Health service - basic vocabularyHEALTH SERVICE - Basic VocabularyOrgan organ Head cap Eye ochi Eyesight vedere, vaz Ear ureche Nose nas Tooth, pl. teeth dinte Mouth gura Tongue limba Throat gat Tonsils amigdale Bronchial tubes bronhii Lung plaman Chest piept Back spate Heart inima Stomach stomac Liver ficat Kidney rinichi Appendix apendice Hand mana Arm brat Leg picior Foot, pl. feet laba piciorului Ankle glezna Skin piele Blood sange Haemoglobin hemoglobina Cilia cili Diseases boli ~ of the eye boli de ochi ~ of the ear, nose and throat boli de nas, gat si urechi ~ of the skin boli de piele Illness boala, rau, maladie Trouble / complaint afectiune, suferinta Ailment indispozitie, suferinta Pain durere, suferinta Ache durere (de cap, dinti, stomac etc.) Headache durere de cap Backache durere de spate Stomach-ache durere de stomac Toothache durere de dinti Cramp crampa, carcel, junghi Neuralgia nevralgie Spleeplessness / insomnia insomnie Attack / fit criza, atac Indigestion indigestie Cut taietura Symptom simptom Prescription reteta Treatment tratament Epidemic epidemie Cure 1. Remediu, leac, 2. Tratament, cura Care ingrijire Exercise exercitii (fizice), miscare Recreation recreere, odihna Rest odihna Emergency caz urgent, urgenta Ambulance ambulanta, salvare Stretcher targa Stethoscope stetoscop Needle ac Injection injectie Survey studiu, statistica Hazard risc, pericol Warning avertisment Longevity longevitate Chill / shivers raceala, frisoane, friguri Cold raceala, guturai Flu gripa Tonsilitis amigdalita Pharyngitis faringita Bronchitis bronsita Scarlet fever scarlatina Measles pojar Mumps oreion Whooping cough tuse convulsiva Chicken pox varsat de vant, varicela Arteriosclerosis ateroscleroza Gastritis gastrita Ulcer ulcer Anaemia anemie Diabetes diabet Asthma astm Tuberculosis tuberculoza Emphysema emfizem Rheumatism reumatism Sciatica sciatica Nervous breakdown nevroza, astenie Cancer cancer Malaria malarie Typhoid fever febra tifoida Cholera holera Small-pox variola, varsat Plague ciuma Abscess abces Giddiness ameteala Apoplexy apoplexie Arthritis artritism Asthenia astenie Cataract cataracta Crisis / heart attack / fit of nerves / hysteria criza Diarrhoea diaree Diphteria difterie Dysentery dizenterie Liver complaint / sore eyes durere de ficat / de ochi Eczema eczema Epilepsy epilepsie Gout guta Hepatitis hepatita Hernia / rupture - hernie Infection infectie Sun-stroke insolatie Lumbago lumbago Luxation luxatie Migraine migrena Boil furuncul Palsy / paralysis; polio paralizie; paralizie infantila Pleurisy pleurezie Pneumonia pneumonie Prostatitis prostatita Pus puroi Rickets rahitism Itch raie, mancarime
Sciatica sciatica Syphilis sifilis Hiccup sughit Typhus tifos Tuberculosis / consumption tuberculoza Varicose vein varice Veneral disease boala venerica Surgery 1. Cabinet medical 2. Chirurgie Childrens surgery cabinet medical pentru copii Health centre dispensar Health resort statiune climaterica Hospital spital Maternity hospital maternitate Clinic clinica Sanatorium sanatoriu Ward salon (de spital) Casualty department sectia de urgenta Operating theatre sala de operatii Dispensary dispensar Visiting hours ore de vizita (spital) Patient - pacient In-patient / out-patient pacient intern / extern Plastic surgery chirurgie plastica Analysis / blood test analiza / analiza de sange (Local) anaesthetic anestezie (locala) Bloodshot coongestionat Contagious / catching contagios, molipsitor Convalescence convalescenta Curable / incurable curabil / incurabil Sensation of nausea senzatie de greata Bleeding / haemorrhage hemoragie Infirm / infirmity infirm / infirmitate Invalid / invalidity invalid / invaliditate Faint lesin Injury leziune, rana Massage masaj Metabolism - metabolism Mad / insane madness / insanity nebun - nebunie Poisoning - otravire Palpitation / throbbing palpitatie Concussion of the brain comotie cerebrala First aid primul ajutor X-rays raze X First-aid man sanitar Symptom simptom Blood transfusion transfuzie de sange Vaccine / vaccination vaccin / vaccinare Virus virus Health service asistenta medicala Drainage canalizare Sanitation igiena, salubritate publica Water-supply alimentare cu apa, sistem de distribuire a apei Doctor medic, doctor Physician doctor in medicina, persoana autorizata sa practice medicina (dar nu chirurgia) Childrens doctor / pediatrician doctor de copii General practitioner / G.P. medic generalist Senior practitioner medic cu experienta Specialist (doctor) medic specialist Nerve specialist / neurologist specialist in boli de nervi Therapeutist medic internist Stomatologist medic stomatolog Dentist dentist Oculist / eye-specialist / ophthalmologist oculist, specialist de ochi Optician optician Gynaecologist ginecolog Urologist - urolog Locum doctor care tine locul unui coleg Surgeon chirurg Midwife moasa Nurse asistenta medicala Sister asistenta principala Matron asistenta sefa Medical officer doctor de salon Superintendent medic sef Dispensing chemist farmacist autorizat sa execute retete Medicine 1. Medicina 2. Medicament Drug 1. Medicament 2. Drog Pain-killer sedativ, calmant Drops picaturi Pill pilula Tablet tableta Powder praf Tonic / pick-me-up tonic Mixture mixtura, potiune Ointment alifie, pomada Cream crema Herb planta medicinala Cotton vata Pad of cottonwool tampon de vata Dressing pansament Oxygen supply cantitate de oxigen Appliance aparat, instrument Plaster ghips Soothing effect efect calmant Lack of vitamines lipsa de vitamine Dental plate, denture proteza dentara Dental bridge punte (proteza) dentara Good / bad, poor / feeble, uncertain health sanatate buna / subreda / precara Healthy sanatos Sick bolnav (folosit atributiv) Ill bolnav (folosit predicativ) Common obisnuita, frecventa Mild usoara Serious gravaChronic cronica Curabile disease boala curabila Incurable incurabila Contagious contagioasa Infectious infectioasa Pulmonary pulmonara Respiratory respiratorie Digestive digestiva Surgical - chirurgical Wholesome (d. mancare) hranitor, nutritiv Regular (d. viata, mese) regulat, ordonat Strict (d. regim) sever, strict Thorough minutios, amanuntit, serios Urgent urgent Long-sighted prezbit Short-sighted miop Cross-eyed sasiu Blind orb Colour-blind suferind de daltonism, daltonist Deaf surd Dumb mut Deaf and dumb surdomut Lame schiop Hunchback cocosat Mentally deficient deficient mintal One-armed ciung One-eyed chior To sit in a draught a sta in curent To catch a cold a raci To have a sore throat a avea dureri in gat; a-l durea gatul To have a running nose a-I curge nasul To have a clogged nose a avea nasul infundat To have / run a high temperature / to feel feverish a avea temperatura / febra To feel giddy a avea ameteli To cough a tusi To sneeze a stranuta To sweat a transpira To be seized by cramp a fi apucat de, a avea crampe / carcei / un junghi To feel a se simti To feel well a se simti bine To feel unwell a nu se simti bine To feel slightly unwell a nu se simti prea bine To suffer from a suferi de To die of a muri de To afflict a face sa sufere, a afecta To be liable to a fi predispus la To cut (ones arm) a-si taia / a se taia la (brat) To sprain a suci, a-si scranti (o incheietura, glezna) To break (ones leg, ankle) a-si fractura (piciorul, glezna) To slip a aluneca To fall / to be taken ill a se imbolnavi To register with a GP a se inscrie, a fi luat in evidenta (la o policlinica, doctor etc.) To make an appointment a fixa o ora de consultatie To go to the doctors surgery a merge la cabinetul medical To send for the doctor a trimite dupa doctor, a chema doctorul To get medical help a primi ajutor medical To examine a examina, a consulta To take / to feel somebodys pulse a lua pulsul cuiva To sound somebodys chest a asculta plamanii cuiva To take somebodys blood pressure a lua cuiva tensiunea To be operated on for - a fi operat de To undergo an operation a fi supus unei operatii To perfom an operation / to operate (on somebody) (for something) a opera (pe cineva) (de ceva) To clean up / to dress a wound a curata / a pansa o rana To be injured in an accident a fi ranit intr-un accident To drop / the temperature is dropping a scadea temperatura To be treated for a fi tratat de To perspire a transpira To vaccinate, to inoculate a vaccina To cure / to be cured a (se) vindeca To have a tooth filled a-si plomba un dinte To have a tooth pulled out a-si scoate un dinte, a face o extractie To have (something) out a se opera de, a-si scoate To recommend a recomanda To prescribe a prescrie To write a prescription a scrie o reteta To make up a prescription a prepara o reteta To stay in bed a sta in pat To go to the hospital a merge la spital To take medicine a lua medicamente To gargle a face gargara To inhale a face inhalatii To keep oneself warm a sta la caldura To get overworked / overtired a se surmena, a se extenua To get over-excited a avea emotii puternice To keep a diet a tine regim To keep the weight down a-si mentine greutatea, a nu se ingrasa To lead a regular life a duce o viata regulata To recover a si reveni, a se insanatosi To supervise a supraveghea To look after a avea grija, a ingriji To go on ones rounds a face vizita (in spital) To report on a patient a raporta despre starea unui pacient To give an injection a face o injectie To have an X-ray taken a face o radiografie To stitch a coase To smoke a fuma To give up smoking a renunta la fumat To pollute a polua To paralyse a paraliza To light (up) (a cigarette) a aprinde o tigara To puff a pufai Routine examination / check-over examen (medical) obisnuit Medical certificate certificat medical Sick / maternity / rest leave concediu de boala / de maternitate / de odihna Umpteen cures nenumarate leacuri How are you? cum te simti? Ce mai faci? Whats the trouble? ce s-a intamplat? Ce te doare? Ce ai? How are you getting on? cum te simti? He has poor eyesight are vederea slaba To enjoy good health a se bucura de o sanatate buna BRITAINS NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICEFor thirty years now there has been a national health service in Britain. The aim of the National Health Service is to give free medical advice and treatment to anybody and everybody who needs it. The care and the advice provided is comprehensive; it covers the services of a general practitioner, hospital specialists, hospitals for the chronically and the mentally ill, opticians, midwives, dentists also the drugs and appliances prescribed. But the general practitioner the family doctor is the king pin. It is on him that the whole system pivots. Every person of sixteen years of age and over can register with a general practitioner (parents and guardians register for the undersixteens). Now lets look at a typical patient. Mr Smith is feeling slightly unwell with a headache, but is not ill enough to stay in bed. He decides to go to see the doctor. Mr Smith can either phone the doctors receptionist to make an appoinment to see the doctor at a particular time during the day or, if the doctor doesnt operate an appoinment system, he just turns up at the doctors surgery. If Mr Smith was so ill that he had to stay home in bed, he would telephone the doctors receptionist and arrange for the doctor to come and see him at his home after surgery, when the doctor goes out on his rounds. If Mr Smiths ailment is a minor one, the doctor will prescribe accordingly, sign a medical certificate for Mr Smith if he is too ill to go to work, and probably arrange to see him again. Mr Smith takes the prescription to the nearest chemist. At the chemist he will for the first time bring out his money. He will pay 75 pence per item on the prescription, no matter how expensive the item. However, people under the age of fifteen or over sixty/five or pregnant women are exempt from payment. Other people who are also exempt from payment include some people who have very low incomes or who are suffering from a chronic illness. If it is a question of a serious operation and/or hospital treatment, Mr Smith will be well provided for. Most British hospitals are owned by the State and maintaned by contributions from the National Health Service. Besides General Hospitals for injured persons and those suffering from different diseases, there are maternity hospitals for expectant mothers; and special hospitals, for diseases of the eye, diseases of the ear, nose and throat; diseases of the skin; as well as for pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and cancer. General Hospitals provide accommodation and treatment for in-patients, who all the time they are ill remain within the hospital and who are allowed to see their relatives and friends only at fixed hours. At the same time they provide for out-patients, who attend for treatment at stated times and at regular intervals. The rooms in a hospital in which the patients stay are called wards. A sister is in charge of the nurses and patients in a ward, and looks after everything in it including its proper ventilation and heating. She goes with the medical officer on his rounds of the ward, and reports on each patient. She notes the doctors instructions and takes subsequent action. In all her work she is helped by a staff of day-nurses and night-nurses. The whole of the hospital nursing staff is in the charge of the matron. The superintendent has charge of the whole hospital. He is a senior practitioner of wide experience. He takes special care of the operating theatre, where surgical operations are performed. He is helped by a staff of physicians and surgeons. DIALOGUES AT THE DOCTORSIt looks as if you were going to faint. You ought to see / consult a doctor. Dr. B sees his patients on Tuesday and Friday between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Lets call / have the doctor in. A doctor must be sent for. (trebuie sa chemam doctorul) Ring for the ambulance. Take a seat in the waiting-room, the doctor will see you directly. (luati loc in sala de asteptare, Dl. Doctor va primeste imediat) How long do you think I am likely to wait? It all depends. It may take an hour. Now its your turn. Will come into the surgery/consulting room? What do you complain of? (ce va supara?) I havent been feeling at all well the last days. I often have giddy turns. (am adesea ameteli) I cough at times. I have got a fit of sneeze. My nose is all clogged up. (nasul este infundat de tot) I have frequent headaches. What can I do to get rid of my headache? I have a sore throat; I am quite hoarse. (ma doare gatul, sunt tare ragusit) I got chilblains on my hands/feet. (am degeraturi la maini/picioare) I have spoiled my stomach. (mi-am stricat stomacul) I have got a stomach ache. I feel a pain in my belly. I feel a pain in the chest when I breathe. I have sharp pains in the back. (am dureri violente in spate) The loins hurt me. (ma dor salele) I often suffer from heart troubles. My ears tingle. (imi tiuie urechile) I am badly hurt. The wound is still bleeding. I have sprained my ankle; it is swollen. (mi-am scrantit glezna; este umflata) I have cut my finger with a sharp knife. I hope its not a serious injury. No its only a scratch. I have got a burn/ a scald. Can you prescribe something for me to cure the wound? (m-am oparit/ ars, imi puteti prescrie ceva pentru a-mi vindeca rana?) I am losing my hair. I am getting bald. Whats wrong? How long have you been ill? When were you taken ill? How long has it been hurting? Show me/stick out your tongue. Just as I thought. It is quite furred. Open your mouth. The uvula is swollen. And what a state your teeth are in! (Deschideti gura. Omusorul este inflamat. Si in ce stare sunt dintii dv.!) Take off your coat. Undo the buttons of your shirt. (Scoateti-va haina. Deschideti nasturii de la camasa) Strip to the waist. (dezbracati-va pana la mijloc) Breath in and out deeply. Hold your breath. Ill take your temperature. Keep the thermometer under your armpit. (Am sa va iau temperatura. Tineti termometrul la subtioara) Does it hurt you when I press here? (Va doare cand apas aici?) Have you ever suffered from ? I had my tonsils removed. (mi-au fost scoase amigdalele) You seem to be very sensible to For the time being I am not prescribing you any medicine/treatment. Taking those pills will do more harm than good. (Pentru moment nu va prescriu nici un medicament/tratament. Medicamentele acelea va fac mai mult rau decat bine) A change of air will do much good. (O schimbare de aer va va face mult bine) Keep indoors for a few days. (Stati in casa pentru cateva zile) Take this medicine three times a day after meals. Drink this on an empty stomach. Smear the bruise/wound with this antiseptic ointment. (Ungeti vanataia/rana cu acest unguent antiseptic) Check up your blood pressure and have the haemogram made. (Controlati-va tensiunea arteriala si faceti-va hemograma) Tha pains might be due to a(n) as well as to a(n) (durerile s-ar putea datora unui/unei ca si unui/unei ) I cannot deal with your case, Ill recommend you to a specialist in (Nu ma pot ocupa de cazul dvs. Va voi recomanda unui specialist in ) Youll be completely restored provided you stick to the treatment Ive prescirbed for you. (Va veti vindeca numai daca veti urma cu strictete tratamentul ce vi l-am prescris) Come and see me in a weeks time if you dont feel any better. Im sorry, doctor, but the medicine hasnt done me any good. I feel much relieved. Can you give me a certificate to say that Im fit to work / I can get the situation I am applying for (Ma simt mult mai usurat. Puteti sa-mi dati un certificat care sa ateste ca sunt apt pentru munca / pot ocupa serviciul pe care il solicit ) Whats the matter with you? You look rather seedy. (Ce s-a intamplat? Arati cam indispus) See, my cheek is swollen. (Uite, mi s-a umflat maseaua) Sit down on this chair and lean your head back. (Luati loc pe scaun si lasati capul pe spate) Sit still, please. What tooth is it that hurts you? (Stati linistit, va rog. Care dinte va doare?) You have also a hollow molar in the upper jaw. (Mai aveti o masea cariata in maxilarul superior) The filling/stopping has come out. (A cazut plomba) I shall clean out the cavity and fill/stop it. (Voi curata si plomba cavitatea) Rinse your mouth with this antiseptic mouth wash. (Clatiti-va gura cu antiseptic) Should you have any troubles, put a little cotton dipped in ether into the hollow of the tooth. (Daca veti avea vreo suparare, puneti putina vata inmuiata in eter in cavitatea dintelui) If the tooth keeps aching come again. Ill have to kill the nerve. (Daca dintele continua sa va doara, reveniti. Va trebui sa omor nervul) Avoid sitting in a draught or youll be having an earache on the top of that. (Evitati sa stati in curent ca sa nu capatati pe deasupra si o durere de urechi)