Degree thesis - handball goalkeepers selectionNATIONAL SCHOOL COACHES NATIONAL CENTER FOR TRAINING AND IMPROVEMENT COACHES DEGREE THESIS THEME HANDBALL GOALKEEPERS SELECTION HISTORIC, The well-known success of the Romanian handball is due to the valuable goalkeepeer that they had (Irina Nagy -Climovschi, Mihai Redel, Cornel Penu, Nicolae Munteanu, Alexandru Buligan and others). They were all talented players that played bravely, whatever the value of the name of the adversary, in order to demonstrate that Romanian school is not orldwide history of the sport of semicircle. Even if they weren't consciouseery time of the responsability that they were taking at the whistle marking the beginning of any important international game, these great Romanian goalkeepers were always focused on the idea of winning, on achieving remarkable performances. The great goalkeeper of the national Romanian Handball team and Dinamo Brasov club was-if it's accepted and if this term represents a virtue-a devotee.A devotee of work, a berserk for the victory. Everything he did, bore the trace of serousnes, of the wish to carry everything-successful-through, of the remorseless. The name of this great goalkeeper in the personality of wiich are to be found all the satements from above was Cornel Penu. He achieved in no time everything he attempted to do.The worldwide champion in Paris (in 1970) and in Berlin (in 1974), awarded with bronze at the Olympic Games from Munchen (in 1972) and with silver at the Olympic Games from Montreal (1976), worldwideacademic champion-this is the amazing list of the successful attempts of an exceptional sports player, singled out over 200 times in the Romanian national team. Cornel Penu was the goalkeeper that all the assailants of the greatest teams stood in fear of, the joint author of one of the greatestperformances in the history of the Romanian Handball, he's a living example for all the generation of sportsmen. In the gallery of the great defenders of the people in the national Romanian handball team, Nicolae Munteanu follows after Cornel Penu, as he is the successful successor at "the number one post"Alexandru Buligan. Nicolae Munteanu had the cchance to meet him, on the way of his wish to do sport with one of the founders of the Romanian professional handball players, Dumitru Popescu-Colibas. Just like his predecessor, Cornel Penu, Nicolae Munteanu became "the guardian angel" of the goalkeepers gate of the Romanian national handball team. After he played for Brasov, in 1971, Steaua Club required his services. Evolving at the same time, Nicolae Munteanu rose in one's carer. Since 1973, he started collecting titles of champions in Romania, with Steaua Club, reaching at a list of twelve gold medals. In 1977 he added the supreme continental title, steaua winning the European champion title, getting the upper hed of T.S.K.A. Moscow, at Sindelfingen, in the former -West Germany. The performances didn't stop there because Nicolae Munteanu won the silver (at Montreal) and the bronze (at Moscow and Los Angeles) at the Olympic Games. One of his greatest boffos was the first prize at the Super Goblet of the worldwide champions and Olympics at Dortmund in 1983.The specialists appreciate that at this tournament of the champions , Nicolae Munteanu was 50% or even more. In the two matches -from the preliminaries and the finals-asseverates in the reprezentative company of the Soviet Unit (the Olympic champion in Montreal, in 1976 and the champion of the worldat Dortmund, in 1982) Nicolae Munteanuwas actually extraordinary, turninig the scale of the victory of the Romanian national, due to this whole talent, his abnegation and gift. The third great handball goalkeeper tht Romania has ever had is, with no doubt, Severin Alexandru Buligan. Practising handball since the age of twelve, "Buli" has a career and an enviable track record compared to any other sport. He stated his competition activity at Timisoara Polytechnic, where he began in 1977. Aside from the 1981-1982 seasonwhen he played at Steaua Bucharest Club, he defended the people in timisoara team until 1988, when he was noticed and taken by the ones from Dinamo Bucharest Club. After 1990, he started his international career with teams like DJ Arrate, until 1994, and then he went at Guadalajara, in order to play at San Antonio Portland from 1995 until nowdays. The track record of Alexandru Buligan at the club teams includes the title of Romanian champion in 1982 , winner of the Spanish Coup in 1999, winner of the Coup of the Coupss and the Super Coup of Europe in 2000 and European Champion in 2001 with San Antonio Portland team. Due to this last performace, he proved to everybody that the age of a handball goalkeeper is not necessary a demerit-he is the oldest winner of the reminded trophy. His begining with the T-shirt of the national handball team took place on the 24 th of June 1979, in the game with the former of RDG when, at Pola, they won with the score of 24 at 19. Since then 330 selection ensued in the national team. With this he won bronze medals at the Olympic Games from Moscow in 1980, performance also made at thr Olympics from Los Angeles in 1984. He also participated at the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1982. Considering the games played by Alexandru Buligan at the worldwide championships, he earned just one bronze medal in 1990, even if the Romanians also won at the editions from the following years: 1982, 1986, 1995. His performances don't stop here though, winning the worldwide champion's Coup and Olympics in 1983 and earning thr title of the worldwide academic champions in 1981, 1985 and in 1987. He ws said to be the best goalkeeper at the worldwide championship since 1990 and at the worldwide academic championship from 1987, which took place in Romania. Through presenting these few names of the greatest sportsmen belonging to the handball activityof Romania and specifying their remarkable performances, we wish to carry for the important role that a goalkeeper has in the team, a thing that determined us ro pick this subject as the reference theme of this essay. SELECTION AS SYSTEM The scientific selection of children and teenagers for the performance sports activityis conditioned by the thorough knowledge concerning the laes of growth and development of the human body , the fenomena and processes wich are the basis of the physical and mental development evolution of the future performers. Meanwhile , selection should be understood and conceived as a systematic activity, wich is done by teachers and trainers in order to identify the sportsmen with the adequate aptitudes for performance sport ot to designate/assign the most talented sportsmen for participating in competition. According to the ideas mentioned above, it's obvious that selection is not a unique operation, wich is done once and forever, but a dynamic process closely tied to the somatic growth and developement, but also to the functional, mental and motric development of the child or adolescent. The process of selection should not be regarded as a unique, singular, separate activity-taken separately from the whole process of training, but it should be regarded as a highly complex system characterized by multiple functions of interaction among the different segments of the system. As a matter of fact, at the practical level selection is a continous process wich takes plan in a varid period of time,depending on the characteristics of a certain type of sport. Handball, wich belongs to the category of sports (the dominant characteristic of wich is based on effort, the couple speed-force), has a practical period of selection of 7-8 years. To support such a statement it is necessary to demonstrate that the optimum period or selection-age in handball is around the age of 10-11 years, the age when the aptitudes wich characterize this sport are well-developed from the point of view of mental behaviour of children and teenagers. Due to the fact that the process of selectioncovers a long period of time, it's important to be used entirely consumed. This aspect of consumption involves a certain delimitation of the contents of the instructive process (not a rigid one), both flexible and efficient, based on the objective possibilities of learning development and improvement of all parameters: physical, techical, tactic and mental. The necessary steps in selecting the handball players consist of four stages:
initial selection (primary solution) -the purpose of wich is the selection of the beginners groups intermediary selection-the function of wich is to form or select the representative group of junior players III intermediary selection -to select the representative group of junior players II final selection- to select the representative group of junior players I In what concerns the selection of the handball goalkeepers the main stage take place as follows: initial selection intermediary selection final selection. Initial selection refers to the necessity of identifying the children who are characterized by the aptitudes required by the position, among the groups of beginners wich are formed. Intermediary selection has a main purpose the formation of the core of players who can begin the specific training for that position, this group usually consists of a member of 6-8 players of the same age, the players who will continue at the same time the training for level playing field. Final selection has got the main purpose of establishing the number of 3-4 players who form the group of goalkeepers, of the age of junior III, the players who will continue the training period specific to their position. Among these players there will be selected those for the representative of junior II and for junior I. The selection of the handball goalkeepers The selectionof the group of beginners is just a first stage of a more complex process of continous selections. After the formation of the groups, it will follow the selectionof the talented children, whose abilities allow to be specialized for the position of goalkeepers.These children are characterized by: -the wish to stand in the goal -the necessary qualites for such a position (speed in reaction, courage, skill) -the somatic type. Specifities of the somatic type for the handball goalkeepers Nowadays the present stage in the development of handball as a global sport brings along the increase in the players 'hight , as a general tendency band subsquent condition of great performance. The goalkeepers, the selection of child is also based on build, do not make the exception to the rule mentioned above. The necessity of selecting tall players for the position of other goalkeper is not simply the result of these trends in handball,but also an attempt of correlating the somatic type with the contents, the technical-tactic contents of that position.It is common knowledgethat the goalkeepers is the one who has to catch, to reject or deviate the balls which are thrown forcefully, accurately into his goal. In order to achieve such a pourpose it is necessary to intersect, in the shortest time possible,with the segments of the body. "The time of reaction" is the moment wich consists of the moment when the ball is thrown to the direction of the goal and the time when the segment of the body movetowards the trajectory of the ball and intersect it ( T=Tr + Tc + Ts1 + Ts2). A decrease of the action time (T) involves the decrease in its components. Is what concerns the time of reaction a discussion is to be done. The time when the body moves from the initial position to the final position, connected to the time when the segments of the body move, represent-practically-the time in wich the goalkeeper, through steps or jumps, goes to the trajectory of the ballfollowed by the timewhen the segments of the body are in the intermediary position, until the contactwith theballis achieved. The ideal situation is the one in wich the time of the body movement is 0, wich is based on the adequate positionof the goalkeepers and his possibilityto act only based on the segments of the body. Starting from the need for the post of goalkeeper selection of high class players the Romanian Handball Federation imposed the scale at three levels of players:
The timming of training
Exercises with a specific pronounced print for the goalkeeper post Techical-tactical The goalkeeper training will have a specific color from the very specific content and general warming by introducing some basic exercises from gymnastics,joint mobility exercises,specific trips filled with rejection and grip the ball in the goal(made by the goalkeepers group). 1.Of the best known and most effective exercises for learning and perfecting the goal keeper game we present:
2.Movement in the gate,watching the ball placement depending on the attacking flow,arc- shaped movement (two half circles),triangles(two triangles) or parallel to goal line.They will make statements to throw in the central area, off the extreme.
3.The coach or the the goalkeeper throw balls at different points in the semi space of 6 meters,the goalkeeper is in possession of the balland get a place-call the agme,including aut own third edge of the playing field. 4. Tactically speaking after releasing the ball in attack during his team the goalkeeper is indicated to be placed somewhere on the line of 6-7 meters ,where it can act effectivelly to counter an opponent. During this time they must do exercises to maintain proper muscle toneof the game(game of the ankle,mild right-left lunge,arm mouvments) For easy travel-the fundamental position-passing on foot,semi-circle in the space of 6 meters. The same exercises ,a player tries with his head to hijack aplayed ballwith the foot by passing. One of the goalkeepers in goal ,central position,receives the ballpased to other players.
5.The goalkeeper is in the central position ,of the column by one,in the stream,throwing at the gate in different corners.
6.The same exercise with placing a semiactiv device.
7.The same exercises with placing a significant defender,moving alternately left and rigt oblique.
8.The players sit at the gate on 9 line meters (or farther away from the gate), and executes in the same direction at the gate. The goalkeepers returns to his fundamental poistion after each roll.
9. A defending player, moves into position at the gate throwing fundamental purposes. Those who will throw will expect the goalkeeper to return to his fundamental position. They will speculate the position-placement of the goalkeeper. They will execute throws, by different technical procedures. The exercises will be hampered by placing a defending player who will move into the space between 6 and 9 meters in terms of throws. The exercises will be hampered by placing two defending players,who will move into an area(half pitch),located at the time of the throw between the striker and player worn.
10.The goalkeeper being in a center position with his back to those who throw when they hear the beep.They execute throws in different corners.
11.The goalkeeper being in a center position with his back to those who throw when they hear the beep.They execute throws in different corners alterntely in the two columns.
12.The goalkeeper, stuck on a sidebar,works the ball that was sent from the opposite corner.
13.The goalkeeper,stuck on a sidebar,works the ball that was sent from the opposite corner. The players throw alternately, after the correct location of the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper acts on balls which are thrown to the upper corners of the gate with their arms and those of play semifeint or feint, the action of the foot will be doubled by the action of the arms.
14.Alternatively, in each column, they will execute throws at the gate from opposite corners(left down-right up). The passive defenders.
15. The players on 6 meters, pivot extreme , will throw with an arch, and with that, the gate keeper will exit the gate. In constant situation, the weaknesses of the goalkeeper to act correctly at the level of the arms or legs (balls up-balls below) will persist with a higher percentage in training, on their removal in any of the above exceptions.
16. Passing in two, from the center of the pitch, the goalkeeper will handle a "surprise" throw.
17. In column one, two and throw the ball player running toward the gate, the throw will be executed from 9-8-7 meters and 6 meters. Executing the throws , includingthose with two balls at once, will come fromdifferent areas, the center-the interior-the extremes.
18. The launch-recovery of the ballin the game, for the playersthat are running, on different channels-areas.
The launch-recovery of the ball in the game for those who are in the opposing half of the field on different channels-areas. There are passes between the two goalkeepers who are in the two semicircles. Sending the ball into the opponents gate-is goal marking (and without a goalkeeper out of the gate).