Program Tenis in CProgram Tenis; Uses Crt; Const viteza=1500; Type Ecran=Record car:char; atrib:byte; End; Var scr:array[1..25,1..80] of Ecran absolute $b800:$0; x,y,x0,y0:byte; i,d,s:integer; u:real; ok:boolean; tasta:char; yP1:array[1..5]of byte; yP2:array[1..5]of byte; uP:array[1..5]of real; Procedure Paleta1(tip:char); Begin for i:=1 to 5 do scr[yP1[i],76].car:=tip; end; Procedure Paleta2(tip:char); Begin for i:=1 to 5 do scr[yP2[i],5].car:=tip; End; Procedure Mutapaleta1; Begin Paleta1(' '); if (tasta=#80) and (yP1[i]<24) then for i:=1 to 5 do Inc(yP1[i]); if (tasta=#72) and (yP1[i]>6) then for i:=1 to 5 do Dec(yP1[i]); End; Procedure Mutapaleta2; Begin Paleta2(' '); if (tasta=#122) and (yP2[i]<24) then for i:=1 to 5 do Inc(yP2[i]); if (tasta=#119) and (yP2[i]>6) then for i:=1 to 5 do Dec(yP2[i]); End; procedure cantec; begin sound(400);delay(800); sound(500);delay(800); sound(600);delay(800); sound(650);delay(800); sound(600);delay(800); sound(700);delay(800); sound(650);delay(1000); end; Begin Clrscr; d:=0;s:=0;
clrscr; For x:=1 to 80 do begin scr[1,x].car :=#219; scr[25,x].car:=#219; end; For y:=2 to 9 do begin scr[y,1].car :=#219; scr[y,80].car:=#219; end; For y:=17 to 24 do begin scr[y,1].car :=#219; scr[y,80].car:=#219; end; x0:=40; y0:=13; u:=20*PI/180; x:=x0; y:=y0; for i:=1 to 5 do begin yP1[i]:=10+i; yP2[i]:=10+i; uP[i]:=(i/3*PI-PI)/15; end; tasta:=' '; repeat if ((u>=0) and (u<PI/2) or (u > 3*PI/2) and (u<2*PI)) then inc(x) else dec(x); y:=y0+Trunc(Abs(x-x0) * Sin(u)/Cos(u)); if scr[y,x].car<>' ' then begin if (y=1)or(y=25) then begin u:=2*PI-u;x0:=x; if y=1 then y0:=2 else y0:=24; end; if (x=1)or(x=80) then begin u:=PI+u;if u>2*Pi then u:=u-2*PI; y0:=y; if x=1 then x0:=2 else x0:=79; end; if x=76 then begin for i:=1 to 5 do if y=yP1[i] then begin sound(1000); u:=PI+u+uP[i]; if u>2*Pi then u:=u-2*PI; x0:=x;y0:=y; end; nosound; end; if x=5 then begin for i:=1 to 5 do if y=yP2[i] then begin sound(600); u:=PI+u+uP[i]; if u>2*Pi then u:=u-2*PI; x0:=x;y0:=y; end; nosound; end; end else if not (((x=1)or(x=80)) and((y<17)and(y>8))) then begin scr[y,x].car:='0'; i:=1; ok:=false; repeat ok:=keypressed; inc(i); until (i=viteza)or ok; if ok then begin tasta:=readkey; if tasta = #0 then tasta:=readkey; mutapaleta1; mutapaleta2; end; Paleta1(#219); Paleta2(#219); scr[y,x].car:=' '; scr[y,x].car:=' '; end else begin sound(800); if (x>=80)and(y>9)and(y<17) then d:=d+1; if (x<=1)and(y>9)and(y<17) then s:=s+1; textcolor(2); textbackground(7); gotoxy(39,2); write('SCOR'); gotoxy(38,3); write(' ',d,' : ',s); if (d=5)or(s=5) then begin gotoxy(35,10); write(' G A M E O V E R '); cantec; nosound; halt; end; delay(1500); paleta1(' '); paleta2(' '); x0:=40; y0:=13; u:=20*PI/180; x:=x0; y:=y0; for i:=1 to 5 do begin yP1[i]:=10+i; yP2[i]:=10+i; uP[i]:=(i/3*PI-PI)/5; end; tasta:=' '; nosound; end; until tasta=#27; End.