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A. Dupa aspect

1. Simple: but, if, and.

2. Compuse: however, unless, otherwise.

3. De legatura: as . as, both . and, either . or, neither . nor, not only . but also, whether . or .

4. Locutiuni: as well as, as if (de parca), as though (de parca), for instance, that’s why, so long as (atata timp cat).

B. Dupa functie

1. De coordonare

a) “and” -  care leaga - propozitii intre ele

- parti de vorbire de acelasi fel

Ex: I go and stay there for a week

b) “as well as”

Ex: I work in a school as well as at home.

c) “neither . nor”

Ex: I am neither in the kitchen nor in the bathroom.

d) “not only . but also . ”

Ex: I am not only intelligent but also pretty.

e) “as well”

Ex: He is calm and good as well.

f) “either . or”

Ex: They are either brother and sister or husband and wife.

g) “furthermore” (cu atat mai mult)

Ex: I speak English, furthermore I wood like to visit England.

h) conjunctii adversative: but, while, whereas (pe cata vreme, tinand seama de) – contrasteaza cu propozitia principala.

Ex:       I am tall but fat.

I am talking while you are righting.

k) conjunctii disjunctive: or, else, or else (ori, cu alte cuvinte), otherwise (altfel).

Ex:       Would you prefer coffee or tea?

Please put your coat else you get whet.

Learn your lesson otherwise you fail.

i) conjunctiile concluzive: consequently, on that account, so, then, that is why (iata de ce), therefore (de aceea).

Ex: I haven’t slept therefore/that is why I am tired.

j) conjunctii explicative: for example, for instance, namely, that is to say.

Ex:       Only one friend of mine left Romania, namely Ela.

I like do a lot of thinks for instance/example reading, dancing, .

2. De subordonare – acelea care introduc o propozitie secundara. Unele dintre ele sunt specializate pe anumite tipuri de propozitii.

Ex:       pt. concesive: through, although (desi)

pt. conditionale: if

pt. comparative: as if (de parca), as though

pt. predicative sau pt. subiective, completive directe, atributive

Subordonate predicative – introduse prin:

a)     “what”

Ex: The question is what I must read.

b) “who”

Ex: The question is who is he.

c) “where”

Ex: The question is were I go.

d) “when”

Ex: The question is when I can come.

e . ) whatever, whoever, that, why

(2) Subordonate subiective – introduse prin:

a) “that”

Ex: It is necessary that you should understand this rule.

b) “what”

Ex: It doesn’t matter what you believe.

c) “who”

Ex: It hasn’t be decided who is the leader of the team.

d) which, whoever, whatever, whichever, when, how, why, where, if, whether.

(3) Subordonate completive directe (cele cu forma de complement): if, that, whether, whatever, whoever, wherever, why, whichever.

Ex:       She sad that she was tired.

I don’t know if you leave Romania.

I don’t know whoever want’s my dog.

I do whatever you want me to do.

I may take whatever book you want.

(4) Subordonate indirecte – introduse prin: to whom, to what, to anyone, whoever.

Ex:       I may give the flowers to whom you want.

You interpret whatever she says.

(5) Subordonate prepozitionale – introduse prin: who, whom, whoever, whichever, how daca sunt precedate de o prepoziitie.

Ex:       You depend on what I say.

You must approved of whatever she says.

(6) Subordonate atributive – introduse prin: whose, which, whom, were, why, when, that.

Ex:       This is the woman who loves me.

This is the man whose wife is pretty.

This is the boy whom I greeted.

(7) Subordonate adverbiale – introduse prin: as, like, much as, how, in the manner, as if, as though, just.

Ex:       No one speaks like you do.

They acted much as I told them. (= respectand majoritatea celor spuse de mine)

(8) Subordonate conditionale – introduse prin: if, on condition that, only if.

Ex:       I shall come soon if/on condition that I find my passport.

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