Program de joc demonstrativ in C - 'Sarpele' culegator de numereProgram Sarpe; Uses Crt; Const sc=#219; lungmax=95; maxnext=10; xlimit=[1,80]; ylimit=[1,25]; Var sx,sy:array[1..95] of byte; c:char; i,primul,ultimul,next,tdelay,idelay:integer; xnext,ynext:byte; Begin clrscr; randomize; for i:=1 to 79 do begin gotoxy(i,1);write(sc);gotoxy(i,25);write(sc);end; for i:=1 to 24 do begin gotoxy(1,i);write(sc);gotoxy(80,i);write(sc);end; primul:=2;ultimul:=1; for i:=primul downto ultimul do begin sx[i]:=40;sy[i]:=13;end; next:=0;idelay:=100; for i:=primul downto ultimul do begin gotoxy(sx[i],sy[i]);write(sc); end; c:=readkey; while next<maxnext do begin xnext:=2+random(78);ynext:=2+random(23); inc(next);gotoxy(xnext,ynext);write(next); repeat if keypressed then begin c:=readkey;tdelay:=idelay; if c=#0 then c:=readkey; end else tdelay:=tdelay*97 div 100; case c of '1'..'9': idelay:=100+100 div (ord(c)-ord('1')+1); #75: begin gotoxy(sx[ultimul],sy[ultimul]);write(' '); if primul=lungmax then begin sx[1]:=sx[primul]-1;sy[1]:=sy[primul]; primul:=1 end else begin inc(primul); sx[primul]:=sx[primul-1]-1;sy[primul]:=sy[primul-1]; end; if ultimul=lungmax then ultimul:=1 else inc(ultimul); end; #77: begin gotoxy(sx[ultimul],sy[ultimul]);write(' '); if primul=lungmax then begin sx[1]:=sx[primul]+1;sy[1]:=sy[primul]; primul:=1 end else begin inc(primul); sx[primul]:=sx[primul-1]+1;sy[primul]:=sy[primul-1]; end; if ultimul=lungmax then ultimul:=1 else inc(ultimul); end; #72: begin gotoxy(sx[ultimul],sy[ultimul]);write(' '); if primul=lungmax then begin sx[1]:=sx[primul];sy[1]:=sy[primul]-1; primul:=1 end else begin inc(primul); sx[primul]:=sx[primul-1];sy[primul]:=sy[primul-1]-1; end; if ultimul=lungmax then ultimul:=1 else inc(ultimul); end; #80: begin gotoxy(sx[ultimul],sy[ultimul]);write(' '); if primul=lungmax then begin sx[1]:=sx[primul];sy[1]:=sy[primul]+1; primul:=1 end else begin inc(primul); sx[primul]:=sx[primul-1];sy[primul]:=sy[primul-1]+1; end; if ultimul=lungmax then ultimul:=1 else inc(ultimul); end; end; if primul > ultimul then for i:=primul downto ultimul do begin gotoxy(sx[i],sy[i]);write(sc); if (sx[primul]=sx[i]) and (sy[primul]=sy[i]) and (i<>primul) then c:=#27; end else begin for i:=ultimul to lungmax do begin gotoxy(sx[i],sy[i]);write(sc); if (sx[primul]=sx[i]) and (sy[primul]=sy[i]) and (i<>primul) then c:=#27; end; for i:=1 to primul do begin gotoxy(sx[i],sy[i]);write(sc); if (sx[primul]=sx[i]) and (sy[primul]=sy[i]) and (i<>primul) then c:=#27; end; end; if (sx[primul] in xlimit)or(sy[primul] in ylimit) then c:=#27; delay(tdelay); until (c=#27) or ((sx[primul]=xnext)and(sy[primul]=ynext)); sound(next*30); if c=#27 then next:=maxnext else if ultimul-next <= 0 then begin for i:=lungmax+ultimul-next to lungmax do begin sx[i]:=sx[ultimul];sy[i]:=sy[ultimul]; end; for i:=1 to ultimul do begin sx[i]:=sx[ultimul];sy[i]:=sy[ultimul]; end; ultimul:=lungmax+ultimul-next; end else begin for i:=ultimul-next to ultimul do begin sx[i]:=sx[ultimul];sy[i]:=sy[ultimul]; end; ultimul:=ultimul-next; end; delay(tdelay); nosound; end; End.