Complementul prepozitional (The Prepositional Object) - englezaComplementul prepozitional (The Prepositional Object) - engleza 1. Definitie. Complementul prepozitional este partea secundara de propozitie care determina predicatul propozitiei exprimata printr-un verb tranzitiv sau intranzitiv. pag: 191 2. Indicii formali ai complementului prepozitional. Indicii formali ai complementului prepozitional sunt: a) cazul acuzativ, cand complementul prepozitional este exprimat prin prepozitie plus pronume personal (cu exceptia lui it), pronume reflexiv sau pronume interogativ relativ who: She looked at him. S-a uitat la el. She looked at herself in the mirror. S-a privit in oglinda. b) locul in propozitie: - dupa predicat cand acesta este exprimat printr-un verb intranzitiv: He was talking with his friends. Vorbea cu prietenii lui. - dupa complementul direct cand predicatul este exprimat printr-un verb tranzitiv: Has anyone compared the translation with the original? A comparat cineva traducerea cu originalul? c) transformarea la diatez pasiva in care unele verbe intranzitive cu prepozitie obligatorie se comporta ca verbe tranzitive, prepozitia ramanand atasata de verb, iar elementul nominal din complementul prepozitional devenind subiectul formal al propozitiei: Grandmother looked AFTER the children. The children were looked AFTER by their grandmother. 3. Exprimarea complementului prepozitional. Complementul prepozitional este exprimat prin: a) un substantiv sau echivalent al acestuia precedat de o prepozitie: He is looking for his tie. Isi cauta cravata. I ran after them. Am fugit dupa ei. b) o condtructie infinitivala sau gerundiala, precedata de o prepozitie: Would they agree to start at once? Ar fi de acord sa incepem imediat? He boasts of being the best football player in the school. Se lauda ca este cel mai bun jucator de fotbal din scoala. c) o propozitie subordonata: He boasts that he is the best football player in the school.
4. Intrebuintarea complementului prepozitional Complementul prepozitional este intrebuintat dupa: a) verbe intranzitive cu prepozitie obligatorie: care for, complain of, depend on, hint at, insist on, long for, look at, pass for, warn of, wonder at, worry about: The success of the picnic will DEPEND on the weather. Succesul picnicului va depinde de vreme. Would you CARE for one of these paintings ? Ti-ar place unul sintre aceste tablouri? She COMPLAINED of the heat. Se plangea de caldura. b) verbe intranzitive cu doua prepozitii: agree with smb about smth, argue with smb about smth. c) verbe tranzitive cu prepozitie obligatorie: acquaint smb with smth, advise smb. about smth, assure smb of smth, blame smb for smth, bother smb. with smth, convince smb, of smth, entrust smb with smth, mistake smb. for smth, warn smb about smth: pag: 192 I warned him about the danger. L-am avertizat de pericol. d) adjective sau participii care indeplinesc functia de nume predicatic intr-un predicat nominal, urmate de o prepozitie obligatorie: about: He was REASONABLE about her decision. at: She is GOOD at chemistry. in: He is INTERESTED in astronomy. of: Romania’s foreign trade is BASED on co-operation and equal rights. with: He is ANGRY with your behaviour. Alte adjective si participii urmate de aceste prepozitii sunt: - angry, glad, happy, mad, annoyed, pleased worried + ABOUT; - angry, bad, clever, hopeless, terrible, alarmed, amused, annoyed, delighted, pleased + AT; - efficient, fortunate, lucky, persistent, (un)successful + IN; - afraid, certain, conscious, fond, glad, convinced, scared + OF; - dependent, insistent, keen, lent, set + ON; - busy, (un)comfortable, (in)compatible, content, furious, (un)happy, impatient, sick, uneasy, annoyed, bored, concerned, delighted, disaplointed, excited, exhausted, horrified, obsessed, occupied, overcome, pleased, satisfied, upset + WITH. 5. Locul complementului prepozitional in propozitie Locul complementului prepozitional in propozitie este de obiecei: a) dupa numele predicativ exprimat printr-un adjectiv sau participiu: She was convinced of his loyalty. Era convinsa de loialitatea lui. b) dupa complementul direct, in cazul unui verb tranzitiv: Nobody prevents your friend from asking that question. Nimeni nu-l impiedica pe prietenul tau sa puna aceasta intrebarea. 6. Transformarea pasiva Unele verbe intranzitive cu prepozitie obligatorie: agree about / on/to, aim, at, argue about, arrange for, ask for, believe in, call for, call on, conceive of, laugh at, look at, look for, look afeter, look into, run over, sleep in, speek of / about, talk of, think of, write about etc., se comporta ca verbe tranzitive in transformarea pasiva. Elementul nominal din complementul prepozitional devine subiectul propozitiei pasive, iar prepozitia ramane dupa verb: A bus ran OVER the neighbour’s a dog. Tyhe neighbour’s dog was run OVER by a bus. In transformarea pasiva a verbelor tranzitive urmate de un complement direct si de unul prepozitional, complementul direct devine subiectul propozitiei pasive, iar cel prepozitional este retinut: They bothered HIM with silly questions. HE was bethered with silly questions.