], [+ also used figuratively]? a) to slice b) to cleave c) to chop d) to carve e) to mince 73) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Signs are generically defined by ___ as meaningful stimulus patterns. a) behaviourists b) generativists c) structuralists d) cognitivists e) linguists 74) Which of the following pairs is an instance of converseness? a) tissue / fats b) present / absent c) solar / lunar d) sovereign / subject e) fragrance / scent 75) Which of the following signs can stand as an illustration of Frege’s first thesis? a) Bacchus b) Aristotle c) Magna Charta d) Thomas Aquinas e) Chaucer 76) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: A direction in which the cognitivistic program still has to overcome some evinced till now limitations is the one concerning ___ . a) the mental representations of linguistic expressions b) the semantic representation at lexical level c) the synchronic dimension of language d) the psychological aspects of language e) the social aspects of language 77) Which of the following lexemes is not a loanword? a) adagio b) mantra c) mahout d) creek e) nebbish 78) Choose the correct variant: The string Some of the children were noisily running up and down the stairs. contains a collocation which illustrates: a) the possibility for lexical items in a field to be lexically related b) the possibility for lexical items in a field to evince hierarchical ordering c) the possibility for lexical items in a field to evince similarity d) the possibility for lexical items in a field to be syntagmatically related e) the possibility for lexical items in a field to be paradigmatically related 79) Which of the following signs does not share the same sense and reference with the other four? a) craft b) ability c) skill d) facility e) capability 80) Choose the correct statement: a) There are no non-linguistic conventional signs. b) Reversibility is a hierarchical sense relation. c) The feature [± human] is a distinguisher. d) There are no non-intersecting lexical fields. e) According to many lexical approaches to Semantics, the role of grammar is to serve the conveyance of meaning. 81) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: According to ___, the features specified by the sense of a sign suffice for the users to successfully refer to the corresponding in extra-linguistic reality objects. a) the general semiotic theories b) the Conformity Law c) the internal account of reference d) the cognitive semantic theories e) the external account of reference 82) Which of the following pairs is not a synonymic one? a) ludicrous / emetic b) limpid / clear c) feasible / practicable d) to thrust / to push e) to disdain / to contempt 83) Which of the following signs is not an indexic one? a) someone’s waving of a white flag after a battle b) the bad smell of a loaf of meat c) steam rising over the water of a spring d) an increase of the average life expectancy of a country’s population e) several persons ahead of you slipping on the same area of the sidewalk 84) Choose the correct variant: In principle, and considering also the thesis of the non-existence of perfect synonyms, a given sememe should uniquely correspond to: a) a certain semantic field b) a certain phoneme c) a certain morpheme d) a certain lexeme e) a certain referent 85) Which of the following lexemes is both a borrowed word, and a word which has undergone (in Anglophone usage) a semantic change process of pejoration? a) hollow b) macho c) loch d) kimono e) Maori 86) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: The actual presence in somebody’s psyche of a state of beneficial or destructive determination in achieving a certain goal represents ___ ambition. a) the sense of the lexeme b) a property of the indexic sign c) the content dimension of the lexeme d) an extension of the individual expression e) the intension of the individual expression 87) Choose the correct variant: The use of own goal within the string Being so busy trying to harm the others, she has neglected her very interests, and ruined her reputation, thus scoring an own goal. is part of: a) none of the four below b) the expression-substance of the sign goal c) a meronomy the superior term of which is goal d) the paradigm of goal e) the semantic field of goal 88) Choose the correct variant: The interdisciplinary bias of semantic studies represents: a) a cause of their reflexivity b) the reason for which M. Bréal is considered to be “the father” of modern Semantics c) positively, a drawback d) positively, an advantage e) a complexly influential factor in what concerns the scope, methodology, and theoretical perspectives of the domain 89) Choose the correct variant: The encircled figure ‘16’ in the right lower corner of the TV screen is: a) an indexic sign b) an indexic sign also having iconic values c) a symbolic sign d) an iconic sign e) an iconic sign also having symbolic values 90) Choose the correct variant: The terms pop, dance, disco, blues, soul, reggae, country, jazz, metal, techno, rave, etc are in: a) any of the four relations below b) a relation of contrast c) a relation of incompatibility d) a relation of co-hyponymy e) a logical relationship of inconsistency 91) Which of the following signs cannot stand as an illustration of Frege’s first thesis? a) Merlin b) Plato c) Valhalla d) Manitu e) Quetzalcóatl 92) Choose the correct variant: A conceptual field can be construed as: a) a cross-linguistic invariant b) the totality of the meanings that a lexeme may have c) a language-specific segment of the lexicon d) a set of lexemes which are derived from one and the same root e) none of the four above 93) Choose the correct variant: The following example: OE fóstrian, féstr(i)an = to supply with food or nourishment; to nourish, feed, support EME foster = to bring up (a child) with parental care; often, to bring up as a fosterchild, be a foster-parent; to encourage or help to grow; to promote the growth of (a fire, plant, etc) ME foster = to “nurse”, tend with affectionate care; to cherish, keep warm (in the bosom); to bring up, educate, nurture in (beliefs, habits, etc); (also fig. about a country, etc) LME foster = to encourage, indulge in a habit, etc; to encourage, cherish, harbour fondly, nurse (a feeling, etc); to encourage, promote the development of; (about things, circumstances) to be favourable or conducive to ModE to foster = (to a certain extent) the previously listed meanings; ~ out, to put (a child) into the care of foster parents (adapted after Oxford English Dictionary Online, copyright © Oxford University Press, 2005) is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of: a) narrowing and degradation b) narrowing c) broadening and degradation d) broadening and elevation e) elevation 94) Choose the correct variant: The concept wormhole can occur: a) in analytic statements, as a single-criterion concept b) in analytic statements, as either a single- or a law-criterion concept c) in synthetic statements, as a single-criterion concept d) in synthetic statements, as either a multiple- or a law-criterion concept e) in synthetic statements, as either a single- or a law-criterion concept 95) Choose the correct variant: The verb to enact is the result of: a) blending b) back-clipping c) class-changing prefixation d) class-changing prefixation and back-clipping e) marginal conversion 96) Which of the following pairs is an instance of partonymy? a) willing / reluctant b) clock / hands c) trade / agriculture d) before / after e) plane / pilot 97) Choose the correct variant: The many-to-one sign – referent correlation can be illustrated by: a) the sign the capital of the state of Illinois b) the sign “wind city” c) the sign Chicago d) the three signs above e) a linguistic sign consisting of more than one lexeme 98) Choose the correct variant: The small hearts on Valentine’s Day postcards are to be interpreted as: a) signs having both iconic and indexic values b) signs having both symbolic and iconic values c) signs having both symbolic and indexic values d) signs having no reference e) signs having both indexic and metonymic values 99) Which of the following items is the intension of the designator Enola Gay? a) the plane itself b) the property of being capable of flying c) the property of being lethal d) ‘the plane that carried the first atomic bomb, and which was named after the commander’s mother’ e) a single-criterion concept 100) Which of the following lexemes is always used metaphorically? a) seed b) wave c) bloodbath d) blaze e) sunbeam 101) Choose the correct variant: The presence of a reddish-brown with metallic lustre deposit on the rock out of which a stream is springing is: a) an iconic sign b) an indexic sign c) a symbolic sign with additional iconic values d) a symbolic sign with additional indexic values e) an iconic sign with additional indexic values 102) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: The sense of pitch in It was pitch dark. is included in ___ of the lexeme in question. a) the conceptual field b) the semantic marker c) the grammatical paradigm d) the expression dimension e) the semantic field 103) Which of the following lexemes features a different from the other four word formation pattern? a) Guinea pig b) Alzheimer disease c) Doppler effect d) Mach speed e) Brodmann area 104) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: In Fregean terms, for an entity to be the referent of a sign implies that it satisfies at least some of the properties specified by ___ of the sign in question. a) the subjective representation b) the name c) the sense d) the symbol e) the graphical representation 105) Which of the following pairs is an instance of incompatibility? a) fashion / aphasia b) host / guest c) fury / rage d) granite / marble e) mollusc / squid 106) Which of the following concepts does not exclude from its scope the denotatum (object)? a) Carnap’s ‘intension’ b) Fregean ‘reference’ c) Fregean ‘sense’ d) Peircean ‘Interpretant’ e) Peircean ‘icon’ 107) Choose the correct variant: Cognitivistic approaches to Semantics typically operate with: a) definitions b) cross-linguistic meaning properties c) propositions d) truth values e) mental image-schemas 108) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: The term jewel is ___ including brooch, bracelet, necklace, ring, earring, etc. a) the hyperonym of a meronomy b) the holonym of a meronomy c) the hyperonym of a taxonomy d) the holonym of a taxonomy e) the hyponym of beads in a taxonomy 109) Which of the following affixes entails a negative meaning? a) mal b)en c)-y d) re e)-age 110) Choose the correct variant: According to the views on language promoted by cognitive approaches, the functional properties of a string are the contribution of: a) grammar b) Semantics c) Syntax d) Pragmatics e) Phonology 111) Choose the correct variant: The series unicellular, storm cell, cell-phone, cellulite is part of: a) none of the four below b) a semantic field c) a conceptual field d) a lexical field e) a family of words 112) Choose the correct variant: Inflectional affixes cannot attach to: a) lexemes that are the result of extension b) bound roots c) lexemes that are the result of conversion d) hyphenated compounds e) lexemes that are the result of back-clipping 113) Which of the following signs differs from the other four in terms of reference, and field appurtenance? a) to crush b) to destroy c) to pervade d) to smash e) to annihilate 114) Choose the correct variant: The lexeme amperometer is the result of: a) welded compounding b) extension and blending c) extension and welded compounding d) borrowing and blending e) fore-clipping and prefixation 115) Which of the following items is an instance of content-form? a) the sequence of phonemes /d/ /æ/ /m/ b) the graphemes d, a, and m c) actual constructions built in order to create an accumulation of water d) the concept of ‘dam’ e) both the first two items above 116) Choose the correct variant: The gathering and circling of vultures above a certain spot is: a) an iconic diagrammatic sign b) an indexic sign c) a symbolic sign d) an iconic sign also having symbolic values e) an iconic sign also having indexic values 117) Which of the following pairs is not an illustration of incompatibility? a) Alsace / Bretagne b) planet / pole c) dread / awe d) fortune-teller / sculptor e) cortisone / adrenaline 118) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: Knowledge about the ___ may vary from speaker to speaker. a) sign b) sense c) referent d) intension e) Interpretant 119) Which of the following items is an instance of expression-substance? a) the idea or concept of ‘raft’ b) the entities that are floating platforms made of logs tied together or the entities that are small inflatable boats made of rubber or plastic c) the users’ knowledge and/or experience of such entities d) the users’ sonorous emissions when uttering the word raft e) the sequence of phonemes /r/ /à:/ /f/ /t/ or /r/ /æ/ /f/ /t/ 120) Which of the following items is an abbreviation? a) oz. (ounce) b) SMS (short message system – or service –) c) GI (Government Issue) d) S.O.S. (save our souls) e) each of the four items above 121) Which of the following verbs of contact (adjoining) features within its componential analysis the distinguisher [+ functional joining of technical devices]? a) to grab b) to clutch c) to seize d) to grasp e) to catch 122) Choose the correct statement: a) The term semasiologie was gradually abandoned because it was specialised for reference to the content dimension of the linguistic sign. b) Universal Grammar is not one of the applied directions in Linguistics. c) Reflexivity is a trait of linguistic studies, and not a linguistic phenomenon. d) The semantic module occupies a central position in formal grammatical models. e) The contemporary trend in Lexical Semantics is to focus upon referential or dictionary meaning. 123) Choose the correct variant: The string In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first men to reach the roof of the world. contains an instance of: a) zero derivation b) sound-symbolism c) narrowing d) semantic shift e) reversibility 124) Choose the correct variant: The following example: ME boi(e) / boy(e) = an attendant (messenger, gate keeper, butcher’s boy), a servant (cook’s helper) – usually young; a person of low birth or rank; a worthless or wicked fellow ModE boy = a male child, youth is an illustration of the semantic change process(es) of: a) broadening b) amelioration c) broadening and amelioration d) narrowing e) narrowing and amelioration 125) Choose the appropriate to fill in the blanks variant: With polysemous lexemes, ___ to enter a given sense relation. a) all the meanings are supposed b) only one meaning is likely c) none of the meanings are likely d) only proper (non-figurative) meanings are supposed e) only contextual meanings are likely 126) Choose the correct variant: The linguistic expression adult mag is the result of: a) compounding and abbreviation b) compounding and acronymy c) compounding and back-clipping d) broadening, compounding, and back-clipping e) specialisation, compounding, and abbreviation 127) Which of the following pairs is an instance of partonymy? a) to confine / to restrict b) pathology / oncology c) ellipsoidal / octagonal d) soothing / calming e) ant / termite 128) Which of the following signs is a symbolic sign with additional iconic values? a) the formula E = mc2 b) the “New” option on the toolbar of your computer c) the “Microsoft Word” option in the “Programs” menu of your computer d) the close sound of a car horn while you are carelessly crossing a street e) a small circle having a cross underneath (♀), and indicating (the appurtenance to) the female gender 129) Choose the correct variant: The intension of the designator (to be) wet is: a) all the objects evincing the property of being impregnated with a liquid b) water c) water and all kinds of other liquids d) the concept of humidity, moist, dampness due to the presence of liquids; the property of being permanently or temporarily sodden e) all expressed thoughts about humidity 130) Choose the correct variant: The semantic notions of ‘truth’ and ‘designation’ prove indispensable to: a) the study of lexical change processes b) traditional grammars c) cognitive grammar d) early generative grammars e) the methodology of science