Grile limba englezaGRILE LIMBA ENGLEZA Multiple Choice
2. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca doresti intr-adevar sa te lasi de fumat, ar trebui sa consulti mai intai un doctor.
3. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca ar fi primit despagubiri pentru marfa distrusa, compania n-ar fi dat faliment.
3. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Pata de petrol se imprastie atat de repede, incat ar putea polua toata plaja. a. The oil stain is spreading so quickly, that it ought to pollute most of the beach. b. The oil slick is spreading so quickly that it should pollute most of the beach. c. The oil slick is spreading so quickly that it might pollute most of the beach. 4. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca, Doamne fereste ar izbucni un razboi, ce-ai face? a. If, God forbid, a war broke, what would you do? b. Should, God forbid, a war broke, what would you do? c. If, God forbid, a war breaks, what would you do? 5. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Proiectul nostru se va duce de rapa, daca nu obtinem un imprumut de la o banca. a. If we didn’t get a loan from the bank, our project would fade out. b. If we wouldn’t get a loan from the bank, our project will fade out. c. Unless we get a loan from the bank, our project will fade out. 6. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca am fi pus niste bani deoparte, n-am fi stat acasa toata vara. a. If we laid aside some money, we wouldn’t have stayed at home the whole summer. b. Had we laid aside some money, we wouldn’thave stayed at home the whole summer. c. Unless we lay aside some money, we won’t stay at home the whole summer. 7. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca avocatul ne lasa balta, e posibil sa pierdem procesul. a. If the lawyer will leave us high and dry, we mai lose the trial. b. Should the lawyer leave us high and dry, we would lose the trial. c. If the lawyer leaves us high and dry, we may lose the trial. 8. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Martorul ocular ar da o declaratie, daca ar primi o recompensa. a. The eyewitness would make a statement, if he received a reward. b. The eyewitness will make a statement, if he receives a reward. c. The eyewitness would make a statement, if he will receive a reward. 9. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca-as fi in locul tau, n-as incerca s-o supara inainte de examen. a. Had I been you, I wouldn’t try to upset her before the exam. b. If I was in your place, I wouldn’t try to upset her before the exam. c. If I were you, I wouldn’t try to upset her before the exam. 10. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Premierul a spus ca nu va negocia cu sindicatele nicio marire de salariu. a. The PM said that he wouldn’t negociate any wage increase with the unions. b. The PM said that he won’t negotiate no wage increase with the unions. c. The PM explained that he wouldn’t negotiated any wage increase with unions. 11. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: The crowd’s rage was due to the use of tear gas by the police. a. agony b. anger c. ache d. fear 12. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: I wonder who can afford buying such an estate. a. piece of jewellery b. piece of furniture c. piece of cloth d. piece of land 13. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: We waited for him to turn up in the lounge. a. kitchen b. parking c. saloon d. attie 14. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: She was a truly valiant woman. a. brave b. intelligent c. industrious d. valuable 15. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: She’s too conceited to speak to ordinary people. a. slow b. silly c. nervous d. proud 16. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: If a statement is too direct, it may sound blunt. a. boring b. rough c. mild d. surprising 17. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: They seldom attempt cross that moor. a. try b. want
c. dare d. plan 18. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: On hearing the unexpected news, they left hastily. a. quietly b. suddenly c. presently d. quickly 19. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: He ruthlessly criticizes the uselessness of the committee. a. gradually b. mercilessly c. bluntly d. reluctantly 20. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: They say appearances are deceptive. a. acceptable b. predictable c. amazing d. misleading 21. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: Natural gas is conveyed by a national network of pipelines. a. transported b. filtered c. divided d. shared 22. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: On that November nigh the temperature suddenly dropped below 0o C. a. nearly b. abruptly c. steadily d. merely 23. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: We should try to keep up this century old tradition. a. settle b. ignore c. maintain d. revive 24. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: During the Stone Age men dwelt in caves. a. lived b. slept c. hunted d. grew 25. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: We all agreed it was a fair decision. a. thoughtful b. quick c. just d. profitable 26. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: There was something defiant about him that somehow scared me. a. rude b. ill-meaning c. mean d. challenging 27. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: Smog turned this city into an endangered environment. a. crowded b. threatened c. unusual d. doomed 28. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: The harsh winters in the northern countries make driving difficult there at that time of the year. a. long b. changeble c. severe d. cold 29. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: Who’s the cute girl he has been dating lately? a. winsome b. clever c. slim d. cheerful 30. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: We need a score of industrious people to finish it in time. a. honest b. hard-working c. careful d. technical 31. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: I merely don’t agree with you and that’s all I have to say a. definetely b. utterly c. simply d. willingly 32. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: He grabbed my arm and dragged me after him. a. hit b. hurt c. pulled d. seized 33. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: His affable conduct is just a mask. Don’t be taken in by it! a. cordial b. humble c. quiet d. discreet 34. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: There was a slight change in his attitude after the meeting. a. sudden b. imperceptible c. striking d. incredible 35. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: Being a book-keeper is boring in my opinion a. assistant b. librarian c. accountant d. clerk 36. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: When it comes to jewels, I resent men wearing any kind of adornment. a. peculiarity b. luxury c. metal d. decoration 37. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: He is such a selfless person, always ready to help. a. a harmless b. an unselfish c. a slefish d. a sensitive 38. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: He had to undergo a whole ordeal of humiliation. a. accept b. suffer c. stand d. pass 39. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: All of us enjoyed the witty dialogue on the stage. a. humoruous b. glamorous c. critical d. fanciful 40. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics: She complained that all her shoes had become obsolete. a. worn out b. stiff c. out-of-date d. ugly Choose the correct forms of the verbs 1. He (think) about his new movie and the main actor who is appearing in another movie this month. (is thinking). 2. The police man said in their report that there (appear) to be a fight between hoolingans and suporters (appeared). 3. How do you know that the article (not tell) the truth (is not telling). 4. There had been an accident and man (carry) the injured people to an ambulance (were carring). 5. The actors walked to the front stage, (take) a look and (wave) to the audience (took/waved). 6. What (to be) the role of the press in the election (has been). 7. These states man (to be) corupt since the beginning of the campain (have been). 8. They (to walk) for 5 hours when they finaly arrived (had been walking). 9. He (apoligise) the president because he (miss) the press conference (apoligised/had missed). 10. The fligh assistent will ask the passangers to put their seat belts when the plane (take of) (takes off). 11. By the end of the month he (teach) here for 5 years (will have tought). 12. In weeks time they (finish) their training and (start) working (will have finish/will have started). 13. By the end of the year, they (send) out 300 letters asking for contributions (will have sent). 14. They (hold) him in the city jail until he can contact is lawyer (are holding). 15. The police (arrest) him if they catch him (will arrest). 16. More tourists (come) to this country if it had a better climate (would come). 17. If you (not belong) to union you wouldn’t get a job (don’t belong). 18. He would have been arrested if he (try) to leave the country (had tried). 19. I (never teach) better lesson (have been never thought). 20. The editor was pleased with the way he (deal) with the client (had dealt). 21. The weather cast said that because of the sudden fall in temperature everything (freeze) (was frozen). 22. After she had read the letter she (tear) it into two (tore). 23. What we (talk) about these headlines is very interesting (have been talking). 24. Please buy me some newspapers if you (go) downtown (go). 25. He had an accident because he (drive) too fast (was driving). 26. It’s been a while since we last saw each other…? (hasn’t it) 27. I’d better lose some weight, …? (hadn’t I) 28. Nothing would be better now than a press conference, …? (would it) 29. The editor worned her that unless she … to write the article, she would miss something, but she wouldn’t listen (began). 30. By the time the reporter (come) from the meeting, we … lunch (comes, will already have had). 31. I wondered how long (graduate) from the faculty of jurnalism (she had graduated) 32. I didn’t figure out why they (stare) at me for so long, so I asked them what … (had been staring/the matter was). 33. He knew they (listen) to me, unless I (draw) their attention by saying something funny (wouldn’t listen/drew). 34. Eventualy she regreted she (fall) in love with the reporter as they were in the same team (had fallen). 35. I don’t recall weather they (shake) hands or not. (shook) 36. So far as I remember you (tell) us what time the plane (take off) (didn’t tell/took off). 37. … the soldier (forget) that he had been forbiden to talk about their mission in Irak? (did/forgot) Turn into the indirect speech. Choose the most apropriate form 38. Don’t waste your time because time is precious; they advised me (not to waste my time). 39. I owe my life to you doctor!; the reporter said (The reporter told the doctor that he ows his life to him). 40. I’m afraid we didn’t go back to the hotel last night; they said (They admited they hadn’t gone back to the hotel the night before). Turn into the direct speech. Choose the most apropriate form 41. She asked me who that was (who is this?) 42. He asked me if I had seen the new stadium the previous Sunday (Did you see the new stadium, last Sunday?) 43. I wanted to know if he had ever been to Greece (Have you ever been to Greece?) 44. She agreed she didn’t go to the theatre every week (You are right I don’t go to the theatre every week). Choose the correct forms of the verbs 45. My daughter (to be) a jurnalist when she (grow) up (is going to be/grows up). Turn into the indirect speech. Choose the most apropriate form 46. How boring the press conference was! They say (Everybody complains that the press conference was boring) 47. We simply couldn’t remember what we (see) there (had seen). 48. She promised she (tell) me her opinion about the editor-in-cheaf after she had met him (would tell). 49. Leave us alone! They asked us (They asked us to leave them alone). Translate into English 50. Trebuie sa recunoasteti ca niciodata nu ati fost interesati de opinia noastra nu-i asa? (You must admit that you have never been interested in our opinion, have you?) 51. Vor incepe sa tipareasca ziarul de indata ce vor primi banii (They will start printing the newspaper as soon as they receive the money). 52. Inca nu l-am intrebat cat timp ii va lua sa termine de scris articolul (I haven’t asked him yet how long it would take him to finish writing the article). 53. Cercetatorii au discutat despre introducerea unei legi care sa protejeze oamenii impotriva… (The researchers talked about the introduction of a law to protect people against unfair ) 54. Daca el va dori sa reuseasca in aceasta slujba va trebui sa invete sa se inteleaga cu colegii sai putin mai bine (If he wants to suceed in this job, he will have to learn to get along with his coleagues a little better). 55. Reporterul a refuzat slujba pentru ca era prea prost platita (The reporter turned the job down because it wast to badly paid). 56. Cum stii ca articolul nu spune adevarul? (How do you know that article is not telling the truth?) 57. Presedintele nu a vrut sa fie recunoscut, asa ca a calatorit incognito (The president did not want to be recognised, so he traveled incognito). 58. George Bush a lesinat in timp ce se uita la un meci de fotbal (George Bush fainted while he was watching a footbal match). 59. Nu are rost sa protejam animalele, daca oamenii nu iau masuri sa protejeze si plantele (It’s no sense protecting the animals, unless people take steps to protect the plants as well). 60. Primul ministru vorbeste publicului de jumatate de ora (The PM has been spoking to the audience for half an hour). 61. Ei tocmai au terminat de facut un sondaj de opinie (They have just finished doing an opinion survey). 62. Domnul Johnson s-a pensionat la 70 de ani dupa ce lucrase 40 de ani ptr aceeasi companie (Mr Johnson retire at 70 years old after he had worked 40 years for the same company). 63. Progresele pe care le-au facut erau mai mari decat sperasera ei vreodata (The progress they made was better than they had ever hoped). 64. Lumea va ramane in sala de asteptare pana cand autobuzul va fi anuntat (The people will be staying in the waiting room until the bus is anounced). 65. Purtatorul de cuvant a spus ca ei vor vizita mina in ziua urmatoare (The spokesman said that they would visit the mine the next day). 66. Uita-te la acest studiu, el o sa fie ales presedinte al partidului sau (Look at this survey, he is going to be elected president of his party). 67. El a evadat in timp ce era mutat dintr-o inchisoare in alta (He escaped while he was being moved from a prison to another). 68. Cladirea urma sa fie inaugurata de primar (The building was to be inaugurated by the mayor). 69. Lumea crede ca el urmeaza sa fie ales noul presedinte (People believe that he is to be elected the new president). 70. Daca va ploua in aceasta dupa amiaza, va fi prea ud ca sa jucam meciu maine, a spus capitanul (If it rains this afternoon, it will be too wet to play the match tomorrow, the captain said). 71. Acesti oameni au fost dependenti de droguri, a spus doctorul (These people were drugs addicts, the doctor said). 72. Martora a declarat ca nu ii este frica sa spuna adevarul (The witness declared that she was not afraid to tell the truth). 73. Nu s-ar fi inrolat in armata daca nu ar fi stiut ca este atat de greu (He wouldn’t have joined the army, if he had knew it was so hard). 74. De ce fel de informatii ai spus ca ai nevoie? (What type of information did you say you need?) Passive voice tense 75. The house … so we have to stay with some friend (is being painted). 76. If you say funny things you … (will be laughed at) 77. I promise you that the matter … (will be looked into). 78. After his rude behaviour during the press conference, he .. the door (was shown). 79. Women … the right to vote in some countries (are denied). 80. We … some questions at the press conference next week (will be asked). 81. … the truth finaly? (Have you been told). 82. I am surprised to hear that you … (have been dismissed). 83. If I … what to do none of this could have happened (had been told). 84. Nothing … until he came (had been done). 85. The escapate prisoner … in a south American country (is thought to be living). 86. I … such a wonderful present (have never been sent). 87. Our journalists … anywhere so far (have never been sent). 88. I’m sorry but there is nothing … with this article (to be done). 89. … is a very sad thing for such a famous journalist (to be forgotten). 90. She … for a journalism scholarship this year (is being considered). 91. By the time he … by the journalists, the news will already been broadcast on TV (is rung up). 92. It … that English … in many countries (is known/is spoken). 93. Why … so many questions at the moment (am I being asked). 94. The witness explained that the victim … (had been killed). 95. No letter … this week since the postman hasn’t been seen since that terible accident (has been delivered). Active voice – Passive Voice 96. Bill Young wrote the book and Lester & Company published it (The book was written by Bill Young, and published by Lester & Company). 97. The editor-in-cheaf will read the article very thoroughly (The article is read by the editor in cheaf very thoroughly). 98. They took him for a french journalist; his french was very good (He was taken for a french journalist; his french is very good). 99. They waste a lot of time disscusing unimportant things (A lot of time is wasted by them disscusing unimportant things).